Interface VertexParallelismAndInputInfosDecider

    • Method Detail

      • decideParallelismAndInputInfosForVertex

        ParallelismAndInputInfos decideParallelismAndInputInfosForVertex​(JobVertexID jobVertexId,
                                                                         List<BlockingResultInfo> consumedResults,
                                                                         int vertexInitialParallelism,
                                                                         int vertexMinParallelism,
                                                                         int vertexMaxParallelism)
        Decide the parallelism and JobVertexInputInfos for this job vertex.
        jobVertexId - The job vertex id
        consumedResults - The information of consumed blocking results
        vertexInitialParallelism - The initial parallelism of the job vertex. If it's a positive number, it will be respected. If it's not set(equals to ExecutionConfig.PARALLELISM_DEFAULT), a parallelism will be automatically decided for the vertex.
        vertexMinParallelism - The min parallelism of the job vertex.
        vertexMaxParallelism - The max parallelism of the job vertex.
        the parallelism and vertex input infos.
      • computeSourceParallelismUpperBound

        int computeSourceParallelismUpperBound​(JobVertexID jobVertexId,
                                               int maxParallelism)
        Compute source parallelism upper bound for the source vertex.
        jobVertexId - The job vertex id
        maxParallelism - The max parallelism of the job vertex.
        the upper bound parallelism for the source vertex.
      • getDataVolumePerTask

        long getDataVolumePerTask()
        Get the average size of data volume to expect each task instance to process.
        the data volume.