Class QueryableStateConfiguration

  • public class QueryableStateConfiguration
    extends Object
    Simple configuration object for the parameters for the server-side of queryable state.
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryableStateConfiguration

        public QueryableStateConfiguration​(Iterator<Integer> proxyPortRange,
                                           Iterator<Integer> qserverPortRange,
                                           int numProxyThreads,
                                           int numPQueryThreads,
                                           int numServerThreads,
                                           int numSQueryThreads)
    • Method Detail

      • numProxyServerThreads

        public int numProxyServerThreads()
        Returns the number of threads for the query proxy NIO event loop. These threads only process network events and dispatch query requests to the query threads.
      • numProxyQueryThreads

        public int numProxyQueryThreads()
        Returns the number of query threads for the queryable state client proxy.
      • numStateServerThreads

        public int numStateServerThreads()
        Returns the number of threads for the query server NIO event loop. These threads only process network events and dispatch query requests to the query threads.
      • numStateQueryThreads

        public int numStateQueryThreads()
        Returns the number of threads for the thread pool that performs the actual state lookup. These threads perform the actual state lookup.
      • disabled

        public static QueryableStateConfiguration disabled()
        Gets the configuration describing the queryable state as deactivated.