Collaboration diagram for Proxy request types:


 Flags which indicate places where the server should stop for debugging.

Data Structures

struct  conn_rec
 Structure to store things which are per connection. More...
struct  conn_slave_rec
struct  conn_state_t
 A structure to contain connection state information. More...
struct  server_addr_rec
 A structure to be used for Per-vhost config. More...
struct  ap_logconf
struct  server_rec
 A structure to store information for each virtual server. More...
struct  ap_sload_t
 A structure to hold server load params. More...
struct  ap_loadavg_t
 A structure to hold various server loadavg. More...
struct  ap_form_pair_t
struct  ap_dir_match_t


#define PROXYREQ_NONE   0
#define PROXYREQ_PROXY   1
#define DEFAULT_VHOST_ADDR   0xfffffffful
#define AP_UNESCAPE_URL_KEEP_SLASHES   (1u << 2)
#define AP_NORMALIZE_NOT_ABOVE_ROOT   (1u << 1)
#define AP_NORMALIZE_MERGE_SLASHES   (1u << 3)
#define AP_NORMALIZE_DROP_PARAMETERS   (0) /* deprecated */
#define ap_escape_uri(ppool, path)   ap_os_escape_path(ppool,path,1)
#define ap_escape_html(p, s)   ap_escape_html2(p,s,0)
#define AP_TAINT_HTACCESS   0x1
#define ap_assert(exp)   ((exp) ? (void)0 : ap_log_assert(#exp,__FILE__,__LINE__))
#define AP_DEBUG_ASSERT(exp)   ((void)0)
#define ap_strchr(s, c)   strchr(s, c)
#define ap_strchr_c(s, c)   strchr(s, c)
#define ap_strrchr(s, c)   strrchr(s, c)
#define ap_strrchr_c(s, c)   strrchr(s, c)
#define ap_strstr(s, c)   strstr(s, c)
#define ap_strstr_c(s, c)   strstr(s, c)
#define AP_DIR_FLAG_NONE   0


typedef struct server_addr_rec server_addr_rec
typedef struct ap_sload_t ap_sload_t
typedef struct ap_loadavg_t ap_loadavg_t
typedef struct ap_dir_match_t ap_dir_match_t


enum  ap_conn_keepalive_e { AP_CONN_UNKNOWN , AP_CONN_CLOSE , AP_CONN_KEEPALIVE }
 Enumeration of connection keepalive options. More...
enum  conn_state_e {


const char * ap_context_document_root (request_rec *r)
const char * ap_context_prefix (request_rec *r)
void ap_set_context_info (request_rec *r, const char *prefix, const char *document_root)
void ap_set_document_root (request_rec *r, const char *document_root)
char * ap_field_noparam (apr_pool_t *p, const char *intype)
char * ap_ht_time (apr_pool_t *p, apr_time_t t, const char *fmt, int gmt)
char * ap_getword (apr_pool_t *p, const char **line, char stop)
char * ap_getword_nc (apr_pool_t *p, char **line, char stop)
char * ap_getword_white (apr_pool_t *p, const char **line)
char * ap_getword_white_nc (apr_pool_t *p, char **line)
char * ap_getword_nulls (apr_pool_t *p, const char **line, char stop)
char * ap_getword_nulls_nc (apr_pool_t *p, char **line, char stop)
char * ap_getword_conf (apr_pool_t *p, const char **line)
char * ap_getword_conf_nc (apr_pool_t *p, char **line)
char * ap_getword_conf2 (apr_pool_t *p, const char **line)
char * ap_getword_conf2_nc (apr_pool_t *p, char **line)
const char * ap_resolve_env (apr_pool_t *p, const char *word)
const char * ap_size_list_item (const char **field, int *len)
char * ap_get_list_item (apr_pool_t *p, const char **field)
int ap_find_list_item (apr_pool_t *p, const char *line, const char *tok)
int ap_find_etag_weak (apr_pool_t *p, const char *line, const char *tok)
int ap_find_etag_strong (apr_pool_t *p, const char *line, const char *tok)
const char * ap_scan_http_field_content (const char *ptr)
const char * ap_scan_http_token (const char *ptr)
const char * ap_scan_vchar_obstext (const char *ptr)
const char * ap_parse_token_list_strict (apr_pool_t *p, const char *tok, apr_array_header_t **tokens, int skip_invalid)
char * ap_get_token (apr_pool_t *p, const char **accept_line, int accept_white)
int ap_find_token (apr_pool_t *p, const char *line, const char *tok)
int ap_find_last_token (apr_pool_t *p, const char *line, const char *tok)
int ap_is_url (const char *u)
int ap_unescape_all (char *url)
int ap_unescape_url (char *url)
int ap_unescape_url_keep2f (char *url, int decode_slashes)
int ap_unescape_url_ex (char *url, unsigned int flags)
int ap_unescape_urlencoded (char *query)
void ap_no2slash (char *name) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
void ap_no2slash_ex (char *name, int is_fs_path) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
int ap_normalize_path (char *path, unsigned int flags) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL((1))
void ap_getparents (char *name) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_escape_path_segment (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_escape_path_segment_buffer (char *c, const char *s) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_os_escape_path (apr_pool_t *p, const char *path, int partial) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_escape_urlencoded (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_escape_urlencoded_buffer (char *c, const char *s) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_escape_html2 (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s, int toasc) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_escape_logitem (apr_pool_t *p, const char *str) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL((1))
apr_size_t ap_escape_errorlog_item (char *dest, const char *source, apr_size_t buflen) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL((1))
char * ap_construct_server (apr_pool_t *p, const char *hostname, apr_port_t port, const request_rec *r) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL((1
char char * ap_escape_shell_cmd (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
int ap_count_dirs (const char *path) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_make_dirstr_prefix (char *d, const char *s, int n) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_make_dirstr_parent (apr_pool_t *p, const char *s) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_make_full_path (apr_pool_t *a, const char *dir, const char *f) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
int ap_os_is_path_absolute (apr_pool_t *p, const char *dir) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
int ap_is_matchexp (const char *str) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
int ap_strcmp_match (const char *str, const char *expected) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
int ap_strcasecmp_match (const char *str, const char *expected) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_strcasestr (const char *s1, const char *s2) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
const char * ap_stripprefix (const char *bigstring, const char *prefix) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
char * ap_pbase64decode (apr_pool_t *p, const char *bufcoded)
apr_status_t ap_pbase64decode_strict (apr_pool_t *p, const char *encoded, char **decoded, apr_size_t *len)
char * ap_pbase64encode (apr_pool_t *p, char *string)
ap_regex_tap_pregcomp (apr_pool_t *p, const char *pattern, int cflags)
void ap_pregfree (apr_pool_t *p, ap_regex_t *reg)
char * ap_pregsub (apr_pool_t *p, const char *input, const char *source, apr_size_t nmatch, ap_regmatch_t pmatch[])
apr_status_t ap_pregsub_ex (apr_pool_t *p, char **result, const char *input, const char *source, apr_size_t nmatch, ap_regmatch_t pmatch[], apr_size_t maxlen)
void ap_content_type_tolower (char *s)
void ap_str_tolower (char *s)
void ap_str_toupper (char *s)
int ap_ind (const char *str, char c)
int ap_rind (const char *str, char c)
char * ap_escape_quotes (apr_pool_t *p, const char *instring)
char * ap_append_pid (apr_pool_t *p, const char *string, const char *delim)
int ap_parse_strict_length (apr_off_t *len, const char *str)
apr_status_t ap_timeout_parameter_parse (const char *timeout_parameter, apr_interval_time_t *timeout, const char *default_time_unit)
int ap_request_has_body (request_rec *r)
int ap_request_tainted (request_rec *r, int flags)
apr_status_t ap_pstr2_alnum (apr_pool_t *p, const char *src, const char **dest)
apr_status_t ap_str2_alnum (const char *src, char *dest)
int ap_parse_form_data (request_rec *r, struct ap_filter_t *f, apr_array_header_t **ptr, apr_size_t num, apr_size_t size)
int ap_is_rdirectory (apr_pool_t *p, const char *name)
int ap_is_directory (apr_pool_t *p, const char *name)
char * ap_get_local_host (apr_pool_t *p)
void ap_log_assert (const char *szExp, const char *szFile, int nLine) __attribute__((noreturn))
const char * ap_psignature (const char *prefix, request_rec *r)
char * ap_strchr (char *s, int c)
const char * ap_strchr_c (const char *s, int c)
char * ap_strrchr (char *s, int c)
const char * ap_strrchr_c (const char *s, int c)
char * ap_strstr (char *s, const char *c)
const char * ap_strstr_c (const char *s, const char *c)
void * ap_palloc_debug (apr_pool_t *p, apr_size_t size)
void * ap_pcalloc_debug (apr_pool_t *p, apr_size_t size)
void ap_random_insecure_bytes (void *buf, apr_size_t size)
apr_uint32_t ap_random_pick (apr_uint32_t min, apr_uint32_t max)
void ap_abort_on_oom (void) __attribute__((noreturn))
void * ap_malloc (size_t size) __attribute__((malloc)) AP_FN_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE(1)
void * ap_calloc (size_t nelem, size_t size) __attribute__((malloc)) AP_FN_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE2(1
void void * ap_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size) AP_FN_ATTR_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT AP_FN_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE(2)
apr_status_t ap_thread_create (apr_thread_t **thread, apr_threadattr_t *attr, apr_thread_start_t func, void *data, apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t ap_thread_main_create (apr_thread_t **thread, apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_status_t ap_thread_current_create (apr_thread_t **current, apr_threadattr_t *attr, apr_pool_t *pool)
void ap_thread_current_after_fork (void)
apr_thread_tap_thread_current (void)
void ap_get_sload (ap_sload_t *ld) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
void ap_get_loadavg (ap_loadavg_t *ld) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
void ap_bin2hex (const void *src, apr_size_t srclen, char *dest) AP_FN_ATTR_NONNULL_ALL
apr_status_t ap_password_validate (request_rec *r, const char *username, const char *passwd, const char *hash)
char * ap_get_exec_line (apr_pool_t *p, const char *cmd, const char *const *argv)
int ap_array_str_index (const apr_array_header_t *array, const char *s, int start)
int ap_array_str_contains (const apr_array_header_t *array, const char *s)
int ap_cstr_casecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
int ap_cstr_casecmpn (const char *s1, const char *s2, apr_size_t n)
const char * ap_dir_nofnmatch (ap_dir_match_t *w, const char *fname) __attribute__((nonnull(1
const char const char * ap_dir_fnmatch (ap_dir_match_t *w, const char *path, const char *fname) __attribute__((nonnull(1
const char const char int ap_is_chunked (apr_pool_t *p, const char *line)

Detailed Description

Possible values of request_rec->proxyreq. A request could be normal, proxied or reverse proxied. Normally proxied and reverse proxied are grouped together as just "proxied", but sometimes it's necessary to tell the difference between the two, such as for authentication.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ap_assert

#define ap_assert (   exp)    ((exp) ? (void)0 : ap_log_assert(#exp,__FILE__,__LINE__))

Internal Assert function


#define AP_DEBUG_ASSERT (   exp)    ((void)0)

Redefine assert() to something more useful for an Apache...

Use ap_assert() if the condition should always be checked. Use AP_DEBUG_ASSERT() if the condition should only be checked when AP_DEBUG is defined.


#define AP_DIR_FLAG_NONE   0

Default flags for ap_dir_*fnmatch().



If set, wildcards that match no files or directories will be ignored, otherwise an error is triggered.



If set, and the wildcard resolves to a directory, recursively find all files below that directory, otherwise return the directory.

◆ ap_escape_html

#define ap_escape_html (   p,
)    ap_escape_html2(p,s,0)

Escape an html string

pThe pool to allocate from
sThe html to escape
The escaped string
Replaced by apr_pescape_entity() in APR

◆ ap_escape_uri

#define ap_escape_uri (   ppool,
)    ap_os_escape_path(ppool,path,1)










#define AP_NORMALIZE_DROP_PARAMETERS   (0) /* deprecated */


#define AP_NORMALIZE_MERGE_SLASHES   (1u << 3)


#define AP_NORMALIZE_NOT_ABOVE_ROOT   (1u << 1)

◆ ap_strchr

#define ap_strchr (   s,
)    strchr(s, c)

use this instead of strchr

◆ ap_strchr_c

#define ap_strchr_c (   s,
)    strchr(s, c)

use this instead of strchr

◆ ap_strrchr

#define ap_strrchr (   s,
)    strrchr(s, c)

use this instead of strrchr

◆ ap_strrchr_c

#define ap_strrchr_c (   s,
)    strrchr(s, c)

use this instead of strrchr

◆ ap_strstr

#define ap_strstr (   s,
)    strstr(s, c)

use this instead of strrstr

◆ ap_strstr_c

#define ap_strstr_c (   s,
)    strstr(s, c)

use this instead of strrstr


#define AP_TAINT_HTACCESS   0x1

Request taint flags. Only .htaccess defined.




#define AP_UNESCAPE_URL_KEEP_SLASHES   (1u << 2)




#define DEFAULT_VHOST_ADDR   0xfffffffful

The address, when used as a virtualhost address, will become the "default" server when the ip doesn't match other vhosts.


#define PROXYREQ_NONE   0

No proxy


#define PROXYREQ_PROXY   1

Standard proxy



Origin response



Reverse proxy

Typedef Documentation

◆ ap_dir_match_t

Structure to provide the state of a directory match.

◆ ap_loadavg_t

typedef struct ap_loadavg_t ap_loadavg_t

◆ ap_sload_t

typedef struct ap_sload_t ap_sload_t

◆ server_addr_rec

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ap_conn_keepalive_e

Enumeration of connection keepalive options.


◆ conn_sense_e


◆ conn_state_e

Enumeration of connection states The two states CONN_STATE_LINGER_NORMAL and CONN_STATE_LINGER_SHORT may only be set by the MPM. Use CONN_STATE_LINGER outside of the MPM.


Function Documentation

◆ ap_abort_on_oom()

void ap_abort_on_oom ( void  )

Abort with a error message signifying out of memory

◆ ap_append_pid()

char* ap_append_pid ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  string,
const char *  delim 

Given a string, append the PID deliminated by delim. Usually used to create a pid-appended filepath name (eg: /a/b/foo -> /a/b/foo.6726). A function, and not a macro, to avoid unistd.h dependency

pThe pool to allocate memory from
stringThe string to append the PID to
delimThe string to use to deliminate the string from the PID
A copy of the string with the PID appended

◆ ap_array_str_contains()

int ap_array_str_contains ( const apr_array_header_t array,
const char *  s 

Check if the string is member of the given array by strcmp.

arrayThe array the check
sThe string to find
!=0 iff string is member of array (via strcmp)

◆ ap_array_str_index()

int ap_array_str_index ( const apr_array_header_t array,
const char *  s,
int  start 

Get the first index of the string in the array or -1 if not found. Start searching a start.

arrayThe array the check
sThe string to find
startStart index for search. If start is out of bounds (negative or
equal to array length or greater), -1 will be returned.
index of string in array or -1

◆ ap_bin2hex()

void ap_bin2hex ( const void *  src,
apr_size_t  srclen,
char *  dest 

Convert binary data into a hex string

srcpointer to the data
srclenlength of the data
destpointer to buffer of length (2 * srclen + 1). The resulting string will be NUL-terminated.
Replaced by apr_escape_hex() in APR

◆ ap_calloc()

void* ap_calloc ( size_t  nelem,
size_t  size 

Wrapper for calloc() that calls ap_abort_on_oom() if out of memory

nelemnumber of elements to allocate memory for
sizesize of a single element
pointer to the allocated memory
ap_calloc may be implemented as a macro

◆ ap_construct_server()

char* ap_construct_server ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  hostname,
apr_port_t  port,
const request_rec r 

Construct a full hostname

pThe pool to allocate from
hostnameThe hostname of the server
portThe port the server is running on
rThe current request
The server's hostname

◆ ap_content_type_tolower()

void ap_content_type_tolower ( char *  s)

We want to downcase the type/subtype for comparison purposes but nothing else because ;parameter=foo values are case sensitive.

sThe content-type to convert to lowercase

◆ ap_context_document_root()

const char* ap_context_document_root ( request_rec r)

Get the context_document_root for a request. This is a generalization of the document root, which is too limited in the presence of mappers like mod_userdir and mod_alias. The context_document_root is the directory on disk that maps to the context_prefix URI prefix.

rThe request
For resources that do not map to the file system or for very complex mappings, this information may still be wrong.

◆ ap_context_prefix()

const char* ap_context_prefix ( request_rec r)

Get the context_prefix for a request. The context_prefix URI prefix maps to the context_document_root on disk.

rThe request

◆ ap_count_dirs()

int ap_count_dirs ( const char *  path)

Count the number of directories in a path

pathThe path to count
The number of directories

◆ ap_cstr_casecmp()

int ap_cstr_casecmp ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings str1 and str2, treating upper and lower case values of the 26 standard C/POSIX alphabetic characters as equivalent. Extended latin characters outside of this set are treated as unique octets, irrespective of the current locale.

Returns in integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, according to whether str1 is considered greater than, equal to, or less than str2.

Same code as apr_cstr_casecmp, which arrives in APR 1.6

◆ ap_cstr_casecmpn()

int ap_cstr_casecmpn ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2,
apr_size_t  n 

Perform a case-insensitive comparison of two strings str1 and str2, treating upper and lower case values of the 26 standard C/POSIX alphabetic characters as equivalent. Extended latin characters outside of this set are treated as unique octets, irrespective of the current locale.

Returns in integer greater than, equal to, or less than 0, according to whether str1 is considered greater than, equal to, or less than str2.

Same code as apr_cstr_casecmpn, which arrives in APR 1.6

◆ ap_dir_fnmatch()

const char const char* ap_dir_fnmatch ( ap_dir_match_t w,
const char *  path,
const char *  fname 

Search for files given a wildcard filename with non native separators.

If the filename contains a wildcard, all files and directories that match the wildcard will be returned.

ap_dir_nofnmatch() is called for each directory and file found, and the callback within ap_dir_match_t triggered as described above.

Wildcards may appear in both directory and file components in the path, and wildcards may appear more than once.

wDirectory match structure containing callback and context.
pathPath prefix for search, with non native separators and no wildcards.
fnameThe name of the file or directory, with non native separators and optional wildcards.
NULL on success, or a string describing the error.

◆ ap_dir_nofnmatch()

const char* ap_dir_nofnmatch ( ap_dir_match_t w,
const char *  fname 

Search for files given a non wildcard filename with non native separators.

If the provided filename points at a file, the callback within ap_dir_match_t is triggered for that file, and this function returns the result of the callback.

If the provided filename points at a directory, and recursive within ap_dir_match_t is true, the callback will be triggered for every file found recursively beneath that directory, otherwise the callback is triggered once for the directory itself. This function returns the result of the callback.

If the provided path points to neither a file nor a directory, and optional within ap_dir_match_t is true, this function returns NULL. If optional within ap_dir_match_t is false, this function will return an error string indicating that the path does not exist.

wDirectory match structure containing callback and context.
fnameThe name of the file or directory, with non native separators.
NULL on success, or a string describing the error.

◆ ap_escape_errorlog_item()

apr_size_t ap_escape_errorlog_item ( char *  dest,
const char *  source,
apr_size_t  buflen 

Escape a string for logging into the error log (without a pool)

destThe buffer to write to
sourceThe string to escape
buflenThe buffer size for the escaped string (including "\0")
The len of the escaped string (always < maxlen)
Replaced by apr_escape_echo() in APR

◆ ap_escape_html2()

char* ap_escape_html2 ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s,
int  toasc 

Escape an html string

pThe pool to allocate from
sThe html to escape
toascWhether to escape all non-ASCII chars to &#nnn;
The escaped string
Replaced by apr_pescape_entity() in APR

◆ ap_escape_logitem()

char* ap_escape_logitem ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  str 

Escape a string for logging

pThe pool to allocate from
strThe string to escape
The escaped string
Replaced by apr_pescape_echo() in APR

◆ ap_escape_path_segment()

char* ap_escape_path_segment ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s 

Escape a path segment, as defined in RFC 1808

pThe pool to allocate from
sThe path to convert
The converted URL
Replaced by apr_pescape_path_segment() in APR

◆ ap_escape_path_segment_buffer()

char* ap_escape_path_segment_buffer ( char *  c,
const char *  s 

Escape a path segment, as defined in RFC 1808, to a preallocated buffer.

cThe preallocated buffer to write to
sThe path to convert
The converted URL (c)
Replaced by apr_escape_path_segment() in APR

◆ ap_escape_quotes()

char* ap_escape_quotes ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  instring 

Given a string, replace any bare " with \" .

pThe pool to allocate memory from
instringThe string to search for "
A copy of the string with escaped quotes
Replaced by apr_pescape_echo() in APR

◆ ap_escape_shell_cmd()

char char* ap_escape_shell_cmd ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s 

Escape a shell command

pThe pool to allocate from
sThe command to escape
The escaped shell command
Replaced with apr_escape_shell() in APR

◆ ap_escape_urlencoded()

char* ap_escape_urlencoded ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s 

Escape a string as application/x-www-form-urlencoded

pThe pool to allocate from
sThe path to convert
The converted URL
Replaced by apr_pescape_url() in APR

◆ ap_escape_urlencoded_buffer()

char* ap_escape_urlencoded_buffer ( char *  c,
const char *  s 

Escape a string as application/x-www-form-urlencoded, to a preallocated buffer

cThe preallocated buffer to write to
sThe path to convert
The converted URL (c)
Replaced by apr_escape_url() in APR

◆ ap_field_noparam()

char* ap_field_noparam ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  intype 

Examine a field value (such as a media-/content-type) string and return it sans any parameters; e.g., strip off any ';charset=foo' and the like.

pPool to allocate memory from
intypeThe field to examine
A copy of the field minus any parameters

◆ ap_find_etag_strong()

int ap_find_etag_strong ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  line,
const char *  tok 

Do a strong ETag comparison within an HTTP field value list.

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe field value list to search
tokThe token to search for
1 if found, 0 if not found.

◆ ap_find_etag_weak()

int ap_find_etag_weak ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  line,
const char *  tok 

Do a weak ETag comparison within an HTTP field value list.

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe field value list to search
tokThe token to search for
1 if found, 0 if not found.

◆ ap_find_last_token()

int ap_find_last_token ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  line,
const char *  tok 

find http tokens from the end of the line

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe line to find the token
tokThe token to find
1 if the token is found, 0 otherwise

◆ ap_find_list_item()

int ap_find_list_item ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  line,
const char *  tok 

Find an item in canonical form (lowercase, no extra spaces) within an HTTP field value list.

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe field value list to search
tokThe token to search for
1 if found, 0 if not found.

◆ ap_find_token()

int ap_find_token ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  line,
const char *  tok 

Find http tokens, see the definition of token from RFC2068

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe line to find the token
tokThe token to find
1 if the token is found, 0 otherwise

◆ ap_get_exec_line()

char* ap_get_exec_line ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  cmd,
const char *const *  argv 

Short function to execute a command and return the first line of output minus \r \n. Useful for "obscuring" passwords via exec calls

pthe pool to allocate from
cmdthe command to execute
argvthe arguments to pass to the cmd
ptr to characters or NULL on any error

◆ ap_get_list_item()

char* ap_get_list_item ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  field 

Retrieve an HTTP header field list item, as separated by a comma, while stripping insignificant whitespace and lowercasing anything not in a quoted string or comment.

pThe pool to allocate from
fieldThe field to retrieve
The return value is a new string containing the converted list item (or NULL if none) and the address pointed to by field is shifted to the next non-comma, non-whitespace.

◆ ap_get_loadavg()

void ap_get_loadavg ( ap_loadavg_t ld)

Get server load averages (ala getloadavg)

ldstruct to populate: -1 in fields means error

◆ ap_get_local_host()

char* ap_get_local_host ( apr_pool_t p)

Determine the local host name for the current machine

pThe pool to allocate from
A copy of the local host name

◆ ap_get_sload()

void ap_get_sload ( ap_sload_t ld)

Get server load params

ldstruct to populate: -1 in fields means error

◆ ap_get_token()

char* ap_get_token ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  accept_line,
int  accept_white 

Retrieve a token, spacing over it and adjusting the pointer to the first non-white byte afterwards. Note that these tokens are delimited by semis and commas and can also be delimited by whitespace at the caller's option.

pThe pool to allocate from
accept_lineThe line to retrieve the token from (adjusted afterwards)
accept_whiteIs it delimited by whitespace
the token

◆ ap_getparents()

void ap_getparents ( char *  name)

Remove all ./ and xx/../ substrings from a file name. Also remove any leading ../ or /../ substrings.

namethe file name to parse

◆ ap_getword()

char* ap_getword ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  line,
char  stop 

Get the characters until the first occurrence of a specified character

pThe pool to allocate memory from
lineThe string to get the characters from
stopThe character to stop at
A copy of the characters up to the first stop character

◆ ap_getword_conf()

char* ap_getword_conf ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  line 

Get the second word in the string paying attention to quoting

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe line to traverse
A copy of the string

◆ ap_getword_conf2()

char* ap_getword_conf2 ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  line 

Get the second word in the string paying attention to quoting, with {...} supported as well as "..." and '...'

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe line to traverse
A copy of the string

◆ ap_getword_conf2_nc()

char* ap_getword_conf2_nc ( apr_pool_t p,
char **  line 

Get the second word in the string paying attention to quoting, with {...} supported as well as "..." and '...'

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe line to traverse
A copy of the string
The same as ap_getword_conf2(), except it doesn't use const char **.

◆ ap_getword_conf_nc()

char* ap_getword_conf_nc ( apr_pool_t p,
char **  line 

Get the second word in the string paying attention to quoting

pThe pool to allocate from
lineThe line to traverse
A copy of the string
The same as ap_getword_conf(), except it doesn't use const char **.

◆ ap_getword_nc()

char* ap_getword_nc ( apr_pool_t p,
char **  line,
char  stop 

Get the characters until the first occurrence of a specified character

pThe pool to allocate memory from
lineThe string to get the characters from
stopThe character to stop at
A copy of the characters up to the first stop character
This is the same as ap_getword(), except it doesn't use const char **.

◆ ap_getword_nulls()

char* ap_getword_nulls ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  line,
char  stop 

Get all characters from the first occurrence of stop to the first "\0"

pThe pool to allocate memory from
lineThe line to traverse
stopThe character to start at
A copy of all characters after the first occurrence of the specified character

◆ ap_getword_nulls_nc()

char* ap_getword_nulls_nc ( apr_pool_t p,
char **  line,
char  stop 

Get all characters from the first occurrence of stop to the first "\0"

pThe pool to allocate memory from
lineThe line to traverse
stopThe character to start at
A copy of all characters after the first occurrence of the specified character
The same as ap_getword_nulls(), except it doesn't use const char **.

◆ ap_getword_white()

char* ap_getword_white ( apr_pool_t p,
const char **  line 

Get the first word from a given string. A word is defined as all characters up to the first whitespace.

pThe pool to allocate memory from
lineThe string to traverse
The first word in the line

◆ ap_getword_white_nc()

char* ap_getword_white_nc ( apr_pool_t p,
char **  line 

Get the first word from a given string. A word is defined as all characters up to the first whitespace.

pThe pool to allocate memory from
lineThe string to traverse
The first word in the line
The same as ap_getword_white(), except it doesn't use const char**

◆ ap_ht_time()

char* ap_ht_time ( apr_pool_t p,
apr_time_t  t,
const char *  fmt,
int  gmt 

Convert a time from an integer into a string in a specified format

pThe pool to allocate memory from
tThe time to convert
fmtThe format to use for the conversion
gmtConvert the time for GMT?
The string that represents the specified time

◆ ap_ind()

int ap_ind ( const char *  str,
char  c 

Search a string from left to right for the first occurrence of a specific character

strThe string to search
cThe character to search for
The index of the first occurrence of c in str

◆ ap_is_chunked()

const char const char int ap_is_chunked ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  line 

Determine if the final Transfer-Encoding is "chunked".

pThe pool to allocate from
linethe header field-value to scan
1 if the last Transfer-Encoding is "chunked", else 0

◆ ap_is_directory()

int ap_is_directory ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  name 

Given the name of an object in the file system determine if it is a directory - this version is symlink aware

pThe pool to allocate from
nameThe name of the object to check
1 if it is a directory, 0 otherwise

◆ ap_is_matchexp()

int ap_is_matchexp ( const char *  str)

Does the provided string contain wildcard characters? This is useful for determining if the string should be passed to strcmp_match or to strcmp. The only wildcard characters recognized are '?' and '*'

strThe string to check
1 if the string has wildcards, 0 otherwise

◆ ap_is_rdirectory()

int ap_is_rdirectory ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  name 

Given the name of an object in the file system determine if it is a directory

pThe pool to allocate from
nameThe name of the object to check
1 if it is a directory, 0 otherwise

◆ ap_is_url()

int ap_is_url ( const char *  u)

Check for an Absolute URI syntax

uThe string to check
1 if URI, 0 otherwise

◆ ap_log_assert()

void ap_log_assert ( const char *  szExp,
const char *  szFile,
int  nLine 

Log an assertion to the error log

szExpThe assertion that failed
szFileThe file the assertion is in
nLineThe line the assertion is defined on

◆ ap_make_dirstr_parent()

char* ap_make_dirstr_parent ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  s 

Return the parent directory name (including trailing /) of the file s

pThe pool to allocate from
sThe file to get the parent of
A copy of the file's parent directory

◆ ap_make_dirstr_prefix()

char* ap_make_dirstr_prefix ( char *  d,
const char *  s,
int  n 

Copy at most n leading directories of s into d. d should be at least as large as s plus 1 extra byte

dThe location to copy to
sThe location to copy from
nThe number of directories to copy
value is the ever useful pointer to the trailing "\0" of d
on platforms with drive letters, n = 0 returns the "/" root, whereas n = 1 returns the "d:/" root. On all other platforms, n = 0 returns the empty string.

◆ ap_make_full_path()

char* ap_make_full_path ( apr_pool_t a,
const char *  dir,
const char *  f 

Given a directory and filename, create a single path from them. This function is smart enough to ensure that there is a single '/' between the directory and file names

aThe pool to allocate from
dirThe directory name
fThe filename
A copy of the full path, with one byte of extra space after the NUL to allow the caller to add a trailing '/'.
Never consider using this function if you are dealing with filesystem names that need to remain canonical, unless you are merging an apr_dir_read path and returned filename. Otherwise, the result is not canonical.

◆ ap_malloc()

void* ap_malloc ( size_t  size)

Wrapper for malloc() that calls ap_abort_on_oom() if out of memory

sizesize of the memory block
pointer to the allocated memory
ap_malloc may be implemented as a macro

◆ ap_no2slash()

void ap_no2slash ( char *  name)

Convert all double slashes to single slashes, except where significant to the filesystem on the current platform.

nameThe string to convert, assumed to be a filesystem path

◆ ap_no2slash_ex()

void ap_no2slash_ex ( char *  name,
int  is_fs_path 

Convert all double slashes to single slashes, except where significant to the filesystem on the current platform.

nameThe string to convert
is_fs_pathif set to 0, the significance of any double-slashes is ignored.

◆ ap_normalize_path()

int ap_normalize_path ( char *  path,
unsigned int  flags 

Remove all ////, /./ and /xx/../ substrings from a path, and more depending on passed in flags.

pathThe path to normalize
flagsbitmask of AP_NORMALIZE_* flags
non-zero on success

◆ ap_os_escape_path()

char* ap_os_escape_path ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  path,
int  partial 

convert an OS path to a URL in an OS dependent way.

pThe pool to allocate from
pathThe path to convert
partialif set, assume that the path will be appended to something with a '/' in it (and thus does not prefix "./").
The converted URL, with one byte of extra space after the NUL to allow the caller to add a trailing '/'.
Replaced by apr_pescape_path() in APR

◆ ap_os_is_path_absolute()

int ap_os_is_path_absolute ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  dir 

Test if the given path has an absolute path.

pThe pool to allocate from
dirThe directory name
The converse is not necessarily true, some OS's (Win32/OS2/Netware) have multiple forms of absolute paths. This only reports if the path is absolute in a canonical sense.

◆ ap_palloc_debug()

void* ap_palloc_debug ( apr_pool_t p,
apr_size_t  size 

◆ ap_parse_form_data()

int ap_parse_form_data ( request_rec r,
struct ap_filter_t f,
apr_array_header_t **  ptr,
apr_size_t  num,
apr_size_t  size 

Read the body and parse any form found, which must be of the type application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

rrequest containing POSTed form data
ptrreturned array of ap_form_pair_t
nummax num of params or -1 for unlimited
sizemax size allowed for parsed data
OK or HTTP error

◆ ap_parse_strict_length()

int ap_parse_strict_length ( apr_off_t len,
const char *  str 

Parse a length string with decimal characters only, no leading sign nor trailing character, like Content-Length or (Content-)Range headers.

lenThe parsed length (apr_off_t)
strThe string to parse
1 (success), 0 (failure)

◆ ap_parse_token_list_strict()

const char* ap_parse_token_list_strict ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  tok,
apr_array_header_t **  tokens,
int  skip_invalid 

Retrieve an array of tokens in the format "1#token" defined in RFC2616. Only accepts ',' as a delimiter, does not accept quoted strings, and errors on any separator.

pThe pool to allocate from
tokThe line to read tokens from
tokensPointer to an array of tokens. If not NULL, must be an array of char*, otherwise it will be allocated on p when a token is found
skip_invalidIf true, when an invalid separator is encountered, it will be ignored.
NULL on success, an error string otherwise.
*tokens may be NULL on output if NULL in input and no token is found

◆ ap_password_validate()

apr_status_t ap_password_validate ( request_rec r,
const char *  username,
const char *  passwd,
const char *  hash 

Wrapper for apr_password_validate() to cache expensive calculations

rthe current request
usernameusername of the user
passwdpassword string
hashhash string to be passwd to apr_password_validate()
APR_SUCCESS if passwords match, APR_EMISMATCH or error otherwise
Currently, ap_password_validate() only caches the result of the most recent call with the same connection as r. In the future, it may also do rate-limiting against brute-force attacks.

◆ ap_pbase64decode()

char* ap_pbase64decode ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  bufcoded 

Decode a base64 encoded string into memory allocated from a pool

pThe pool to allocate from
bufcodedThe encoded string
The decoded string
Replaced by apr_pbase64_decode() in APR.

◆ ap_pbase64decode_strict()

apr_status_t ap_pbase64decode_strict ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  encoded,
char **  decoded,
apr_size_t len 

Decode a base64 encoded string into memory allocated from a pool, while ensuring that the input string is in fact valid base64.

Unlike ap_pbase64decode(), this function allows encoded NULLs in the input to be retained by the caller, by inspecting the len argument after the call instead of using strlen(). A NULL terminator is still appended to the buffer to facilitate string use (it is not included in len).

pThe pool to allocate from
encodedThe encoded string
decodedOn success, set to the decoded buffer, which is allocated from p
lenOn success, set to the length of the decoded buffer (not including the terminating NULL byte)
APR_SUCCESS if the decoding was successful

◆ ap_pbase64encode()

char* ap_pbase64encode ( apr_pool_t p,
char *  string 

Encode a string into memory allocated from a pool in base 64 format

pThe pool to allocate from
stringThe plaintext string
The encoded string
Replaced by apr_pbase64_encode() in APR.

◆ ap_pcalloc_debug()

void* ap_pcalloc_debug ( apr_pool_t p,
apr_size_t  size 

◆ ap_pregcomp()

ap_regex_t* ap_pregcomp ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  pattern,
int  cflags 

Compile a regular expression to be used later. The regex is freed when the pool is destroyed.

pThe pool to allocate from
patternthe regular expression to compile
cflagsThe bitwise or of one or more of the following:
  • REG_EXTENDED - Use POSIX extended Regular Expressions
  • REG_ICASE - Ignore case
  • REG_NOSUB - Support for substring addressing of matches not required
  • REG_NEWLINE - Match-any-character operators don't match new-line
The compiled regular expression

◆ ap_pregfree()

void ap_pregfree ( apr_pool_t p,
ap_regex_t reg 

Free the memory associated with a compiled regular expression

pThe pool the regex was allocated from
regThe regular expression to free
This function is only necessary if the regex should be cleaned up before the pool

◆ ap_pregsub()

char* ap_pregsub ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  input,
const char *  source,
apr_size_t  nmatch,
ap_regmatch_t  pmatch[] 

After performing a successful regex match, you may use this function to perform a series of string substitutions based on subexpressions that were matched during the call to ap_regexec. This function is limited to result strings of 64K. Consider using ap_pregsub_ex() instead.

pThe pool to allocate from
inputAn arbitrary string containing $1 through $9. These are replaced with the corresponding matched sub-expressions
sourceThe string that was originally matched to the regex
nmatchthe nmatch returned from ap_pregex
pmatchthe pmatch array returned from ap_pregex
The substituted string, or NULL on error

◆ ap_pregsub_ex()

apr_status_t ap_pregsub_ex ( apr_pool_t p,
char **  result,
const char *  input,
const char *  source,
apr_size_t  nmatch,
ap_regmatch_t  pmatch[],
apr_size_t  maxlen 

After performing a successful regex match, you may use this function to perform a series of string substitutions based on subexpressions that were matched during the call to ap_regexec

pThe pool to allocate from
resultwhere to store the result, will be set to NULL on error
inputAn arbitrary string containing $1 through $9. These are replaced with the corresponding matched sub-expressions
sourceThe string that was originally matched to the regex
nmatchthe nmatch returned from ap_pregex
pmatchthe pmatch array returned from ap_pregex
maxlenthe maximum string length to return, 0 for unlimited
APR_SUCCESS if successful, APR_ENOMEM or other error code otherwise.

◆ ap_psignature()

const char* ap_psignature ( const char *  prefix,
request_rec r 

Get HTML describing the address and (optionally) admin of the server.

prefixText which is prepended to the return value
rThe request_rec
HTML describing the server, allocated in r's pool.

◆ ap_pstr2_alnum()

apr_status_t ap_pstr2_alnum ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  src,
const char **  dest 

Cleanup a string (mainly to be filesystem safe) We only allow '_' and alphanumeric chars. Non-printable map to 'x' and all others map to '_'

ppool to use to allocate dest
srcstring to clean up
destcleaned up, allocated string
Status value indicating whether the cleaning was successful or not.

◆ ap_random_insecure_bytes()

void ap_random_insecure_bytes ( void *  buf,
apr_size_t  size 

Generate pseudo random bytes. This is a convenience interface to apr_random. It is cheaper but less secure than apr_generate_random_bytes().

bufwhere to store the bytes
sizenumber of bytes to generate
ap_random_insecure_bytes() is thread-safe, it uses a mutex on threaded MPMs.

◆ ap_random_pick()

apr_uint32_t ap_random_pick ( apr_uint32_t  min,
apr_uint32_t  max 

Get a pseudo random number in a range.

minlow end of range
maxhigh end of range
a number in the range

◆ ap_realloc()

void void* ap_realloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Wrapper for realloc() that calls ap_abort_on_oom() if out of memory

ptrpointer to the old memory block (or NULL)
sizenew size of the memory block
pointer to the reallocated memory
ap_realloc may be implemented as a macro

◆ ap_request_has_body()

int ap_request_has_body ( request_rec r)

Determine if a request has a request body or not.

rthe request_rec of the request
truth value

◆ ap_request_tainted()

int ap_request_tainted ( request_rec r,
int  flags 

Check whether a request is tainted by potentially-untrusted sources.

rthe request
flagsTaint flags to check
truth value

◆ ap_resolve_env()

const char* ap_resolve_env ( apr_pool_t p,
const char *  word 

Check a string for any config define or environment variable construct and replace each of them by the value of that variable, if it exists. The default syntax of the constructs is ${ENV} but can be changed by setting the define::* config defines. If the variable does not exist, leave the ${ENV} construct alone but print a warning.

pThe pool to allocate from
wordThe string to check
The string with the replaced environment variables

◆ ap_rind()

int ap_rind ( const char *  str,
char  c 

Search a string from right to left for the first occurrence of a specific character

strThe string to search
cThe character to search for
The index of the first occurrence of c in str

◆ ap_scan_http_field_content()

const char* ap_scan_http_field_content ( const char *  ptr)

◆ ap_scan_http_token()

const char* ap_scan_http_token ( const char *  ptr)

◆ ap_scan_vchar_obstext()

const char* ap_scan_vchar_obstext ( const char *  ptr)

◆ ap_set_context_info()

void ap_set_context_info ( request_rec r,
const char *  prefix,
const char *  document_root 

Set context_prefix and context_document_root for a request.

rThe request
prefixthe URI prefix, without trailing slash
document_rootthe corresponding directory on disk, without trailing slash
If one of prefix of document_root is NULL, the corrsponding property will not be changed.

◆ ap_set_document_root()

void ap_set_document_root ( request_rec r,
const char *  document_root 

Set per-request document root. This is for mass virtual hosting modules that want to provide the correct DOCUMENT_ROOT value to scripts.

rThe request
document_rootthe document root for the request.

◆ ap_size_list_item()

const char* ap_size_list_item ( const char **  field,
int len 

Size an HTTP header field list item, as separated by a comma.

fieldThe field to size
lenThe length of the field
The return value is a pointer to the beginning of the non-empty list item within the original string (or NULL if there is none) and the address of field is shifted to the next non-comma, non-whitespace character. len is the length of the item excluding any beginning whitespace.

◆ ap_str2_alnum()

apr_status_t ap_str2_alnum ( const char *  src,
char *  dest 

Cleanup a string (mainly to be filesystem safe) We only allow '_' and alphanumeric chars. Non-printable map to 'x' and all others map to '_'

srcstring to clean up
destcleaned up, pre-allocated string
Status value indicating whether the cleaning was successful or not.

◆ ap_str_tolower()

void ap_str_tolower ( char *  s)

convert a string to all lowercase

sThe string to convert to lowercase

◆ ap_str_toupper()

void ap_str_toupper ( char *  s)

convert a string to all uppercase

sThe string to convert to uppercase

◆ ap_strcasecmp_match()

int ap_strcasecmp_match ( const char *  str,
const char *  expected 

Determine if a string matches a pattern containing the wildcards '?' or '*', ignoring case

strThe string to check
expectedThe pattern to match against
0 if the two strings match, 1 otherwise

◆ ap_strcasestr()

char* ap_strcasestr ( const char *  s1,
const char *  s2 

Find the first occurrence of the substring s2 in s1, regardless of case

s1The string to search
s2The substring to search for
A pointer to the beginning of the substring
See apr_strmatch() for a faster alternative

◆ ap_strchr()

char* ap_strchr ( char *  s,
int  c 

◆ ap_strchr_c()

const char* ap_strchr_c ( const char *  s,
int  c 

◆ ap_strcmp_match()

int ap_strcmp_match ( const char *  str,
const char *  expected 

Determine if a string matches a pattern containing the wildcards '?' or '*'

strThe string to check
expectedThe pattern to match against
0 if the two strings match, 1 otherwise

◆ ap_stripprefix()

const char* ap_stripprefix ( const char *  bigstring,
const char *  prefix 

Return a pointer to the location inside of bigstring immediately after prefix

bigstringThe input string
prefixThe prefix to strip away
A pointer relative to bigstring after prefix

◆ ap_strrchr()

char* ap_strrchr ( char *  s,
int  c 

◆ ap_strrchr_c()

const char* ap_strrchr_c ( const char *  s,
int  c 

◆ ap_strstr()

char* ap_strstr ( char *  s,
const char *  c 

◆ ap_strstr_c()

const char* ap_strstr_c ( const char *  s,
const char *  c 

◆ ap_thread_create()

apr_status_t ap_thread_create ( apr_thread_t **  thread,
apr_threadattr_t attr,
apr_thread_start_t  func,
void *  data,
apr_pool_t pool 

◆ ap_thread_current()

apr_thread_t* ap_thread_current ( void  )

◆ ap_thread_current_after_fork()

void ap_thread_current_after_fork ( void  )

◆ ap_thread_current_create()

apr_status_t ap_thread_current_create ( apr_thread_t **  current,
apr_threadattr_t attr,
apr_pool_t pool 

AP_THREAD_LOCAL keyword aliases the compiler's.

◆ ap_thread_main_create()

apr_status_t ap_thread_main_create ( apr_thread_t **  thread,
apr_pool_t pool 

◆ ap_timeout_parameter_parse()

apr_status_t ap_timeout_parameter_parse ( const char *  timeout_parameter,
apr_interval_time_t timeout,
const char *  default_time_unit 

Parse a given timeout parameter string into an apr_interval_time_t value. The unit of the time interval is given as postfix string to the numeric string. Currently the following units are understood (case insensitive):

ms : milliseconds s : seconds mi[n] : minutes h : hours

If no unit is contained in the given timeout parameter the default_time_unit will be used instead.

timeout_parameterThe string containing the timeout parameter.
timeoutThe timeout value to be returned.
default_time_unitThe default time unit to use if none is specified in timeout_parameter.
Status value indicating whether the parsing was successful or not.

◆ ap_unescape_all()

int ap_unescape_all ( char *  url)

Unescape a string

urlThe string to unescape
0 on success, non-zero otherwise

◆ ap_unescape_url()

int ap_unescape_url ( char *  url)

Unescape a URL

urlThe url to unescape
0 on success, non-zero otherwise
Replaced by apr_unescape_url() in APR

◆ ap_unescape_url_ex()

int ap_unescape_url_ex ( char *  url,
unsigned int  flags 

Unescape a URL, with options

urlThe url to unescape
flagsBitmask of AP_UNESCAPE_URL_* flags
0 on success, non-zero otherwise

◆ ap_unescape_url_keep2f()

int ap_unescape_url_keep2f ( char *  url,
int  decode_slashes 

Unescape a URL, but leaving %2f (slashes) escaped

urlThe url to unescape
decode_slashesWhether or not slashes should be decoded
0 on success, non-zero otherwise
Replaced by apr_unescape_url() in APR

◆ ap_unescape_urlencoded()

int ap_unescape_urlencoded ( char *  query)

Unescape an application/x-www-form-urlencoded string

queryThe query to unescape
0 on success, non-zero otherwise
Replaced by apr_unescape_url() in APR