Type Parameters:
T - The type of each row in the table.
S - The type of the sort property of the table.
All Superinterfaces:
ICellPopulator<T>, IClusterable, IColumn<T,S>, IDetachable, Serializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractExportableColumn, ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn, FilteredPropertyColumn, LambdaColumn, PropertyColumn, TextFilteredPropertyColumn

public interface IExportableColumn<T,S> extends IColumn<T,S>
An IColumn that can be exported. IExportableColumns provide methods for retrieving the data displayed by this column in a row. This data is used by IDataExporters to export data.
Jesse Long
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getDataModel

      IModel<?> getDataModel(IModel<T> rowModel)
      Returns an IModel of the data displayed by this column for the rowModel provided.
      rowModel - An IModel of the row data.
      an IModel of the data displayed by this column for the rowModel provided.
    • getDisplayModel

      Returns a model of the column header. The content of this model is used as a heading for the column when it is exported.
      a model of the column header.