Jon Meredith all time

 44 Collaborator
Brandon Williams , Aleksey Yeschenko , Mick Semb Wever , Marcus Eriksson , Benedict Elliott Smith , Sam Tunnicliffe , Yuki Morishita , Benjamin Lerer , Štefan Miklošovič , Alex Petrov , Berenguer Blasi , Ekaterina Dimitrova , David Capwell , Josh McKenzie , Andrés de la Peña , Paulo Motta , Caleb Rackliffe , Blake Eggleston , Yifan Cai , Dinesh Joshi , Francisco Guerrero , Jeff Jirsa , Zhao Yang , Jordan West , Doug Rohrer , Maxim Muzafarov , Andy Tolbert , Abe Ratnofsky , Jyothsna Konisa , Bernardo Botella , Maulin Vasavada , Alexander Dejanovski , Matt Fleming , Daniel Jatnieks , Dan Jatnieks , Stephen Mallette , Natnael Adere , Nachiket Patil , jkonisa , Mohammad Aburadeh , Francisco Guerrero Hernandez , Marcus Eriksson, Jon Meredith , Kamalesh Palanisamy , Benedict Elliott Smith

 58 Patch  77 Review
9ebe0aa08ae616f49983e2800eee190921f2edf3, 9157d98e4cc5c00d74cef6128c16659ff43f3585, b9586501a6b6cdfe465302448018785652c9b966, bde4fa0013eb8cec5b1d88b21ca4463bc07272bb, 914484dfd86d5145118032a61c04bc3cdb632fb3, ae995eb3d3cc1c98f61db0d071522b6f09443927, 602ffcbf3e4ead4732fdf46d506165f63d80a9a4, 1a5302608f3506c4940fa170976336081ddd4a88, 09c1e67598d7a0dc7da7bebee358fbc96d84680a, cd9bed0aeadd94136a8a6c6ed284cc4684b0666c, 853ae8c84049be875921a40c9d5924724cc72792, 3a4fff38b5d89650d6ac96df22d850a0935d7730, 4e0aad3319f90eaf7a5e5aed1fd3c5bb7a949fbd, 22ec7eee7f340e8333055b2b10646cfe00cb6a84, f65f1237800b5e884309bbb1bb69d1302466ee80, 6748b8b7ead6fff7820045ebbfe23f6c050f2efe, 7bde2c23abacf60d156de7c444f136dcfe9fe276, 5e39c54678b0d70145b5c699593eb9ce7fa7706a, 008bf8607c55926d0aadb4602a8a854d396c7657, ba0555e965699d64099870c0288b31d1a15b2698, 2fdbda6ac98f161513f80e7bbab4ea8ca1c8528a, ce6a65cb294af3b68ab2f4bba7945b097de42576, fa7185ef02c313ff322fcc50d2de03186b9f96a7, 94580a272e77439e4150926a1bd1e723a36236e6, 647ec92db17e1b1a3677e7880849a29c0c30adde, 431c692b884395b16beadac1d10f7e674b3e7ed5, 9ff28fc717e7926b5cf7c8acc85a35e0cfb43595, b1a8a56c563b85ab9a34d3bbf9c16278dd441157, 071ecb52465837c90520423c2bc80eb886936953, 4d4e1e88d095e10d53b59bf004a59709c3cee186, 2fba5c80ce7bf71d04c62043ffa1088b9e832d83, 6fa5300682fbfcbaaae9d4593a015c18ab34df1f, 838bd8cae6d125cfb055dbf6bfc5a2d4e13cdfcb, 2d80e9904b46474b3a7cc135690c27511a234713, b74d7370cc89fa899f47f50c825ddaed2dd05c3f, 1b04702f351861e6fef8cf64fd26f65ec90e4c70, 7637acc3d762047f2a478855eb4d239b4f314cd8, 919a8964a83511d96766c3e53ba603e77bca626c, f293376aa8dd315a208ef2f03bdcb7a84dcc675c, db5832120f0fe9ad799ca0b5b16bbcf6f7404580, a062ff5f9f0d3221deaaaaf8fccbcd21e933e7cd, c9b41c1f8ad03719918c4d3c29719056ae6b3995, c230ec9ed07b9077ce8422bce8db4e94d5b644cb, 678ca3fc29c38b64a110dcf40693aa7840b0585c, 09f83fa023cbe57e90287e7d93560f1cb0edb4c4, f9ddaf1841147fc284e802739ca42403aa2816ae, 0a860b9b3e66be443b2236454c0f8c97c936a6dc, c4db3f89a9a07c45c78da9b5b3f802a6f8b51531, 02c6d6540c6ab108b763a639146e74e9f8d0dd40, 311891f35e538f4a8be0309f6d7045fef59dee71, 860de83a02f3b7711e842a58a073802b9920a1a1, 02cc5df0ed64ba1e746fdb2662f4442fa308abf4, 58a5ce14ba80a0a4eeef0f6b18e58d63113e1159, 8dcaa12baa97ce870f23ff9045f968f2fa28b2cc, d8164c643395e3b6579a2fe6ce6ff0423df2f520, e07d53aaec94a498028d988f7d2c7ae7e6b620d0, 36e25140a013843faf91be938c3301495957ed1d, 7ddfe52d51639817c6c5be86c0c8e317e33620eb b6eb5890da38642fc7af7d39c83f7ec01f33d78f, 6a640b0c4e6e3aecca08c749250e2dfec18063ab, bfcb21fbebfef14fbfe626bfd39d66f5e5c51018, 8bfe0e5878c64ed25591aae50643187bc8ab7241, 6ffa43f68b8d10ca84d4a00bf81269527b4e14df, b47bee42d3b15020fbae72b173e873fa57c8e0c8, c6d7d070c59d81db8949683d3e5670b909efb48c, 4f232324ba030ff640a790b4029d9f722e96872b, 1c7e7db2d062e54c38a05e073caa40889188657c, 4a2a585ec012f2bbeea4d9c3aebbab04cc08a370, f078c02cb58bddd735490b07548f7352f0eb09aa, 43ec1843918aba9e81d3c2dc1433a1ef4740a51f, 853ae8c84049be875921a40c9d5924724cc72792, 4444721b6de555352bf0ac3ef7e36f94dc832f41, 40f9ca60f103783aa481bc9a91b92fd55b4ea625, 0a0e06847bf10aa88a3a30c239c507a64f949d74, 4a555f47ee943ce9fd70862cc8127d707e3507a2, 5be1038c5d38af32d3cbb0545d867f21304f3a46, 36e16ee3c911c710129fcf3a69595038c3dbd385, b2660bcf78ccf08a3a0ae39a8c9ffb397efef9ff, ca75ffe4d09a3e7b26a56345c0bdacaa284eaab7, d6aee7e08c658db9d394a6b7e3e27791b4d6854f, 0e855c4b7c157b7ba63bb7377bc441260d76556f, 3e0b94565acc64e903d73af3a14b23c875abc5b3, 5e39c54678b0d70145b5c699593eb9ce7fa7706a, fe28f482db0e1bc81936a62d0564e9657f428d2a, 7119cf8be1c32fa6ac015456965ae27a17cd828c, 7da28ef37848d14c0ff4597dfc6e116bd9febce6, 557b8e9982ad0964191abde810ef5c77a536f70a, 6247c9d966d7e3886fef0c7486013578407b37e4, a00d8fd5ba9d73a377d1a11e6f540c56d66e9c8f, fb8bf30c6d1b6f893a77a74b9e8b4223e5497dd4, ed3901823a5fe9f8838d8b592a1b7703b12e810b, ce515a3d77c2042575827e8bdb1da639fc957491, 559b17f71d3207158d34b1dd2414a531e362af20, 74bb6d8496d5a2a5b89a843ba764fe37b65ee331, 57ab3afcf16970047d3df4656241cf0705e94bee, 3d9365096bc579d10e417278576d650611105120, 3655b26adf8d3b94095924920d05cc1a16d0f4c0, b1a8a56c563b85ab9a34d3bbf9c16278dd441157, 92dc415902654c0e69de47205af62b9bb4532809, 8e225c55c49493f00fc9bc0b5809ab026d60c767, 4f09733d28398207bc16ace92cda6e1ffeb99644, 24dcc280c2e442eea27e7129c4c948eb6199ed91, 84ec1dc97d6358bd569d5467cb150abd0fc8939b, aaf72a7decf6964f00adb871333571de66c166a3, f9d41ff83655ead37ac6083d7ee43f2c35a346da, 2b6799a3941353444d964c769415937920099b18, 4b3f07fc74089151efeff7a8fdfa9c414a1f0d6a, 8cd02afce972ecaf0e0cf0fe09c610d67d9af9c5, 2bd07ecab6121ebfc8a192243c5c6fb41eb85515, 51e762c5dbe63ac5bdd853945ce6462772e59820, a1285ac92ded45ab6e9f6c7c98917daf14a4a320, e675a74d7303f10694e571594538a0462002051f, 5879813db7e5c9485a393cf79473b77be38ad5b3, 876ac8c6111697c8105899889bf794438110bc74, 67f0c3491a4a1966603ace4fe110b7cfc5b64e9c, ce270081bc0bc8ffa0a7e1e5c04f30b5c1875a84, 79e693e16e2152097c5b27d2d7aaa1763e34f594, da3806795fe7cf8412249a0fab9934e071a7511e, 91bcbb28733437a7a5fedb16984d4de2fa70b049, bd1b84dc3b5667c969e6d0277eb40a8e475e149a, 23ba48aa935d3f81e66b65285fa8e7972f94dcfe, 0697489f7455fa078cb454776b98236f18f82dd4, 219eb86fd22805d419667c791af4419cd2b3d00a, 528e3ad00b78f3cc03f27248914249798f2c0aa9, 624d01660bdad4dc924717f4c602ce6241c0c825, 25fd7bd84f1931d2a44e90e629f794c4cd11aa46, 57a2a8613d2595b8650c24ef1cf3bb0055202409, 25aa10c9c12c294ff5998d481a0618193c66b5c2, c55d727bbe8d66e87497d6c8b6301a767b11bb4c, 3a4e00615b14275e5dac535a304add9e1cf4e4eb, e0c10fd76b38dea49ad3159fd4690e0ed4b55e1f, 174cf761f7897443080b8a840b649b7eab17ae25, 23d722ee3a7b91bfe5ee6fe64d090ff247e80438, 1e3bc4c3b34eae563547899645bfb3f0a1948c79, d59833f2223a85a4dc3f4ea597384588d5d008df

b6eb5890da38642fc7af7d39c83f7ec01f33d78f | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2024-11-18 11:19:04-07:00

    Optionally prevent tombstone purging during repair
    patch by Marcus Eriksson, Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-20071

9157d98e4cc5c00d74cef6128c16659ff43f3585 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2024-04-25 13:53:28-06:00

    Streaming exception race creates corrupt transaction log files that prevent restart
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18736

6a640b0c4e6e3aecca08c749250e2dfec18063ab | Author: Mohammad Aburadeh <>
 | 2024-04-01 19:04:03+00:00

    Change logging to TRACE when failing to get peer certificates
    Patch by Mohammad Aburadeh; reviewed by brandonwilliams and jonmeredith
    for CASSANDRA-19508

b9586501a6b6cdfe465302448018785652c9b966 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-09-21 16:07:29-06:00

    Internode legacy SSL storage port certificate is not hot reloaded on update
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Francisco Guerrero for CASSANDRA-18681

8bfe0e5878c64ed25591aae50643187bc8ab7241 | Author: Doug Rohrer <>
 | 2023-09-14 14:55:49-06:00

    InstanceClassLoader leak in 5.0/trunk
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Francisco Guerrero, Jon Meredith, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18841

bfcb21fbebfef14fbfe626bfd39d66f5e5c51018 | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2023-08-30 11:58:21-07:00

    Set right client auth for creating SSL context in mTLS optional mode
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Francisco Guerrero, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18811

bde4fa0013eb8cec5b1d88b21ca4463bc07272bb | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-08-28 16:10:41-06:00

    Waiting indefinitely on ReceivedMessage response in StreamSession#receive() can cause deadlock
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18733

6ffa43f68b8d10ca84d4a00bf81269527b4e14df | Author: Francisco Guerrero <>
 | 2023-08-25 11:10:48-06:00

    Support Dynamic Port Allocation for in-jvm dtest framework
    patch by Francisco Guerrero; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi, Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18722

c6d7d070c59d81db8949683d3e5670b909efb48c | Author: Doug Rohrer <>
 | 2023-08-23 18:03:30-06:00

    IsolatedJMX should not release all TCPEndpoints on instance shutdown
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18725

b47bee42d3b15020fbae72b173e873fa57c8e0c8 | Author: Andy Tolbert <>
 | 2023-08-18 09:33:57-05:00

    Allow empty keystore_password in encryption_options
    patch by Andy Tolbert; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-18778

4f232324ba030ff640a790b4029d9f722e96872b | Author: Maxim Muzafarov <>
 | 2023-08-01 22:01:55+02:00

    Fix HandshakeTest initiated twice for the outbound connection
    patch by Maxim Muzafarov; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Mchael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-18704

1c7e7db2d062e54c38a05e073caa40889188657c | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <>
 | 2023-08-01 14:37:26-04:00

    Fix BulkLoader ignoring cipher suites options.
    patch by Dan Jatnieks; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18582

4a2a585ec012f2bbeea4d9c3aebbab04cc08a370 | Author: Daniel Jatnieks <>
 | 2023-06-11 11:52:22-05:00

    Fix BulkLoader ignoring cipher suites options.
    patch by Dan Jatnieks; reviewed by Ekaterina Dimitrova and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18582

914484dfd86d5145118032a61c04bc3cdb632fb3 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-06-02 13:50:21-06:00

    Ninja fix missing IDEA sun.rmi.transport.tcp compiler export after CASSANDRA-18511

43ec1843918aba9e81d3c2dc1433a1ef4740a51f | Author: Doug Rohrer <>
 | 2023-05-30 15:01:59-06:00

    Add support for JMX in the in-jvm dtest framework
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Jon Meredith, Francisco Guerrero Hernandez for CASSANDRA-18511

f078c02cb58bddd735490b07548f7352f0eb09aa | Author: jkonisa <>
 | 2023-05-22 22:15:22-07:00

    Adding Mutual TLS authenticators for client & internode connections
    Patch by Jyothsna Konisa & Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Yifan Cai, Jon Meredith,
    Yuki Morishita & Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-18554
    Co-Authored-By: Dinesh Joshi <>

1e3bc4c3b34eae563547899645bfb3f0a1948c79 | Author: Doug Rohrer <>
 | 2023-05-18 20:44:43-04:00

    Add JMX utility class to in-jvm dtest to ease development of new tests using JMX
    While reviewing CASSANDRA-18511, some repetitive code was identified across the 4 branches,
    and 2 different tests, that would also be repeated for any new usages of the JMX support
    in the in-jvm dtest framework. Therefore, a utility class should be added to the dtest-api's
    `shared` package that will simplify some of this repetitive and error-prone code.
    patch by Doug Rohrer; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-18537

ae995eb3d3cc1c98f61db0d071522b6f09443927 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-05-09 08:54:40-06:00

    NPE when deserializing malformed collections from client
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18505

602ffcbf3e4ead4732fdf46d506165f63d80a9a4 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-05-03 10:27:48-06:00

    fix flaky o.a.c.distributed.test.PaxosRepair2Test.paxosRepairHistoryIsntUpdatedInForcedRepair
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-18047

1a5302608f3506c4940fa170976336081ddd4a88 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-04-26 13:40:45-06:00

    Test Failure: HintsDisabledTest.testHintedHandoffDisabled
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Paulo Motta for CASSANDRA-18482

09c1e67598d7a0dc7da7bebee358fbc96d84680a | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-04-21 15:24:58-06:00

     Incremental repairs fail on mixed IPv4/v6 addresses serializing SyncRequest
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-18474

cd9bed0aeadd94136a8a6c6ed284cc4684b0666c | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-04-20 14:17:36-06:00

    Deadlock updating sstable metadata if disk boundaries need reloading
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Marcus Eriksson for CASSANDRA-18443

853ae8c84049be875921a40c9d5924724cc72792 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2023-03-30 13:07:16-05:00

    Avoid loading the preferred IP for BulkLoader streaming
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18370
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <>
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>

4444721b6de555352bf0ac3ef7e36f94dc832f41 | Author: Natnael Adere <>
 | 2023-03-24 09:28:37-07:00

    Provide summary of failed SessionInfo's in StreamResultFuture
    patch by Natnael Adere; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17199

0a0e06847bf10aa88a3a30c239c507a64f949d74 | Author: Kamalesh Palanisamy <>
 | 2023-03-03 15:42:06-07:00

    org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionStrategyManagerBoundaryReloadTest.testReload fails when running with TrieMemtables
    patch by Kamalesh Palanisamy; reviewed by David Capwell, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18144

40f9ca60f103783aa481bc9a91b92fd55b4ea625 | Author: Benedict Elliott Smith <>
 | 2023-03-01 19:08:20-07:00

    Improve memtable allocator accounting when updating AtomicBTreePartition
    patch by Benedict Elliott Smith; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18125

4a555f47ee943ce9fd70862cc8127d707e3507a2 | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2023-02-17 13:50:06-08:00

    Fix flaky testOutboundConnectionsAreRejectedWhenAuthFails
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17708

3a4fff38b5d89650d6ac96df22d850a0935d7730 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-02-16 15:05:37-07:00

    Ninja fix CASSANDRA-18242 - was not generating IDEA workspace for J11 correctly

4e0aad3319f90eaf7a5e5aed1fd3c5bb7a949fbd | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2023-02-10 10:05:42-07:00

    Split and order IDEA workspace template VM_PARAMETERS
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-18242

5be1038c5d38af32d3cbb0545d867f21304f3a46 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2023-01-11 13:40:57-08:00

    Streaming progress virtual table lock contention can trigger TCP_USER_TIMEOUT and fail streaming
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Abe Ratnofsky, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-18110

36e16ee3c911c710129fcf3a69595038c3dbd385 | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2022-11-14 14:16:07-08:00

    Adding endpoint verification option to client_encryption_options
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-18034

ca75ffe4d09a3e7b26a56345c0bdacaa284eaab7 | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2022-10-07 10:03:16-07:00

    Mixed mode support for internode authentication during TLS upgrades
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17923

22ec7eee7f340e8333055b2b10646cfe00cb6a84 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-09-15 12:40:25-04:00

    Mitigate direct buffer memory OOM on replacements
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17895
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>

f65f1237800b5e884309bbb1bb69d1302466ee80 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-09-07 13:55:54-04:00

    Prevent flakiness in MixedModeMessageForwardTest
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17866

6748b8b7ead6fff7820045ebbfe23f6c050f2efe | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-09-02 10:28:21-06:00

    Speculative execution threshold unit mismatch
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17877

d6aee7e08c658db9d394a6b7e3e27791b4d6854f | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2022-09-01 11:47:22-05:00

    Optionally avoid hint transfer during decommission
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17808

b2660bcf78ccf08a3a0ae39a8c9ffb397efef9ff | Author: Abe Ratnofsky <>
 | 2022-08-30 15:23:26-07:00

    Fix JMX security vulnerabilities
     patch by Abe Ratnofsky; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Mick Semb Wever, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17921

0e855c4b7c157b7ba63bb7377bc441260d76556f | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-08-22 14:28:50-04:00

    Fix potential out of range exception on column index downsampling
    Patch by Marcus Eriksson; reviewed by Josh McKenzie, Jon Meredith, and Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17839
    Co-authored-by: Marcus Eriksson <>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>

9ebe0aa08ae616f49983e2800eee190921f2edf3 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-08-12 12:43:26-04:00

    Replace getStderr calls with getCleanedStderr calls in tests checking for emptiness
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Josh McKenzie and Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-17815
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>

7bde2c23abacf60d156de7c444f136dcfe9fe276 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-08-12 12:43:26-04:00

    Replace getStderr calls with getCleanedStderr calls in tests checking for emptiness
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Josh McKenzie and Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-17815
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>

3e0b94565acc64e903d73af3a14b23c875abc5b3 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-08-02 16:02:03-04:00

    Add support to generate a One-Shot heap dump on unhandled exceptions
    Patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Josh McKenzie, David Capwell, and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17795
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>

fe28f482db0e1bc81936a62d0564e9657f428d2a | Author: Ekaterina Dimitrova <>
 | 2022-07-27 09:41:44-04:00

    Fix sstable_preemptive_open_interval_in_mb disabled value - backward compatibility
    patch by Ekaterina Dimitrova; reviewed by Andres de la Pena and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17737

7119cf8be1c32fa6ac015456965ae27a17cd828c | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2022-06-30 09:52:50-07:00

    Fix TestGossipingPropertyFileSnitch.test_prefer_local_reconnect_on_listen_address
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17700

008bf8607c55926d0aadb4602a8a854d396c7657 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-06-29 12:25:08-06:00

    Disable mock internode messaging during startup/shutdown
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17636

5e39c54678b0d70145b5c699593eb9ce7fa7706a | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2022-06-22 17:12:41-06:00

    Avoid initializing schema via SystemKeyspace.getPreferredIP() with the BulkLoader tool
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17740
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <>
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>

7da28ef37848d14c0ff4597dfc6e116bd9febce6 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <>
 | 2022-06-16 19:26:02+02:00

    SSL storage port in sstableloader is deprecated
    this is the follow-up commit which deprecates ssl storage port for backward compatibility
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17602

557b8e9982ad0964191abde810ef5c77a536f70a | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2022-06-13 11:05:22-07:00

    Adding support to perform certificate based internode authentication
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17661

6247c9d966d7e3886fef0c7486013578407b37e4 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2022-06-06 13:42:00-07:00

    jvm-dtest upgrade tests run all supported pairs of upgrades between from/to but does not actually test all patches from/to
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-17656

ba0555e965699d64099870c0288b31d1a15b2698 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-06-05 15:13:24-06:00

    Fix flaky test - org.apache.cassandra.distributed.test.MessageForwardingTest.mutationsForwardedToAllReplicasTest
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17583

a00d8fd5ba9d73a377d1a11e6f540c56d66e9c8f | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2022-05-25 17:08:25-05:00

    Ensure FileStreamTask cannot compromise shared channel proxy for system table when interrupted
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith and David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17663

fb8bf30c6d1b6f893a77a74b9e8b4223e5497dd4 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2022-05-25 11:39:41-07:00

    jvm-dtest upgrade failures due to 3.x Ping not allowing serialize
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17660

ed3901823a5fe9f8838d8b592a1b7703b12e810b | Author: Jyothsna Konisa <>
 | 2022-05-24 10:21:16-07:00

    Adding support for TLS client authentication for internode communication
    patch by Jyothsna Konisa; reviewed by Bernardo Botella, Francisco Guerrero, Jon Meredith, Maulin Vasavada, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-17513

559b17f71d3207158d34b1dd2414a531e362af20 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2022-05-03 14:59:55-07:00

    nodetool enablefullquerylog can NPE when directory has no files
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17595

2fdbda6ac98f161513f80e7bbab4ea8ca1c8528a | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-04-26 10:16:07-06:00

    Schema mutations may not be completed on drain
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17524

74bb6d8496d5a2a5b89a843ba764fe37b65ee331 | Author: Stefan Miklosovic <>
 | 2022-04-11 16:25:15+02:00

    Shutdown ScheduledExecutors as part of node drainage
    patch by Stefan Miklosovic; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17493

ce6a65cb294af3b68ab2f4bba7945b097de42576 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-04-08 10:30:38-06:00

    Clean up schema migration coordinator and tests
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17533

fa7185ef02c313ff322fcc50d2de03186b9f96a7 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-04-01 12:58:02-06:00

    Streaming sessions longer than 3 minutes fail with timeout
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Benedict Elliott Smith, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17510

ce515a3d77c2042575827e8bdb1da639fc957491 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-03-23 12:42:36-04:00

    Add guardrail for ALTER TABLE ADD / DROP / REMOVE column operations
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17495

3d9365096bc579d10e417278576d650611105120 | Author: Josh McKenzie <>
 | 2022-03-23 12:42:36-04:00

    Disallow removal of a DC from system_auth replication settings
    Patch by Josh McKenzie; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17478
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>
    Co-authored-by: Nachiket Patil <>

94580a272e77439e4150926a1bd1e723a36236e6 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-03-22 15:14:00-06:00

    Test Failure: org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LogTransactionTest.testGetTemporaryFilesSafeAfterObsoletion-cdc
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17286

647ec92db17e1b1a3677e7880849a29c0c30adde | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-03-18 17:17:17-06:00

    ConnectionLimitHandler may leaks connection count if remote connection drops
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17252

431c692b884395b16beadac1d10f7e674b3e7ed5 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-03-15 16:17:43-06:00

    Failed inbound internode authentication failures generate ugly warning with stack trace
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-17068

57ab3afcf16970047d3df4656241cf0705e94bee | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2022-03-14 17:13:47-05:00

    reduce hot-path object allocations required to record local/remote requests against the client request metrics
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17424
    Co-authored-by: Marcus Eriksson <>
    Co-authored-by: Caleb Rackliffe <>

9ff28fc717e7926b5cf7c8acc85a35e0cfb43595 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-02-02 17:09:42-07:00

    Fixes for intermittent in-JVM dtest failures
    patch by Jon Meredith, Caleb Rackliffe, Marcus Eriksson, Benedict Elliott Smith <>; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17256

071ecb52465837c90520423c2bc80eb886936953 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2022-01-06 11:12:21-07:00

    Race in CompactionExecutorTest
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Josh McKenzie for CASSANDRA-17239

92dc415902654c0e69de47205af62b9bb4532809 | Author: Alex Petrov <>
 | 2021-10-28 15:35:57-04:00

    Tolerate local files in data dir during startup
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko, Jon Meredith, and Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-17082
    Co-authored-by: Alex Petrov <>
    Co-authored-by: Josh McKenzie <>

8e225c55c49493f00fc9bc0b5809ab026d60c767 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2021-10-25 07:28:08-07:00

    v4+ protocol did not clean up client warnings, which caused leaking the state
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Jon Meredith, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-17054

3655b26adf8d3b94095924920d05cc1a16d0f4c0 | Author: Maulin Vasavada <>
 | 2021-10-08 23:51:47-07:00

    Add support for PEM based key material for SSL
    patch by Maulin Vasavada; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Stefan Miklosovic for CASSANDRA-17031

4f09733d28398207bc16ace92cda6e1ffeb99644 | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2021-10-07 13:34:26-05:00

    Skip remaining bytes in the Envelope buffer when a ProtocolException is thrown to avoid double decoding
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Sam Tunnicliffe and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-17026

84ec1dc97d6358bd569d5467cb150abd0fc8939b | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2021-09-27 10:31:12+02:00

    Correct the internode message timestamp if sending node has wrapped
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16997

aaf72a7decf6964f00adb871333571de66c166a3 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2021-09-17 17:45:35+02:00

    Avoid race causing us to return null in RangesAtEndpoint
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16965

f9d41ff83655ead37ac6083d7ee43f2c35a346da | Author: Caleb Rackliffe <>
 | 2021-08-24 14:42:24-05:00

    Avoid signaling DigestResolver until the minimum number of responses are guaranteed to be visible
    patch by Caleb Rackliffe; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16883

4b3f07fc74089151efeff7a8fdfa9c414a1f0d6a | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2021-08-20 12:07:44-07:00

    allow blocking IPs from updating metrics about traffic
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, Caleb Rackliffe, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16859

2b6799a3941353444d964c769415937920099b18 | Author: Alex Petrov <>
 | 2021-08-13 12:02:50-04:00

    Harden PrunableArrayQueue against Pruner implementations that might throw exceptions
    patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16866
    Co-authored by Alex Petrov <>
    Co-authored by Josh McKenzie <>

4d4e1e88d095e10d53b59bf004a59709c3cee186 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-07-16 22:08:23-06:00

    Fix pre-4.0 FWD_FRM parameter serializer
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and Brandon Williams for CASSANDRA-16808

2fba5c80ce7bf71d04c62043ffa1088b9e832d83 | Author: Marcus Eriksson, Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-06-25 22:00:25-07:00

    Avoid memoizing the wrong min cluster version during upgrades
    patch by Marcus Eriksson, Jon Meredith; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16759

24dcc280c2e442eea27e7129c4c948eb6199ed91 | Author: Maulin Vasavada <>
 | 2021-05-21 00:43:50-07:00

    CEP-9 make SSLContext creation pluggable
    patch by Maulin Vasavada; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Stefan Miklosovic and Berenguer Blasi for CASSANDRA-16666

8cd02afce972ecaf0e0cf0fe09c610d67d9af9c5 | Author: Matt Fleming <>
 | 2021-05-13 22:12:28+01:00

    Spin up SEPWorker threads whenever we grow the number of work permits
    authored by Matt Fleming, reviewed by Jon Meredith, Andres de la Pena, Ekaterina Dimitrova for CASSANDRA-16668

b1a8a56c563b85ab9a34d3bbf9c16278dd441157 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2021-05-04 09:56:32+02:00

    Avoid race in AbstractReplicationStrategy endpoint caching
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Alex Petrov and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16673
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>

6fa5300682fbfcbaaae9d4593a015c18ab34df1f | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-04-20 09:41:05-07:00

    Harden internode message resource limit accounting against serialization failures
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Benjamin Lerer, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16616

2bd07ecab6121ebfc8a192243c5c6fb41eb85515 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2021-04-14 13:17:24+02:00

    Minor nodetool verify fixes
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16608

51e762c5dbe63ac5bdd853945ce6462772e59820 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2021-04-07 11:12:37-07:00

    When behind a firewall trunk is not buildable, need to allow overriding URLs
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jon Meredith, Michael Semb Wever for CASSANDRA-16563

a1285ac92ded45ab6e9f6c7c98917daf14a4a320 | Author: Yifan Cai <>
 | 2021-04-05 10:20:52-07:00

    Fix race between secondary index building and active compactions tracking
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by Andres de la Peña, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16554

e675a74d7303f10694e571594538a0462002051f | Author: Alex Petrov <>
 | 2021-02-19 16:21:23+01:00

    Fix hint message re-serialization for in-jvm dtests
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16457

838bd8cae6d125cfb055dbf6bfc5a2d4e13cdfcb | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-02-17 10:20:57-08:00

    Correctly serialize all request responses - CASSANDRA-15946 followup
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16385

2d80e9904b46474b3a7cc135690c27511a234713 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-02-11 14:20:57-08:00

    Unable to ALTER KEYSPACE while decommissioned/assassinated nodes are in gossip
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Brandon Williams, David Capwell for CASSANDRA-16422

b74d7370cc89fa899f47f50c825ddaed2dd05c3f | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-02-11 13:51:00-08:00

    Reduce new reserved keywords introduced since 3.0
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16439

1b04702f351861e6fef8cf64fd26f65ec90e4c70 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-01-29 11:40:25-08:00

    SSLFactory should initialize SSLContext before setting protocols
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16362

7637acc3d762047f2a478855eb4d239b4f314cd8 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2021-01-07 13:10:53-08:00

    SSLFactory should initialize SSLContext before setting protocols
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16362

5879813db7e5c9485a393cf79473b77be38ad5b3 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-12-15 12:11:02-08:00

    Cannot replace_address /X because it doesn't exist in gossip
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Brandon Williams, Jon Meredith, Paulo Motta, Sam Tunnicliffe for CASSANDRA-16213

919a8964a83511d96766c3e53ba603e77bca626c | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-12-02 15:33:36-08:00

    Bring back the accepted encryption protocols list as configurable option
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-13325

876ac8c6111697c8105899889bf794438110bc74 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-12-02 13:35:56-08:00

    When a table attempts to clean up metrics, it was cleaning up all global table metrics
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Jordan West, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16095

67f0c3491a4a1966603ace4fe110b7cfc5b64e9c | Author: Alexander Dejanovski <>
 | 2020-11-17 10:18:22-08:00

    SSTableLoader will fail if encryption parameters are used due to CASSANDRA-16144
    patch by Alexander Dejanovski; reviewed by David Capwell, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16280

f293376aa8dd315a208ef2f03bdcb7a84dcc675c | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-11-05 12:58:07-08:00

    TLS connections to the storage port on a node without server encryption configured causes accessing missing keystore
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-16144

ce270081bc0bc8ffa0a7e1e5c04f30b5c1875a84 | Author: Yifan Cai <>
 | 2020-10-29 10:03:56-07:00

    Invalid serialized size for responses caused by increasing message time by 1ms which caused extra bytes in size calculation
    patch by Yifan Cai; reviewed by David Capwell, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16103

db5832120f0fe9ad799ca0b5b16bbcf6f7404580 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-10-22 10:54:55-07:00

    In-JVM dtest - modify schema with stopped nodes and use yaml fragments for config
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Alex Petrov, David Capwell, Dinesh Joshi, Yifan Cai for CASSANDRA-16152

79e693e16e2152097c5b27d2d7aaa1763e34f594 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-09-29 15:26:37-07:00

    Add flag to disable chunk cache and disable by default
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Zhao Yang for CASSANDRA-16036

91bcbb28733437a7a5fedb16984d4de2fa70b049 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-09-15 15:16:39-07:00

    Add a new jmxtool which can dump what JMX objects exist and diff
    patch by David Capwell, Stephen Mallette; reviewed by Berenguer Blasi, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16082

bd1b84dc3b5667c969e6d0277eb40a8e475e149a | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-09-08 16:52:14-07:00

    in-jvm dtests should validate Instance#serializeMessage serializeSize matches bytes written
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Blake Eggleston for CASSANDRA-16112

23ba48aa935d3f81e66b65285fa8e7972f94dcfe | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-08-31 11:33:20-07:00

    MessageSerializationPropertyTest fails with bytes should not be empty for type org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.BytesType
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Caleb Rackliffe for CASSANDRA-16086

0697489f7455fa078cb454776b98236f18f82dd4 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-08-26 14:34:32-07:00

    Add test which validates that Message serializedSize(version) == serialize(out, version).length
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Caleb Rackliffe, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16064

a062ff5f9f0d3221deaaaaf8fccbcd21e933e7cd | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-08-26 12:58:10-07:00

    Resolve JMX output inconsistencies from CASSANDRA-7544 storage-port-configurable-per-node
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15937

36e25140a013843faf91be938c3301495957ed1d | Author: Jon Meredith <Jon Meredith>
 | 2020-08-26 12:57:07-07:00

    Resolve JMX output inconsistencies from CASSANDRA-7544 storage-port-configurable-per-node
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell for CASSANDRA-15937

da3806795fe7cf8412249a0fab9934e071a7511e | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2020-08-21 09:01:51+02:00

    Avoid invalid state transition exception during incremental repair
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Blake Eggleston and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16067

219eb86fd22805d419667c791af4419cd2b3d00a | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2020-08-20 08:51:29+02:00

    Initialize sstables earlier to avoid NPE in CompactionIterator
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Brandon Williams and Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-16062

528e3ad00b78f3cc03f27248914249798f2c0aa9 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-08-05 20:47:14-07:00

    jvm-dtests crash on java 11
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov, Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15981

624d01660bdad4dc924717f4c602ce6241c0c825 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-07-30 17:02:05-07:00

    jvm upgrade dtests fail on java 11 caused by bad initialization order of DatabaseDescriptor and FileUtils
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith, Jordan West for CASSANDRA-16002

25fd7bd84f1931d2a44e90e629f794c4cd11aa46 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-07-24 18:16:37-07:00

    Add support in jvm dtest to test thrift
    patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Alex Petrov,Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15967

c9b41c1f8ad03719918c4d3c29719056ae6b3995 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-07-24 07:58:13-06:00

    Improve logging for socket connection/disconnection
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Aleksey Yeschenko
    for CASSANDRA-15980

57a2a8613d2595b8650c24ef1cf3bb0055202409 | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-07-23 10:31:33-07:00

    Fix version parsing logic when upgrading from 3.0
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Jon Meredith and brandonwilliams for

c230ec9ed07b9077ce8422bce8db4e94d5b644cb | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-06-01 11:52:50-06:00

    Include DROPPED_COLUMNS in schema digest computation.
    CASSANDRA-11050 introduced dropped columns but excluded it from schema digest computations, with
    a comment to include the table in the next major release - 4.0.
    The patch now includes DROPPED_COLUMNS in the schema digest computation.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for CASSANDRA-15843

09f83fa023cbe57e90287e7d93560f1cb0edb4c4 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-04-21 16:20:05-06:00

    Add test cases for counter batch
    Patch by Jeff Jirsa, Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15747

c4db3f89a9a07c45c78da9b5b3f802a6f8b51531 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-04-17 14:17:49-06:00

    Generate compiler options file to support Java11 in IDEA.
    The change to JMX in CASSANDRA-15653 prevents the IDEA project from
    compiling under JDK11.  This change adds the required compiler flag
    when the project is upgraded from Java1.8 to Java11.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15738

d59833f2223a85a4dc3f4ea597384588d5d008df | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2020-04-10 15:27:56-07:00

    Make shared class filter for InstanceClassLoader pluggable
    Patch by David Capwell; reviewed by Jon Meredith and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15713.

7ddfe52d51639817c6c5be86c0c8e317e33620eb | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-04-10 12:04:40-06:00

    Support for replacing logback with alternate logger config (like log4j2)
    Not all forks use logback, and there is an (prematurely) closed ticket
    indicating that it would be valuable CASSANDRA-13212.
    Also had to add 'org.w3c.dom' to the InstanceClassLoader so that
    log4j2 could load it's configuration.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15714.

f9ddaf1841147fc284e802739ca42403aa2816ae | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-04-09 16:59:53-06:00

    Fix flaky SEPExecutor.changingMaxWorkersMeetsConcurrencyGoalsTest
    Thread scheduling is not guaranteed to be fair and having the BusyWork
    tasks reschedule itself makes sure there is always more work for
    the SEPWorker once it finishes, so it can hog all the CPU if
    run with a low number of cores.  To randomize the scheduling better,
    introduce a second thread that keeps the executor primed with work,
    but guarantees a thread switch by waiting on the sempahore.
    Also resolves a cleanup bug - the sharedPool was not being shutdown
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by David Capwell and Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15709

678ca3fc29c38b64a110dcf40693aa7840b0585c | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-04-07 18:58:59-06:00

    Update port when reconnecting to pre-4.0 SSL storage
    On a failed outbound connection to a node with pending data, recheck
    the messaging version before reattempting the connection.
    Prior to this change, if the endpoint version was incorrectly set
    to 4.0 when the node was running 3.0 with an SSL storage port
    the connection would continuously try to reconnect on the wrong port.
    The patch also improves some of the log messages to include the
    actual port being connected to as well as the canonical endpoint for
    the node.
    Patch by Jon Meredith & Andy Tolbert; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko for
    Co-authored-by: Jon Meredith <>
    Co-authored-by: Andy Tolbert <>

02c6d6540c6ab108b763a639146e74e9f8d0dd40 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2020-04-02 15:31:40-06:00

    Do not check cdc_raw_directory filesystem space if CDC disabled
    On startup, applySimpleConfig checks disk space for cdc_raw_directory
    even if cdc_enabled=false.  The cdc_raw_directory could be computed
    automatically from the cassandra.storagedir property so if that
    has been deliberately set to an invalid directory (e.g. to force
    explicit configuration of storage paths) then the server will not
    Additionally this protects against an NPE while checking storage
    space if misconfigured.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15688

25aa10c9c12c294ff5998d481a0618193c66b5c2 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2020-04-02 14:17:40+02:00

    Repair history tables should have TTL and TWCS
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-12701

02cc5df0ed64ba1e746fdb2662f4442fa308abf4 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2019-10-22 09:17:21-06:00

    In-JVM DTest: Set correct internode message version for upgrade test
    On instance startup, if using mock internode messaging,
    find out what version of internode messaging should be used
    for other endpoints and configure the messaging service.
    Also adds a more helpful diagnostic message when versions are
    not supported.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15371

c55d727bbe8d66e87497d6c8b6301a767b11bb4c | Author: David Capwell <>
 | 2019-09-19 16:23:29-07:00

    Fix in-JVM dtest failures on java 11 as the system ClassLoader is not a URLClassLoader as of java 9
    Patch by David Capwell, reviewed by Jon Meredith and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15329.

311891f35e538f4a8be0309f6d7045fef59dee71 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2019-09-09 10:06:20-06:00

    Shuffle forwarding replica for messages to non-local DC.
    Patch by Jon Meredith, reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15318

58a5ce14ba80a0a4eeef0f6b18e58d63113e1159 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2019-08-26 15:07:44-06:00

    In-JVM DTest: Add network topology and tracing support
    In-JVM DTest: readRepairTest - Set read repair query to CL.ALL
    The current test relies on the order of nodes returned by the snitch
    to include node3, which SimpleSnitch does.  With support for other
    snitches coming then the test should be able to handle any order
    of nodes - so make sure all nodes are present.
    In-JVM DTest: remove minimum messaging service calculation
    Match change on trunk to resolves issue with trying to call
    getMessagingVersion on nodes that are not started.  Fixes
    mixed version upgrades once all branches are updated.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi and Alex Petrov for CASSANDRA-15319

8dcaa12baa97ce870f23ff9045f968f2fa28b2cc | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2019-08-15 10:12:06-06:00

    Allow instance class loaders to be garbage collected for inJVM dtest
    Backport support optional network/gossip test features,
    instance generations and subnet support from trunk.
    Backport MessageFilter and cluster builder API changes to match
    trunk (except for the change in namespace for Verbs).
    Add a test for repeatedly creating/tearing down in-JVM dtest
    clusters to help find resource leaks.
    Change IsolatedExecutor to clean up on an executor with zero
    core threads so that it exits sooner enabling GC on the
    InstanceClassLoader.  Moved classloader close after shutdown to prevent
    improve logging when the isolated executor is shutdown.
    Update the logback config for dtests to make it obvious
    which log threads are for instances vs the main logger.
    Disable native library loading until it can be reinstated
    (tracked in CASSANDRA-15170).
    Shutdown various executors and threads that were
    preventing the instance classloader from being unloaded.
    Add test-jvm-dtest-some ant target
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Alex Petrov and
    Benedict Elliott Smith for CASSANDRA-15170

3a4e00615b14275e5dac535a304add9e1cf4e4eb | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <>
 | 2019-08-08 17:08:02-07:00

    Enhance & reenable RepairTest with compression=off and compression=on
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15272

860de83a02f3b7711e842a58a073802b9920a1a1 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2019-07-09 13:50:57-06:00

    Enable nodetool/JMX resizing of processing stage executor pool
    This patch enables users to resize the thread pools used by the
    various processing stages at runtime using nodetool or over JMX.
    Switch to using idiomatic Java Executor names for thread pool configuration
    functions.  Deprecate `{get,set}CoreThreads` for `{get,set}CorePoolSize`,
    `{get,set}MaximumThreads` for `{get,set}MaximumPoolSize`.
    Introduce a new ResizableThreadPool interface used by SEPExecutorMBean and
    JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutorMBean to expose a common interface for setting
    thread pool sizes.  Replace singled usage of JMXConfigurableThreadPoolExecutor
    in repair code with JMXEnabledThreadPoolExecutor as both are now resizable
    (since CASSANDRA-5044) and ResizableThreadPool now exporting the same API
    over JMX.
    Implement {get,set}CorePoolSize and {get,set}MaximumPoolSize for SEPExecutor.
    To change the maximum pool size for SEPExecutor, the number of permits
    has been changed so that it can go negative if the size of the pool is
    reduced.  If a SEPWorker discovers the number of permits is negative when
    looking for more work it stops.
    Add `nodetool getconcurrency` to retrieve the current core and maximum
    pool sizes for all of the executor stages and `nodetool setconcurrency`
    to change core/maximum pool sizes where permitted.
    Update Stage to lazily initialize the executors so that in-JVM dtests
    can reference Verbs (which have an associated Stage) in message filtering
    without starting up all the executors.  Introduce new Stage.execute/submit
    convenience functions to avoid needing to lookup the executor first.
    Update Stage executors to pass a consumer function that
    updates the configuration used to initialize the thread pools. This keeps
    the config in sync with changes made over JMX to `org.apache.cassandra.{request,internal}.*`
    or via nodetool. Also implement for native transport threads - although
    that can currently only be updated by JMX rather than nodetool.
    Introduce a new `JMXEnabledSingleThreadedExecutor` for executors
    that need to be single threaded for correctness that forbids changing
    the core/maximum pool sizes (previously it was possible to set gossip to
    run multiple threads over JMX).
    Patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Benedict Elliot Smith for CASSANDRA-15277

e0c10fd76b38dea49ad3159fd4690e0ed4b55e1f | Author: Alex Petrov <>
 | 2019-02-05 17:39:59+01:00

    Implement simple In-JVM tooling for testing distributed paging
    Patch by Alex Petrov; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-15009

174cf761f7897443080b8a840b649b7eab17ae25 | Author: Dinesh A. Joshi <>
 | 2019-01-28 12:29:46+00:00

    Validate token() arguments early instead of throwing NPE at execution
    patch by Dinesh Joshi; reviewed by Aleksey Yeschenko and Jon Meredith
    for CASSANDRA-14989

23d722ee3a7b91bfe5ee6fe64d090ff247e80438 | Author: Marcus Eriksson <>
 | 2018-11-29 08:53:19+01:00

    move task definition inside testmacro to not fail build if ant-junit is not installed
    Patch by marcuse; reviewed by Jon Meredith for CASSANDRA-14915

d8164c643395e3b6579a2fe6ce6ff0423df2f520 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2018-10-18 09:56:46-06:00

    In BufferPool, make allocating thread receive a Chunk.
    Prevents a condition where the thread allocating the macro chunk
    could have all of the chunks taken from the queue before it
    is able to use one.
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Benedict for CASSANDRA-14832

e07d53aaec94a498028d988f7d2c7ae7e6b620d0 | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2018-10-04 17:08:52-06:00

    Fix flaky LongBufferPoolTest
    patch by Jon Meredith; reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-14790

0a860b9b3e66be443b2236454c0f8c97c936a6dc | Author: Jon Meredith <>
 | 2017-01-17 18:49:39-05:00

    Fix regression with traceOutgoingMessage printing message size.
    Patch by Jon Meredith; Reviewed by Dinesh Joshi for CASSANDRA-15687