David Capwell all time

 74 Collaborator
Brandon Williams , Sylvain Lebresne , Aleksey Yeschenko , Mick Semb Wever , Marcus Eriksson , Benedict Elliott Smith , Sam Tunnicliffe , Benjamin Lerer , Štefan Miklošovič , Alex Petrov , Berenguer Blasi , Ekaterina Dimitrova , Josh McKenzie , Andrés de la Peña , Paulo Motta , Caleb Rackliffe , Ariel Weisberg , Blake Eggleston , Yifan Cai , Dinesh Joshi , Francisco Guerrero , Jeff Jirsa , Eric Ramirez , Jacek Lewandowski , Jon Meredith , Chris Lohfink , Zhao Yang , Jon Haddad , Adam Holmberg , Jordan West , Doug Rohrer , Maxim Muzafarov , Mike Adamson , Andy Tolbert , Jeremiah Jordan , Jeremy Hanna , Eduard Tudenhöfner , Maxwell Guo , Aleksandr Sorokoumov , Abe Ratnofsky , Claude Warren , Alexander Dejanovski , Kevin Gallardo , Patrick Bannister , by , Stephen Mallette , Natnael Adere , Arun Ganesh , Savni Nagarkar , Raymond Welgosh , Jon Haddad jon@jonhaddad.com , arkn98 , Leonard Ma , Justin Chu , Claude Warren, Jr , kamlesh-ghoradkar , Tobias Lindaaker , Sunil Ramchandra Pawar , Raymond Huffman , Kamlesh Ghoradkar , Jakub Żytka , David , rwelgosh , reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova , reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe , michaelsembwever , edimitrov , dritfx , claudenw , ci worker , Rahul Nandi , Kamalesh Palanisamy , Jean Carlo Rivera Ura , Jaroslaw Kijanowski

 214 Patch  281 Review
4f49ca5e29d9c7207654a1f3c4eac9c9f0b84e5e, 28759d8bbc16daf45ca07ee27b4a8dfedc8cf92b, 971747e3e25b7dec6a8ed50ed56ac0d14a3de6b1, fdabc1f9774b1c06d68a0acbf8a470e45c787eec, ffc0f01b0eede35518c2838d3c21f440d871c08a, 2c52a8be6fdac7305e433b7f28bd70596ef1444a, 3afa2585d9b7c88dc7d83c929df6f70c988d27a7, 7f246d541985eb43d6867338f9900d3c93ba10d9, dc45bb5876aafa2ce7dcfe6a3b7de0f6a9a35fda, c14abb40b2d0e2e1db121eac65a1264a287bcd18, ca0b77d7434aa75528e0cb625889825d29c5f122, 46acaf22e688e7a2e707ac61fd88c96ed33b60d7, 505f5af645c1712c3da42d98d005276396ff2667, dca76145c2c1f846ed624c93b9c64484ce1946b7, 69f5df0b00cc822f41823901956aeff9fcdd9dbb, 2bab3f27ba1535203d61497abe6810cdcb4640d0, d828cd0228143438590f3aaa4e2c7d3c03bd66d8, 164fa7949d1437528363465d14ed20898f1daa9e, ae537abc6494564d7254a2126465522d86b44c1e, 4759a7353fca1dad330e913e7eaf1313890a35be, 8b0dc8ad6b5e657cf5946eaed17da0fdabaa53f4, d5b1483703b53c02fb0e616e58107afb814f9f81, 4e17922b61d6e90151c5e165ddbf0731232e566a, 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93ddd3a976a3a1dc6694eba7330598f5f83d2fec, ba5ab993c7a279b014f439a5d06683d3b568d4ff, 057d082e00f7d10b8e9b127cfabd9b8cd228da3d, 428fa1f4453735ef43d508621e5e7d9e0a054415, 9157d98e4cc5c00d74cef6128c16659ff43f3585, be507c6e996078011c08e36b09d9f34faa454973, 46acaf22e688e7a2e707ac61fd88c96ed33b60d7, a26fa6cf2c9a86827d38c448a54878d76bb18e27, 505f5af645c1712c3da42d98d005276396ff2667, 806a395b9ce6cbb81b1b7af9eb2f72fef97e0bbd, 6befb178aa0b7ad669f5c30e8b53fdd69a225a7a, 8bfe0e5878c64ed25591aae50643187bc8ab7241, edf22ed776d36112c165c6858dd4866b754ecf34, bde4fa0013eb8cec5b1d88b21ca4463bc07272bb, b94436c7831c940592653c2c5d8e3af92d5cf266, 41a669a100646abbcccc2f41bdfe0a11db648b1b, 1053e3b475829c7f2d0dc4ab59322d5819d1496a, fe0e04c2319afab958b3da83e7b54c84bced9dc2, 58f5301e78d7f7adbbe4b3c6d0528b1bcb4c27bc, 4444721b6de555352bf0ac3ef7e36f94dc832f41, 592cbeaab09e7e959dfaea591d4afe7c1613e3db, 35f8da66f9b05d18b4177f8d2e1b86c772ad2221, 0a0e06847bf10aa88a3a30c239c507a64f949d74, 4e0aad3319f90eaf7a5e5aed1fd3c5bb7a949fbd, 2d323cb56572e867b13b6d102a61aaff8bd66c86, 1e685219da4177fc5b5d6025618398532d2a0124, 4c8e9097bd616a1ae4c611a542cbdea20ba871dc, 530bc10bd0a053f5dcd8439fd3f5c72cd7952ea6, 877d6e6e956ffa387a7d4ec1c7f0ca8ccb23f33e, d7c5c547f025301780658b37e6e8a591bc4a5b36, 0bde8a2e20ebf66d11dc91c7de09cd66a3e603f7, 9a0dd603b18ab5034df27443a4bbc10111edcd8b, 35ef5b99577ef8b04b8d4b326154775f510ade42, 7e6799a4b903b4cdc1a467ada69f2f12a6099fcb, 89e01ea2eba6f8729a9eed2825a37e3ce691e9b8, e5c9cf4cbe6634ba9e148b6e27b6bad98648e597, 7adfdc85cf5c1cb505e6507e5c08de84834c2224, 85f113bce38278653ffca5139cd7871aee7fe786, 5beab63b5550efb5e31e5005f90649661a9fe595, 1e27ffc6aded5b54b0207b114b154cffbc64dda5, 1c714e43e6bad82ca24e095385a24fe9b33dd4f4, 0353df7542dbdbb1140a72899666e4587e87a083, 4b7069c06c7913e1f3f2d5622d8cbc04746b0bac, 9184dd5a998366dc2b5c18d4954b13b033efcf80, 3e0b94565acc64e903d73af3a14b23c875abc5b3, ebddf7792411d1fdd62666e99cb89174ccaf630c, 3a0936b61f63d8d7ab08bda411dd7d5963cafe0b, b4e58d83fc72f8babf61367aad23a9499df69881, d51f90201b2d127166612384a75b4a49da9776d1, 924cd8f52c2437d0a0ce8c48196bb6aa8976fbb8, 008bf8607c55926d0aadb4602a8a854d396c7657, b75d56fd387a3af2706f75c0536cf112fdf6b788, 39e89fd636ee4343eb2201820da87881cbc749e2, f809b6753cbbd27deab40679b99d956c8193fcf8, ba0555e965699d64099870c0288b31d1a15b2698, a00d8fd5ba9d73a377d1a11e6f540c56d66e9c8f, 951aff25a1183f41fd146d674136399f3f25b3f0, c635f198f6ceca272e61b857b67fd91f23da3836, 7ce140bd1dea311b9f98cdfbcd07dcff9fbd457c, da7c66222740f02c6de5b563681dd381d28f8201, f444c4028680c78b6167161833d6564c3557618f, 545809616c92a91e4c39d1eedfa65800f25a2a93, dac738d2eba8629d4f482d7cbfd855d2c5b9df47, 47cac5c49b93d205fa9b3a57ce55470887c5be45, 72af1f75fccf877f8996da0a0d8bc1a6adcd30e0, ce6a65cb294af3b68ab2f4bba7945b097de42576, 105d69fdc531d0882f628cd4bf1e34288280c12b, 0089858819c9f06b0bee5bccf993ae7f5977d7f1, 431c692b884395b16beadac1d10f7e674b3e7ed5, 12e2c159f86b223df1c2018c8a395a805b11956e, 65fcc79b628a7e415b57c27c596ea1cb5e67211d, 0c87f2668d902caef51a8f281c3eb3ca57bb2924, 8e1c8f986358aee51dd565a5a2917cb5554ed0c7, 9f56bf4ca7fdb61ad09e5f2ad09b87cd01e0716b, c51a7c66fc21ca2da08b89ae5f9b4817ee4d8c23, 6d5203615f7a9670cb1698b74123666bc25ba471, 23138252f20891c26a3692664c6affaf99e86541, 1315d0c96f4625a76296f58d431f97669e5178c2, ed48f3c017c5e572a523890bcd5b7c798d7eb358, 755fd9446b084e659e98bd7336b9e910c2e12577, d85f7f7c2dd4b9bbdb44bc96235e6a8bc3ff3967, b9e2ab75f8f6dedd45c6ad7a83b3160149869262, a3258d66bcc9f946304c19d59e75d2721126303e, 5bb4bab12f8edfef95ed13cbabf8c0f377986065, 9c6b382058578ac75b88055a13aa83944901fb88, db9f7a67ec4b03413c10034956e2cf18739ca4b1, 28eea6e8cd4055c8d21f872c72f8bd14fd2467ba, 98e798f567368f826fc3a57ddb6cdc464e741fe3, 9c0f8902e845f75487e2cc355857773bbf5c5dc4, 7871a2854217acc89d2f885619243a442cf68e22, c15f530b63a1cd4d5b2835bb418197145beb7bb6, 1bcfa087f4521135ef101c694f5e6ada8347827c, 33fd2dc817f56116af0b4b7d2cd5365ce52948d9, 44ace88585f2aefc322465ed6b6f6ad5bfd5bb34, ad4d2b3a266535734ef1bdebb4a3545fb3306769, 092bb60ba413b8ef0eb9e0de86ce394a2f939084, 97265ddb2c6c2364b91176e1b7e170d2d8a49e37, 2fc7206128384b2b412042ef17ee86cd32fd595c, 5b4d3692664172546b25c765f89c94e61400d873, 2ce9b13e8ff1d5d54d87e403a25561a82c9490a0, e399dea95916646acde6770ced18fedcc5359913, c44dfab9b5b62820d70aba062ba3c9b9117912db, cb0e4386d8ac2d13e7f594ae3d6cacc0b4246855, a0af091a5cbceeaa2b8f724b1790b61ef512b033, 3a610066eb3df5603d8a4d0fd491e0233c708eb5, 3b1d7c36d18ce4b314b007ef439f860dd2ef7460, ad16aa17637b144d114ffc8022aa24b4e98d6a21, 6fa5300682fbfcbaaae9d4593a015c18ab34df1f, c52f50f046fd1a8e1c7f17d9a1952e2bd92aeb4c, 6a45728b089f431338d907d135df909aac9aacae, 2d80e9904b46474b3a7cc135690c27511a234713, b74d7370cc89fa899f47f50c825ddaed2dd05c3f, 1b04702f351861e6fef8cf64fd26f65ec90e4c70, 276249910ec1c0aee881947fc81cd323cc604476, 2355c3769472eb8d6542d8cb3838e4f5536f0430, 7637acc3d762047f2a478855eb4d239b4f314cd8, cb71f2395896d29fd1f7d248cf48c69cb12c0411, 4c103447af3c4829e3a1c733bed3952fd059af08, c6ea8fabf9f726a58b76ff6e41d21b650941f880, 3436c3efc0ff785137ac299e8e09085ffa526f5c, 919a8964a83511d96766c3e53ba603e77bca626c, 068d87acfbdf384f883ca17895c40a7a36a507b0, 2a135cad6d3e0e78aaeb60939161c951b262b2cc, 46ee939b957528185dc6bbd3028c1d6e695163e7, fae1f883541f329f7575d6ff4117b230e371293b, 67f0c3491a4a1966603ace4fe110b7cfc5b64e9c, f88cd88419604dbe6f93389a7898d387f20bbf43, 0700d795bcc4d79c3f2e52872ac865fa735917d8, f293376aa8dd315a208ef2f03bdcb7a84dcc675c, ec2f2e687dde75b30c09e0a676bb03fd62ac0cbb, ce270081bc0bc8ffa0a7e1e5c04f30b5c1875a84, db5832120f0fe9ad799ca0b5b16bbcf6f7404580, 41952a2f73ba5198250f64beba8f7ff1203204ab, 2edc5bb441eb7e3ccd549333012ef00fd1d5c428, 1e2d800421fe482fc2f16a814f44477cb284a93a, f15c6b8c06c9588bd96615fabfc36b11857cd4bb, 4adb8a5e075f5647f36a82f53c43ce7fc0c95b62, 9a40e8079baff6f499229535a4af75be97f9a3b9, 5be83b6a72695253c552535d2b826209f144cc63, 6eeca9d6cc482417fd4564302baa349ed76fd7ec, 896baf64159463d9dd72a8829eec8311f8a888da, e37f766403e6911e5d965a211758387c6ef4c587, 83e1e9e45193322f18f57aa7cc4ad31d9d5a152d, 4d173e0a3f97b68b2ce0fb72befe2912efd31102, 9802a70f68cdcd239a9128f90f5d8f9a941168de, 8be1cbe9ab14155773bfab765a3567df9ff9833f, d4eba9faa1b57fed205813a639fe53bbbdc06ef1, 8a4c1d7a485bbd2c12864d27e2705133ebbaabc0, fb49ab2b12bf813697971b41fe47ac11f4a240c0, b936d3e95db3180a2f1f32ed7c80543e81971fde, f670db4a0ec6c2d76b52fa1510f585c49b4f731e, f3bf0775a5a8bce228289c22b96d0c922cf2cb0d, b0b8ab2ea2f185d1f433b071d196f40dc2a2968e, 7f258f1ef6d79c908c4d846d8616d8f5554282ea, 3642d55886f3115530266b53a95d53ecd136bf9a, 419099c92b1cecb7d22fba99ae8ac2cce4f39638, a062ff5f9f0d3221deaaaaf8fccbcd21e933e7cd, 7694c1d191531ac152db55e83bc0db6864a5441e, dfd0aebf73faa8f910e68ff5d50f91fae4f2669e, c9ba33c334c813ece786dff57a853589852a1b65, 8abbfc1fc5244e5686de0d04a1f71a004204030f, 778771bf7655e252d44341cd8ab2f39109e3756d, 00c22232d96b6e592fb1d1f32a6b649b49eceb34, ffc8e407e087e942c4e5c40605743fe3b32d8fd5, 9a23a8a6af5ab1ee8c947f363b0e32f71369746f, c9b41c1f8ad03719918c4d3c29719056ae6b3995, 5d968e6d274f9743a777276d5b5ee09fa4db3254, db034609554a3185c0808cc67e9f0c148cc912c4, a0debd8f9e8636b69d5ed1752f8e9b1b3c664954, f3198c45067f753444ffafbc83b6aa563cb392ac, f79d1059287cc7370004e64175942bd50f29999c, 7d4c2da7427392f506deaf832f2c66fc6a358688, 688bb664c5f4733fafc5a7f27362a56c6e157fda, bc600f1bd5b188030305b964e5aef1b0ea70f634, e690e2985f3fcba6ab919c1e81b4e4111d85c2d1, 19a8f4ea13eb844bc0387637f82da1da62991107, 94c52450ed9ad3fd704faef7d395ede5050fcdc3, 66eae58cd4f53c03ca5ab6b520aa490f7f61a59c, ed62641748fbea4c98d16ea4fe386450475fdac9, d497c8c9f3f9a19e0193c1c463f684b75aeb7081, 09f83fa023cbe57e90287e7d93560f1cb0edb4c4, f9ddaf1841147fc284e802739ca42403aa2816ae, b18900a1f269e7eae88f1e84867bb2d780cde94e, 165081afdaf82ff36a1ccf46f933faf6f76ec102, 479a76df2320856a0bcc5c202d40050c3b3ab14d, 443bca18839268cd100930b380e0534b052a8c89, 6ae65967a5ed789164192104a3e220980f952e1c, 6d343c59f275b1165be08e2256be878ac9b95fec, 3940a9ec29b763bdb73127cc4d9dbbe952b436b7, fa403bb7210de650d6068cee1cb7e4e26ba777bb, c9e40277f0389a773b21d4310a85a8c761932d61, 1ce58ac2ea945baaaeece233f3d3735686a2ecb8, 219d209651759cf702519a100c4f43595f7be8d7, 9729e3f987f1b3dea6a57cc93ba10b75930850c9, b2b1b46486ac0f9c3e5293aa1f6a3dd821278f8f, 958aa790ecfc36927f213325918099f822d38b00, 47a315eaaa2288c78c508682a8961dac65122607, dc8f94a653a3cdb963bcc781562bb2fe63dbc575, f7b3317379dc13aa62eb442741423a3300f0f8c6, 4e0fccc3ed1fded5ad72dfdfcad37a5ccdfc9a24, bf9a1d487b9ba469e8d740cf7d1cd419535a7e79, f3ebc0bd1c80ec6a4dc2d2172391f94faec834be, 9fecb6674adc0b9cbbfb4b284cc4ab371edeaa09, 0f102c86708ab7320f1d942bbf5fafebd9f00ed9, b2f2c70e26a32253b0e58ee197c2f8abf01dd449, 37828ee05cb622caaf7366a7cd550544f6cdc14b, f7ee96c74f783b42e520d26d278eafaca2a59678, 1f7e3c2835c79363025a01a8470ee85d17457cf8, e61c09eaf5e0b3f5d374032a690ea4bf17b36e2f, 0e3a90698a94772e57df39e7461efe6b7e09d678, 91f321e096714128b36732313e54975e466315f9, d69f7696e4fa2a48795e2e7f08e9235455eeb15a, 563592801aad00e002f0a162d5e2625a4b0e8723, 5459c121d5d688ec1571dd72550bd6faaeb087eb, af963e3a7318aad177bc1b985478d4a598b51d9c, dad3e86dfe73ae1ba4aa5a23cf8194bed3f46322, 4ef129092609821b13eee36c285dbdd89aa05c61, 3935906a685640b2f6a2058b38fdf45d917edfc9, c72f6960caf2ec723bddec59030ab6679b6c63a4, cec38211bfb7e5aceea114be9ef79b5ec40d505e, 5cf417bd6cf4077e3a0fe7339d0c974d4cda4762, d75f7e9ad25ab147113a107d0373af1cfa9a4e81, f235b00d07671dab745f2b82c7191db92fe365ae, b6ca1c75d233872a13d519a03d2e3ab6a321e20e, f9c46ad462d894b3c08b3a547cdfc6ba21b49e53, c1a59823ef1595a3918e5b476b286f81672eb2cb, 781dbbc8e247fa19f33de6dd32ab3f7c01d8cf29, bfc739e67cdd1b56bcb68399d6b5b6cb3024e90c, 5db813c579696bd51f5327a92fef59588367e4d4, 36e25140a013843faf91be938c3301495957ed1d, 1525cdd83f5010f134542ce588be581071e47399, 18ccbb4d308c27b67a8d81a2c849dc27fc3e2b5c, 467192eb1e5b350e8b89009884b7c1acf9501470, 175a083a6f3b4d5d58f3702d31ce6920af519669, 5b26885187d0aa8bc09cd1b1f4b6be81aebb40c7, 15d959578258d053eb66ae94a43f299e1f099814, 39ec22a3c813ee6bf663c85d8c1053abda59575e, 7ddfe52d51639817c6c5be86c0c8e317e33620eb, a562fd56b302e0573b2af9371aa948689714dcbc, e883522c513978405b917837b4953a6516f02599, 28cb8fbc19c72488f2baa5decaed8bab8c5d0dd5, 7c5a25d7bc73786b37f21b6588b00f5de81fd0d0, ad6d9c748984d64518377510434e59923b7c3183, 4ec8d262a750a76744b7f6991b711f85fa41a89a, 81c02769f9ad73ef3aba0675c2217fc74b8a4a4c, 449b2b4d0bf4bb44d55a3c57f712a4d5a15e7220, 55bd05a0612acbec29a1bf2ee0cb11d5ef754200, 527094c69ad23319b058917b1c8974d01c5d86e6, 778c45cd977576a901abf24a9759872d36fde056, d63d06aafe2e60e57a9651ff6dd491175bbe6916, 256b35e27d170db9fcd8024d5678b4f6e9d3a956, 3aaec7566e389a0037b93b748867886fb68a0fd0, b37c43e5148228b309166d71080b5125faae85cc, 5523cfefef163efee53c8cc57595f5b50ea4f363, 3ca9e55024192e9b7c38ad5330229830343b74f2, 5ffe3d504bb5aa1ff1c2b96d817791e40f7ced0f, df492dfd2ffe993c33761d0531ac5b979b80f080, 1d6028ca20553d1c1a6fe2809b204254955da3b3, 91336705bde8332954e849219d73205d68fa168a, 03f937175dbcf04243bb0ac48b64746c1a07bc9c, fe8f473e4257987ea4dd10e5e96e7801df85b6d6, f607a05b76df32b39c97a6e49068ae35057be98a, 07e351462b147b831c2d416b8568449b06ccbb51, 5dd0045da7cc353481be6a5caf2e8c8e933b3edc, bb52de784b3a3de5ec473d3e935d4f76c6258c13

2651623af6bb3da5f820d9e09abfbdd0683a1322 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-11-20 16:13:01-06:00

    Interpret inet, bigint, varint, and decimal as non-reversed types for query construction and post-filtering
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-20100

376fe2a9fe3f13c7555c40cda6d3912d55ef63cc | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-11-12 19:10:15-06:00

    Streamline the serialized format for index status gossip messages
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-20058

a8f78552b958a9d9b6fc9f2840753001cd1f6004 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-12 11:57:58-08:00

    Accord's ConfigService lock is held over large areas which cause deadlocks and performance issues (#136)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-20065

ad6d9c748984d64518377510434e59923b7c3183 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-12 13:04:37+00:00

    Fix AbstractKeys.without (and CoordinateEphemeralRead execution in future epoch)
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-20095

4f49ca5e29d9c7207654a1f3c4eac9c9f0b84e5e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-08 13:43:50-08:00

    TCM's Retry.Deadline#retryIndefinitely is dangerous if used with RemoteProcessor as the deadline does not impact message retries
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-20059

4ec8d262a750a76744b7f6991b711f85fa41a89a | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-06 10:56:07-08:00

    Get Harry working on top of Accord and fix various issues found by TopologyMixupTestBase (#134)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-20054

181ddc0600cb7104ff0a9e01889f7cb013f7f802 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-04 17:11:19+01:00

    Fix CQL in snapshot's schema which did not contained UDTs used as reverse clustering columns
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-20036

6093c2d99bd300eebe353ff05482924f38538e74 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-11-04 14:06:42+01:00

    Support UDTs and vectors as clustering keys in descending order
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-20050

25f23ffec439a921387ca249908798b9cc7d4620 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-24 15:42:49-07:00

    TopologyMixupTestBase does not fix replication factor for Keyspaces after reaching rf=3 (#129)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-19975

a271897790aa3816c3dea2125b1e374b091bc090 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-17 13:58:25-07:00

    Key transaction recovery should witness range transactions
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by David for CASSANDRA-20105

f9e2f1b219c0b570eb59d529da42722178608572 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <crackliffe@apple.com>
 | 2024-10-17 14:37:36-05:00

    Properly cancel in-flight futures and reject requests in EpochAwareDebounce during shutdown
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-19848
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Sam Tunnicliffe <samt@apache.org>

e8891be04a681fbd87e2bec2c07ed22e55725a04 | Author: rwelgosh <raymond.welgosh@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-14 00:01:49-04:00

    Fix type check for referenced duration type for nested types
    Patch by Raymond Welgosh; Reviewed by David Capwell, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-19890

69a6dc61a89aac96b9f9a2a7aef958452e14384e | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2024-10-11 16:48:34+02:00

    Prevent CQLTester fuzz testing from using illegal commitlog_disk_access_mode combinations
     Also provide a clearer message from DatabaseDescriptor about the failing combination
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell, Štefan Miklošovič for CASSANDRA-19812

176ce395bb42c102a8df080ecd26559ab0c93b13 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-09 14:52:40-05:00

    Always write local expiration time as an int to LivenessInfo digest
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever, David Capwell, and Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-19989

219eea33b6102ceac4832368444878b64ff2a63a | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-10-03 17:17:02-05:00

    Ensure Relation#toRestriction() handles ReversedType properly
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19950

4844e64945b720c802dce11d811e25665f9da826 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-27 21:02:12-07:00

    (Accord): C* stores table in Range which will cause ranges to be removed from Accord when DROP TABLE is performed (#125)
    patch by David Capwell, Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-18675

107966eeaf69a968dcd736519b6d6199ee28acb1 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-27 16:14:41-07:00

    CEP-15: (Accord) sequence EpochReady.coordinating to allow syncComplete to be learned from newer epochs (#103)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-19769

06a05ccde520925113edc92b28a4bd3b2bed2a29 | Author: Sunil Ramchandra Pawar <pawar_sr@apple.com>
 | 2024-09-20 18:56:47+05:30

    Fix indexing of a frozen collection that is the clustering key and reversed
    patch by Sunil Ramchandra Pawar; reviewed by David Capwell, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-19889

486cd4bc15d33500b7b896f9e4691a38d946b679 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-17 09:35:03-07:00

    Ninja fix: RandomSource.asJdkRandom did not provide a seed.  This should have been fixed in CASSANDRA-19847 as it was fixed on Cassadnra trunk

971747e3e25b7dec6a8ed50ed56ac0d14a3de6b1 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-11 00:09:31+02:00

    Make configuration entries in memtable section order-independent
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19906
    Co-authored-by: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>

b4894226c57bf2cbc29cad1db47938c9e5ef0a7c | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <abe@aber.io>
 | 2024-09-06 12:43:24-07:00

    Add guardrail for enabling usage of VectorType
    patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19903

a171322f417c117733ca5b514d03a5202b1ac202 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-04 10:59:39-07:00

    Create a fuzz test that randomizes topology changes, cluster actions, and CQL operations (#119)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-19847

e2ccee4f51fe4c7c7f3ea8911897135ed7e37114 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-09-04 09:35:23-07:00

    Add a table to inspect the current state of a txn (#110)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-19838

ffc0f01b0eede35518c2838d3c21f440d871c08a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-29 13:45:48-07:00

    Add a concept for retrying messages
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-19856

449b2b4d0bf4bb44d55a3c57f712a4d5a15e7220 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2024-08-28 12:01:53+02:00

    Fix CompactionIteratorTest, switch to streaming serialization of SavedCommand
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19865
    Co-authored-by: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>

55bd05a0612acbec29a1bf2ee0cb11d5ef754200 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2024-08-28 12:01:53+02:00

    Fix CompactionIteratorTest
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19865

c340398895a83e8ecf31c7822b87b7f780a28f74 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-26 15:52:19-07:00

    CASSANDRA-19854 enable squash again

6dc9ca99fa7eb2ca2e1ea841f5566c3fb5d3f864 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-22 14:15:52+02:00

    Retry if node leaves CMS while committing a transformation
    Patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by David Capwell and Sam Tunnicliffe
    for CASSANDRA-19872

fdabc1f9774b1c06d68a0acbf8a470e45c787eec | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-21 10:03:07-07:00

    Create a fuzz test that randomizes topology changes, cluster actions, and CQL operations
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-19847

2c52a8be6fdac7305e433b7f28bd70596ef1444a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-20 11:50:34-07:00

    Improve CQLTester to make it trivial to run the tests with different configs, and to add randomness to the test
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-19833

3afa2585d9b7c88dc7d83c929df6f70c988d27a7 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-14 11:55:19-07:00

    Memtable allocation type unslabbed_heap_buffers_logged will cause an assertion error for TrieMemtables and SegmentedTrieMemtables
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-19835

93415c91af3d06504593a87c8b8d7e5d2d65b1ac | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-08-13 21:12:14-05:00

    Use default commitlog settings in test YAMLs
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19830

4b09c272dde908a5d0c5c4fce0e052c097c36701 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-13 09:15:47-07:00

    Ninja fix: bad import causing checkstyles to fail

7903ce27275be46465100600ed04802e08e2aca5 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-07-31 12:22:56-05:00

    Deprecate and ignore use_deterministic_table_id
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19809

81c02769f9ad73ef3aba0675c2217fc74b8a4a4c | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-07-31 00:13:25-05:00

    Command to Exclude Replicas from Durability Status Coordination
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-19321

7f246d541985eb43d6867338f9900d3c93ba10d9 | Author: ci worker <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-25 10:28:35-07:00

    Harry Simulation test halts the JVM when errors are detected which loose all history in CI
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-19802

93ddd3a976a3a1dc6694eba7330598f5f83d2fec | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2024-07-23 17:58:12+02:00

    Simulator: Add instrumentation for Semaphore
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19695.

32755cabfa2eeb99f0b8c91fc7bb53379259de54 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <samt@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-18 19:23:46+01:00

    Correctly update peers tables following replacement
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19782

dc45bb5876aafa2ce7dcfe6a3b7de0f6a9a35fda | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <samt@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-11 19:40:55+01:00

    Allow threads waiting for the log follower to be interrupted
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe and David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for

694ae39e2e00075bdabd47632dced0db12a9981d | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-01 13:11:40-07:00

    CEP-15: (Accord) When nodes are removed from a cluster, need to update topology tracking to avoid being blocked (#100)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-19719

f1f5ea5ccbd6e0a8abf579a4331fa84a1b3d9f95 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-18 16:25:54-07:00

    CEP-15: (Accord) SyncPoint timeouts become a Exhausted rather than a Timeout and doesn’t get retried (#99)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-19718

cf10169067a8cd40fb876789a62439cc03fd2e9b | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-17 12:59:35-07:00

    CEP-15: (Accord) Bootstrap's LocalOnly txn can not be recreated from SerializerSupport (#93)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-19674

527094c69ad23319b058917b1c8974d01c5d86e6 | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2024-06-14 10:24:43-07:00

    Move burn test read timestamp validation from replica to coordination
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19288

ba5ab993c7a279b014f439a5d06683d3b568d4ff | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-06-11 16:20:58-05:00

    Avoid streams in the common case for UpdateTransaction creation
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jeremiah Jordan and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19675

21cdaf5d280965cfdc690d385375635b498bc9f9 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-17 15:16:45-07:00

    IndexOutOfBoundsException while serializing CommandsForKey (#90)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-19642

d63d06aafe2e60e57a9651ff6dd491175bbe6916 | Author: Aleksey Yeschenko <aleksey@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-17 13:33:57+01:00

    Move preaccept expiration logic away from Agent
    patch by Aleksey Yeschenko; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Benedict Elliott Smith, and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18888

256b35e27d170db9fcd8024d5678b4f6e9d3a956 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-15 09:16:01-07:00

    Need to simulate Cassandra Journal in Accord BurnTest to detect issues earlier before they are seen in Cassandra (#87)
    patch by Benedict Elliott Smith, David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19618

778c45cd977576a901abf24a9759872d36fde056 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-05-14 17:55:58-05:00

    Baseline Diagnostic vtables for Accord
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-18732

c14abb40b2d0e2e1db121eac65a1264a287bcd18 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-01 09:47:06-07:00

    IR may leak SSTables with pending repair when coming from streaming
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-19182

202e67358396a1e413e29498bea71047bd586d06 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-05-01 09:08:47-07:00

    Accord: NPE in RangeDeps.forEach
    patch by Benedict Elliott Smith, David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-19605

9157d98e4cc5c00d74cef6128c16659ff43f3585 | Author: Jon Meredith <jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-25 13:53:28-06:00

    Streaming exception race creates corrupt transaction log files that prevent restart
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18736

057d082e00f7d10b8e9b127cfabd9b8cd228da3d | Author: Raymond Huffman <rhuffman@palantir.com>
 | 2024-04-23 16:41:12-04:00

    Add option to override the FatClient timeout for Bootstrapping nodes
    Patch by Raymond Huffman; reviewed by brandonwilliams and dcapwell for

428fa1f4453735ef43d508621e5e7d9e0a054415 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-04-19 18:40:08-05:00

    Make queries visible to the "system_views.queries" virtual table at the coordinator level
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-19577

3aaec7566e389a0037b93b748867886fb68a0fd0 | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2024-04-08 14:32:50-07:00

    CEP-15 (C*) Integrate accord with repair
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by Ariel Weisberg and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19472

be507c6e996078011c08e36b09d9f34faa454973 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-04-01 14:18:05-05:00

    Warn clients about possible consistency violations for filtering queries against multiple mutable columns
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-19489

8b4f3895cb926f937450676b1db2e23d01a8b820 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-01 10:31:33-07:00

    AccordGens.rangeDeps did not enforce unique ranges, which caused tests to fail

1a5cb4f10002fb3650ad464b3a77664f18e2a901 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-04-01 10:14:04-07:00

    (Accord) Cassandra bootstrap no longer using the range txn and instead uses the sync point empty txn for reads
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-19503

f78d1da27b09f89417dd29bde0529f12cd744e3d | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-03-29 10:03:44-07:00

    Accord: PreLoadContext must properly and consistently support ranges
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-19355

ca0b77d7434aa75528e0cb625889825d29c5f122 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-03-25 14:40:09-07:00

    Repair fuzz tests fail with paxos_variant: v2
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-19042

46acaf22e688e7a2e707ac61fd88c96ed33b60d7 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2024-03-15 17:29:01-05:00

    Ensure SAI indexes empty byte buffers for types that allow them as a valid input
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19461
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>

a26fa6cf2c9a86827d38c448a54878d76bb18e27 | Author: arkn98 <20590666+arkn98@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2024-03-06 13:35:32-05:00

    Revert switching to approxTime in Dispatcher
    Patch by Arun Ganesh; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19454

b37c43e5148228b309166d71080b5125faae85cc | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-02-19 14:36:04-08:00

    (Accord) AsyncChain.flatMap does not begin the result of the flatMap, which causes AsyncLoader to hang in some cases (#81)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19405

505f5af645c1712c3da42d98d005276396ff2667 | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2024-02-06 22:17:14+00:00

    Ensure that repair doesn't exceed repair_session_space by running limiting validation parallelism
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19336
    Co-authored-by: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>

901a0868cdaf6426226e6bafb0675773e04668bd | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-11 09:22:24-08:00

    Ninja: Added check that command.route is not null when SPL is trying to inform, saw this event in CI and need more details to know what happened

7c88978d1f9095a114787abd8a8dbb4df69aaa93 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-10 09:46:02-08:00

    (Accord): Bug fixes from CASSANDRA-18675 to better support adding keyspaces (#65)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18804

0d8f60f742d443365a50115397ff1f0ab10fc694 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-09 15:49:24-08:00

    (Accord) NPE while trying to serialize FoundKnownMap as value is null half the time but unexpected while serializing (#78)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-19253

3ab92e6de199ca08c354dc4abb46d5eaed9a1d41 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2024-01-05 09:28:07-08:00

    Fix flaky test accord.utils.RandomSourceTest.testBiasedInts (#73)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-19114

5523cfefef163efee53c8cc57595f5b50ea4f363 | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2023-12-06 16:01:32-08:00

    Schema based accord fast path configuration
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19009

3ca9e55024192e9b7c38ad5330229830343b74f2 | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2023-11-29 17:14:50-05:00

    Add missing awaitEpoch to Barrier
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19023

806a395b9ce6cbb81b1b7af9eb2f72fef97e0bbd | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-29 13:17:39+01:00

    Clone EndpointState before sending GossipShutdown message
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-19115

b355b84c5f7b53d390822332215e3751df562559 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-15 13:09:06-05:00

    Python DTest does not release CQL connections, which can cause containers to hang for 2 hours trying to connect to a server thats already gone
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-19028

bed79d2c4a1564857c8ac53b66db15d65e5a3b5f | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-11-08 15:05:51-08:00

    Ninja for CASSANDRA-18874: When using Elle make sure to set -Djava.awt.headless=true so rhizome does not try to spin up a GUI.  Make the build timeout after 20m as a successful build takes around 10m (the default timeout)

3056d13bc8c45a22ec794e0979d02f469cc4e209 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-11-07 10:56:51-08:00

    Ninja fix for CASSANDRA-18874.  Make sure to add clojars repo to accord-core to pick up elle

11ced982a6e78810268677b4b6aeed90bc06e25b | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-11-07 10:15:19-08:00

    Add Jepsen's Elle to Accord and Paxos validation (#67)
    patch by David Capwell, Jaroslaw Kijanowski; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18874

dca76145c2c1f846ed624c93b9c64484ce1946b7 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-31 13:56:29-07:00

    Add retries to IR messages
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18962

69f5df0b00cc822f41823901956aeff9fcdd9dbb | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-30 10:32:30-07:00

    Add metrics and logging to repair retries
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Maxim Muzafarov for CASSANDRA-18952

d99ad84cc49a96299a9ae55183e38ee6f1aa3f47 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-26 15:44:43-07:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Implement TopologySorter to prioritise hosts based on DynamicSnitch and/or topology layout (#72)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18929

2bab3f27ba1535203d61497abe6810cdcb4640d0 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-10 09:22:05-07:00

    Gossip NPE due to shutdown event corrupting empty statuses
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18913

5ffe3d504bb5aa1ff1c2b96d817791e40f7ced0f | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2023-10-09 14:56:57+02:00

    CEP-15: Add Accord configuration stub
    Patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18221

d828cd0228143438590f3aaa4e2c7d3c03bd66d8 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-10-02 14:39:34-07:00

    Test failure: org.apache.cassandra.repair.ConcurrentIrWithPreviewFuzzTest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18890

b1befa3cc0a8496451bb48ec3bb1c0f56b8c7653 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-29 15:16:00-07:00

    Add support for repair coordinator to retry messages that timeout (#68)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18816

164fa7949d1437528363465d14ed20898f1daa9e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-27 08:46:40-07:00

    Add support for repair coordinator to retry messages that timeout
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-18816

6befb178aa0b7ad669f5c30e8b53fdd69a225a7a | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2023-09-22 14:09:35+01:00

    Remove support for empty values on the vector data type
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by David Capwell and Maxwell Guo for CASSANDRA-18876

edf22ed776d36112c165c6858dd4866b754ecf34 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-15 06:08:13-05:00

    Revert 18543 but retain properties
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by dcapwell for CASSANDRA-18854

8bfe0e5878c64ed25591aae50643187bc8ab7241 | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2023-09-14 14:55:49-06:00

    InstanceClassLoader leak in 5.0/trunk
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Francisco Guerrero, Jon Meredith, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18841

fc3e1af12554e3befe6e44f4664278d91b4c0415 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-13 15:52:34-07:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Improve the chaos generation for Burn Tests: slow/flakey connections and dropped messages (#57)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-18451

bde4fa0013eb8cec5b1d88b21ca4463bc07272bb | Author: Jon Meredith <jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-28 16:10:41-06:00

    Waiting indefinitely on ReceivedMessage response in StreamSession#receive() can cause deadlock
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18733

1d6028ca20553d1c1a6fe2809b204254955da3b3 | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2023-08-23 16:51:45-04:00

    Fix Accord compaction purger tombstone logic
    Accord compaction purgers see random slices of Accord state during compaction (based on randomly selected compaction inputs).
    For at least the `durability` column in the `commands` table the tombstone being created when truncating was deleting the latest value since we can get enough information to truncate without actuall yhaving the latest `durability` value.
    To fix we can wait to emit a tombstone until we are erasing the entire command row when truncating or truncating with outcome and meanwhile we can drop the extra columns that are no longer needed instead of using a tombstone. We don't need to emit cell tombstones we can drop them from the purger when processing each row.
    patch by Ariel Weisberg; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18795

8c7a3c9ef4209d635b186189e17a2d9e728e9871 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-21 13:30:49-07:00

    CEP-15 (C*): when loading commands that have empty waiting_on, make sure not to loose the partial deps (#61)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for CASSANDRA-18783

91336705bde8332954e849219d73205d68fa168a | Author: aweisberg <ariel@weisberg.ws>
 | 2023-08-18 16:48:42-04:00

    Allow exceptions to be propagated remotely
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18779

2ad55e03c43ce074cdf5e36cfa14cb4278c2dc0f | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-16 11:47:52-07:00

    CEP-15 (C*) When a host replacement happens don't loose the peer mapping right away (#60)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18764

7c15f3a6203939bc6cb398e538df1ca3557cbe03 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-15 16:51:22+01:00

    State Eviction (#50)
    Permit the state machine to erase transactions that are known to be applied across the cluster.
    Co-authored-by: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Aleksey Yeschenko <aleksey@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>

b94436c7831c940592653c2c5d8e3af92d5cf266 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-02 18:35:41+02:00

    update ConfigCompatibility test
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18713

ae537abc6494564d7254a2126465522d86b44c1e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-21 15:27:26-07:00

    Added support for type VECTOR<type, dimension>
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, Maxwell Guo, Mike Adamson for CASSANDRA-18504

03f937175dbcf04243bb0ac48b64746c1a07bc9c | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2023-06-20 16:04:33-07:00

    Accord/C*/TCM bootstrap integration
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18444

fe8f473e4257987ea4dd10e5e96e7801df85b6d6 | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2023-05-25 15:56:24-07:00

    Accord TCM integration
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18444

3d0ff07cd5c7db43390b85afa593e6f76471d886 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-05-25 13:18:56-07:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Add notion of CommandsForRanges and make this durable in C*
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-18519

1053e3b475829c7f2d0dc4ab59322d5819d1496a | Author: Tobias Lindaaker <tobias.lindaaker@datastax.com>
 | 2023-05-17 10:42:59-07:00

    Partial compaction can resurrect deleted data
    patch by Tobias Lindaaker, Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by David Capwell, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-18507

b99c4671fa0b22bed7f5a37fc5acaa2d2579e5b2 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-05-16 14:50:18-07:00

    Ninja for CASSANDRA-18523: Update property generators for TxnId to respect the validated properties of Timestamp

41a669a100646abbcccc2f41bdfe0a11db648b1b | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-16 16:04:39+02:00

    Deduplicate the MixedMode* upgrade jvm-dtests
     Also update method parameters to be clearer in how we declare testcase applicability
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18506

4759a7353fca1dad330e913e7eaf1313890a35be | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-08 11:56:37-07:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Enhance in-memory FileSystem to work with mmap and support tests to add custom logic
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18485

8226b2d7759319d7a0b0c823ab09b4344c5423f7 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-04-27 11:10:37-07:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Accord message processing should avoid being passed on to a Stage and run directly in the messageing handler
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ariel Weisberg, Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-18364

33c91e4489597c1e88df8a5254c015eeb76899f1 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-04-25 09:36:32-07:00

    CEP-15 Accord: NotWitnessed commands can receive an invalidate promise but would return Zero instead
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-18471

fe0e04c2319afab958b3da83e7b54c84bced9dc2 | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2023-04-25 15:33:48+02:00

    Fix sstable formats configuration
    - refactored sstable format configuration
    - sstable formats are discovered via ServiceLoader
    - options configuration for sstable formats can be included in yaml
    - yaml may include selected sstable format and version (version is not yet supported)
    - auto saved caches refactored - they include additional metadata component which contains necessary mappings
    patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18441

8b0dc8ad6b5e657cf5946eaed17da0fdabaa53f4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-24 15:12:54-07:00

    When decommissioning should set Severity to limit traffic
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18430

08aaab6e33d43406e0649146144e4df67648602a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-04-07 15:33:46-07:00

    CEP-15 (Accord) Original and recover coordinators may hit a race condition with PreApply where reads and writes are interleaved, causing one of the coordinators to see the writes from the other
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-18422

6e3b6cbef849cedbae2be30fe1822045c2271dc4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-04-07 13:59:08-07:00

    CEP-15 (Accord) accord.messages.Defer rejects Recurrent retry of Commit
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18378

58f5301e78d7f7adbbe4b3c6d0528b1bcb4c27bc | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-27 17:26:14+02:00

    ninja-fix stick affinity, and exclude it everywhere where it would pull in the imported boms
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; tested by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18049

4444721b6de555352bf0ac3ef7e36f94dc832f41 | Author: Natnael Adere <natnael_adere@apple.com>
 | 2023-03-24 09:28:37-07:00

    Provide summary of failed SessionInfo's in StreamResultFuture
    patch by Natnael Adere; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17199

df492dfd2ffe993c33761d0531ac5b979b80f080 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2023-03-23 14:47:54-05:00

    - add shareable APPLIED and INVALIDATED implementations of Result
    - API changes to support splicing in complete update fragments from PartialTxn as mutations are finally being applied
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell, Benedict Elliot Smith, and Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-18355

eefc013a0a809c8f8e0952e215958c1e8f1b759a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-03-20 14:30:10-07:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Improve Burn Tests to include thread scheduling
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-18203

d5b1483703b53c02fb0e616e58107afb814f9f81 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-14 10:36:38-07:00

    Incompatible file system thrown while running Simulator
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18320

592cbeaab09e7e959dfaea591d4afe7c1613e3db | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-13 12:25:46+01:00

    Remove org.apache.cassandra.hadoop code
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-18323

0a0e06847bf10aa88a3a30c239c507a64f949d74 | Author: Kamalesh Palanisamy <kamalesh800@gmail.com>
 | 2023-03-03 15:42:06-07:00

    org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionStrategyManagerBoundaryReloadTest.testReload fails when running with TrieMemtables
    patch by Kamalesh Palanisamy; reviewed by David Capwell, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18144

35f8da66f9b05d18b4177f8d2e1b86c772ad2221 | Author: Natnael Adere <natnael_adere@apple.com>
 | 2023-03-02 11:50:07-08:00

    Reduce memory allocations of calls to ByteBufer.duplicate() made in org.apache.cassandra.transport.CBUtil#writeValue
    patch by Natnael Adere; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18212

4e17922b61d6e90151c5e165ddbf0731232e566a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-03-01 11:45:55-08:00

    Gossip stateMapOrdering does not have correct ordering when both EndpointState are in the bootstrapping set
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-18292

07e351462b147b831c2d416b8568449b06ccbb51 | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2023-02-21 15:47:43-08:00

    add AsyncChain implementations and tests
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by David Capwell & Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-18004

b9025e59395f47535e4ed1fec20b1186cdb07db8 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-17 14:55:27-08:00

    CEP-15: (C*) Add git submodule for Accord (#29)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18204

4e0aad3319f90eaf7a5e5aed1fd3c5bb7a949fbd | Author: Jon Meredith <https://jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-10 10:05:42-07:00

    Split and order IDEA workspace template VM_PARAMETERS
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18242

f607a05b76df32b39c97a6e49068ae35057be98a | Author: Blake Eggleston <blake@ultrablake.com>
 | 2023-02-02 13:08:00-08:00

    CEP-15/Accord Immutable State Refactor
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by David Capwell and Benedict Elliott Smith for Cassandra-18192

17eb7e79700dcba1d15d1495b3c11d3a83c12e1b | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-02-01 08:37:47-08:00

    accord build has you opt-in to rat checks, should have the build fail if rat checks fail (#31)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-18214

4c8e9097bd616a1ae4c611a542cbdea20ba871dc | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-28 16:18:51+01:00

    Introduce check for names of test classes
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17943

bc81f81c75f93c73989a30bbc51b5c241a893c1a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2023-01-26 12:06:53-08:00

    CEP-15: (Accord) Migrate Accord away from JDK random to a new interface RandomSource
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18213

1c71e57f46f704228d41fb367e31cd11f0602134 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-26 09:13:24-08:00

    PaxosPrepare may add instances to the Electorate that are not in gossip
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18194

5626c7c11400d4cf6d01a8e22517b53a83f5c512 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-23 11:45:13-08:00

    CASSANDRA-17112: Publish StrictSerializabilityVerifier so Cassandra may use, and fixed bugs found with the integration (#18)

1e685219da4177fc5b5d6025618398532d2a0124 | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2023-01-23 13:53:09-05:00

    Add unit tests for per-row TTL and Timestamp usage in CQLSSTableWriter
    Patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by brandonwilliams and dcapwell for
    CQLSSTableWriter supports per-row setting of both timestamp and TTL values, but it’s not tested or documented today.
    Add tests to cover setting both TTL and Timestamp values for rows using the CQLSSTableWriter.

5be1038c5d38af32d3cbb0545d867f21304f3a46 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2023-01-11 13:40:57-08:00

    Streaming progress virtual table lock contention can trigger TCP_USER_TIMEOUT and fail streaming
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Abe Ratnofsky, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18110

530bc10bd0a053f5dcd8439fd3f5c72cd7952ea6 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2023-01-11 13:04:06-06:00

    Remove ProtocolVersion entirely from the CollectionSerializer ecosystem
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18114

2d323cb56572e867b13b6d102a61aaff8bd66c86 | Author: Jordan West <jordanw@netflix.com>
 | 2022-12-21 12:10:42-08:00

    Add row,tombstone,and sstable count to profileload
    Patch by Jordan West; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18022

877d6e6e956ffa387a7d4ec1c7f0ca8ccb23f33e | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <maxmuzaf@gmail.com>
 | 2022-12-20 00:28:25+01:00

    Add to the IntelliJ Git Window issue navigation links to Cassandra's Jira
    patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by David Capwell, Aleksey Yeschenko, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18126

28759d8bbc16daf45ca07ee27b4a8dfedc8cf92b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-13 13:37:40-08:00

    CEP-10: Simulator Java11 Support (backport to cassandra-4.1)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17178
    backported to 4.1 in CASSANDRA-19935

4941b279bceb3a0fbe388be4305d25ec771f7b78 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-12-13 13:37:40-08:00

    CEP-10: Simulator Java11 Support
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17178

d7c5c547f025301780658b37e6e8a591bc4a5b36 | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2022-12-06 15:20:14-05:00

    Use checked casts when reading vints as ints
    patch by Ariel Weisberg; reviewed by David Capwell and Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18099

a81074297e9148f39a03a1be169f97857747843d | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-11-02 10:51:02-07:00

    Updated Commit.Invalidate to use proper message type, added nullable annotation to AcceptOk to show that Deps may be null, and added utility method on Status to check for both types of invalidate (#11)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-17103

0bde8a2e20ebf66d11dc91c7de09cd66a3e603f7 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-11-02 13:19:14-04:00

    Fix BootstrapTest failure on vnodes
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17679

9a0dd603b18ab5034df27443a4bbc10111edcd8b | Author: Natnael Adere <natnael_adere@apple.com>
 | 2022-11-01 10:45:02-07:00

    Log JVM Arguments at in-JVM Test Class Initialization
    patch by Natnael Adere; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16664

35ef5b99577ef8b04b8d4b326154775f510ade42 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-24 22:11:37+02:00

    Fix possible race condition on repair snapshots
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17955

89e01ea2eba6f8729a9eed2825a37e3ce691e9b8 | Author: Natnael Adere <natnael_adere@apple.com>
 | 2022-10-19 11:01:07-07:00

    Add Unavailables metric for CASWrite in the docs
    patch by Natnael Adere; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16357

7e6799a4b903b4cdc1a467ada69f2f12a6099fcb | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-18 08:26:21+02:00

    Keep sstable level when streaming for decommission and move
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17969

5dd0045da7cc353481be6a5caf2e8c8e933b3edc | Author: Blake Eggleston <beggleston@apple.com>
 | 2022-10-12 17:21:04-07:00

    Accord transaction state storage
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by David Capwell and Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-17104

af9439bcd781756a0d845215c4c03c5fd8e74b86 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-10-10 15:39:52-07:00

    IllegalArgumentException in Gossiper#order due to concurrent mutations to elements being applied
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-17908

d25adb498abde240cc162cfe4a9630c01381c7f9 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-09-06 16:47:04-07:00

    upsert with adder support is not consistent with numbers and strings in LWT
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17857

e5c9cf4cbe6634ba9e148b6e27b6bad98648e597 | Author: Leonard Ma <lmtrombone@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-02 17:54:04-07:00

    Handle leak of non-standard Java types as clients using JMX cannot handle them
    -deprecate and replace JMX setters that throw non-standard exceptions
    -deprecate and replace respective JMX getters as well to make JMX usage consistent
    patch by Leonard Ma; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17668

7c5a25d7bc73786b37f21b6588b00f5de81fd0d0 | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <aratnofsky@apple.com>
 | 2022-09-01 12:03:58-07:00

    Update dependency management docs
     patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by Michael Semb Wever, David Capwell, Claude Warren, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17750

b0643768370191de3e9a8883ae01247ec679f757 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-09-01 09:27:41-07:00

    Add rat and licenses to Accord (#9)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-17855

5beab63b5550efb5e31e5005f90649661a9fe595 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-29 13:27:16+02:00

    Improve the way we handle repair message timeouts to avoid hanging repairs
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17613

1e27ffc6aded5b54b0207b114b154cffbc64dda5 | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <abe@aber.io>
 | 2022-08-24 13:23:09-07:00

    Remove dependency on Maven Ant Tasks
    patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17750

d0b9532f2b87a17a0508d0637556f2f3e8d0fd94 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-22 15:04:19-04:00

    Add the ability for operators to loosen the definition of "empty" for edge cases
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Josh McKenzie, Yifan Cai, and Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17842
    Co-authored-by: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

1c714e43e6bad82ca24e095385a24fe9b33dd4f4 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-22 14:16:30-04:00

    Log anticompaction cancellation at INFO level
    Patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, and Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17841
    Co-authored-by: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

dad3e86dfe73ae1ba4aa5a23cf8194bed3f46322 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-22 11:09:48-05:00

    Ignore new error from CASSANDRA-17805 when attempting to replace a live node
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by dcapwell and frankgh for

c4b1c0614e42b4ea2064822d31c28aa5d4f1450a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-19 16:42:56-07:00

    Read/Write/Truncate throw RequestFailure in a race condition with callback timeouts, should return Timeout instead
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17828

85f113bce38278653ffca5139cd7871aee7fe786 | Author: Claude Warren, Jr <claude.warren@aiven.io>
 | 2022-08-19 07:42:25+01:00

    Add pull request template and modify README to include Jira and mailing list link
    patch by claudenw; reviewed by dritfx, dcapwell, josh-mckenzie, michaelsembwever and smiklosovic for CASSANDRA-17837

0353df7542dbdbb1140a72899666e4587e87a083 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-18 13:00:45-04:00

    Prevent infinite loop in repair coordinator on FailSession
    Patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by David Capwell, Blake Eggleston, and Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17834
    Co-authored-by: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

3f2e8d1883c586bdb9cd7a23076ceaaeefa4bd8c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-17 09:47:17-07:00

    NPE in org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Attributes.getTimeToLive
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17822

bb52de784b3a3de5ec473d3e935d4f76c6258c13 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-17 09:50:36+01:00

    Efficient Dependencies (CASSANDRA-17111)
    Transaction dependencies must include only the TxnId of the dependent transactions, and the key they conflict on
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17111

9184dd5a998366dc2b5c18d4954b13b033efcf80 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frank.guerrero@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-15 09:23:56-07:00

    When doing a host replacement, we need to check that the node is a live node before failing with "Cannot replace a live node..."
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17805

60db95cba10d3ba0f8b1dcf377b42571cd2101ea | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-12 15:20:37-07:00

    DataOutputBuffer#scratchBuffer can use off-heap or on-heap memory as a means to control memory allocations
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-16471

ebddf7792411d1fdd62666e99cb89174ccaf630c | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-11 22:39:17+02:00

    Improve libjemalloc resolution in bin/cassandra
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Brandon Williams and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15767

c7d2e97da04e09dd908b1ea238a8498cfe5a3edb | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-08 10:37:30-07:00

    NPE bug in streaming checking if SSTable is being repaired
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-17801

119ed545c2532c830d8dcb682741f0f8819a6c30 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-08-04 13:25:03-07:00

    CEP-15 (Accord): Add CircleCI configs to build the project (#8)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-17796

3e0b94565acc64e903d73af3a14b23c875abc5b3 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-02 16:02:03-04:00

    Add support to generate a One-Shot heap dump on unhandled exceptions
    Patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Josh McKenzie, David Capwell, and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17795
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

3a0936b61f63d8d7ab08bda411dd7d5963cafe0b | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-07-26 16:27:21-05:00

    Remove usages of Path#toFile() in the snapshot apparatus
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Benedict Elliot Smith for CASSANDRA-17769

1f067051537618804ca9d0c66b903be74b942b22 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-26 11:36:01-07:00

    When doing a host replacement, -Dcassandra.broadcast_interval_ms is used to know when to check the ring but checks that the ring wasn't changed in -Dcassandra.ring_delay_ms, changes to ring delay should not depend on when we publish load stats
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17776

e0a6b83a02804bf976fdc43718001f23818ee53d | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-07-25 12:26:35-07:00

    When bootstrap fails, CassandraRoleManager may attempt to do read queries that fail with "Cannot read from a bootstrapping node", and increments unavailables counters
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17754

7adfdc85cf5c1cb505e6507e5c08de84834c2224 | Author: Claude Warren, Jr <claude.warren@aiven.io>
 | 2022-07-22 08:56:13+01:00

    Deprecate Throwables.propagate usage
    patch by Claude Warren; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-14218

b4e58d83fc72f8babf61367aad23a9499df69881 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-07-18 16:37:53-04:00

    Fix flaky test TopPartitionsTest
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17649

d51f90201b2d127166612384a75b4a49da9776d1 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-07-12 12:06:56-05:00

    Clean up ScheduledExecutors, CommitLog, and MessagingService shutdown for in-JVM dtests
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17731

924cd8f52c2437d0a0ce8c48196bb6aa8976fbb8 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-07-01 12:22:40-05:00

    Make sure delayed timeout task in StreamTransferTask cannot prevent clean shutdown
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17706

008bf8607c55926d0aadb4602a8a854d396c7657 | Author: Jon Meredith <jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-29 12:25:08-06:00

    Disable mock internode messaging during startup/shutdown
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17636

b75d56fd387a3af2706f75c0536cf112fdf6b788 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-23 13:18:33-05:00

    Add new compactionstats output behind --vtable
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by edimitrov and dcapwell for

4b7069c06c7913e1f3f2d5622d8cbc04746b0bac | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2022-06-13 20:08:55+01:00

    Add guardrail for column size
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17151

6247c9d966d7e3886fef0c7486013578407b37e4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-06 13:42:00-07:00

    jvm-dtest upgrade tests run all supported pairs of upgrades between from/to but does not actually test all patches from/to
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17656

ba0555e965699d64099870c0288b31d1a15b2698 | Author: Jon Meredith <https://jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-05 15:13:24-06:00

    Fix flaky test - org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test.MessageForwardingTest.mutationsForwardedToAllReplicasTest
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17583

f809b6753cbbd27deab40679b99d956c8193fcf8 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-03 19:55:05-05:00

    Ensure node2 is down before repairing
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by dcapwell for CASSANDRA-17566

d3ce825bf2b376fd2516e4b594ddb69037c13159 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-03 14:37:39-07:00

    Fix org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test.trackwarnings.TombstoneCountWarningTest.failThresholdSinglePartition
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17244

7bc8467233af69391efeaf74ef87a73c0ea9ceb1 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-06-01 10:57:09-07:00

    Fix flaky python-tests due to connection getting closed
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17594

740cec41d2d67783a463bd18f70221de331928df | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-06-01 08:49:44-07:00

    When a node is bootstrapping it gets the whole gossip state but applies in random order causing some cases where StorageService will fail causing an instance to not show up in TokenMetadata
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-17676

a00d8fd5ba9d73a377d1a11e6f540c56d66e9c8f | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-05-25 17:08:25-05:00

    Ensure FileStreamTask cannot compromise shared channel proxy for system table when interrupted
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17663

fb8bf30c6d1b6f893a77a74b9e8b4223e5497dd4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-25 11:39:41-07:00

    jvm-dtest upgrade failures due to 3.x Ping not allowing serialize
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17660

951aff25a1183f41fd146d674136399f3f25b3f0 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-19 14:27:12-04:00

    Fix OfflineTokenAllocatorTest timeouts
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17291

f451c2b02827fd1db34a14e7603a52ffe4fb188e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-12 16:25:04-07:00

    jvm-dtest unhandled exceptions failing the test no longer work
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-17549

c635f198f6ceca272e61b857b67fd91f23da3836 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-05-12 18:13:20-04:00

    Fix leak of non-standard Java types in our Exceptions as clients using JMX are unable to handle them
    Remove useless validation that leads to unnecessary additional read of cassandra.yaml on startup
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; review by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17638

89fbb1acf42c97f57ce7301674ab6f9647320c65 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-10 12:50:16-07:00

    Incremental repair leaks SomeRepairFailedException after switch away from flatMap
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-17620

6396562f71316838083618714b142fd982ae0155 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-10 09:53:24-07:00

    StorageService read threshold get methods throw NullPointerException due to not handling null configs
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-17593

559b17f71d3207158d34b1dd2414a531e362af20 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-05-03 14:59:55-07:00

    nodetool enablefullquerylog can NPE when directory has no files
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17595

be48c417e6bbbd7c58f43ed001c9a2209a6339ab | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-05-03 11:49:14-07:00

    Fix flaky python-tests due to connection getting closed
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17594

da7c66222740f02c6de5b563681dd381d28f8201 | Author: Savni Nagarkar <savni_nagarkar@apple.com>
 | 2022-04-28 13:18:39-07:00

    Migrate threshold for minimum keyspace replication factor to guardrails
    patch by Savni Nagarkar; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17212

3409e5d9b341de2114d6410225922843539d4172 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-22 18:35:26-07:00

    Enhance SnakeYAML properties to be reusable outside of YAML parsing, support camel case conversion to snake case, and add support to ignore properties
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17166

2b90ac1a1671b4071d9aa6f18e852021bc66702d | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-21 14:37:59-07:00

    nodetool compact should support using a key string to find the range to avoid operators having to manually do this
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-17537

7db3285e7b745e591dc4c405ae9af6c1cddb0c79 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-20 15:15:34-07:00

    Migrate track_warnings to more standard naming conventions and use latest configuration types rather than long
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17560

39e89fd636ee4343eb2201820da87881cbc749e2 | Author: Savni  Nagarkar <savni_nagarkar@apple.com>
 | 2022-04-18 16:50:19-04:00

    Add guardrail for maximum replication factor
    Patch by Savni Nagarkar; reviewed by Andrés de la Peña, David Capwell and Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17500

4ef129092609821b13eee36c285dbdd89aa05c61 | Author: maedhroz <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-04-14 11:17:36-05:00

    Add failed stream session message from peer to ignored log patterns
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17541

850336217b438ca8623e26c7efe02c993f82c46b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-11 09:38:40-07:00

    Add support for vnodes in jvm-dtest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17332

2fde9af74f12179fd8b3d592adc9a24d8b2d8f23 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-08 10:16:41-07:00

    Clients using JMX are unable to handle non-standard java types but we leak this into our interfaces
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Andres de la Peña for CASSANDRA-17527

ce6a65cb294af3b68ab2f4bba7945b097de42576 | Author: Jon Meredith <jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-08 10:30:38-06:00

    Clean up schema migration coordinator and tests
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17533

7ce140bd1dea311b9f98cdfbcd07dcff9fbd457c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-07 14:43:40+02:00

    Fail starting when the same parameter exists more than once in cassandra.yaml
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell and Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-17379

828d98e9d7643501ee3ac9fa45d46d0b596cfb11 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-06 11:52:48-07:00

    repair vtables should expose a completed field due to lack of filtering options in CQL
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Chris Lohfink, Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-17520

ffa1e9cf5a5646707da282460fe765d56fa78cb0 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-04-01 07:53:41-07:00

    Add ability to track state in repair
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-15399

72af1f75fccf877f8996da0a0d8bc1a6adcd30e0 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-31 11:09:07-04:00

    Add guardrail for GROUP BY queries
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by David Capwell and Andres de la Pena for CASSANDRA-17509

105d69fdc531d0882f628cd4bf1e34288280c12b | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-30 14:19:07-04:00

    Add guardrail to disallow creation of uncompressed sstables
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17504

dadade5dd5b23156fa9aa90d90f5ecafd5453d8c | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-03-30 08:57:44-07:00

    Updated setting newVersion to look up the current version

b9d9f9c7dab9b39fb27a4be0b6d9ce2a8718167e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-29 11:40:33-07:00

    Ninja: CASSANDRA-17478 added UpdateSystemAuthAfterDCExpansionTest to the wrong directory which broke CI, moved it to the right directory

c8453789f8934ebbd817eef09994459c122a72f1 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-03-28 11:29:33-07:00

    Renamed isAllowVnodes and disallowVNodes to allow more control over when vnode or single token are supported (#32)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17332

dac738d2eba8629d4f482d7cbfd855d2c5b9df47 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-03-22 19:56:52-04:00

    Transfer config parameters to the new types; Fix corner case for permissions_update_interval, roles_update_interval, credentials_update_interval;Fix typo in Config annotation; Made Converters type safe and fixed a few cases where converters used the wrong type; o should be provided with unit to DataStorageSpec and DurationStorageSpec; Fix null bug in DataStorageSpec and DurationSpec
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, David Capwell; reviewed by David Capwell and Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17431
    Co-authored-by: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
    Co-authored-by: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>

47cac5c49b93d205fa9b3a57ce55470887c5be45 | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-22 11:35:36-04:00

    Provide JMX endpoint to allow transient logging of blocking read repairs
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17471
    Co-authored-by: Aleksey Yeschenko <aleksey@apache.org>
    Co-aurhoted-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

0089858819c9f06b0bee5bccf993ae7f5977d7f1 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-03-15 18:08:09-05:00

    Shut repair task executor down without interruption to avoid compromising shared channel proxies
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell, Marcus Eriksson, and Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17466

431c692b884395b16beadac1d10f7e674b3e7ed5 | Author: Jon Meredith <https://jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-15 16:17:43-06:00

    Failed inbound internode authentication failures generate ugly warning with stack trace
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17068

e87a1e0c0a19c64ed2edc2d340c0f8af16776e2c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-01 13:15:18-08:00

    Expose streaming as a vtable
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Paulo Motta for CASSANDRA-17390

f444c4028680c78b6167161833d6564c3557618f | Author: Savni  Nagarkar <savni_nagarkar@apple.com>
 | 2022-02-17 13:29:58-06:00

    Add guardrail to disallow querying with ALLOW FILTERING
    patch by Savni Nagarkar; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, David Capwell and Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17370

65fcc79b628a7e415b57c27c596ea1cb5e67211d | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-14 19:12:26-05:00

    Revert removal of deprecated max_streaming_retries into Config, revert name change to user_defined_function_warn_timeout and user_defined_function_fail_timeout
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17378

12e2c159f86b223df1c2018c8a395a805b11956e | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-11 19:09:30-05:00

    Forward port from cassandra-4.0(CASSANDRA-17377) - deprecation of otc_coalescing_strategy, otc_coalescing_window_us, otc_coalescing_enough_coalesced_messages, otc_backlog_expiration_interval_ms
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17378

0c87f2668d902caef51a8f281c3eb3ca57bb2924 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-09 16:22:46-05:00

    Set the config in In-JVM upgrade tests to the old format on trunk because In-JVM upgrade tests do no support per-version config.
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17369

8e1c8f986358aee51dd565a5a2917cb5554ed0c7 | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2022-02-09 18:31:37+00:00

    Flatten guardrails config
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17353

f0c97132c969cc8dd028d00c5e68ada8b0b9b9c6 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-08 13:37:12-08:00

    Make vtables accessible via internode messaging
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for CASSANDRA-17295

c629105d15a10d6166ddf393dc38d0b0ab87743d | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2022-02-07 15:15:51-08:00

    Add support for vnodes in jvm-dtest
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17332

9f56bf4ca7fdb61ad09e5f2ad09b87cd01e0716b | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-05 17:51:32-05:00

    Remove old Duration class in favor of DurationSpec class
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

c51a7c66fc21ca2da08b89ae5f9b4817ee4d8c23 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-05 17:15:18-05:00

    Bulk change of units around the code to support the move to the new configuration framework
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

df16b3750dc2c1b6b9bcdece6f81dfd3de7ebdfa | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-04 10:15:58-08:00

    When streaming sees a ClosedChannelException this triggers the disk failure policy
    patch by David Capwell, Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-17116

0448f15e3db392f2f60db332fabf6309aa3d5089 | Author: David Capwell <David Capwell>
 | 2022-02-04 10:15:46-08:00

    When streaming sees a ClosedChannelException this triggers the disk failure policy
    patch by David Capwell, Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-17116

6d5203615f7a9670cb1698b74123666bc25ba471 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-04 00:25:14-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (7)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

23138252f20891c26a3692664c6affaf99e86541 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 23:49:50-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (6)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

1315d0c96f4625a76296f58d431f97669e5178c2 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 22:28:41-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (5)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

28eea6e8cd4055c8d21f872c72f8bd14fd2467ba | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2022-02-03 18:11:32-06:00

    Runtime-configurable YAML option to prohibit USE statements
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17318

ed48f3c017c5e572a523890bcd5b7c798d7eb358 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 16:43:36-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (4)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

755fd9446b084e659e98bd7336b9e910c2e12577 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 14:39:48-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (3)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

d85f7f7c2dd4b9bbdb44bc96235e6a8bc3ff3967 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-03 00:19:28-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (2)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

b9e2ab75f8f6dedd45c6ad7a83b3160149869262 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-02 12:47:41-05:00

    Extend DurationSpec and DataStorageSpec for smallest unit and transfer denylist parameters to the new framework
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

a3258d66bcc9f946304c19d59e75d2721126303e | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-02-01 17:14:17-05:00

    Transfer parameters to the newly introduced configuration framework (1)
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

5bb4bab12f8edfef95ed13cbabf8c0f377986065 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2022-01-31 21:51:49-05:00

    DataRate parameters transition to the new framework
    Fix the DB descriptorRefTest which failed on the previous commit
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

9c0f8902e845f75487e2cc355857773bbf5c5dc4 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2022-01-11 11:21:57+01:00

    Replace git:// with https:// in Circle CI config file
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Ekaterina Dimitrova and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17255

9c6b382058578ac75b88055a13aa83944901fb88 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-12-14 23:04:43-05:00

    Backward compatibility framework for configuration parameters
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

db9f7a67ec4b03413c10034956e2cf18739ca4b1 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-12-14 23:00:56-05:00

    Add new custom types and unit  tests for configuration
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

98e798f567368f826fc3a57ddb6cdc464e741fe3 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-23 15:55:48+01:00

    Don't block gossip when clearing repair snapshots
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17168

3935906a685640b2f6a2058b38fdf45d917edfc9 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-11-19 17:42:29-05:00

    Fixes needed to support the new configuration framework and change of parameters
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15234

dcd7b0d35f8d0a8a6182919a6beae7274325d818 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-19 12:44:44-08:00

    repair prepare message would produce a wrong error message if network timeout happened rather than reply wait timeout
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16992

c15f530b63a1cd4d5b2835bb418197145beb7bb6 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-19 12:58:02-06:00

    Make waiting for session event persistence more reliable in SecondaryIndexTest#test_only_coordinator_chooses_index_for_query
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17165

1bcfa087f4521135ef101c694f5e6ada8347827c | Author: Jacek Lewandowski <lewandowski.jacek@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-18 13:03:42-08:00

    DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor does not propagate client warnings
    patch by Jacek Lewandowski; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, Berenguer Blasi, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17072

33fd2dc817f56116af0b4b7d2cd5365ce52948d9 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-17 16:43:00-06:00

    Log queries that fail on timeout or unavailable errors up to once per minute by default
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe and Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by David Capwell and Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17159
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>

1c79c6823c6eac002d912afb979f6f9fa7fe61e6 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-16 12:38:38-08:00

    Fix test distributed.test.trackwarnings.TombstoneWarningTest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17156

44ace88585f2aefc322465ed6b6f6ad5bfd5bb34 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-11-15 17:30:45-05:00

    internode_send_buff_size_in_bytes and internode_recv_buff_size_in_bytes have new names. Backward compatibility with the old names added
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17141

ad4d2b3a266535734ef1bdebb4a3545fb3306769 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-15 08:51:43-08:00

    Fix test NetstatsBootstrapWithEntireSSTablesCompressionStreamingTest#testWithStreamingEntireSSTablesWithoutCompressionWithoutThrottling
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by David Capwell, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17143

b84ec51b4c73d7b9b58ea8a1708ae2f330972970 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-12 15:47:44-08:00

    Refactor normal/preview/IR repair to standardize repair cleanup and error handling of failed RepairJobs
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-17069

97265ddb2c6c2364b91176e1b7e170d2d8a49e37 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2021-11-10 13:36:58-05:00

    Update Docker image for testing in CircleCI config
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Brandon Williams and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17134

092bb60ba413b8ef0eb9e0de86ce394a2f939084 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-09 16:57:10-06:00

    Take into account starting session size when making assertions about its size after task execution completes
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17039

4fb170c5c2c73737d74197dc41d83371c303106b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-09 07:56:06-08:00

    MessagingServiceTest listenOptionalSecureConnection and listenRequiredSecureConnection fail sporadically
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17033

b29e1037e4da75dfd2a30ad10f8008b24941e37f | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-08 16:03:06-08:00

    JVMStabilityInspector.forceHeapSpaceOomMaybe should handle all non-heap OOMs rather than only supporting direct only
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17128

2fc7206128384b2b412042ef17ee86cd32fd595c | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apple.com>
 | 2021-11-04 14:33:04-07:00

    Forbid other Future implementations with checkstyle
    patch by Benedict Elliott Smith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17055

5b4d3692664172546b25c765f89c94e61400d873 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-03 15:32:40-07:00

    coordinator_read_size had wrong name in cassandra.yaml
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17118

111e94ae13381ede97de190d9e1af9a77cac2b21 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-11-03 11:53:36-07:00

    commit log was switched from non-daemon to daemon threads, which causes the JVM to exit in some case as no non-daemon threads are active
    patch by David Capwell, Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17085

7871a2854217acc89d2f885619243a442cf68e22 | Author: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
 | 2021-11-03 10:10:02+00:00

    Add guardrails framework prototype
    patch by Andrés de la Peña; reviewed by David Capwell and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17147
    Co-authored-by: Sylvain Lebresne <lebresne@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Andrés de la Peña <a.penya.garcia@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Aleksandr Sorokoumov <aleksandr.sorokoumov@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Zhao Yang <jasonstack.zhao@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Jakub Żytka <jakub.zytka@datastax.com>

8e225c55c49493f00fc9bc0b5809ab026d60c767 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-25 07:28:08-07:00

    v4+ protocol did not clean up client warnings, which caused leaking the state
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Jon Meredith, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17054

2ce9b13e8ff1d5d54d87e403a25561a82c9490a0 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-12 12:28:35-04:00

    Add logging and metrics for index summary redistribution
    Patch by Marcus Eriksson, reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17036
    Co-authored-by: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

ca4f6b80563aeb3614fe3bce47e4fb620a8f0e8e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-30 16:37:53-07:00

    org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.ArrayCell#unsharedHeapSizeExcludingData includes data twice
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-16900

c7526f943f50e994e94c8287c772c856961833f2 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-30 10:18:03-07:00

    Add soft/hard limits to local reads to protect against reading too much data in a single query
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16896

4ec4ab992f8adc0a60055a60525e9d11a28bc2ae | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-26 13:06:00-07:00

    Add client warnings and abort to tombstone and coordinator reads which go past a low/high watermark
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16850

4b3f07fc74089151efeff7a8fdfa9c414a1f0d6a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-20 12:07:44-07:00

    allow blocking IPs from updating metrics about traffic
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Caleb Rackliffe, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16859

979ab72f4f2afe4a23654572cd804184fc0e2089 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-11 12:36:38-07:00

    ArrayClustering.unsharedHeapSize does not include the data so undercounts the heap size
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-16845

230c66c9395fb339d08744d832279281928d3b9b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2021-08-03 19:07:56-07:00

    Fix flaky test consistent_bootstrap_test.py::TestBootstrapConsistency::test_consistent_reads_after_move
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Abe Ratnofsky, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16826

e399dea95916646acde6770ced18fedcc5359913 | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2021-07-30 11:53:17+02:00

    Handle properly UnsatisfiedLinkError in NativeLibrary#getProcessID()
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer and David Capwell for

68bf950f72d20be9f31fd3f91669be7e28c050e4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-02 10:38:40-07:00

    BinLog does not close chronicle queue leaving this to GC to cleanup
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16774

bb3a39ad4db82bf10a17d775f558ee18a4a70198 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-07-02 10:38:40-07:00

    BinLog does not close chronicle queue leaving this to GC to cleanup
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16774

2fddec7e516a8a2dbfbd2ad51837116556116ee6 | Author: David Capwell <David Capwell>
 | 2021-07-02 10:38:29-07:00

    BinLog does not close chronicle queue leaving this to GC to cleanup
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16774

26e21bb5766d2957a529fa5a8216e62ad5c96214 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-23 11:18:37-07:00

    Upgrade lz4-java to 1.8.0 to add RH6 support back
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16753

d07239362377d71f1a46a9bd6d97398e4d14d719 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-22 15:15:55-07:00

    Fix test testNullClusteringValues - org.apache.cassandra.distributed.upgrade.CompactStorage3to4UpgradeTest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16756

418bf140167c7d156b446acc59e13aeee91d675d | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-22 15:15:55-07:00

    Fix test testNullClusteringValues - org.apache.cassandra.distributed.upgrade.CompactStorage3to4UpgradeTest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16756

c72f6960caf2ec723bddec59030ab6679b6c63a4 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-11 16:03:51-05:00

    Add TLS test for cqlsh
    patch by Brandon Williams, reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Adam Holmberg and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16695

f9ff078c3f54119ef8c7aa22987dd33f57d56de2 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-10 16:35:22-07:00

    CASSANDRA-16729 - user_types_test.py::TestUserTypes::test_type_keyspace_permission_isolation uses retries to avoid flakyness
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16729

964051b04767689a1a3a84493c0b4afe77d6edfc | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2021-06-09 16:01:18-07:00

    CASSANDRA-16728 - test_tombstone_failure_threshold_message assert checking if array == string, should check for array truthiness
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16728

9c50b1f9a12a95b55851cc52d4b66440f9fafaea | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-06-01 15:06:48-07:00

    Failure to execute queries should emit a KPI other than read timeout/unavailable so it can be alerted/tracked
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16581

cb0e4386d8ac2d13e7f594ae3d6cacc0b4246855 | Author: kamlesh-ghoradkar <>
 | 2021-06-01 12:46:55-04:00

    CQL shell should prefer newer TLS version by default
    patch by Kamlesh Ghoradkar; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Adam Holmberg, David Capwell, Justin Chu and Brandon Williamms for CASSANDRA-16736

a0af091a5cbceeaa2b8f724b1790b61ef512b033 | Author: kamlesh-ghoradkar <>
 | 2021-06-01 12:46:55-04:00

    CQL shell should prefer newer TLS version by default
    patch by Kamlesh Ghoradkar; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Adam Holmberg, David Capwell, Justin Chu and Brandon Williamms for CASSANDRA-16695

cec38211bfb7e5aceea114be9ef79b5ec40d505e | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-23 17:45:33+02:00

    Don't pip install ccm in editable mode. Because of the "movable" cassandra-test tag, pip needs to re-install ccm each time.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell, Berenguer Blasi, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16688

d2da11d537723259f9c89d1e30ed967e0938ad60 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-21 15:50:14-07:00

    StandaloneVerifier does not fail when unable to verify SSTables, it only fails if Corruption is thrown
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16683

dfeb14d53ecda8868293af0234c3955df07fd1cc | Author: David Capwell <David Capwell>
 | 2021-05-21 15:50:06-07:00

    StandaloneVerifier does not fail when unable to verify SSTables, it only fails if Corruption is thrown
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16683

1a8c28f8141afe2585bbb8dab0b1d4cd8237d765 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2021-05-14 15:53:41-07:00

    Failure to execute queries should emit a KPI other than read timeout/unavailable so it can be alerted/tracked
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16581

f91418bbbedf4e0d5396becf14a5e884ac7f0d3b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-13 12:43:06-07:00

    Move CASSANDRA-14559s bootstrap_test.py::TestBootstrap::test_node_cannot_join_as_hibernating_node_without_replace_address into a jvm-dtest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-16662

2e9fca947ee13e7c50d92349bae0ff72b8bbc6a0 | Author: David Capwell <David Capwell>
 | 2021-05-13 12:42:44-07:00

    Move CASSANDRA-14559s bootstrap_test.py::TestBootstrap::test_node_cannot_join_as_hibernating_node_without_replace_address into a jvm-dtest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-16662

155175cbbba068afdfd2cc4c97d1d659b3eeeff6 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2021-05-06 14:27:42-07:00

    python test failures caused by error checks not filtering JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16660

5bd8207cd78d247b8110a49567c4787025f6cc4f | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-05-03 20:49:33-07:00

    Fix flaky test testHasVersion3Nodes - org.apache.cassandra.gms.GossiperTest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16651

3a610066eb3df5603d8a4d0fd491e0233c708eb5 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-29 13:19:38-05:00

    Fix fat client removal race, show seed list when unable to contact any
    seeds and warn when empty
    Patch by brandonwilliams; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16238

ad16aa17637b144d114ffc8022aa24b4e98d6a21 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-23 14:56:00+02:00

    Provide a better failure message when the rat check fails
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16620

3b1d7c36d18ce4b314b007ef439f860dd2ef7460 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2021-04-22 16:04:57-07:00

    Test org.apache.cassandra.net.AsyncPromiseTest FAILED
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16596

6fa5300682fbfcbaaae9d4593a015c18ab34df1f | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-04-20 09:41:05-07:00

    Harden internode message resource limit accounting against serialization failures
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16616

038271cc6f0dda7ca45dd3a4c52fcfd23daa2107 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-15 12:04:57-07:00

    Use source release of python driver from pip rather than GitHub
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Adam Holmberg, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16599

c52f50f046fd1a8e1c7f17d9a1952e2bd92aeb4c | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-15 16:57:36+02:00

    Restore running each test class in its own separate jvm and cassandra directory
     (Remove test parallelism from ant build.xml)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Yifan Cai, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16595

5cbdb2e58e870535af61204898a1e2bbf6cb5f64 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-13 09:46:49-07:00

    Periodic failures in *RepairCoordinator*Test caused by race condition with nodetool repair
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16585

51e762c5dbe63ac5bdd853945ce6462772e59820 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-07 11:12:37-07:00

    When behind a firewall trunk is not buildable, need to allow overriding URLs
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16563

c44dfab9b5b62820d70aba062ba3c9b9117912db | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-07 10:23:18+02:00

    Add JStackJUnitTask to avoid downloading the jar
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16570

6a45728b089f431338d907d135df909aac9aacae | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2021-04-07 10:23:18+02:00

    Add JStackJUnitTask to avoid downloading the jar
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16570

2d80e9904b46474b3a7cc135690c27511a234713 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-02-11 14:20:57-08:00

    Unable to ALTER KEYSPACE while decommissioned/assassinated nodes are in gossip
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16422

b74d7370cc89fa899f47f50c825ddaed2dd05c3f | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-02-11 13:51:00-08:00

    Reduce new reserved keywords introduced since 3.0
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16439

1b04702f351861e6fef8cf64fd26f65ec90e4c70 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-01-29 11:40:25-08:00

    SSLFactory should initialize SSLContext before setting protocols
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16362

276249910ec1c0aee881947fc81cd323cc604476 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2021-01-26 17:51:49+01:00

    Fix schema agreement race conditions in in-JVM dtests
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell and Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-16394

7637acc3d762047f2a478855eb4d239b4f314cd8 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-01-07 13:10:53-08:00

    SSLFactory should initialize SSLContext before setting protocols
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16362

b6ca1c75d233872a13d519a03d2e3ab6a321e20e | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-05 16:24:08-06:00

    pytest is not meant to run internal parameterized test method
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16331

d75f7e9ad25ab147113a107d0373af1cfa9a4e81 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2021-01-05 14:31:07-06:00

    start rolling clusters with protocol capping overridden
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16347

5cf417bd6cf4077e3a0fe7339d0c974d4cda4762 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-23 12:31:31-06:00

    fix version checking for 4.0+ conditionals
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16330

f235b00d07671dab745f2b82c7191db92fe365ae | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-22 10:07:17-06:00

    override overly strict max protocol in 3.0 upgrade test
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by David Capwell, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16354

f9c46ad462d894b3c08b3a547cdfc6ba21b49e53 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-18 14:37:18-08:00

    Fix upgrade python dtest test_static_columns_with_2i - upgrade_tests.cql_tests.TestCQLNodes
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16332

c1a59823ef1595a3918e5b476b286f81672eb2cb | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-18 14:37:18-08:00

    Fix upgrade python dtest test_static_columns_with_2i - upgrade_tests.cql_tests.TestCQLNodes
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16332

cb71f2395896d29fd1f7d248cf48c69cb12c0411 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-16 15:08:37-08:00

    cqlsh row_id resets on page boundaries
    patch by Adam Holmberg; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16160

5879813db7e5c9485a393cf79473b77be38ad5b3 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-15 12:11:02-08:00

    Cannot replace_address /X because it doesn't exist in gossip
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jon Meredith, Paulo Motta, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16213

781dbbc8e247fa19f33de6dd32ab3f7c01d8cf29 | Author: Aleksandr Sorokoumov <918393+Gerrrr@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2020-12-15 18:37:12+01:00

    Fix upgrade python dtest test_crc_check_chance_upgrade - upgrade_crc_check_chance_test.TestCrcCheckChanceUpgrade
    patch by Aleksandr Sorokoumov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16346

a2af7aa3cf7edbd65dee159dbcd711bd8e490ca2 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-14 10:34:00-08:00

    python upgrade tests include tests which are not impacted by the version under test
    patch by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16328

9dcd035ff6894bd135cce4fd2460ab72269ab970 | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-12-14 10:20:54-08:00

    python upgrade tests include tests which are not impacted by the version under test (#106)
    patch by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever  for CASSANDRA-16328

1515a6e60c0c0cee28ccc1ff261ccbee9ac0388c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-10 13:54:42-08:00

    python upgrade tests include tests which are not impacted by the version under test
    patch by David Capwell, Michael Semb Wever; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson, Michael Semb Wever  for CASSANDRA-16328

ab9fcd7d105d199efb1cb9db3f5702b5ba0461cd | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-10 11:10:32-08:00

    Circle CI python upgrade test build includes non-upgrade tests
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16323

4c103447af3c4829e3a1c733bed3952fd059af08 | Author: Adam Holmberg <adam.holmberg@datastax.com>
 | 2020-12-09 10:17:07-08:00

    DigestResolver.getData throws AssertionError since dataResponse is null
    patch by Adam Holmberg, Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16097

84d1a3a79b76b7f3dc1938b8346c8446ed4922af | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-09 10:16:39-08:00

    Revert "DigestResolver.getData throws AssertionError since dataResponse is null" to fix commit message
    This reverts commit 3436c3efc0ff785137ac299e8e09085ffa526f5c.

3436c3efc0ff785137ac299e8e09085ffa526f5c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-08 10:01:23-08:00

    DigestResolver.getData throws AssertionError since dataResponse is null
    patch by Marcus Eriksson, Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Brandon Williams, Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16097

545809616c92a91e4c39d1eedfa65800f25a2a93 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-03 11:29:38+01:00

    Track top partitions by size and tombstone count
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell and Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16310

919a8964a83511d96766c3e53ba603e77bca626c | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-12-02 15:33:36-08:00

    Bring back the accepted encryption protocols list as configurable option
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-13325

876ac8c6111697c8105899889bf794438110bc74 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-12-02 13:35:56-08:00

    When a table attempts to clean up metrics, it was cleaning up all global table metrics
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16095

068d87acfbdf384f883ca17895c40a7a36a507b0 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2020-11-20 15:51:20+00:00

    Avoid potential NPE in JVMStabilityInspector
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16294

2a135cad6d3e0e78aaeb60939161c951b262b2cc | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-19 11:43:30-08:00

    Include test jars in dtest uber jar
    patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16288

e3cf77c730fe15a9b50e64908bc84776b0b6291d | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-19 10:42:46-08:00

    ninja: CASSANDRA-16212 caused jvm-dtests to OOM constantly, so disable metaspace limits until the issue is resolved

46ee939b957528185dc6bbd3028c1d6e695163e7 | Author: Yifan Cai <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-19 09:13:30-08:00

    Internode messaging catches OOMs and does not rethrow
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell, Jordan West for CASSANDRA-15214

2355c3769472eb8d6542d8cb3838e4f5536f0430 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-19 17:09:51+01:00

    Make relocate dependencies script less manual
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16287

fae1f883541f329f7575d6ff4117b230e371293b | Author: Jordan West <jwest@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-18 08:32:44-08:00

    Set dynamic snitch default badness threshold to 1.0
    Patch by Jordan West; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16285

c6ea8fabf9f726a58b76ff6e41d21b650941f880 | Author: yifan-c <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-17 16:06:03-08:00

    Add dedicated tcp user timeout for streaming connection
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, David Capwell, Adam
    Holmberg and by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-16143

67f0c3491a4a1966603ace4fe110b7cfc5b64e9c | Author: Alexander Dejanovski <alex@thelastpickle.com>
 | 2020-11-17 10:18:22-08:00

    SSTableLoader will fail if encryption parameters are used due to CASSANDRA-16144
    patch by Alexander Dejanovski; reviewed by David Capwell, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16280

3d36cd1890dea0429297e70c1d6dd3813b682b4b | Author: dcapwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-17 10:07:44-08:00

    nodetool assert apis do not include the new stdout and stderr in the failure message (#25)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-16272

17ebee3186d1bfdee9a2b355cb8f139492d144e8 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-13 11:18:55-08:00

    CASSANDRA-15158 fixed SCHEMA_DELAY to use getSchemaDelay and no longer convert it from secones to millis (since its already millis)
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-15158

88b18a603c0affa05679b11c2e7d91324fa8f719 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-12 15:39:51-08:00

    jvm-dtest nodetool doesn't handle System.exit
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16270

f88cd88419604dbe6f93389a7898d387f20bbf43 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-11 11:31:30-08:00

    Fix flaky test mixedModeReadRepairUpdate - org.apache.cassandra.distributed.upgrade.MixedModeReadRepairTest
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16237

4d1d024136dd5f4b3775a0666b0c30a65641d57f | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-11-10 10:00:20-08:00

    jvm dtest is strict on properties which causes upgrade tests to fail
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16256

0700d795bcc4d79c3f2e52872ac865fa735917d8 | Author: Berenguer Blasi <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-05 15:12:56-08:00

    Circleci should run cqlshlib tests as well
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by David Capwell, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16121

f293376aa8dd315a208ef2f03bdcb7a84dcc675c | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-11-05 12:58:07-08:00

    TLS connections to the storage port on a node without server encryption configured causes java.io.IOException accessing missing keystore
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16144

ec2f2e687dde75b30c09e0a676bb03fd62ac0cbb | Author: Berenguer Blasi <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-11-03 14:25:11+01:00

    Avoid storing the last schema change in CQLTester
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by David Capwell and Benjamin Lerer for

ce270081bc0bc8ffa0a7e1e5c04f30b5c1875a84 | Author: Yifan Cai <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-29 10:03:56-07:00

    Invalid serialized size for responses caused by increasing message time by 1ms which caused extra bytes in size calculation
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16103

d7f036187f573b1f42ce5c6f8c526e58f2f98605 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-23 09:30:29-07:00

    ninja: remove CI configs added in CASSANDRA-16152

db5832120f0fe9ad799ca0b5b16bbcf6f7404580 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-10-22 10:54:55-07:00

    In-JVM dtest - modify schema with stopped nodes and use yaml fragments for config
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16152

4389d5ed2e45b3f605da9db9582c6078311adb09 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-21 13:31:31-07:00

    Add to Jenkins high resource python dtests with novonode
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16221

53cb98dc67bf9887898032a3423d667ce57a7b77 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-21 12:46:26-07:00

    When running python dtest and using JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to inject cassandra configurations, tests fail as they don't expect this flag in stderr
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jordan West for CASSANDRA-16219

2edc5bb441eb7e3ccd549333012ef00fd1d5c428 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-20 14:58:57-07:00

    Log Warning Rather than Verbose Trace when Preview Repair Validation Conflicts with Incremental Repair
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell, Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-16209

1e2d800421fe482fc2f16a814f44477cb284a93a | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-10-20 14:13:34-07:00

    jvm_upgrade_dtests job in CircleCI MIDRES is allocated too many resources so fails
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16177

f15c6b8c06c9588bd96615fabfc36b11857cd4bb | Author: Yifan Cai <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-19 11:09:11-07:00

    Backport CASSANDRA-16057: Should update in-jvm dtest to expose stdout and stderr for nodetool
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16057

521a6e2aa9f8a4bc95dd13e768ec6de33cf6fa15 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-12 09:30:41-07:00

    Fixed a NullPointerException when calling nodetool enablethrift
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16127

1b71196a036b4f33d1ef53418bd21ac4b241399e | Author: David Capwell <David Capwell>
 | 2020-10-12 09:30:33-07:00

    Fixed a NullPointerException when calling nodetool enablethrift
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova, Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16127

6eeca9d6cc482417fd4564302baa349ed76fd7ec | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-12 15:52:14+02:00

    Fix NPE when calling broadcast address on unintialized node
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16207

e37f766403e6911e5d965a211758387c6ef4c587 | Author: Rahul Nandi <rahulna@thoughtworks.com>
 | 2020-10-09 10:56:55-07:00

    Upgrade to snakeyaml >= 1.26 version for CVE-2017-18640 fix
    patch by Rahul Nandi; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16150

0eb8cec5c75a7dc9503f59505bed67da65c49503 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-07 14:46:03-07:00

    Backport changes from CASSANDRA-16120 to other branches
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16120

844d19d4e6d2cb52e5d5de9aad22fcc4a4da3e8d | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-07 13:45:26-07:00

    Add ant task to check license and fix all files missing a licence
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jordan West for CASSANDRA-16198

83e1e9e45193322f18f57aa7cc4ad31d9d5a152d | Author: Yifan Cai <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-06 08:54:17-07:00

    in-jvm dtest now exposes stdout and stderr for nodetool
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16057

63b172e137e0306aefd84f373963d8014c5a5efa | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-05 20:21:09-07:00

    Add ability for jvm-dtest to grep instance logs
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16120

4d173e0a3f97b68b2ce0fb72befe2912efd31102 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-05 16:25:56-07:00

    Don't adjust nodeCount when setting node id topology in in-jvm dtests.
    Make sure we don't throw any uncaught exceptions during in-jvm dtests.
    patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16109,CASSANDRA-16101

9a40e8079baff6f499229535a4af75be97f9a3b9 | Author: Jordan West <jwest@apache.org>
 | 2020-10-01 17:44:16-07:00

    upgrade to dtest-api 0.0.6
    patch by Jordan West; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16148

896baf64159463d9dd72a8829eec8311f8a888da | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-01 17:01:01+02:00

    Fix ByteBufferAccessor cast exceptions are thrown when trying to query a virtual table
    Patch by Alex Petrov and Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by David Capwell and Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-16155
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>

5be83b6a72695253c552535d2b826209f144cc63 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-10-01 17:00:12+02:00

    Fix NPEs when 3.0 messages get re-serialized for filtering on 4.0 nodes in in-JVM dtests.
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Yifan Cai and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16157

9802a70f68cdcd239a9128f90f5d8f9a941168de | Author: Berenguer Blasi <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-30 12:13:15-07:00

    Add UX tests to intree LHF tooling
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15991

79e693e16e2152097c5b27d2d7aaa1763e34f594 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-29 15:26:37-07:00

    Add flag to disable chunk cache and disable by default
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-16036

8be1cbe9ab14155773bfab765a3567df9ff9833f | Author: Blake Eggleston <bdeggleston@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-29 14:20:05-07:00

    Use unsigned short in ValueAccessor.sliceWithShortLength
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16147

8a4c1d7a485bbd2c12864d27e2705133ebbaabc0 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-24 19:31:48-07:00

    Add flag to ignore unreplicated keyspaces during repair
    patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15160

bfc739e67cdd1b56bcb68399d6b5b6cb3024e90c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <Marcus Eriksson>
 | 2020-09-24 19:31:34-07:00

    Add flag to ignore unreplicated keyspaces during repair
    patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15160

4adb8a5e075f5647f36a82f53c43ce7fc0c95b62 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2020-09-21 04:27:20-05:00

    Add metric for client concurrent byte throttle
     patch by Chris Lohfink; reviewed by David Capwell, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16074

fb49ab2b12bf813697971b41fe47ac11f4a240c0 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-20 13:24:22+03:00

    Fix test failure caused by CASSANDRA-16102
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16102

5b26885187d0aa8bc09cd1b1f4b6be81aebb40c7 | Author: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>
 | 2020-09-18 15:09:02-07:00

    Update in-jvm dtest to expose stdout and stderr for nodetool
    Patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16057

672af9b56f1729c6511a2279923eb435df4b7b9b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-18 14:53:07-07:00

    Add ability for jvm-dtest to grep instance logs
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16120

b936d3e95db3180a2f1f32ed7c80543e81971fde | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-09-18 11:40:19-07:00

    Show the progress of data streaming and index build
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Berenguer Blasi, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15406

15d959578258d053eb66ae94a43f299e1f099814 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-18 09:19:13+02:00

    Add method to ignore uncaught throwables (#18)
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16101

ea322bfaa78b662c95711e6579b480b4d0f741c6 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-16 12:34:52-07:00

    ninja fix.  While merging up CASSANDRA-14103 the merge missed setting sstable level in MockSchema

f670db4a0ec6c2d76b52fa1510f585c49b4f731e | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-16 09:52:42-07:00

    NPE thrown while updating speculative execution time if keyspace is removed during task execution
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15949

91bcbb28733437a7a5fedb16984d4de2fa70b049 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-15 15:16:39-07:00

    Add a new jmxtool which can dump what JMX objects exist and diff
    patch by David Capwell, Stephen Mallette; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16082

f3bf0775a5a8bce228289c22b96d0c922cf2cb0d | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-09 16:36:57-07:00

    Mutating sstable component may race with entire-sstable-streaming(ZCS) causing checksum validation failure
    patch by Zhao Yang; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell, Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15861

b0b8ab2ea2f185d1f433b071d196f40dc2a2968e | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-09 10:53:28-07:00

    Make Table/Keyspace Metric Names Consistent With Each Other
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe, Stephen Mallette; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15909

bd1b84dc3b5667c969e6d0277eb40a8e475e149a | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-08 16:52:14-07:00

    in-jvm dtests should validate Instance#serializeMessage serializeSize matches bytes written
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-16112

7f258f1ef6d79c908c4d846d8616d8f5554282ea | Author: Yifan Cai <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-08 14:41:47-07:00

    When compaction gets interrupted, the exception should include the compactionId
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-15954

5db813c579696bd51f5327a92fef59588367e4d4 | Author: Yifan Cai <Yifan Cai>
 | 2020-09-08 14:41:12-07:00

    When compaction gets interrupted, the exception should include the compactionId
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-15954

39ec22a3c813ee6bf663c85d8c1053abda59575e | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-08 13:10:39+02:00

    Default to 3 datadirs in in-jvm dtests (#13)
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15386

3642d55886f3115530266b53a95d53ecd136bf9a | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-04 10:57:47-07:00

    In-jvm dtests use -1 as timestamp for all writes that don't specify 'USING TIMESTAMP'
    patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15934

614d7d06f4964f03681e9e90d98ddf3562c47598 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-09-02 11:34:28-07:00

    Change style guide to include @Override
    patch by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16096

23ba48aa935d3f81e66b65285fa8e7972f94dcfe | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-31 11:33:20-07:00

    MessageSerializationPropertyTest fails with bytes should not be empty for type org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-16086

419099c92b1cecb7d22fba99ae8ac2cce4f39638 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-08-28 12:44:48+02:00

    add nodetool getfullquerylog command
    Patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, brandonwilliams, and dcapwell for

0697489f7455fa078cb454776b98236f18f82dd4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-26 14:34:32-07:00

    Add test which validates that Message serializedSize(version) == serialize(out, version).length
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16064

a062ff5f9f0d3221deaaaaf8fccbcd21e933e7cd | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-08-26 12:58:10-07:00

    Resolve JMX output inconsistencies from CASSANDRA-7544 storage-port-configurable-per-node
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15937

36e25140a013843faf91be938c3301495957ed1d | Author: Jon Meredith <Jon Meredith>
 | 2020-08-26 12:57:07-07:00

    Resolve JMX output inconsistencies from CASSANDRA-7544 storage-port-configurable-per-node
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15937

c9ba33c334c813ece786dff57a853589852a1b65 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-19 11:29:11-07:00

    Handle difference in timestamp precision between java8 and java11 in LogFIle.java
    patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16050

00c22232d96b6e592fb1d1f32a6b649b49eceb34 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-08-17 19:05:26+02:00

    FQL replay should have options to ignore DDL statements
    Patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell and Marcus Eriksson
    for CASSANDRA-16039

ffc8e407e087e942c4e5c40605743fe3b32d8fd5 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-07 11:37:57+02:00

    Run in-jvm upgrade dtests in ci-cassandra
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16031

9a23a8a6af5ab1ee8c947f363b0e32f71369746f | Author: Berenguer Blasi <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-08-06 09:00:17-07:00

    ToolRunner added in CASSANDRA-15942 stdErr checks improvements
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16003

528e3ad00b78f3cc03f27248914249798f2c0aa9 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-05 20:47:14-07:00

    jvm-dtests crash on java 11
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15981

1525cdd83f5010f134542ce588be581071e47399 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-08-04 19:56:59-04:00

    Add some basic unicode tests
    Patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by dcapwell and brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-15990

8abbfc1fc5244e5686de0d04a1f71a004204030f | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-08-04 14:30:28-04:00

    Fix unicode characters in cqlsh input
    Patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by dcapwell and brandonwilliams
    for CASSANDRA-15990

8b8ec94744c70b5770c98b22f641ca7f492e0534 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-08-03 13:58:42-07:00

    When jvm dtest apis differ Circle CI's dtest_jars_build can fail to detect this and will use the jars from the older version
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-16004

624d01660bdad4dc924717f4c602ce6241c0c825 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-30 17:02:05-07:00

    jvm upgrade dtests fail on java 11 caused by bad initialization order of DatabaseDescriptor and FileUtils
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Jordan West for CASSANDRA-16002

db034609554a3185c0808cc67e9f0c148cc912c4 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-07-29 14:47:48-07:00

    stop_paranoid disk failure policy is ignored on CorruptSSTableException after node is up
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by David Capwell, Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15191

b9053971ee9232b774c7175a6503f54947342266 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-28 16:17:16-07:00

    3.x fails to start if commit log has range tombstones from a column which is also deleted
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston,Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15970

5d968e6d274f9743a777276d5b5ee09fa4db3254 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-07-28 15:52:13-05:00

    computeMaxTTL directly before fetching TTL in TTLTest
    patch by brandonwilliams, reviewed by dcapwell for CASSANDRA-15959

a2c3d5a4ce810d02085ace97bee21e187e67aa7e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-27 11:32:57-07:00

    how_to_commit.rst missing dash in git commands, added recommendation to compile before commit, and documented that a merge -s ours is needed for older branches even if they do not impact trunk
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15982

25fd7bd84f1931d2a44e90e629f794c4cd11aa46 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-24 18:16:37-07:00

    Add support in jvm dtest to test thrift
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov,Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15967

c9b41c1f8ad03719918c4d3c29719056ae6b3995 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-24 07:58:13-06:00

    Improve logging for socket connection/disconnection
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Aleksey Yeschenko
    for CASSANDRA-15980

b619d21ed2b0de72da11daad7ce3938a6b348dd4 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-23 17:41:20-07:00

    Circle CI approval jobs should not require build to run first
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-15966

57a2a8613d2595b8650c24ef1cf3bb0055202409 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-23 10:31:33-07:00

    Fix version parsing logic when upgrading from 3.0
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Jon Meredith and brandonwilliams for

f3198c45067f753444ffafbc83b6aa563cb392ac | Author: yifan-c <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-16 13:12:11-07:00

    Verify sstable components on startup
    Patch by Yifan Cai, reviewed by David Capwell and brandonwilliams for

688bb664c5f4733fafc5a7f27362a56c6e157fda | Author: Jeremy Hanna <jeromatron@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-08 13:05:43+10:00

    USING_G1 is incorrectly set in cassandra-env.sh if G1 is explicitly disabled with -UseG1GC
    Patch by Jeremy Hanna, reviewed by David Capwell and brandonwilliams for

3cca9ab22f6ff675c6332671da1304fac9aad77c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-07 16:04:44-07:00

    Fix LZ4 startup check
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15929
    The patch ensures that class loading issues are correctly handled by the
    startup check.

c21cde119d12d0c5bec67c554f298874b3a70b8e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-07-07 10:25:06-07:00

    Add option to disable compaction at startup
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-15927

41952a2f73ba5198250f64beba8f7ff1203204ab | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-07-07 10:48:33+02:00

    Improve machinery for testing bootstrap and range movements
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15935

c04f9f448dc0584783c21f39a59932185aa5a562 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-06-18 17:47:26-07:00

    Add a startup check to detect if LZ4 uses java rather than native implementation
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for

d4eba9faa1b57fed205813a639fe53bbbdc06ef1 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-11 09:37:03+02:00

    Abort repairs when getting a truncation request
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15854

f79d1059287cc7370004e64175942bd50f29999c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-10 10:05:54+02:00

    Add bytebuddy support for in-jvm dtest
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15851

778771bf7655e252d44341cd8ab2f39109e3756d | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-06-04 09:53:01+02:00

    Handle errors in StreamSession#prepare
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and David Capwell
    for CASSANDRA-15852

e690e2985f3fcba6ab919c1e81b4e4111d85c2d1 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-21 12:58:08+02:00

    Add docs section on configuring the Jenkins master to create the "Cassandra" category throttle.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15826

e883522c513978405b917837b4953a6516f02599 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-20 18:34:04+02:00

    In Jenkins the dtests don't need to be throttled to one concurrent run per node, as they are dockerised now.
     This means, in PostBuildTask, only older docker resources can be pruned (as `docker cp <container>…` is used), and use `git clean -xdff` to clean the project.
     Also enable concurrent builds on all non-pipeline builds, as builds can run concurrently on different nodes.
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15826

94c52450ed9ad3fd704faef7d395ede5050fcdc3 | Author: Bereng <berenguerblasi@gmail.com>
 | 2020-05-19 16:12:43+02:00

    Fix nodetool enablefullquerylog blocking param parsing
    patch by Berenguer Blasi; reviewed by David Capwell and by Benjamin Lerer
    for CASSANDRA-15819

dfd0aebf73faa8f910e68ff5d50f91fae4f2669e | Author: Jeff Jirsa <jjirsa@apple.com>
 | 2020-05-15 16:46:41-07:00

    Don't allow repair to overrun compaction
    Patch by Jeff Jirsa; reviewed by David Capwell and marcuse
    for CASSANDRA-15817

ea202cea2834dc4140b4a21645eb828f0414cbcd | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-05-15 12:47:17-07:00

    EmptyType doesn't override writeValue so could attempt to write bytes when expected not to
    Patch by David Capwell; Reviewed by Jordan West for CASSANDRA-15790

7d4c2da7427392f506deaf832f2c66fc6a358688 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-05-14 13:53:09-04:00

    Fix flaky testWithMismatchingPending - org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test.PreviewRepairTest
    Patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by David Capwell and
    brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-15685

66eae58cd4f53c03ca5ab6b520aa490f7f61a59c | Author: Jordan West <jwest@apache.org>
 | 2020-05-07 18:06:26-07:00

    Only calculate dynamicBadnessThreshold once per loop in DynamicEndpointSnitch
    Patch by Jordan West; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15798

28cb8fbc19c72488f2baa5decaed8bab8c5d0dd5 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-30 18:22:19+02:00

    Generate Jenkins Test Results Report in plaintext
     The cassandra-test-report.sh script delegates to a docker image that has the saxonb-xslt and html2text tools available.
     (Using xslt inside of ant, ie with xalan, wasn't practical due to the size of the test xml report)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-1572

01103111ae08b51ccd18bb1c54ac60546546d9df | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-29 12:31:27-07:00

    Fix clearing of legacy size_estimates
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner, Dinesh Joshi, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15776

ed62641748fbea4c98d16ea4fe386450475fdac9 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-29 21:07:33+02:00

    Use different package names for the cqlsh-tests matrix values, so final aggregated test reports are distinguished
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15729

bc600f1bd5b188030305b964e5aef1b0ea70f634 | Author: Stephen Mallette <spmva@genoprime.com>
 | 2020-04-29 11:51:03-04:00

    Add BufferPoolMetricsTest
    patch by Stephen Mallette; reviewed by David Capwell and by Benjamin Lerer
    for CASSANDRA-15773

57bb806d7941f8ae44611618bb6c16e940c3279c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-23 15:35:15-07:00

    Add splits to output to fix CqlInputFormat
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15637

cc3e43c710a0fb683b7e955f641e221ccc2e5d54 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-22 19:14:24-07:00

    In-jvm dtest IInstance and ICoordinator should use QueryResult as the base API
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15756.

2d27c769479f877eb3af308b49d73f8e124f4703 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-22 11:13:24-07:00

    bin/sstableverify should support user provided token ranges
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15753

09f83fa023cbe57e90287e7d93560f1cb0edb4c4 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-21 16:20:05-06:00

    Add test cases for counter batch
    Patch by Jeff Jirsa, Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15747

b18900a1f269e7eae88f1e84867bb2d780cde94e | Author: Erick Ramirez <flightctlr@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-17 22:44:52-07:00

    Update NEWS.txt with Python 3 support for CQLSH
    Patch by Erick Ramirez; Reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15710

4fef917f985ea13ea46f68aae00645cb3592ffcf | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-15 13:33:45-07:00

    In-jvm dtest builder should be provided to the factory and expose state
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15733.

326045f699791686efa1ecf43b7353397c956494 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-15 13:30:08-07:00

    Cluster builder should be provided to the factory and expose state
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15733.

50fdfefa11248e7b93507b8e66322dc7a5056744 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-15 13:30:08-07:00

    Cluster builder should be provided to the factory and expose state
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15733.

d59833f2223a85a4dc3f4ea597384588d5d008df | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-10 15:27:56-07:00

    Make shared class filter for InstanceClassLoader pluggable
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15713.

7ddfe52d51639817c6c5be86c0c8e317e33620eb | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-10 12:04:40-06:00

    Support for replacing logback with alternate logger config (like log4j2)
    Not all forks use logback, and there is an (prematurely) closed ticket
    indicating that it would be valuable CASSANDRA-13212.
    Also had to add 'org.w3c.dom' to the InstanceClassLoader so that
    log4j2 could load it's configuration.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15714.

f9ddaf1841147fc284e802739ca42403aa2816ae | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-09 16:59:53-06:00

    Fix flaky SEPExecutor.changingMaxWorkersMeetsConcurrencyGoalsTest
    Thread scheduling is not guaranteed to be fair and having the BusyWork
    tasks reschedule itself makes sure there is always more work for
    the SEPWorker once it finishes, so it can hog all the CPU if
    run with a low number of cores.  To randomize the scheduling better,
    introduce a second thread that keeps the executor primed with work,
    but guarantees a thread switch by waiting on the sempahore.
    Also resolves a cleanup bug - the sharedPool was not being shutdown
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15709

479a76df2320856a0bcc5c202d40050c3b3ab14d | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-08 14:54:07+02:00

    Fix upgrade dtests
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Alex Petrov and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15708

e485636ff1ea53221c3b22b1b0e88fad0a009f2e | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-07 16:43:40-07:00

    Add additional logging around FileUtils and compaction leftover cleanup
    Patch by David Capwell; Reviewed by Jon Haddad for CASSANDRA-15705

165081afdaf82ff36a1ccf46f933faf6f76ec102 | Author: Jon Haddad jon@jonhaddad.com <jon@jonhaddad.com>
 | 2020-04-07 09:57:31-07:00

    Add client request size metrics
    Patch by Jon Haddad; Reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15704

c133385986db9fb1333b37739528f66ad45de916 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-03 10:56:20-07:00

    Fix CasWriterTest after CASSANDRA-15689
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-15689

ced1ff77e6353d9d08f3e3d209a54d66899e3696 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-02 11:51:39-07:00

    NodeToolResult was modified on trunk to produce better errors and to allow Any style message checks for errors, add them here.
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15684.

a104b06d4aea2f2cd3d48bdbe38410284f236428 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-02 10:58:43-07:00

    Fix RepairCoordinator test failures, after clobbering jvm-dtest refactoring (CASSANDRA-15650) and modifying classes no longer in the project
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15684

6ae65967a5ed789164192104a3e220980f952e1c | Author: Kevin Gallardo <kevin.gallardo@datastax.com>
 | 2020-04-02 12:01:41-04:00

    Fix tests expecting exceptions wrapped in RuntimeException.
    Patch by Kevin Gallardo, review by David Capwell and brandonwilliams for

19a8f4ea13eb844bc0387637f82da1da62991107 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-04-02 08:23:33+02:00

    Add support for adding custom Verbs
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15725

d497c8c9f3f9a19e0193c1c463f684b75aeb7081 | Author: Stephen Mallette <spmva@genoprime.com>
 | 2020-03-31 13:47:44-04:00

    Improved testing for batch metrics.
    Refactored the test to include assertion metrics for counter batches
    in addition to what was previously tested in logged and unlogged batches.
    Modified tests to assert random ranges of batches, partitions and statements,
    printing the seed for the Random on failure so that the error state could be
    Patch by Stephen Mallette; Reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15718

b105e919678240b5f448df9acaf6c93117f0c0cc | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-27 18:14:02-07:00

    liveDiskSpaceUsed and totalDiskSpaceUsed get corrupted if IndexSummaryRedistribution gets interrupted
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by marcuse for CASSANDRA-15674

3940a9ec29b763bdb73127cc4d9dbbe952b436b7 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-27 13:26:42+01:00

    Jenkins 'Cassandra' label applied to the declarative pipeline
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15668

b49084733792d9a24b205008ed4da870acf0b670 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-24 17:43:50-07:00

    Fix test.distributed.timeout in CircleCI
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15649

6d343c59f275b1165be08e2256be878ac9b95fec | Author: Kevin Gallardo <kevin.gallardo@datastax.com>
 | 2020-03-23 16:42:00-04:00

    Add AssertJ test dependency.
    Patch by Kevin Gallardo, reviewed by David Capwell and brandon.williams
    for CASSANDRA-15631

7694c1d191531ac152db55e83bc0db6864a5441e | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-03-22 15:35:33-04:00

    Always access system properties and environment variables via the new CassandraRelevantProperties and CassandraRelevantEnv classes
     patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by David Capwell, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15876

dfc279a22a5563ac7a832a586914d5410426e9b7 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-21 20:57:50-07:00

    Fix flaky test o.a.c.d.test.*RepairCoordinatorFastTest
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Benjamin Lerer
    for CASSANDRA-15650

fa403bb7210de650d6068cee1cb7e4e26ba777bb | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-21 12:53:40+01:00

    Jenkins tests to use testclasslist where possible (like CircleCI)
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15651

a8327eb8868c8d9d03c253a88509ce64d2ac227b | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-12 10:29:37-07:00

    Fix CqlInputFormat regression from the switch to system.size_estimates
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and Brandon
    Williams for CASSANDRA-15637

cd9fd9e83f507e2bab5075399d812e3fb4368920 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-11 12:06:42-07:00

    Refactor repair coordinator to centralize stage change logic and improved the public facing errors
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Zhao Yang, Dinesh Joshi, and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15564

1ce58ac2ea945baaaeece233f3d3735686a2ecb8 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-03-02 15:19:31+01:00

    Wait for compactions to finish in PendingAntiCompactionBytemanTest
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15552

9729e3f987f1b3dea6a57cc93ba10b75930850c9 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-26 15:04:06-06:00

    Allow overriding Gossiper.aVeryLongTime
    Patch by brandonwilliams, reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15569

958aa790ecfc36927f213325918099f822d38b00 | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <ekaterina.dimitrova@datastax.com>
 | 2020-02-26 09:27:14-05:00

    Correct inaccurate logging message about running as root.
    Patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova, reviewed by David Capwell for

47a315eaaa2288c78c508682a8961dac65122607 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-25 21:29:53-06:00

    Change name of percentile cells in table metrics
    Patch by Chris Lohfink; Reviewed by David Capwell and Jon Haddad for CASSANDRA-15570

a562fd56b302e0573b2af9371aa948689714dcbc | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-24 12:06:09+01:00

    Introduce the extracted in-JVM DTest API
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15539.

dc8f94a653a3cdb963bcc781562bb2fe63dbc575 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-21 09:36:10-06:00

    Filter nulls from assertNoUnexpectedThreadsStarted.
    Patch by brandonwilliams, reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15575

18ccbb4d308c27b67a8d81a2c849dc27fc3e2b5c | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-19 12:09:18-08:00

    Update to Python driver 3.21 for cqlsh
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-14872

f7b3317379dc13aa62eb442741423a3300f0f8c6 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-18 17:48:47-08:00

    Update to Python driver 3.21 for cqlsh
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-14872

dbb43197fe9c462b22c4e4c3ef8a0c55b5696fa7 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-18 13:35:38-08:00

    Add the cause to the exception and allow to log when an invalid
    partitioner is detected.
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by brandonwilliams for CASSANDRA-15591

467192eb1e5b350e8b89009884b7c1acf9501470 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-17 16:39:32-08:00

    Add test to ensure default keyspaces are present in cqlsh output
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15576

4e0fccc3ed1fded5ad72dfdfcad37a5ccdfc9a24 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-17 16:38:28-08:00

    Fix missing Keyspaces in cqlsh describe output
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15576

b2b1b46486ac0f9c3e5293aa1f6a3dd821278f8f | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-14 13:16:45-06:00

    Allow EXTRA_CLASSPATH to work on tar/source installations
    Patch by brandonwillams, reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15567

f3ebc0bd1c80ec6a4dc2d2172391f94faec834be | Author: Jean Carlo Rivera Ura <jriveraura.ext@orange.com>
 | 2020-02-13 14:05:33-08:00

    Fix documentation about activating remote jmx
    Patch by Jean Carlo Rivera Ura; Reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15535

247502c5d19c181bbe0a224da3ad6ebd0156f607 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-11 18:41:21-08:00

    updateCoordinatorWriteLatencyTableMetric can produce misleading metrics
    Patch by David Capwell; Reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-15569

9fecb6674adc0b9cbbfb4b284cc4ab371edeaa09 | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2020-02-10 11:12:19+00:00

    Ensure tombstones can be purged in ReadCommandTest
    Patch by Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Brandon Williams and
    David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15558

f80a2ce10ca18e43fc8767cc8801701231e68d29 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-06 13:34:37-08:00

    Prevent the JVM from crashing due to corrupt LZ4 streams
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jordan West and brandonwilliams for

0f102c86708ab7320f1d942bbf5fafebd9f00ed9 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-06 14:36:08-06:00

    disable shrinks in quicktheories
    Patch by brandonwilliams, reviewed by Jordan West and David Capwell for

ea3a3c47f992bd4812415ee6762875d1e3f43ebc | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-06 11:37:06-08:00

    Lower the amount of garbage ChecksummingTransformerTest generates by reusing memory
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by brandonwilliams and Jordan West for

219d209651759cf702519a100c4f43595f7be8d7 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-05 12:51:47+01:00

    Include finalized pending sstables in preview repair
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Blake Eggleston and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15553

2f5db64992d4972c9294568906ce34c9368fa4ca | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-04 21:25:46-08:00

    Update nodetool repair help command to clarify token ranges
    Patch by David Capwell; Reviewed by Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-15545

a0debd8f9e8636b69d5ed1752f8e9b1b3c664954 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-04 09:59:25-08:00

    In JVM test for repairs on token boundaries
    patch by Chris Lohfink; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15542

9b93594ae66b04d64f08d1e5ef979e0520f5b3a6 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-01-30 15:18:39-08:00

    assert_stderr_clean should exclude JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by marcuse for CASSANDRA-15532
    closes #56

6e3bf545793dd786138213d334599e533de4ec28 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-01-23 16:22:30-08:00

    Use testclasslist for jvm dtests in circleci
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by marcuse for CASSANDRA-15508

e61c09eaf5e0b3f5d374032a690ea4bf17b36e2f | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-22 19:11:55+01:00

    Fix potentially flaky ImportTest
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15517

91f321e096714128b36732313e54975e466315f9 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-16 11:22:48+01:00

    Fix in-jvm upgrade dtest version parsing
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15509

815c397f4876aae9ed2ae5a9578c5ec7087643ab | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-01-15 15:03:40-08:00

    failingReadRepairTest was not triggering a repair on the third node as expected, so fixed the test to make the expected semantics
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15507.

b2f2c70e26a32253b0e58ee197c2f8abf01dd449 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2020-01-15 17:18:46+01:00

    Add message interceptors to in-jvm dtests
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Yifan Cai and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15505.

0e3a90698a94772e57df39e7461efe6b7e09d678 | Author: yifan-c <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2020-01-12 13:55:54-08:00

    Make it easier to add trace headers to messages
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15499

d69f7696e4fa2a48795e2e7f08e9235455eeb15a | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-10 10:34:27+01:00

    Create Jenkins pipeline definition, and split out Jenkins test-all builds to individual builds for each of the test targets
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15496

37828ee05cb622caaf7366a7cd550544f6cdc14b | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2020-01-07 13:05:15-05:00

    Allow end-user to configure dtest jar path
    Patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by David Capwell and marcuse for CASSANDRA-15489

1f7e3c2835c79363025a01a8470ee85d17457cf8 | Author: Blake Eggleston <bdeggleston@gmail.com>
 | 2019-12-19 14:24:13-08:00

    Fix in-jvm dtest java 11 compatibility
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by Alex Petrov and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15463

f7ee96c74f783b42e520d26d278eafaca2a59678 | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2019-12-19 07:15:52-05:00

    Fix missing call to enable RPC after native transport is started in in-jvm dtests
    Patch by Doug Rohrer, reviewed by David Capwell and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15460.

8f355ca2c25836784085f55eb464ad12ffaa1716 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2019-12-12 10:14:23-08:00

    In-JVM dtest cluster uncaughtExceptions propagation of exception goes to the wrong instance, it uses cluster generation when it should be using the instance id
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15450

563592801aad00e002f0a162d5e2625a4b0e8723 | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2019-12-11 21:33:24-05:00

    Pass correct seed node through to InstanceConfig so it can set it properly when starting clusters on non-0 subnets.
    Patch by Doug Rohrer, reviewed by Yifan Cai and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15447.

5459c121d5d688ec1571dd72550bd6faaeb087eb | Author: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
 | 2019-11-18 11:39:45-05:00

    Support NodeTool in dtest
    patch by Doug Rohrer and Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell
    and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15429
    Co-Authored-By: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
    Co-Authored-By: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>

443bca18839268cd100930b380e0534b052a8c89 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>
 | 2019-11-04 16:53:30+00:00

    LARGE_MESSAGE connection allocates heap buffer when BufferPool exhausted
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15358

af963e3a7318aad177bc1b985478d4a598b51d9c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2019-10-17 10:20:24+02:00

    Avoid over-scanning data directories in LogFile.verify()
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by David Capwell and Jordan West for CASSANDRA-15364

c9e40277f0389a773b21d4310a85a8c761932d61 | Author: Blake Eggleston <bdeggleston@gmail.com>
 | 2019-10-15 13:04:26-07:00

    Add compaction allocation measurement test
    Patch by Blake Eggleston, reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15388

c98a31bef0d3071bc8ebfd358584aadf9e787fb8 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2019-10-14 11:45:29-07:00

    Make sure all exceptions are propagated in DebuggableThreadPoolExecutor
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jordan West and marcuse for CASSANDRA-15332

c55d727bbe8d66e87497d6c8b6301a767b11bb4c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2019-09-19 16:23:29-07:00

    Fix in-JVM dtest failures on java 11 as the system ClassLoader is not a URLClassLoader as of java 9
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Jon Meredith and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15329.

bf9a1d487b9ba469e8d740cf7d1cd419535a7e79 | Author: Patrick Bannister <ptbannister@gmail.com>
 | 2018-05-02 23:12:45+00:00

    Make cqlsh and cqlshlib Python 2 & 3 compatible
    Patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-10190

175a083a6f3b4d5d58f3702d31ce6920af519669 | Author: Patrick Bannister <ptbannister@gmail.com>
 | 2018-04-13 22:18:57-04:00

    Make cqlsh and cqlshlib Python 2 & 3 compatible
    Patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-10190