File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 ap_compat.hRedefine Apache 1.3 symbols
 ap_config.hSymbol export macros and hook functions
 ap_config_layout.hApache Config Layout
 ap_expr.hExpression parser
 ap_hooks.hAp hook functions and macros
 ap_listen.hApache Listeners Library
 ap_mmn.hModule Magic Number
 ap_mpm.hApache Multi-Processing Module library
 ap_provider.hApache Provider API
 ap_regex.hApache Regex defines
 ap_regkey.hAPR-style Win32 Registry Manipulation
 ap_release.hVersion Release defines
 ap_slotmem.hMemory Slot Extension Storage Module for Apache
 ap_socache.hSmall object cache provider interface
 apreq.hMain header file..
 apreq_cookie.hCookies and Jars
 apreq_error.hError status codes
 apreq_module.hModule API
 apreq_param.hRequest parsing and parameter API
 apreq_parser.hRequest body parser API
 apreq_util.hUtility functions for apreq
 heartbeat.hCommun structures for mod_heartmonitor.c and mod_lbmethod_heartbeat.c
 http_config.hApache Configuration
 http_connection.hApache connection library
 http_core.hCORE HTTP Daemon
 http_log.hApache Logging library
 http_main.hCommand line options
 http_protocol.hHTTP protocol handling
 http_request.hApache Request library
 http_ssl.hSSL protocol handling
 http_vhost.hVirtual Host package
 httpd.hHTTP Daemon routines
 mod_auth.hAuthentication and Authorization Extension for Apache
 mod_core.hMod_core private header file
 mod_request.hMod_request private header file
 mpm_common.hMulti-Processing Modules functions
 scoreboard.hApache scoreboard library
 util_cfgtree.hConfig Tree Package
 util_charset.hCharset conversion
 util_cookies.hApache cookie library
 util_ebcdic.hUtilities for EBCDIC conversion
 util_fcgi.hFastCGI protocol definitions and support routines
 util_filter.hApache filter library
 util_ldap.hApache LDAP library
 util_md5.hApache MD5 library
 util_mutex.hApache Mutex support library
 util_script.hApache script tools
 util_time.hApache date-time handling functions
 util_varbuf.hApache resizable variable length buffer library
 util_xml.hApache XML library
 core.hCore private declarations
 mpm_fdqueue.hFd queue declarations
 suexec.hUser-definable variables for the suexec wrapper code. (See README.configure on how to customize these variables.)