All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<Component>, IEventSink, IEventSource, IFeedbackContributor, IConverterLocator, IGenericComponent<String,FormComponent<String>>, IMetadataContext<Serializable,Component>, IFormModelUpdateListener, IFormSubmitter, IFormSubmittingComponent, IFormVisitorParticipant, ILabelProvider<String>, IHeaderContributor, IRequestableComponent, IHierarchical<Component>, IClusterable

public class CancelButton extends WizardButton
Models a cancel button in the wizard. When pressed, it calls Wizard.onCancel() which should do the real work.
Eelco Hillenius
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CancelButton

      public CancelButton(String id, IWizard wizard)
      id - The component id
      wizard - The wizard
  • Method Details

    • onConfigure

      protected void onConfigure()
      Description copied from class: Component
      Called on all components before any component is rendered. This method should be used to configure such things as visibility and enabled flags.

      Overrides must call super.onConfigure(), usually before any other code

      NOTE: Component hierarchy should not be modified inside this method, instead it should be done in Component.onBeforeRender()

      NOTE: Why this method is preferrable to directly overriding Component.isVisible() and Component.isEnabled()? Because those methods are called multiple times even for processing of a single request. If they contain expensive logic they can slow down the response time of the entire page. Further, overriding those methods directly on form components may lead to inconsistent or unexpected state depending on when those methods are called in the form processing workflow. It is a better practice to push changes to state rather than pull.

      NOTE: If component's visibility or another property depends on another component you may call other.configure() followed by other.isVisible() as mentioned in Component.configure() javadoc.

      NOTE: Why should Component.onBeforeRender() not be used for this? Because if a component's visibility is controlled inside Component.onBeforeRender(), once invisible the component will never become visible again.

      onConfigure in class Component
    • onClick

      public final void onClick()
      Description copied from class: WizardButton
      Called when this button is clicked.
      Specified by:
      onClick in class WizardButton
      See Also: