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Board reporting

Apache PMC members are responsible for reporting the status of their projects to the Apache Board of Directors. This page provides guidance on how to prepare and submit reports for Apache OpenDAL™.

Frequency of Reporting

New graduates from the Apache Incubator are required to report monthly for the first three months, then quarterly.

The current reporting frequency for Apache OpenDAL™ is once per quarter.

Report Preparation

It's recommended to discuss the report on (subscribe), inviting all members to contribute. Here are the critical points your report should address:

  • Any concerns that require the attention of the ASF Board.
  • Legal, infrastructure, cross-project, or personal issues that need addressing.
  • Achievements (releases, milestones, etc.) since the last report.
  • Any other significant points or thoughts you think should be included.

You can discuss the issues based on the template or refer to previous reports for preparation.

Report Writing and Submission

The report should be written in Markdown format and submitted to the Apache Board of Directors via the Board Reporting Service.