Dinesh Joshi all time

 83 Collaborator
Brandon Williams , Aleksey Yeschenko , Mick Semb Wever , Marcus Eriksson , Benedict Elliott Smith , Sam Tunnicliffe , Yuki Morishita , Benjamin Lerer , Jake Luciani , Štefan Miklošovič , Alex Petrov , Berenguer Blasi , Ekaterina Dimitrova , David Capwell , Josh McKenzie , Paulo Motta , Robert Stupp , Jason Brown , Caleb Rackliffe , Ariel Weisberg , Blake Eggleston , Yifan Cai , Francisco Guerrero , Jeff Jirsa , Stefan Podkowinski , Eric Ramirez , Jon Meredith , Chris Lohfink , Zhao Yang , Jon Haddad , Jordan West , Doug Rohrer , Joey Lynch , Vinay Chella , Andy Tolbert , Sumanth Pasupuleti , Andrew Tolbert , Eduard Tudenhöfner , Abe Ratnofsky , Saranya Krishnakumar , Kurt Greaves , Michael Kjellman , Jyothsna Konisa , Jaydeepkumar Chovatia , Deepak Vohra , Bernardo Botella , James Berragan , Yuriy Semchyshyn , jberragan , Tommy Stendahl , Patrick Bannister , Stephen Mallette , Natnael Adere , Aaron Ploetz , jkonisa , Shailaja Koppu , Romain Hardouin , Jon Haddad jon@jonhaddad.com , Zephyr Guo , Jogesh Anand , Francisco Guerrero Hernandez , Alex , jean carlo , djanand , anupshirolkar , Yuqi Gu , Yifan , Wade Chandler , Saranya , Mallika Kulkarni , Jean Carlo Rivera Ura , Jean Carlo , James Roper , James Lamb , Jacob Becker a.k.a. plastikat , Jacob Becker , Georg Dietrich , Fumiya Yamashita , Francisco , Doug , Dinesh , Anup Shirolkar , Alex Deparvu

 54 Patch  148 Review
f078c02cb58bddd735490b07548f7352f0eb09aa, 036750083ddbd10c34052e272e13e17b29a4eace, 5608776961c4257ce47a470607b3b3cd49ab7e49, e995c3fcc7479e82f34721d9634093a807ff06bd, ffa05ef24039e5ed8a9c8080ce682e3fda926583, f7b3317379dc13aa62eb442741423a3300f0f8c6, 4e0fccc3ed1fded5ad72dfdfcad37a5ccdfc9a24, a0c55b197b794b7fdeb2134e9ca6f6b59f541b77, 3a8300e0b86c4acfb7b7702197d36cc39ebe94bc, 3a4e00615b14275e5dac535a304add9e1cf4e4eb, dccf53061a61e7c632669c60cd94626e405518e9, 47d4971b56d97ba8a528f7c17bfd6b11f1ababa3, d7d00036e7bc49ceb7da7971e39063733ce50136, cbf4da4397c2cec34d6a240b0e917a847c46b3d0, 16ef9ac37c21c4f9091cd1f3658e54abddab8ad8, ff73c33ab78f70cd0e70280c89e8d8a46f5536d8, 174cf761f7897443080b8a840b649b7eab17ae25, a9d1af96b515c06f56b49fd9894c3f7216aa099d, 7b61b0be88ef1fcc29646ae8bdbb05da825bc1b2, ac1bb75867a9a878a86d9b659234f78772627287, 47a12c52a313258307ab88392f75c5866d9a2bb1, 4cb83cb81abe6990820f76c0addbd172d9f248a6, 6da5fb56c8e0777843e88359a45a461a9f9eb639, a9ec46a613ae5602ced004935c9954638e83e735, e16f0ed0698c5cb47ab2bb0a0b04966d5bdbcde0, 63945228fc0fabea2cfcf1f1b4d0a29ed3964107, 8a5e1cbe293ee7c83efba0d0101ada0a80cfaf00, 11496039fb18bb45407246602e31740c56d28157, 59814db54375d4002eb11403c72861765d9eb356, 5dc55e715eba6667c388da9f8f1eb7a46489b35c, 890f319142ddd3cf2692ff45ff28e71001365e96, 473e8dfd7be95815ee10502f021bd7deb8734fba, a86780687b3ebe7d9883d81c44eb5f8cd228b2cb, 35cee51a058c1970fe15bcb06c22ef4f2b9af5ba, c6806a06018f3702a16fc6c0aa84fd710c003b73, 18ccbb4d308c27b67a8d81a2c849dc27fc3e2b5c, 467192eb1e5b350e8b89009884b7c1acf9501470, a519aad63ae2afe92fb957fa299401fe6493a22a, 4c1479b5f457c3a8ed0302461ef79331cc13e798, 84598f11513f4c1dc0be4d7115a47b59940a649e, d291b2b90326c62c2df8f49098c6deb915c16460, 1ba6ef93d0721741b5f6d6d72cba3da03fe78438, 695ef5ef66eb8f1759f7dccbe199e7da863167b8, 48af78d1d4b5f285d3dd4991afd4df3101e3983a, 07cb6fea534a65152862cabc36e260c6d3776f36, ea4b44e0ed0a4f0bbe9b18fb40ad927b49a73a32, 369355a061a24d8e36a578fd88cc8fa459e0f18c, 38cdacb2e7418e2aefbcffb1754dcd324c46028d, c9da4b213946fc6dbe8cdcbbc2445348f14a89af, 2265e614d36198cb78134dd7463c6aa3799481ce, 30019477cb1813c5ae75bb7ff5186c2f6d02aecb, a15ed267d1977e38ba36d061139839fad7b865f2, d2be42dbea6fb1d9d908792788d66113960d565b, 1633cd9c6c3d88d5c66825fab76a369266509f7e 98a0b54c4025ef21aa3fb56f1962c4771e095652, d336dda1123af0c272c69e42b6214577e30447e1, bb68141861e77623f0d0b13f72846651a71c1017, a0af41f666c23a840d9df3f06729ed5fd2c06cd1, c09d0d929baeaa02f3438313c7979ccf6b4b3c5a, b9586501a6b6cdfe465302448018785652c9b966, 6ffa43f68b8d10ca84d4a00bf81269527b4e14df, 9c796dfb272daa3ce57a2dc5cbeadd9273e1ac72, 933137fb14d4ebfe38d0d2c8e23b765aa1c89333, f078c02cb58bddd735490b07548f7352f0eb09aa, aafb4d19448f12ce600dc4e84a5b181308825b32, acd815898d1e5669e7d8ee2469808f6e8a14a7df, 4444721b6de555352bf0ac3ef7e36f94dc832f41, 145dbd1f0875ae4c54392125e09ed05153c0dd8f, 4526b3fcbde22d09065820286dd434d93ecc89ba, a250126f0f277b43a18cb665ccd02a105271bc33, e87a1e0c0a19c64ed2edc2d340c0f8af16776e2c, 3a6f6907314670fdb2b316db8f08ffd85da88851, df16b3750dc2c1b6b9bcdece6f81dfd3de7ebdfa, 2043cb9fb6b25ff34afb90467b9476a09acc3933, a41cdd64b217c451b5576abe2f455eaa7ec1f322, 77dde2a3c4b40da3d820d4852c572338acbf6dc9, 6b16b67cd4dbf8633e58c1950ced3626ff7ac92b, 42025fd73a19597220192d71585ccb8baee7ed2a, 1b04702f351861e6fef8cf64fd26f65ec90e4c70, 7637acc3d762047f2a478855eb4d239b4f314cd8, 919a8964a83511d96766c3e53ba603e77bca626c, f293376aa8dd315a208ef2f03bdcb7a84dcc675c, db5832120f0fe9ad799ca0b5b16bbcf6f7404580, b0b8ab2ea2f185d1f433b071d196f40dc2a2968e, 73691944c0ff9b01679cf5a6fe5944ad4c416509, 4e47bfb3a1abb8074fb9a24f98a97dbf25806522, c971aafb1c478a7c2b40b3e2e42143f6e2657253, 1731e2fe84c1da2a6f4b0d1f73b8fd76c88b3acd, 598a92180e2ad95b48419605d270c53497739f35, 01103111ae08b51ccd18bb1c54ac60546546d9df, da95e4b3fb36294b5117846b8fbb8cdc01e427d5, 6cf352ea9c0c114d998da7b3e2dc6b53609a925b, 2d27c769479f877eb3af308b49d73f8e124f4703, d497c8c9f3f9a19e0193c1c463f684b75aeb7081, 9c1bbf3ac913f9bdf7a0e0922106804af42d2c1e, 57bb806d7941f8ae44611618bb6c16e940c3279c, b1411a43180e0085ae4741f4da567a08b5a28f17, 09f83fa023cbe57e90287e7d93560f1cb0edb4c4, b05fe7ab010218f1fb23b3192e2aea719a9611de, f9ddaf1841147fc284e802739ca42403aa2816ae, 0a860b9b3e66be443b2236454c0f8c97c936a6dc, b18900a1f269e7eae88f1e84867bb2d780cde94e, a738c580224e340f011ffa174a9f1259521120cd, c4db3f89a9a07c45c78da9b5b3f802a6f8b51531, 781e4862faab8dd10382ec296b122592edd0f6f0, 02c6d6540c6ab108b763a639146e74e9f8d0dd40, d069fd235f3553ef6e3267efc9cf3b9b2fe4e70e, 0e0d288ab7e87e7d4a7542c955dd06701798bd06, cd9fd9e83f507e2bab5075399d812e3fb4368920, 95224b71e19e2b7f18596da070937291f040f695, bf9a1d487b9ba469e8d740cf7d1cd419535a7e79, 05c70abc6350f87ed6cafbc66de8b0e46efe8e49, f3ebc0bd1c80ec6a4dc2d2172391f94faec834be, c0c756d201fa23fb29bf96c97b197ab4c2543326, 7b637d5c2dbfcb387fc24d4d7145f6eb1e2f2052, d3b3dcbb353de97220a11f55391babf149410905, 4e6c0fadfe69419e0f6f7c3fa5960bdcd90d510a, 602a5eef177ac65020470cb0fcf8d88d820ab888, ca8469ecf56b460897e6bf92824f958dcfbb1083, 0c4335d6b8b7528b0acef372687e67afb1f16714, 5459c121d5d688ec1571dd72550bd6faaeb087eb, 3a8300e0b86c4acfb7b7702197d36cc39ebe94bc, 311891f35e538f4a8be0309f6d7045fef59dee71, dd974b4b5f7770b293fdd8e4e76d7043508abec4, 02cc5df0ed64ba1e746fdb2662f4442fa308abf4, 58a5ce14ba80a0a4eeef0f6b18e58d63113e1159, a7f89688e5b4fdc2f8990fc42cb593da4f6a923f, 7df67eff2d66dba4bed2b4f6aeabf05144d9b057, aa762c6d5253e0cc2947d3bf2b6149197e106036, ed2d32612a39188d7ed561cf1a7036cdb147e3f6, 6898953b827f172e3da199c2c6878d7af9027347, e49b25c29faf7b83fe7c566d7b1657d9f599d750, d7d00036e7bc49ceb7da7971e39063733ce50136, 4f2fe195208197ac663b8b1225a76e1219228ced, c49d42f318c735676d1cb8984c1dee8ae46b3c0d, 4aa022e215bcffbf84becea9253ef07b2e87a19b, 1d5e0301f36b5c0dbd8fa8b5e599d2bb413f1b4e, 76447d6f501263035bcc9978d8923ea502e60733, 505a03c77764351e1b649e8c7d73d0421e7bcc13, 85e402a7fda59110aeea181924035d69db693240, 0c97908b2f185615c0134572c4f276cd2c5a3f55, 7bdea449c320c8a47a4e253e5cf6aa854d7a968d, f22fec927de7ac291266660c2f34de5b8cc1c695, 877b08eaf0e02542c9f6d9f8cd457a8e44b4febf, 0766f7e54182d04ecf5a15a732f5ec7951d62326, e07d53aaec94a498028d988f7d2c7ae7e6b620d0, 4ae229f5cd270c2b43475b3f752a7b228de260ea, 65fb17a88bd096b1e952ccca31ad709759644a1b, f83bd5ac2bbc6755213a6ad0675e7e5400c79670, 62ffb7723917768c38c9e012710c6dce509191c1, 46c33f324e5f3373d85838f364aece7ca6a6189c, f31d1a05a1f6f85f64c9b965009db814960c4eca, 298416a7445aa50874caebc779ca3094b32f3e31, a4053682e84a18bbff414eb89fafbed92b6a7b14, 9abeff38c4bdcd6e640642c38b5f253f0955e6b0, 85ceec8855683b8bf71e009c8ed102ec91d85a41, 06209037ea56b5a2a49615a99f1542d6ea1b2947, 5db822b71ad7278ca6443455d029dd79e22388d8, 2aeed037e0f105e72366e15afa012257e910a25d, 45f250535a5d26011ce7d71c9c09b31d758bfd7b, f2ee3db6537005f9ae8582cecd8e29df29ac30d5, a831b99f9123d1c2bdfd70761aca3a05446c9a4c, 946aaa7b06f2ccd697e31dcc15c29468da523311, 0448f15e3db392f2f60db332fabf6309aa3d5089, d7aacd3fa9b7d4c4fef80f5550a2576303e29890, 2b6286b503e1223659ffb9e31b5f73200348e781, 175a083a6f3b4d5d58f3702d31ce6920af519669, 87afb85f59bdc94a7909bf02575819b6812efaf2, 84598f11513f4c1dc0be4d7115a47b59940a649e, 104835d880b4ace131e341235359606347783102, 6e80b1846c308bb13d0b700263c89f10caa17d28, 1e3bc4c3b34eae563547899645bfb3f0a1948c79, da36c0cfb98cdf6b8d7e274780fb50454e919ac6, 38cdacb2e7418e2aefbcffb1754dcd324c46028d, 595fea7d97f0d87ac9b9a1510379a6faa6a29abf, 29317751434cd1b3a129fd4e44628b28c421c6bd, c7d68e72daafd83657f5d427223dd6283af70128, 14485bd7ad649d9417b4320eab34631251545d0b, 2dc4b1d0077a6096d5f51aa0500159a7ec67e6d3, 5712fb486b8e49b9b136d28fe2b9915e1d081689, e51716ee724cf4950df67eba0393b3f798b7dc00, 555e8494d3ca27a7b35aebabb1f669eede20cc53, d75a6bae5abbf80810012a181644f240141014d5, a242b352c28947427a9bfc30295a487017439fd9, c73c76498b0c2b36705025de6b0b2a7bb38e758b, 87a729feb4660f57bacb2a4be73e1bb2d509578b, 8771581b255e5728a16aea84430506d6f156a589, deebdf97ad01f23550d7d3b42d98c7bf111e2f95, f24951ab6ea2b1e9af4013b030675c70d31adb90, 014db08a79f00ef0d94e6855779e398c9dc689c1, 82b3c0a79c9322142738a4ec2ff7d4d4c0be2370, 6f8f404535d4cff9272091f669f985ce11cee7d2, 69766bca399cc779e0f2f8e859e39f7e29a17b7a, 912fbb47fddc07afcf56f5de97e813593bfb890e, 02d9136cfa72c8990120eca0f4fe5f52587bceb5, ee1c83722bfb1155bef762cdfb2c86034857f2d0, cbae09ca71b9eb9a581b77c23844da21474b095a, bd0b41fb82134844a15fbb43126424d96706d08e, 9523a38b3f1b5bc4313e2949896ddc1fff58afbe, f0fae2deeee20df15ac1105af2163af2a7e7953d, b87b0edd310d1ef93c507bbbb1ae51e1b0b319c6, 1633cd9c6c3d88d5c66825fab76a369266509f7e

e51716ee724cf4950df67eba0393b3f798b7dc00 | Author: jberragan <jberragan@gmail.com>
 | 2024-12-06 16:09:12-08:00

    CASSANDRA-19962: CEP-44 Kafka integration for Cassandra CDC using Sidecar (#87)
    This is the initial commit for CEP-44 to introduce a standalone CDC module into the Analytics project. This module provides the foundation for CDC in the Apache Cassandra Sidecar.
    This module provides:
    - a standalone Cdc class as the entrypoint for initializing CDC.
    - pluggable interfaces for: listing and reading commit log segments for a token range, persisting and reading CDC state, providing the Cassandra table schema, optionally reading values from Cassandra.
    - read and deserialize commit log mutations.
    - reconcile and de-duplicate mutations across replicas.
    - serialize CDC state into a binary object for persistence.
    - a layer for converting Cassandra mutations into a standard consumable format.
    Patch by James Berragan, Jyothsna Konisa, Yifan Cai; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-19962
    Co-authored-by: James Berragan <jberragan@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Jyothsna Konisa <jkonisa@apple.com>

555e8494d3ca27a7b35aebabb1f669eede20cc53 | Author: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-20 17:33:35-07:00

    CASSANDRA-19836: Fix NPE when writing UDT values (#74)
    When UDT field values are set to null, the bulk writer throws NPE
    Patch by Yifan Cai; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Doug Rohrer for CASSANDRA-19836

d75a6bae5abbf80810012a181644f240141014d5 | Author: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
 | 2024-08-14 13:10:15-07:00

    CASSANDRA-19827: Add job_timeout_seconds writer option (#73)
    Option to specify the timeout in seconds for bulk write jobs. By default, it is disabled.
    When `JOB_TIMEOUT_SECONDS` is specified, a job exceeding the timeout is:
    - successful when the desired consistency level is met
    - a failure otherwise
    Patch by Yifan Cai; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Doug Rohrer for CASSANDRA-19827

a242b352c28947427a9bfc30295a487017439fd9 | Author: jberragan <jberragan@gmail.com>
 | 2024-07-12 14:57:38-07:00

    CASSANDRA-19748: Refactoring to introduce new cassandra-analytics-common module with minimal dependencies (#62)
    - Add new module cassandra-analytics-common with no dependencies on Spark or Cassandra and minimal standard dependencies (Guava, Jackson, Commons Lang Kryo etc)
    - Move standalone classes to cassandra-analytics-common module.
    Some additional refactoring and clean up:
    - Rename SSTableInputStream -> BufferingInputStream
    - Rename SSTableSource -> CassandraFileSource
    - Introduce CassandraFile interface to be the implementing class for SSTable and CommitLog.
    - Generalize IStats to work across different CassandraFile types
    - Rename methods in StreamScanner to make the API clearer.
    - Move ComplexTypeBuffer, ListBuffer, MapBuffer, SetBuffer, UdtBuffer to standalone classes
    - Delete unused classes RangeTombstone, ReplciaSet and CollectionElement.
    - Remove commons lang as a dependency
    - Rename Rid to RowData
    Patch by James Berragan; Reviewed by Bernardo Botella, Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero, Yifan Cai, Yuriy Semchyshyn for CASSANDRA-19748

98a0b54c4025ef21aa3fb56f1962c4771e095652 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-07-10 21:03:10+02:00

    Support dictionary lookup for CassandraPasswordValidator
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero for CASSANDRA-19762

d336dda1123af0c272c69e42b6214577e30447e1 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2024-06-10 17:28:39+02:00

    CEP-24 Password validation / generation
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero for CASSANDRA-17457

bb68141861e77623f0d0b13f72846651a71c1017 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frank.guerrero@gmail.com>
 | 2024-05-29 13:38:02-07:00

    CASSANDRA-19669: Audit Log entries are missing identity for mTLS connections
    Patch by Francisco Guerrero; Reviewed by Bernardo Botella, Andrew Tolbert, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-19669

a0af41f666c23a840d9df3f06729ed5fd2c06cd1 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frank.guerrero@gmail.com>
 | 2024-02-15 13:19:28-08:00

    CASSANDRA-18951: Add option for MutualTlsAuthenticator to restrict the certificate validity period
    In this commit, we introduce two new optional options for the `server_encryption_options`
    and the `client_encryption_options`. The options are `max_certificate_validity_period` and
    `certificate_validity_warn_threshold`. Both options can be configured as a duration
    configuration parameter as defined by the `DurationSpec` (see CASSANDRA-15234). The resolution
    for these new properties is minutes.
    When specified, the certificate validation implementation will take that information
    and reject certificates that are older than the maximum allowed certificate validity period,
    translating into a rejection from the authenticating user.
    The `certificate_validity_warn_threshold` option can be configured to emit warnings (log entries)
    when the certificate exceeds the validity threshold.
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Andy Tolbert, Abe Ratnofsky, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-18951

c09d0d929baeaa02f3438313c7979ccf6b4b3c5a | Author: Andy Tolbert <andy_tolbert@apple.com>
 | 2024-01-30 16:41:54-08:00

    Allow CQL client certificate authentication to work without sending an AUTHENTICATE request
    patch by Andy Tolbert; reviewed by Abe Ratnofsky, Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero, Jyothsna Konisa for CASSANDRA-18857

c73c76498b0c2b36705025de6b0b2a7bb38e758b | Author: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
 | 2023-11-20 10:54:46-05:00

    CASSANDRA-19048 - Audit table properties passed through Analytics CqlUtils
    The following properties have an effect on the files generated by the
    bulk writer, and therefore need to be retained when cleaning the table
    Additionally, this commit adds tests to make sure all available TTL
    paths, including table default TTLs and constant/per-row options, work
    as designed.
    Patch by Doug Rohrer; Reviewed by Francisco Guerrero Hernandez, Yifan Cai,
    Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-19048

87a729feb4660f57bacb2a4be73e1bb2d509578b | Author: Saranya Krishnakumar <saranya_k@apple.com>
 | 2023-11-06 13:32:01-08:00

    CASSANDRA-19903: Get Sidecar port through CassandraContext
    Patch by Saranya Krishnakumar; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero, Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-19903

8771581b255e5728a16aea84430506d6f156a589 | Author: Yuriy Semchyshyn <yuriy@semchyshyn.com>
 | 2023-10-06 17:54:34-05:00

    CASSANDRA-18916: Log start-up validation result to a single report
    Patch by Yuriy Semchyshyn; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18916

b9586501a6b6cdfe465302448018785652c9b966 | Author: Jon Meredith <jonmeredith@apache.org>
 | 2023-09-21 16:07:29-06:00

    Internode legacy SSL storage port certificate is not hot reloaded on update
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero for CASSANDRA-18681

6ffa43f68b8d10ca84d4a00bf81269527b4e14df | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frank.guerrero@gmail.com>
 | 2023-08-25 11:10:48-06:00

    Support Dynamic Port Allocation for in-jvm dtest framework
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18722

1ba6ef93d0721741b5f6d6d72cba3da03fe78438 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-08-16 13:55:40-07:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.16

f24951ab6ea2b1e9af4013b030675c70d31adb90 | Author: Yuriy Semchyshyn <yuriy@semchyshyn.com>
 | 2023-08-14 14:09:12-05:00

    CASSANDRA-18810: Cassandra Analytics Start-Up Validation
    Patch by Yuriy Semchyshyn; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18810

9c796dfb272daa3ce57a2dc5cbeadd9273e1ac72 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frank.guerrero@gmail.com>
 | 2023-07-28 09:26:20-07:00

    Skip ColumnFamilyStore#topPartitions initialization when client or tool mode
    This commit skips the initialization of `topPartitions` in `org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore`
    when running in client or tool mode. The `TopPartitionTracker` class will attempt to query the system
    keyspace, which when running in client or tool mode will not be part of the KeyspaceMetadata. This
    causes a warning to be printed out with a stacktrace that can be misleading. The warning is similar to
    WARN org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace: Could not load stored top SIZES partitions for ...
    org.apache.cassandra.db.KeyspaceNotDefinedException: keyspace system does not exist
            at org.apache.cassandra.schema.Schema.validateTable(Schema.java:xxx) ~[?:?]
            at org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.SelectStatement$RawStatement.prepare(SelectStatement.java:xxx) ~[?:?]
            at org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.SelectStatement$RawStatement.prepare(SelectStatement.java:xxx) ~[?:?]
            at org.apache.cassandra.cql3.statements.SelectStatement$RawStatement.prepare(SelectStatement.java:xxx) ~[?:?]
            at org.apache.cassandra.cql3.QueryProcessor.parseAndPrepare(QueryProcessor.java:xxx) ~[?:?]
    In this commit, we check whether we run in client or tool mode, and skip initialization
    of `topPartitions` in those cases.
    Patch by Francisco Guerrero; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18697

82b3c0a79c9322142738a4ec2ff7d4d4c0be2370 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-07-25 12:41:10-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18692 Fix bulk writes with Buffered RowBufferMode
    When setting Buffered RowBufferMode as part of the `WriterOption`s,
    `org.apache.cassandra.spark.bulkwriter.RecordWriter` ignores that configuration and instead
    uses the batch size to determine when to finalize an SSTable and start writing a new SSTable,
    if more rows are available.
    In this commit, we fix `org.apache.cassandra.spark.bulkwriter.RecordWriter#checkBatchSize`
    to take into account the configured `RowBufferMode`. And in specific to the case of the
    `UNBUFFERED` RowBufferMode, we check then the batchSize of the SSTable during writes, and for
    the case of `BUFFERED` that check will take no effect.
    Co-authored-by: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
    Patch by Francisco Guerrero, Doug Rohrer; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18692

014db08a79f00ef0d94e6855779e398c9dc689c1 | Author: James Berragan <jberragan@apple.com>
 | 2023-07-19 12:23:07-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18683: Add PartitionSizeTableProvider for reading the compressed and uncompressed sizes of all partitions in a table by utilizing the SSTable Index.db files
    Patch by James Berragan; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18683

6f8f404535d4cff9272091f669f985ce11cee7d2 | Author: Yuriy Semchyshyn <yuriy@semchyshyn.com>
 | 2023-07-18 18:58:00-05:00

    CASSANDRA-18684: Minor Refactoring to Improve Code Reusability
    patch by Yuriy Semchyshyn; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18684

02d9136cfa72c8990120eca0f4fe5f52587bceb5 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-27 10:28:04-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18631: Add Release Audit Tool (RAT) plugin to Analytics
    This commit adds the Release Audit Tool (RAT) plugin to `build.gradle` which adds a new task
    `rat`. This new task makes sure that the license headers are valid and present in the source
    files during the `check` task.
    To run the RAT plugin, you can run:
    ./gradlew rat
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18631

69766bca399cc779e0f2f8e859e39f7e29a17b7a | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-27 10:03:56-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18662: Fix cassandra-analytics-core-example
    This commit fixes the `SampleCassandraJob` available under the `cassandra-analytics-core-example`
    Fix checkstyle issues
    Fix serialization issue in SidecarDataTransferApi
    The `sidecarClient` field in `SidecarDataTransferApi` is declared as transient,
    this is causing NPEs coming from executors while trying to perform an SSTable
    This commit completely avoids serializing the `dataTransferApi` field in the
    `CassandraBulkWriterContext`, and lazily initializing it during the `transfer()`
    method invocation. We guard the initialization to a single thread by making the
    `tranfer()` method synchronized. The `SidecarDataTransferApi` can be recreated
    when needed using the already serialized `clusterInfo`, `jobInfo`, and `conf`
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18662

912fbb47fddc07afcf56f5de97e813593bfb890e | Author: Yuriy Semchyshyn <yuriy@semchyshyn.com>
 | 2023-06-26 14:40:10-05:00

    CASSANDRA-18633: Added caching of Node Settings to improve efficiency
    patch by Yuriy Semchyshyn; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18633

9523a38b3f1b5bc4313e2949896ddc1fff58afbe | Author: jkonisa <jkonisa@apple.com>
 | 2023-06-15 13:31:01-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18605 Adding support for TTL & Timestamps for bulk writes
    This commit introduces a new feature in Spark Bulk Writer to support writes with
    constant/per_row based TTL & Timestamps.
    Patch by Jyothsna Konisa; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18605

cbae09ca71b9eb9a581b77c23844da21474b095a | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-14 11:52:55-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18600 Add NOTICE.txt file
    The NOTICE.txt file is currently missing in the repository. This commit adds the file to
    comply with ASF's guidance.
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Michael Semb Wever, Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-18600

deebdf97ad01f23550d7d3b42d98c7bf111e2f95 | Author: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
 | 2023-06-14 13:33:29-04:00

    CASSANDRA-18759: Use in-jvm dtest framework from Sidecar for testing
    This commit introduces the use of the in-jvm dtest framework for testing
    Analytics workloads. It can spin up a Cassandra cluster, including the
    necessary Sidecar process, to test writing to and reading from Cassandra
    using the analytics library.
    Additional changes made in this commit include
    * Use concurrent collections in MockBulkWriterContext (Fixes flaky test StreamSessionConsistencyTest)
        The StreamSessionConsistency test uses the MockBulkWriter context, but it wasn't originally used
        (before this test was added) in a multi-threaded environment. Because of this, it would occasionally
        throw ConcurrentModificationExceptions, which would cause the stream test to fail in a
        non-deterministic way. This commit adds the use of concurrent/synchronous collections to the
        MockBulkWriterContext to make sure it doesn't throw these spurious errors.
    * Make the StartupValidation system thread-safe by using TreadLocals
      instead of static collections, and clearing them once validation is
    Patch by Doug Rohrer; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18759

bd0b41fb82134844a15fbb43126424d96706d08e | Author: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
 | 2023-06-14 13:33:29-04:00

    CASSANDRA-18599 Upgrade to JUnit 5
    patch by Doug Rohrer, Francisco Guerrero; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18599

933137fb14d4ebfe38d0d2c8e23b765aa1c89333 | Author: Shailaja Koppu <s_koppu@apple.com>
 | 2023-06-13 17:18:29+01:00

    CIDR filtering authorizer
    Patch by Shailaja Koppu, Yifan Cai; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18592
    Co-Authored-By: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>

f0fae2deeee20df15ac1105af2163af2a7e7953d | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-08 12:40:22-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18578 Add circleci configuration yaml for Cassandra Analytics
    This commit adds the CircleCI configuration yaml to test against all the existing
          - cassandra-analytics-core-spark2-2.11-jdk8
          - cassandra-analytics-core-spark2-2.12-jdk8
          - cassandra-analytics-core-spark3-2.12-jdk11
          - cassandra-analytics-core-spark3-2.13-jdk11
    Patch by Francisco Guerrero; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18578

ee1c83722bfb1155bef762cdfb2c86034857f2d0 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frankgh@apache.org>
 | 2023-06-07 12:40:50-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18574: Fix sample job documentation after Sidecar changes
    This commit fixes the README file with documentation to setup and run the Sample job provided in the repository.
    During Sidecar review, there was a suggestion to change the yaml property `uploads_staging_dir` to `staging_dir`.
    That change however was not reflected as part of the sample job README.md.
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18574

d2be42dbea6fb1d9d908792788d66113960d565b | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-24 16:30:54-07:00

    Ninja fix .asf.yaml

695ef5ef66eb8f1759f7dccbe199e7da863167b8 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-24 08:24:21-07:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

48af78d1d4b5f285d3dd4991afd4df3101e3983a | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-24 08:23:35-07:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.15

b87b0edd310d1ef93c507bbbb1ae51e1b0b319c6 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <francisco.guerrero@apple.com>
 | 2023-05-23 13:56:48-07:00

    CASSANDRA-18545: Provide a SecretsProvider interface to abstract the secret provisioning
    This commit introduces the SecretsProvider interface that abstracts the secrets provisioning.
    This way different implementations of the SecretsProvider can be used to provide SSL secrets
    for the Analytics job. We provide an implementation, SslConficSecretsProvider, which provides
    secrets based on the configuration for the job.
    Patch by Francisco Guerrero; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18545

f078c02cb58bddd735490b07548f7352f0eb09aa | Author: jkonisa <jkonisa@apple.com>
 | 2023-05-22 22:15:22-07:00

    Adding Mutual TLS authenticators for client & internode connections
    Patch by Jyothsna Konisa & Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Yifan Cai, Jon Meredith,
    Yuki Morishita & Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-18554
    Co-Authored-By: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>

38cdacb2e7418e2aefbcffb1754dcd324c46028d | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-19 15:34:05-07:00

    CEP-28: Implement Bulk API endpoints and introduce the Sidecar Client to Support Cassandra Analytics
    This commit implements the remaining endpoints needed to perform Bulk Analytics operations that allow
    reading and writing data from Cassandra in Bulk. The new endpoints include:
    - Endpoint to create snapshots
    - Endpoint to clear a snapshot
    - Endpoint to upload SSTable components
    - Endpoint to clean up uploads for SSTable components
    - Endpoint to import SSTable components
    - Endpoint to retrieve gossip info
    - Endpoint to retrieve the time skew for the server
    - Endpoint to retrieve the ring information
    Sidecar Client
    Introduces the fully featured sidecar client to access Cassandra Sidecar endpoints.
    It offers support for retries and Sidecar instance selection policies. The client
    project itself is technology-agnostic, but we provide a vertx implementation for
    the `HttpClient`. The Sidecar vertx-client can be published as a shaded-jar to be
    consumed by clients where the dependencies can cause issues, especially in environments
    where the dependencies are not always controlled by the consumers (for example Spark).
    Patch by Doug, Francisco, Saranya, Yifan, Dinesh; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16222
    Co-authored-by: Saranya Krishnakumar <saranya_k@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Francisco Guerrero <francisco.guerrero@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>

1633cd9c6c3d88d5c66825fab76a369266509f7e | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-19 14:57:47-07:00

    CEP-28: Apache Cassandra Analytics
    This is the initial commit for the Apache Cassandra Analytics project
    where we support reading and writing bulk data from Apache Cassandra from
    Patch by James Berragan, Doug Rohrer; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16222
    Co-authored-by: James Berragan <jberragan@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Saranya Krishnakumar <saranya_k@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Francisco Guerrero <francisco.guerrero@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Jyothsna Konisa <jkonisa@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Yuriy Semchyshyn <ysemchyshyn@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>

1e3bc4c3b34eae563547899645bfb3f0a1948c79 | Author: Doug Rohrer <doug@therohrers.org>
 | 2023-05-18 20:44:43-04:00

    Add JMX utility class to in-jvm dtest to ease development of new tests using JMX
    While reviewing CASSANDRA-18511, some repetitive code was identified across the 4 branches,
    and 2 different tests, that would also be repeated for any new usages of the JMX support
    in the in-jvm dtest framework. Therefore, a utility class should be added to the dtest-api's
    `shared` package that will simplify some of this repetitive and error-prone code.
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-18537

07cb6fea534a65152862cabc36e260c6d3776f36 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-15 14:58:13-07:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

ea4b44e0ed0a4f0bbe9b18fb40ad927b49a73a32 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-15 14:56:37-07:00

    [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 0.0.14

369355a061a24d8e36a578fd88cc8fa459e0f18c | Author: Dinesh Joshi <djoshi@apache.org>
 | 2023-05-15 14:54:01-07:00

    Update CHANGES.txt

aafb4d19448f12ce600dc4e84a5b181308825b32 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2023-04-12 09:17:50+02:00

    Improve nodetool enable{audit,fullquery}log
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18550

acd815898d1e5669e7d8ee2469808f6e8a14a7df | Author: Yuriy Semchyshyn <ysemchyshyn@apple.com>
 | 2023-04-07 09:52:44-07:00

    Node Draining Should Abort All Current SSTables Imports
    patch by Yuriy Semchyshyn; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18373

4444721b6de555352bf0ac3ef7e36f94dc832f41 | Author: Natnael Adere <natnael_adere@apple.com>
 | 2023-03-24 09:28:37-07:00

    Provide summary of failed SessionInfo's in StreamResultFuture
    patch by Natnael Adere; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17199

145dbd1f0875ae4c54392125e09ed05153c0dd8f | Author: Saranya Krishnakumar <saranya_k@apple.com>
 | 2022-10-19 16:58:41-07:00

    Add flag to exclude nodes from local DC when running nodetool rebuild
    Patch by Saranya Krishnakumar; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Marcus Eriksson, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17870

4526b3fcbde22d09065820286dd434d93ecc89ba | Author: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>
 | 2022-08-16 14:19:46-04:00

    Add ability to log load profiles at fixed intervals
    Patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Josh McKenzie, Dinesh Joshi, and Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-17821
    Co-authored-by: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <jmckenzie@apache.org>

a250126f0f277b43a18cb665ccd02a105271bc33 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <frank.guerrero@gmail.com>
 | 2022-07-06 17:34:25-07:00

    Remove commons-lang dependency during build runtime
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17724

e87a1e0c0a19c64ed2edc2d340c0f8af16776e2c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-03-01 13:15:18-08:00

    Expose streaming as a vtable
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Paulo Motta for CASSANDRA-17390

df16b3750dc2c1b6b9bcdece6f81dfd3de7ebdfa | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apache.org>
 | 2022-02-04 10:15:58-08:00

    When streaming sees a ClosedChannelException this triggers the disk failure policy
    patch by David Capwell, Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-17116

0448f15e3db392f2f60db332fabf6309aa3d5089 | Author: David Capwell <David Capwell>
 | 2022-02-04 10:15:46-08:00

    When streaming sees a ClosedChannelException this triggers the disk failure policy
    patch by David Capwell, Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-17116

a41cdd64b217c451b5576abe2f455eaa7ec1f322 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <francisco.guerrero@apple.com>
 | 2021-12-14 10:13:59-08:00

    Allow column_index_size_in_kb to be configurable through nodetool
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17121

3a6f6907314670fdb2b316db8f08ffd85da88851 | Author: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
 | 2021-12-07 18:54:58-08:00

    Limit the maximum hints size per host
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero for CASSANDRA-17142

77dde2a3c4b40da3d820d4852c572338acbf6dc9 | Author: Francisco Guerrero <francisco.guerrero@apple.com>
 | 2021-11-09 13:32:15-08:00

    Introduce separate rate limiting settings for entire SSTable streaming
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Marcus Eriksson, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17065

2043cb9fb6b25ff34afb90467b9476a09acc3933 | Author: Yuqi Gu <guyuqi@apache.org>
 | 2021-10-14 02:47:10+00:00

    Upgrade Snappy and JNA version to support Apple M1
    Patch-By Yuqi Gu; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17040

6b16b67cd4dbf8633e58c1950ced3626ff7ac92b | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <smiklosovic@apache.org>
 | 2021-09-29 07:39:29+02:00

    update jBCrypt dependency to version 0.4
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-9384

42025fd73a19597220192d71585ccb8baee7ed2a | Author: Yifan Cai <ycai@apache.org>
 | 2021-08-26 13:41:05-07:00

    Bump zstd-jni version to 1.5.0-4
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16884

1b04702f351861e6fef8cf64fd26f65ec90e4c70 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-01-29 11:40:25-08:00

    SSLFactory should initialize SSLContext before setting protocols
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16362

7637acc3d762047f2a478855eb4d239b4f314cd8 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2021-01-07 13:10:53-08:00

    SSLFactory should initialize SSLContext before setting protocols
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16362

919a8964a83511d96766c3e53ba603e77bca626c | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-12-02 15:33:36-08:00

    Bring back the accepted encryption protocols list as configurable option
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-13325

f293376aa8dd315a208ef2f03bdcb7a84dcc675c | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-11-05 12:58:07-08:00

    TLS connections to the storage port on a node without server encryption configured causes java.io.IOException accessing missing keystore
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16144

db5832120f0fe9ad799ca0b5b16bbcf6f7404580 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-10-22 10:54:55-07:00

    In-JVM dtest - modify schema with stopped nodes and use yaml fragments for config
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16152

b0b8ab2ea2f185d1f433b071d196f40dc2a2968e | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-09-09 10:53:28-07:00

    Make Table/Keyspace Metric Names Consistent With Each Other
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe, Stephen Mallette; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15909

73691944c0ff9b01679cf5a6fe5944ad4c416509 | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-06-24 18:37:47+08:00

    Close channel and reduce buffer allocation during entire sstable streaming with SSL
    Patch by Zhao Yang; Reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15900

c971aafb1c478a7c2b40b3e2e42143f6e2657253 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <calebrackliffe@gmail.com>
 | 2020-06-16 18:29:26-05:00

    Fix flaky unit test CorruptedSSTablesCompactionsTest
    Generate valid long keys for the updates applied to the SSTable dataset used in CorruptedSSTablesCompactionsTest
    Patch by Caleb Rackliffe; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-15879

d7aacd3fa9b7d4c4fef80f5550a2576303e29890 | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-05-11 15:51:22+08:00

    Add legacy streaming test for transient replica repair tests, and test for lcs
     patch by Zhao Yang; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Dinesh Joshi, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-15783

598a92180e2ad95b48419605d270c53497739f35 | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-05-11 04:29:47+08:00

    Use isTransient=false for ZCS sstables
     patch by Zhao Yang; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Dinesh Joshi, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-15783

036750083ddbd10c34052e272e13e17b29a4eace | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-05-06 16:26:14-07:00

    Update Python driver for cqlsh to 3.23
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-15793

6cf352ea9c0c114d998da7b3e2dc6b53609a925b | Author: Sumanth Pasupuleti <spasupuleti.pasupuleti.is@gmail.com>
 | 2020-05-06 12:03:11-07:00

    Adding debug logging to indicate missing summary component file and when building Index Summary
    Patch by Sumanth Pasupuleti; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15755

c9da4b213946fc6dbe8cdcbbc2445348f14a89af | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-30 11:34:52-07:00

    Ninja-Fix: CHANGES.txt for CASSANDRASC-22

01103111ae08b51ccd18bb1c54ac60546546d9df | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-29 12:31:27-07:00

    Fix clearing of legacy size_estimates
     patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Eduard Tudenhöfner, Dinesh Joshi, Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15776

da95e4b3fb36294b5117846b8fbb8cdc01e427d5 | Author: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-28 13:51:15-07:00

    Add tunable initial size and growth factor to RangeTombstoneList
    Added `initial_range_tombstone_list_allocation_size` and
    `range_tombstone_list_growth_factor` in config, which can be altered via JMX.
    Patch By Michael Kjellman and Yifan Cai; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15763
    Co-Authored-By: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>
    Co-Authored-By: Michael Kjellman <kjellman@apple.com>

57bb806d7941f8ae44611618bb6c16e940c3279c | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-23 15:35:15-07:00

    Add splits to output to fix CqlInputFormat
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15637

5608776961c4257ce47a470607b3b3cd49ab7e49 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-22 22:13:36-07:00

    Ninja-Fix: CHANGES.txt for CASSANDRA-15740

2d27c769479f877eb3af308b49d73f8e124f4703 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-22 11:13:24-07:00

    bin/sstableverify should support user provided token ranges
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15753

09f83fa023cbe57e90287e7d93560f1cb0edb4c4 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-21 16:20:05-06:00

    Add test cases for counter batch
    Patch by Jeff Jirsa, Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15747

ffa05ef24039e5ed8a9c8080ce682e3fda926583 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-19 13:17:13-07:00

    Fix CQLSH UTF-8 encoding issue for Python 2/3 compatibility
    This fix also addresses test failures due to cqlsh return code behavior change
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Jordan West and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15739

35cee51a058c1970fe15bcb06c22ef4f2b9af5ba | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-19 13:13:04-07:00

    Fix CQLSH UTF-8 encoding issue for Python 2/3 compatibility
    This fix also addresses test failures due to cqlsh return code behavior change
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Jordan West and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15739

a86780687b3ebe7d9883d81c44eb5f8cd228b2cb | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@yahoo.com>
 | 2020-04-18 22:48:28-07:00

    Allow sending Entire SSTables over SSL
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Joseph Lynch for CASSANDRA-15740

e995c3fcc7479e82f34721d9634093a807ff06bd | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-18 19:40:43-07:00

    Allow sending Entire SSTables over SSL
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Joseph Lynch for CASSANDRA-15740

c6806a06018f3702a16fc6c0aa84fd710c003b73 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-18 11:00:45-07:00

    Enable Zero Copy Streaming test for STCS
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-15657

b18900a1f269e7eae88f1e84867bb2d780cde94e | Author: Erick Ramirez <flightctlr@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-17 22:44:52-07:00

    Update NEWS.txt with Python 3 support for CQLSH
    Patch by Erick Ramirez; Reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15710

a738c580224e340f011ffa174a9f1259521120cd | Author: Jacob Becker <gigaplastik@gmail.com>
 | 2020-04-17 21:41:36-07:00

    cqlsh return non-zero status when STDIN CQL fails
    Patch By Jacob Becker a.k.a. plastikat; reviewed by Jordan West and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15623

c4db3f89a9a07c45c78da9b5b3f802a6f8b51531 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-17 14:17:49-06:00

    Generate compiler options file to support Java11 in IDEA.
    The change to JMX in CASSANDRA-15653 prevents the IDEA project from
    compiling under JDK11.  This change adds the required compiler flag
    when the project is upgraded from Java1.8 to Java11.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15738

f9ddaf1841147fc284e802739ca42403aa2816ae | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-09 16:59:53-06:00

    Fix flaky SEPExecutor.changingMaxWorkersMeetsConcurrencyGoalsTest
    Thread scheduling is not guaranteed to be fair and having the BusyWork
    tasks reschedule itself makes sure there is always more work for
    the SEPWorker once it finishes, so it can hog all the CPU if
    run with a low number of cores.  To randomize the scheduling better,
    introduce a second thread that keeps the executor primed with work,
    but guarantees a thread switch by waiting on the sempahore.
    Also resolves a cleanup bug - the sharedPool was not being shutdown
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15709

0e0d288ab7e87e7d4a7542c955dd06701798bd06 | Author: Jon Haddad jon@jonhaddad.com <jon@jonhaddad.com>
 | 2020-04-06 12:53:27-07:00

    Only track ideal CL failure when request CL met
    Ideal consistency level tracking should not report a failure when requested CL
    was also not met either.
    Patch by Jon Haddad; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15696.

b1411a43180e0085ae4741f4da567a08b5a28f17 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <stefan.miklosovic@instaclustr.com>
 | 2020-04-06 10:11:42+02:00

    Fix streaming stats during entire sstable streaming
    Patch by Stefan Miklosovic; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15694

02c6d6540c6ab108b763a639146e74e9f8d0dd40 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2020-04-02 15:31:40-06:00

    Do not check cdc_raw_directory filesystem space if CDC disabled
    On startup, applySimpleConfig checks disk space for cdc_raw_directory
    even if cdc_enabled=false.  The cdc_raw_directory could be computed
    automatically from the cassandra.storagedir property so if that
    has been deliberately set to an invalid directory (e.g. to force
    explicit configuration of storage paths) then the server will not
    Additionally this protects against an NPE while checking storage
    space if misconfigured.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15688

d497c8c9f3f9a19e0193c1c463f684b75aeb7081 | Author: Stephen Mallette <spmva@genoprime.com>
 | 2020-03-31 13:47:44-04:00

    Improved testing for batch metrics.
    Refactored the test to include assertion metrics for counter batches
    in addition to what was previously tested in logged and unlogged batches.
    Modified tests to assert random ranges of batches, partitions and statements,
    printing the seed for the Random on failure so that the error state could be
    Patch by Stephen Mallette; Reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15718

2b6286b503e1223659ffb9e31b5f73200348e781 | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-31 18:37:51+08:00

    Fix CQLSH to avoid arguments being evaluated
    Patch By Zhao Yang; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15660

781e4862faab8dd10382ec296b122592edd0f6f0 | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-31 17:52:43+08:00

    Fix CQLSH to avoid arguments being evaluated
    Patch By Zhao Yang; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-15660

b05fe7ab010218f1fb23b3192e2aea719a9611de | Author: Zhao Yang <zhaoyangsingapore@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-23 22:05:53+08:00

    Optimize Zero Copy Streaming file containment check by using file sections
    Patch By Zhao Yang; Reviewed by T Jake Luciani and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15657

cd9fd9e83f507e2bab5075399d812e3fb4368920 | Author: David Capwell <dcapwell@gmail.com>
 | 2020-03-11 12:06:42-07:00

    Refactor repair coordinator to centralize stage change logic and improved the public facing errors
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Blake Eggleston, Zhao Yang, Dinesh Joshi, and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15564

595fea7d97f0d87ac9b9a1510379a6faa6a29abf | Author: Jon Haddad <jon@jonhaddad.com>
 | 2020-03-04 13:56:46-08:00

    Improving CircleCI build reliability
    Switched to Circle machine image - docker has issues with networking in tests
    Fix storing of test results
    Updated readme with Java 11
    Upgrade vertx
    Wait for vertx server startup before sending requests
    Update simulacron to latest bug fix version
    added spotbugs exclude config to avoid incorrect NPE error on java 11
    Configure CircleCi to run tests with Java 11
    Patch by Jon Haddad; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15611

29317751434cd1b3a129fd4e44628b28c421c6bd | Author: Jon Haddad <jon@jonhaddad.com>
 | 2020-03-03 15:24:50-08:00

    Upgraded gradle and replaced FindBugs with SpotBugs.
    * Upgrading from findbugs (JDK 8 only) to Spotbugs.  FindBugs was abandoned
      years ago and will not be updated.
    * Upgraded Gradle to version 6.2.1
    Patch by Jon Haddad; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15610.

c7d68e72daafd83657f5d427223dd6283af70128 | Author: Jon Haddad <jon@jonhaddad.com>
 | 2020-02-28 16:54:19-08:00

    Improving local HealthServiceIntegrationTest reliablility
    There appears to be a race condidtion with the simulacron library that causes
    test failure if we don't wait long enough.  This patch simply extends
    the window that we can wait for a test node to come back online.
    Patch by Jon Haddad; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15615

18ccbb4d308c27b67a8d81a2c849dc27fc3e2b5c | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-19 12:09:18-08:00

    Update to Python driver 3.21 for cqlsh
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-14872

f7b3317379dc13aa62eb442741423a3300f0f8c6 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-18 17:48:47-08:00

    Update to Python driver 3.21 for cqlsh
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-14872

467192eb1e5b350e8b89009884b7c1acf9501470 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-17 16:39:32-08:00

    Add test to ensure default keyspaces are present in cqlsh output
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15576

4e0fccc3ed1fded5ad72dfdfcad37a5ccdfc9a24 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-17 16:38:28-08:00

    Fix missing Keyspaces in cqlsh describe output
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Haddad and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15576

d069fd235f3553ef6e3267efc9cf3b9b2fe4e70e | Author: Yuki Morishita <mor.yuki@gmail.com>
 | 2020-02-17 08:04:48+09:00

    Fix cqlsh erroring out on Python 3.7 due to webbrowser module being absent
    Patch by Yuki Morishita; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15572

a519aad63ae2afe92fb957fa299401fe6493a22a | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-14 10:59:48-08:00

    Ninja-Fix: remove dead code

f3ebc0bd1c80ec6a4dc2d2172391f94faec834be | Author: Jean Carlo Rivera Ura <jriveraura.ext@orange.com>
 | 2020-02-13 14:05:33-08:00

    Fix documentation about activating remote jmx
    Patch by Jean Carlo Rivera Ura; Reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15535

95224b71e19e2b7f18596da070937291f040f695 | Author: Brandon Williams <brandonwilliams@apache.org>
 | 2020-02-12 17:47:53-06:00

    Wait for async abort to finish in StreamTransferTaskTest
    Patch by brandonwilliams, reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15550

a0c55b197b794b7fdeb2134e9ca6f6b59f541b77 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2020-02-05 12:07:28-08:00

    Ninja Fix: Update CHANGES.txt for 15470

4e6c0fadfe69419e0f6f7c3fa5960bdcd90d510a | Author: Jeff Jirsa <jjirsa@apple.com>
 | 2020-01-28 08:33:06-08:00

    Fix NativeLibrary.tryOpenDirectory callers for Windows
    Patch by Jeff Jirsa; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15426

7b637d5c2dbfcb387fc24d4d7145f6eb1e2f2052 | Author: Mallika Kulkarni <mallikad@google.com>
 | 2020-01-14 23:55:04-08:00

    Potential Overflow in DatabaseDescriptor Functions That Convert Between KB/MB & Bytes
    Patch by Mallika Kulkarni; reviewed by Jordan West and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15470

05c70abc6350f87ed6cafbc66de8b0e46efe8e49 | Author: dvohra <dvohra10@yahoo.com>
 | 2020-01-06 18:06:01-08:00

    Add Full Query Logging docs
    Patch by Deepak Vohra; Reviewed by Yifan Cai and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15475

ca8469ecf56b460897e6bf92824f958dcfbb1083 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-06 23:15:06+01:00

    Reduce burn length by reducing iteration count
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15487

da36c0cfb98cdf6b8d7e274780fb50454e919ac6 | Author: mck <mck@apache.org>
 | 2020-01-06 13:13:16+01:00

    Run Jenkins Cqlsh Tests using the in-tree cassandra-cqlsh-tests.sh
     patch by Mick Semb Wever; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15471

c0c756d201fa23fb29bf96c97b197ab4c2543326 | Author: Jordan West <jordanrw@gmail.com>
 | 2019-12-27 12:40:15-08:00

    Cleanup and improvements to IndexInfo/ColumnIndex
    * Remove redundant ShallowIndexedEntry.deserializePositionAndSkip(DataInputPlus)
    * Cleanup commented out debugging code in RowIndexEntry
    * Move file pointer retrieval logic into RowIndexEntry.IndexSerializer
    * Cleanup RowIndexEntry.IndexedEntry constructors
    * Remove unnecessary IndexInfo.Serializer argument in
      RIE#serialize. Using a debugger, the argument was shown to be same
      instance as one referred to by the IndexedEntry instances. In the
      case of ShallowIndexEntry & RowIndexEntry the argument wasn't used.
    * Improve comment in ColumnIndex#addIndexBlock
    * Make column_index_cache_size_in_kb a hotprop
    * Add counter for IndexInfo reads from disk and move retrievals
      accounting to FileIndexInfoRetriever#columnsIndex
    Patch by Jordan West; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15469

602a5eef177ac65020470cb0fcf8d88d820ab888 | Author: Aleksey Yeshchenko <aleksey@apache.org>
 | 2019-12-16 11:22:38+00:00

    Fix and optimise partial compressed sstable streaming
    patch by Aleksey Yeschenko; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-13938

2265e614d36198cb78134dd7463c6aa3799481ce | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-11-24 20:37:46-08:00

    RESTEasy integration with dynamically generated Swagger OpenAPI, Swagger UI and JAX-RS.
    This patch introduces JAX-RS based annotation for defining APIs. It removes the manually
    created api.yaml (OpenAPI spec) of the API definitions in favor of the dynamically
    generated spec based on JAX-RS annotations. It also introduces Swagger UI to browse the
    Sidecar APIs and to experiment with them. Finally, it updates the CircleCI workflows
    such that the builds are run across both Docker and Machine images. We also gate packaging
    builds on success of the compile and test builds. The rationale for running the builds
    across both Docker and Machine images is that running the build on a Machine image exposed
    a race condition.
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Jon Haddad and Yifan Cai for CASSANDRASC-22

5459c121d5d688ec1571dd72550bd6faaeb087eb | Author: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
 | 2019-11-18 11:39:45-05:00

    Support NodeTool in dtest
    patch by Doug Rohrer and Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell
    and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15429
    Co-Authored-By: Doug Rohrer <drohrer@apple.com>
    Co-Authored-By: Yifan Cai <yifan_cai@apple.com>

dd974b4b5f7770b293fdd8e4e76d7043508abec4 | Author: Vinay Chella <vinaykumarcse@gmail.com>
 | 2019-11-17 20:12:36-08:00

    Add JAVA8_HOME to circleci to fix broken upgrade test configs
    Patch by Vinay Chella; reviewed by jolynch and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15309

0c4335d6b8b7528b0acef372687e67afb1f16714 | Author: dvohra <dvohra10@yahoo.com>
 | 2019-11-14 14:05:00-08:00

    Add documentation for Java 11 support in Cassandra
    Patch by Deepak Vohra; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15428

9c1bbf3ac913f9bdf7a0e0922106804af42d2c1e | Author: Joseph Lynch <joe.e.lynch@gmail.com>
 | 2019-11-03 16:37:18-08:00

    Flush with fast compressors by default
    Previously Zstd, Deflate and LZ4HC could hold up the flush thread while
    flushing due to their slow compression rates. With this patch we always
    default to flush with a fast compressor (default to LZ4) and then
    compress into the high compression strategy during normal compactions
    that follow. Note that if the existing table compressor is fast (e.g.
    LZ4 or Snappy) we use that.
    Patch by Joey Lynch; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15379

d3b3dcbb353de97220a11f55391babf149410905 | Author: yifan-c <yc25code@gmail.com>
 | 2019-10-27 21:01:31-07:00

    Separate exceptions for CAS write timeout exceptions caused by contention and unkown result
    Patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Alex Petrov and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15350

02cc5df0ed64ba1e746fdb2662f4442fa308abf4 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@apple.com>
 | 2019-10-22 09:17:21-06:00

    In-JVM DTest: Set correct internode message version for upgrade test
    On instance startup, if using mock internode messaging,
    find out what version of internode messaging should be used
    for other endpoints and configure the messaging service.
    Also adds a more helpful diagnostic message when versions are
    not supported.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15371

3a8300e0b86c4acfb7b7702197d36cc39ebe94bc | Author: Zephyr Guo <gzh1992n@gmail.com>
 | 2019-10-18 17:15:20-07:00

    Avoid deadlock during CommitLog initialization
    patch by Zephyr Guo, Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jordan West and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15295
    Co-Authored-By: Zephyr Guo <gzh1992n@gmail.com>
    Co-Authored-By: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>

a7f89688e5b4fdc2f8990fc42cb593da4f6a923f | Author: Romain Hardouin <romain_hardouin@yahoo.fr>
 | 2019-09-24 11:20:54-07:00

    Fix Zstd compression level documentation
    Patch by Romain Hardouin; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15296

4e47bfb3a1abb8074fb9a24f98a97dbf25806522 | Author: Robert Stupp <snazy@snazy.de>
 | 2019-09-09 22:28:54+02:00

    Add support for server side DESCRIBE statements
    patch by Robert Stupp; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Benjamin Lerer for CASSANDRA-14825

311891f35e538f4a8be0309f6d7045fef59dee71 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@gmail.com>
 | 2019-09-09 10:06:20-06:00

    Shuffle forwarding replica for messages to non-local DC.
    Patch by Jon Meredith, reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15318

58a5ce14ba80a0a4eeef0f6b18e58d63113e1159 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@gmail.com>
 | 2019-08-26 15:07:44-06:00

    In-JVM DTest: Add network topology and tracing support
    In-JVM DTest: readRepairTest - Set read repair query to CL.ALL
    The current test relies on the order of nodes returned by the snitch
    to include node3, which SimpleSnitch does.  With support for other
    snitches coming then the test should be able to handle any order
    of nodes - so make sure all nodes are present.
    In-JVM DTest: remove minimum messaging service calculation
    Match change on trunk to resolves issue with trying to call
    getMessagingVersion on nodes that are not started.  Fixes
    mixed version upgrades once all branches are updated.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15319

3a4e00615b14275e5dac535a304add9e1cf4e4eb | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-08-08 17:08:02-07:00

    Enhance & reenable RepairTest with compression=off and compression=on
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15272

14485bd7ad649d9417b4320eab34631251545d0b | Author: Andrew Tolbert <andy_tolbert@apple.com>
 | 2019-07-28 00:11:22-05:00

    Read config from sidecar.config System Property instead of classpath
    Alters configuration processing to read from `sidecar.config` system
    property instead of using `Configurations` file resolution, which seems
    to read from classpath first.
    Also does the following:
    * Move `conf` into `src/dist/config`.  This causes the `conf` directory
      to be included in the tar and zip distributions where it previously
      was not.
    * Don't add `conf` directory to classpath.  For logging add
      `-Dlogback.configuration` to arguments.  Also add `logback-test.xml`
      to have different logging behavior for tests.
    * Copy agents into `build/install/appName/agents` directly instead of
      `src/dist`. Make `copyDist` depend on `copyJolokia`. This also has
      the side effect of having agents copied to the project directory, so
      `bin/CassandraSidecarDaemon` works after `./gradlew build`.
    * Improve logging to include full address instead of just port.
    * Add generated paths to gitignore
    patch by Andrew Tolbert; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Vinay Chella for CASSANDRA-15288

7df67eff2d66dba4bed2b4f6aeabf05144d9b057 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2019-05-15 08:55:31-05:00

    Reduce heap pressure during compactions
    Patch by Chris Lohfink; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Benedict for CASSANDRA-14654

1731e2fe84c1da2a6f4b0d1f73b8fd76c88b3acd | Author: Alex <stillalex@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-15 19:19:05+02:00

    Several mbeans are not unregistered when dropping a keyspace and table
    Patch By Alex Deparvu; Reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Chris Lohfink and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14888

ed2d32612a39188d7ed561cf1a7036cdb147e3f6 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-12 21:39:46+10:00

    Apache NetBeans "Run", "Debug", "Profile" IDE actions
     patch by Mick Semb Wever ; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15083

6898953b827f172e3da199c2c6878d7af9027347 | Author: Mick Semb Wever <mck@apache.org>
 | 2019-04-02 20:01:39+11:00

    Apache NetBeans project files
     patch by Mick Semb Wever ; reviewed by Wade Chandler and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15073

aa762c6d5253e0cc2947d3bf2b6149197e106036 | Author: Blake Eggleston <bdeggleston@gmail.com>
 | 2019-03-26 11:18:00-07:00

    Support building Cassandra with JDK 11
    Patch by Blake Eggleston; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-15108

87afb85f59bdc94a7909bf02575819b6812efaf2 | Author: Patrick Bannister <ptbannister@gmail.com>
 | 2019-03-13 15:08:12-07:00

    Fix and reenable cqlsh tests
    Patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Stefan Podkowinski for CASSANDRA-14298

2dc4b1d0077a6096d5f51aa0500159a7ec67e6d3 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2019-03-05 11:14:48-06:00

    Add integration tests task
    Patch by Chris Lohfink, reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Vinay Chella for CASSANDRA-15031

30019477cb1813c5ae75bb7ff5186c2f6d02aecb | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-02-22 09:19:28-06:00

    Add support for SSL and bindable address to sidecar
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Vinay Chella and Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-15030

5712fb486b8e49b9b136d28fe2b9915e1d081689 | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2019-02-21 20:14:52-06:00

    Autogenerate API docs for sidecar
    Patch by Chris Lohfink, reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15028

e49b25c29faf7b83fe7c566d7b1657d9f599d750 | Author: anupshirolkar <anup.shirolkar@instaclustr.com>
 | 2019-02-21 12:57:41+11:00

    Documentation fix for Hint_delays metrics
     patch by Anup Shirolkar; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Mick Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-15015

a15ed267d1977e38ba36d061139839fad7b865f2 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-02-18 18:16:35-08:00

    C* Management process
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown and Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-14395
    Co-authored-by: Vinay Chella <vinaykumarcse@gmail.com>
    Co-authored-by: Joey Lynch <joe.e.lynch@gmail.com>

47d4971b56d97ba8a528f7c17bfd6b11f1ababa3 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@yahoo.com>
 | 2019-02-12 23:37:06-08:00

    Fix SimpleStrategy option validation
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-15007

d7d00036e7bc49ceb7da7971e39063733ce50136 | Author: Fumiya Yamashita <fyamashi@yahoo-corp.jp>
 | 2019-02-12 17:03:26-08:00

    Improve `nodetool status -r` speed
    patch by Fumiya Yamashita; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14847
    Co-authored-by: Fumiya Yamashita <fyamashi@yahoo-corp.jp>
    Co-authored-by: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>

cbf4da4397c2cec34d6a240b0e917a847c46b3d0 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-02-11 17:29:44-08:00

    CASSANDRA-14991 Follow-up: clean up SSL Hot Reloading code
    patch by Dinesh Joshi, reviewed by Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15018

16ef9ac37c21c4f9091cd1f3658e54abddab8ad8 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-02-08 11:55:38-05:00

    SSL Cert Hot Reloading should check for sanity of the new keystore/truststore before loading it
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-14991

174cf761f7897443080b8a840b649b7eab17ae25 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-01-28 12:29:46+00:00

    Validate token() arguments early instead of throwing NPE at execution
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and Jon Meredith
    for CASSANDRA-14989

c49d42f318c735676d1cb8984c1dee8ae46b3c0d | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2019-01-24 13:44:55+01:00

    Remove unnecessary Runnable wrapping in NamedThreadFactory as is done by Netty.
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15008

ff73c33ab78f70cd0e70280c89e8d8a46f5536d8 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-01-22 15:36:02-08:00

    Clean up all javadoc related errors
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Jeff Jirsa for CASSANDRA-14995

4aa022e215bcffbf84becea9253ef07b2e87a19b | Author: tommy stendahl <tommy.stendahl@ericsson.com>
 | 2019-01-16 11:48:27+01:00

    Fix generating javadoc with Java11; cleanup unused imports
    Patch by Tommy Stendahl; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14988

4c1479b5f457c3a8ed0302461ef79331cc13e798 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-01-14 17:39:16-05:00

    SSTable loader exception when loading 3.0/3.11 compact tables into 4.0
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-14895

4f2fe195208197ac663b8b1225a76e1219228ced | Author: jean carlo <jean.jeancarl48@gmail.com>
 | 2019-01-13 22:21:46+01:00

    Add missing commands to nodetool-completion
    Patch by Jean Carlo; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14916

a9d1af96b515c06f56b49fd9894c3f7216aa099d | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2019-01-04 12:43:34-08:00

    Add a script to make running the cqlsh tests in cassandra repo easier
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-14951

505a03c77764351e1b649e8c7d73d0421e7bcc13 | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2018-12-10 15:50:19-05:00

    MigrationManager attempts to pull schema from different major version nodes
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14928

85e402a7fda59110aeea181924035d69db693240 | Author: Georg Dietrich <gdiet@users.noreply.github.com>
 | 2018-12-03 05:12:49-08:00

    Make stop-server.bat wait for Cassandra to terminate
    patch by Georg Dietrich; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14829

dccf53061a61e7c632669c60cd94626e405518e9 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-11-19 15:43:50-08:00

    Add Zstd compressor
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-14482

1d5e0301f36b5c0dbd8fa8b5e599d2bb413f1b4e | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2018-11-16 19:41:58+01:00

    Introduce in-jvm distributed tests
    Patch by Alex Petrov and Benedict Elliott Smith; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14821.
    Co-authored-by: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>

f22fec927de7ac291266660c2f34de5b8cc1c695 | Author: Alex Petrov <oleksandr.petrov@gmail.com>
 | 2018-11-16 19:41:58+01:00

    Introduce in-jvm distributed tests
    Patch by Alex Petrov and Benedict Elliott Smith; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14821.
    Co-authored-by: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apache.org>

0766f7e54182d04ecf5a15a732f5ec7951d62326 | Author: Jeff Jirsa <jjirsa@apple.com>
 | 2018-10-31 14:53:31-07:00

    Improve wording around partitioner selection
    Patch by Aaron Ploetz; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Kurt Greaves for CASSANDRA-14798

76447d6f501263035bcc9978d8923ea502e60733 | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2018-10-31 16:30:33-04:00

    Reenable upgrade tests and make them runnable via CircleCI
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14421

84598f11513f4c1dc0be4d7115a47b59940a649e | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2018-10-31 16:17:17-04:00

    Reenable upgrade tests
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14421
    Co-authored-by: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
    Co-authored-by: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>

877b08eaf0e02542c9f6d9f8cd457a8e44b4febf | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2018-10-29 15:26:22-04:00

    Don't write to system_distributed.repair_history, system_traces.sessions, system_traces.events in mixed version 3.X/4.0 clusters
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14841

104835d880b4ace131e341235359606347783102 | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2018-10-12 14:28:28-04:00

    speculative_write_policy renamed to additional_write_policy
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14820

4ae229f5cd270c2b43475b3f752a7b228de260ea | Author: Ariel Weisberg <aweisberg@apple.com>
 | 2018-10-12 12:27:13-04:00

    Upgrade to 4.0 fails with NullPointerException
    Patch by Ariel Weisberg; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14820

e07d53aaec94a498028d988f7d2c7ae7e6b620d0 | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@gmail.com>
 | 2018-10-04 17:08:52-06:00

    Fix flaky LongBufferPoolTest
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14790

f83bd5ac2bbc6755213a6ad0675e7e5400c79670 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2018-08-24 14:41:09+02:00

    Add fqltool compare
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Jason Brown and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14619

7b61b0be88ef1fcc29646ae8bdbb05da825bc1b2 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-08-20 18:12:49-07:00

    Disable old native protocol versions on demand
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14659

46c33f324e5f3373d85838f364aece7ca6a6189c | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2018-08-20 18:30:21+02:00

    Log keyspace in full query log
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14656

f31d1a05a1f6f85f64c9b965009db814960c4eca | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2018-08-17 00:40:54-05:00

    Add sampler for query time and expose with nodetool
    patch by Chris Lohfink; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14436

ac1bb75867a9a878a86d9b659234f78772627287 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-08-16 15:01:20-07:00

    Extend IAuthenticator to accept peer SSL certificates
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14652

6e80b1846c308bb13d0b700263c89f10caa17d28 | Author: Jason Brown <jasedbrown@gmail.com>
 | 2018-08-16 06:27:23-07:00

    Test corrupting an internode messaging connection, and ensure it reconnects.
    patch by jasobrown; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14574

a4053682e84a18bbff414eb89fafbed92b6a7b14 | Author: Jason Brown <jasedbrown@gmail.com>
 | 2018-08-09 04:50:10-07:00

    Update netty to 4.1.128
    patch by jasobrown; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14633

62ffb7723917768c38c9e012710c6dce509191c1 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <marcuse@apache.org>
 | 2018-08-06 16:32:27+02:00

    Add fqltool replay
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Jason Brown and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14618

7bdea449c320c8a47a4e253e5cf6aa854d7a968d | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apple.com>
 | 2018-07-27 16:17:30+01:00

    Throw exception if Columns serialized subset encode more columns than possible
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14591

0c97908b2f185615c0134572c4f276cd2c5a3f55 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <benedict@apple.com>
 | 2018-07-27 16:13:18+01:00

    CommitLogReplayer.handleReplayError should print stack traces
    patch by Benedict; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14589

9abeff38c4bdcd6e640642c38b5f253f0955e6b0 | Author: Jason Brown <jasedbrown@gmail.com>
 | 2018-07-20 04:50:43-07:00

    Improve logging in MessageInHandler's constructor
    patch by jasobrown; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14576

298416a7445aa50874caebc779ca3094b32f3e31 | Author: Jason Brown <jasedbrown@gmail.com>
 | 2018-07-18 13:47:22-07:00

    Incomplete handling of exceptions when decoding incoming messages
    patch by jasobrown; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14574

47a12c52a313258307ab88392f75c5866d9a2bb1 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-07-03 12:07:11-07:00

    Stream entire SSTables when possible
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and Ariel Weisberg
    for CASSANDRA-14566

d291b2b90326c62c2df8f49098c6deb915c16460 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-07-01 23:41:11-07:00

    Stream entire SSTables when possible
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and Ariel Weisberg
    for CASSANDRA-14566

4cb83cb81abe6990820f76c0addbd172d9f248a6 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-06-27 19:18:24-07:00

    OffsetAwareConfigurationLoader doesn't set ssl storage port causing bind errors in CircleCI
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Ariel Weisberg for CASSANDRA-14546

85ceec8855683b8bf71e009c8ed102ec91d85a41 | Author: James Roper <james@jazzy.id.au>
 | 2018-06-26 18:18:36-04:00

    Report why native_transport_port fails to bind
    Patch by James Roper; Review by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14544

5db822b71ad7278ca6443455d029dd79e22388d8 | Author: Jason Brown <jasedbrown@gmail.com>
 | 2018-06-22 13:56:17-07:00

    Internode messaging handshake sends wrong messaging version number
    patch by jasobrown; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14540

6da5fb56c8e0777843e88359a45a461a9f9eb639 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-06-08 16:38:00-07:00

    Make AsyncOneResponse use the correct timeout
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by marcuse for CASSANDRA-14509

06209037ea56b5a2a49615a99f1542d6ea1b2947 | Author: Jason Brown <jasedbrown@gmail.com>
 | 2018-05-29 19:21:10-07:00

    Optimize internode messaging protocol
    patch by jasobrown; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14485

bf9a1d487b9ba469e8d740cf7d1cd419535a7e79 | Author: Patrick Bannister <ptbannister@gmail.com>
 | 2018-05-02 23:12:45+00:00

    Make cqlsh and cqlshlib Python 2 & 3 compatible
    Patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-10190

45f250535a5d26011ce7d71c9c09b31d758bfd7b | Author: Chris Lohfink <clohfink@apple.com>
 | 2018-05-02 00:52:16-07:00

    Allow noarg toppartitions
    Closes #214
    Patch by Chris Lohfink; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14360

f2ee3db6537005f9ae8582cecd8e29df29ac30d5 | Author: James Lamb <james.lamb@uptake.com>
 | 2018-05-01 18:16:21-05:00

    Clean up build artifacts in docs container
    patch by James Lamb; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14432

a9ec46a613ae5602ced004935c9954638e83e735 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-04-30 17:18:44-07:00

    List clients by protocol versions `nodetool clientstats --by-protocol`
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14335

63945228fc0fabea2cfcf1f1b4d0a29ed3964107 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-04-19 17:23:19-07:00

    Use the correct IP/Port for Streaming when localAddress is left unbound
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14389

e16f0ed0698c5cb47ab2bb0a0b04966d5bdbcde0 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-04-16 10:18:22-07:00

    Fix junit failure for SSTableReaderTest#testOpeningSSTable
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-14387

8a5e1cbe293ee7c83efba0d0101ada0a80cfaf00 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-04-16 10:18:22-07:00

    Fix junit failure for SSTableReaderTest#testOpeningSSTable
    Patch by Dinesh Joshi; Reviewed by Chris Lohfink for CASSANDRA-14387

175a083a6f3b4d5d58f3702d31ce6920af519669 | Author: Patrick Bannister <ptbannister@gmail.com>
 | 2018-04-13 22:18:57-04:00

    Make cqlsh and cqlshlib Python 2 & 3 compatible
    Patch by Patrick Bannister; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Andy Tolbert and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-10190

a831b99f9123d1c2bdfd70761aca3a05446c9a4c | Author: Jeff Jirsa <jjirsa@apple.com>
 | 2018-04-11 08:24:40-07:00

    Refactor Pair usage to avoid boxing ints/longs
    Patch by Jeff Jirsa; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14260

946aaa7b06f2ccd697e31dcc15c29468da523311 | Author: djanand <jogeshanand@gmail.com>
 | 2018-03-31 17:53:09-05:00

    Add meaningful toString() impls
    patch by Jogesh Anand; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-13653

59814db54375d4002eb11403c72861765d9eb356 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@yahoo.com>
 | 2018-03-19 09:54:11-07:00

    NodeTool clientstats should show SSL Cipher
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14322

11496039fb18bb45407246602e31740c56d28157 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <dinesh.joshi@apple.com>
 | 2018-03-17 17:17:42-07:00

    Correct and clarify SSLFactory.getSslContext method and call sites
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14314

5dc55e715eba6667c388da9f8f1eb7a46489b35c | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@yahoo.com>
 | 2018-02-26 16:59:23-08:00

    Add ability to specify driver name and version
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for CASSANDRA-14275

890f319142ddd3cf2692ff45ff28e71001365e96 | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@yahoo.com>
 | 2018-02-09 11:14:12-08:00

    Fix unit test failures in ViewComplexTest
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14219

473e8dfd7be95815ee10502f021bd7deb8734fba | Author: Dinesh Joshi <dinesh.joshi@yahoo.com>
 | 2018-02-07 15:08:01-08:00

    Add hot reloading of SSL Certificates
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by jasobrown for CASSANDRA-14222

2aeed037e0f105e72366e15afa012257e910a25d | Author: Jaydeepkumar Chovatia <chovatia.jaydeep@gmail.com>
 | 2017-05-12 17:23:44-07:00

    Support light-weight transactions in cassandra-stress
    patch by Jaydeepkumar Chovatia; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and jasobrown for CASSANDRA-13529

65fb17a88bd096b1e952ccca31ad709759644a1b | Author: Sam Tunnicliffe <sam@beobal.com>
 | 2017-03-10 15:18:33+00:00

    Add checksumming to the native protocol
    Patch my Michael Kjellman and Sam Tunnicliffe; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi
    and Jordan West for CASSANDRA-13304

0a860b9b3e66be443b2236454c0f8c97c936a6dc | Author: Jon Meredith <jmeredithco@gmail.com>
 | 2017-01-17 18:49:39-05:00

    Fix regression with traceOutgoingMessage printing message size.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15687