Class PipelinedResultPartition

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AutoCloseable, AvailabilityProvider, ResultPartitionWriter, ChannelStateHolder, CheckpointedResultPartition

    public class PipelinedResultPartition
    extends BufferWritingResultPartition
    implements CheckpointedResultPartition, ChannelStateHolder
    A result output of a task, pipelined (streamed) to the receivers.

    This result partition implementation is used both in batch and streaming. For streaming, it supports low latency transfers (ensure data is sent within x milliseconds) or unconstrained while for batch it transfers only once a buffer is full. Additionally, for streaming use this typically limits the length of the buffer backlog to not have too much data in flight, while for batch we do not constrain this.

    Specifics of the PipelinedResultPartition

    The PipelinedResultPartition cannot reconnect once a consumer disconnects (finished or errored). Once all consumers have disconnected (released the subpartition, notified via the call onConsumedSubpartition(int)) then the partition as a whole is disposed and all buffers are freed.