Class BlobServer

    • Constructor Detail

      • BlobServer

        public BlobServer​(Configuration config,
                          Reference<File> storageDir,
                          BlobStore blobStore)
                   throws IOException
        Instantiates a new BLOB server and binds it to a free network port.
        config - Configuration to be used to instantiate the BlobServer
        storageDir - storage directory for the blobs
        blobStore - BlobStore to store blobs persistently
        IOException - thrown if the BLOB server cannot bind to a free network port or if the (local or distributed) file storage cannot be created or is not usable
    • Method Detail

      • getStorageDir

        public File getStorageDir()
      • getStorageLocation

        public File getStorageLocation​(@Nullable
                                       JobID jobId,
                                       BlobKey key)
                                throws IOException
        Returns a file handle to the file associated with the given blob key on the blob server.

        This is only called from BlobServerConnection or unit tests.

        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to (or null if job-unrelated)
        key - identifying the file
        file handle to the file
        IOException - if creating the directory fails
      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable
        run in class Thread
      • getFile

        public File getFile​(TransientBlobKey key)
                     throws IOException
        Retrieves the local path of a (job-unrelated) file associated with a job and a blob key.

        The blob server looks the blob key up in its local storage. If the file exists, it is returned. If the file does not exist, it is retrieved from the HA blob store (if available) or a FileNotFoundException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        getFile in interface TransientBlobService
        key - blob key associated with the requested file
        file referring to the local storage location of the BLOB
        IOException - Thrown if the file retrieval failed.
      • getFile

        public File getFile​(JobID jobId,
                            TransientBlobKey key)
                     throws IOException
        Retrieves the local path of a file associated with a job and a blob key.

        The blob server looks the blob key up in its local storage. If the file exists, it is returned. If the file does not exist, it is retrieved from the HA blob store (if available) or a FileNotFoundException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        getFile in interface TransientBlobService
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        key - blob key associated with the requested file
        file referring to the local storage location of the BLOB
        IOException - Thrown if the file retrieval failed.
      • getFile

        public File getFile​(JobID jobId,
                            PermanentBlobKey key)
                     throws IOException
        Returns the path to a local copy of the file associated with the provided job ID and blob key.

        We will first attempt to serve the BLOB from the local storage. If the BLOB is not in there, we will try to download it from the HA store.

        Specified by:
        getFile in interface PermanentBlobService
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        key - blob key associated with the requested file
        The path to the file.
        FileNotFoundException - if the BLOB does not exist;
        IOException - if any other error occurs when retrieving the file
      • putTransient

        public TransientBlobKey putTransient​(byte[] value)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: TransientBlobService
        Uploads the (job-unrelated) data of the given byte array to the BLOB server.
        Specified by:
        putTransient in interface TransientBlobService
        value - the buffer to upload
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while uploading the data to the BLOB server
      • putTransient

        public TransientBlobKey putTransient​(JobID jobId,
                                             byte[] value)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: TransientBlobService
        Uploads the data of the given byte array for the given job to the BLOB server.
        Specified by:
        putTransient in interface TransientBlobService
        jobId - the ID of the job the BLOB belongs to
        value - the buffer to upload
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while uploading the data to the BLOB server
      • putTransient

        public TransientBlobKey putTransient​(InputStream inputStream)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: TransientBlobService
        Uploads the (job-unrelated) data from the given input stream to the BLOB server.
        Specified by:
        putTransient in interface TransientBlobService
        inputStream - the input stream to read the data from
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while reading the data from the input stream or uploading the data to the BLOB server
      • putTransient

        public TransientBlobKey putTransient​(JobID jobId,
                                             InputStream inputStream)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: TransientBlobService
        Uploads the data from the given input stream for the given job to the BLOB server.
        Specified by:
        putTransient in interface TransientBlobService
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        inputStream - the input stream to read the data from
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while reading the data from the input stream or uploading the data to the BLOB server
      • putPermanent

        public PermanentBlobKey putPermanent​(JobID jobId,
                                             byte[] value)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BlobWriter
        Uploads the data of the given byte array for the given job to the BLOB server and makes it a permanent BLOB.
        Specified by:
        putPermanent in interface BlobWriter
        jobId - the ID of the job the BLOB belongs to
        value - the buffer to upload
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while writing it to a local file, or uploading it to the HA store
      • putPermanent

        public PermanentBlobKey putPermanent​(JobID jobId,
                                             InputStream inputStream)
                                      throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: BlobWriter
        Uploads the data from the given input stream for the given job to the BLOB server and makes it a permanent BLOB.
        Specified by:
        putPermanent in interface BlobWriter
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        inputStream - the input stream to read the data from
        the computed BLOB key identifying the BLOB on the server
        IOException - thrown if an I/O error occurs while reading the data from the input stream, writing it to a local file, or uploading it to the HA store
      • deleteFromCache

        public boolean deleteFromCache​(TransientBlobKey key)
        Deletes the (job-unrelated) file associated with the blob key in the local storage of the blob server.
        Specified by:
        deleteFromCache in interface TransientBlobService
        key - blob key associated with the file to be deleted
        true if the given blob is successfully deleted or non-existing; false otherwise
      • deleteFromCache

        public boolean deleteFromCache​(JobID jobId,
                                       TransientBlobKey key)
        Deletes the file associated with the blob key in the local storage of the blob server.
        Specified by:
        deleteFromCache in interface TransientBlobService
        jobId - ID of the job this blob belongs to
        key - blob key associated with the file to be deleted
        true if the given blob is successfully deleted or non-existing; false otherwise
      • localCleanupAsync

        public CompletableFuture<Void> localCleanupAsync​(JobID jobId,
                                                         Executor cleanupExecutor)
        Deletes locally stored artifacts for the job represented by the given JobID. This doesn't touch the job's entry in the BlobStore to enable recovering.
        Specified by:
        localCleanupAsync in interface LocallyCleanableResource
        jobId - The JobID of the job that is subject to cleanup.
        cleanupExecutor - The fallback executor for IO-heavy operations.
        The cleanup result future.
      • getMinOffloadingSize

        public final int getMinOffloadingSize()
        Returns the configuration used by the BLOB server.
        Specified by:
        getMinOffloadingSize in interface BlobWriter
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Returns the port on which the server is listening.
        Specified by:
        getPort in interface BlobService
        port on which the server is listening
      • isShutdown

        public boolean isShutdown()
        Tests whether the BLOB server has been requested to shut down.
        True, if the server has been requested to shut down, false otherwise.