Interface ResultPartitionWriter

    • Method Detail

      • setup

        void setup()
            throws IOException
        Setup partition, potentially heavy-weight, blocking operation comparing to just creation.
      • getNumberOfSubpartitions

        int getNumberOfSubpartitions()
      • getNumTargetKeyGroups

        int getNumTargetKeyGroups()
      • setMaxOverdraftBuffersPerGate

        void setMaxOverdraftBuffersPerGate​(int maxOverdraftBuffersPerGate)
        Sets the max overdraft buffer size of per gate.
      • emitRecord

        void emitRecord​(ByteBuffer record,
                        int targetSubpartition)
                 throws IOException
        Writes the given serialized record to the target subpartition.
      • broadcastRecord

        void broadcastRecord​(ByteBuffer record)
                      throws IOException
        Writes the given serialized record to all subpartitions. One can also achieve the same effect by emitting the same record to all subpartitions one by one, however, this method can have better performance for the underlying implementation can do some optimizations, for example coping the given serialized record only once to a shared channel which can be consumed by all subpartitions.
      • alignedBarrierTimeout

        void alignedBarrierTimeout​(long checkpointId)
                            throws IOException
        Timeout the aligned barrier to unaligned barrier.
      • abortCheckpoint

        void abortCheckpoint​(long checkpointId,
                             CheckpointException cause)
        Abort the checkpoint.
      • notifyEndOfData

        void notifyEndOfData​(StopMode mode)
                      throws IOException
        Notifies the downstream tasks that this ResultPartitionWriter have emitted all the user records.
        mode - tells if we should flush all records or not (it is false in case of stop-with-savepoint (--no-drain))
      • getAllDataProcessedFuture

        CompletableFuture<Void> getAllDataProcessedFuture()
        Gets the future indicating whether all the records has been processed by the downstream tasks.
      • flushAll

        void flushAll()
        Manually trigger the consumption of data from all subpartitions.
      • flush

        void flush​(int subpartitionIndex)
        Manually trigger the consumption of data from the given subpartitions.
      • fail

        void fail​(@Nullable
                  Throwable throwable)
        Fail the production of the partition.

        This method propagates non-null failure causes to consumers on a best-effort basis. This call also leads to the release of all resources associated with the partition. Closing of the partition is still needed afterwards if it has not been done before.

        throwable - failure cause
      • finish

        void finish()
             throws IOException
        Successfully finish the production of the partition.

        Closing of partition is still needed afterwards.

      • isFinished

        boolean isFinished()
      • release

        void release​(Throwable cause)
        Releases the partition writer which releases the produced data and no reader can consume the partition any more.
      • isReleased

        boolean isReleased()
      • close

        void close()
            throws Exception
        Closes the partition writer which releases the allocated resource, for example the buffer pool.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable