All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractCache<K,V> |
AbstractCache |
AbstractConverter<S,T> |
Abstract Converter class.
AbstractCursorHandler |
AbstractEngine |
Abstract Service Engine
AbstractEntityConditionCache<K,V> |
AbstractHtmlReport |
HTML report output to be used for database create tables / drop tables operations.
AbstractJmsListener |
AbstractJob |
Abstract Job.
AbstractLocalizedConverter<S,T> |
Abstract LocalizedConverter class.
AbstractModelAction |
Abstract base class for the action models.
AbstractModelAction.EntityAnd |
Models the <entity-and> element.
AbstractModelAction.EntityCondition |
Models the <entity-condition> element.
AbstractModelAction.EntityOne |
Models the <entity-one> element.
AbstractModelAction.GetRelated |
Models the <get-related> element.
AbstractModelAction.GetRelatedOne |
Models the <get-related-one> element.
AbstractModelAction.PropertyMap |
Models the <property-map> element.
AbstractModelAction.PropertyToField |
Models the <property-to-field> element.
AbstractModelAction.Script |
Models the <script> element.
AbstractModelAction.Service |
Models the <service> element.
AbstractModelAction.SetField |
Models the <set> element.
AbstractModelCondition |
Abstract base class for the condition models.
AbstractModelCondition.And |
Models the <and> element.
AbstractModelCondition.DefaultConditionFactory |
A ModelCondition factory.
AbstractModelCondition.IfCompare |
Models the <if-compare> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfCompareField |
Models the <if-compare-field> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfEmpty |
Models the <if-empty> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfEntityPermission |
Models the <if-entity-permission> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfHasPermission |
Models the <if-has-permission> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfRegexp |
Models the <if-regexp> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfServicePermission |
Models the <if-service-permission> element.
AbstractModelCondition.IfValidateMethod |
Models the <if-validate-method> element.
AbstractModelCondition.Not |
Models the <not> element.
AbstractModelCondition.Or |
Models the <or> element.
AbstractModelCondition.Xor |
Models the <xor> element.
AbstractOFBizAuthenticationHandler |
The abstract Authentication Handler.
AbstractPricatParser |
Abstract class of pricat parser.
AbstractReport |
Base report class.
AbstractReportThread |
Provides a common Thread class for the reports.
AbstractViewHandler |
ViewHandler - View Handler Interface
AccountingException |
Accounting Exceptions are to be distinguished from other exceptions as
serious problems in configuration, execution or logic in the Accounting
components that could lead to errors in Invoices, the General Ledger,
and Payments.
AddError |
Implements the <add-error> element.
AddError.AddErrorFactory |
A factory for the <add-error> element.
AgreementServices |
Services for Agreement (Accounting)
AIMPaymentServices |
AIMRespPositions |
AliasKeyManager |
AliasKeyManager - KeyManager used to specify a certificate alias
AlreadyLoadedException |
Component Already Loaded Exception
ApacheFopWorker |
Apache FOP worker class.
Appender<T> |
ArtifactInfoBase |
ArtifactInfoContext |
An object used for gathering artifact information.
ArtifactInfoContext |
An object used for gathering artifact information.
ArtifactInfoFactory |
ArtifactInfoGatherer |
An object that gathers artifact information from screen widgets.
Assert |
Basic assertions.
Assert |
Implements the <assert> element.
Assert.AssertFactory |
A factory for the <assert> element.
AssertTests |
AuthenticationComparator |
Used to sort Authenticators by weight
Authenticator |
Classes which implement this interface (directly) will be auto-discovered and loaded as Authenticators
as long as isEnabled() returns true.
AuthenticatorException |
AuthHelper |
Authorization |
An object that models the <authorization> element.
AuthorizeResponse |
AuthorizeResponse.RespPositions |
Base64 |
Base64 implements Base64 encoding and Base 64 decoding.
BaseCompare |
Abstract class providing functionality for the compare SimpleMapOperations
BaseUnitTests |
BillingAccountWorker |
Worker methods for BillingAccounts
BillingAccountWorker.BillingAccountComparator |
BlogRssServices |
BlowFishCrypt |
Blowfish (Two-Way) Byte/String encryption
BOMHelper |
Helper class containing static method useful when dealing
with product's bills of materials.
BOMNode |
An ItemCoinfigurationNode represents a component in a bill of materials.
BOMServices |
Bills of Materials' services implementation.
BOMTree |
It represents an (in-memory) bill of materials (in which each
component is an BOMNode)
Useful for tree traversal (breakdown, explosion, implosion).
BooleanConverters |
Boolean Converter classes.
BooleanConverters.BooleanToInteger |
BooleanConverters.BooleanToList |
BooleanConverters.BooleanToSet |
BooleanConverters.BooleanToString |
BooleanConverters.IntegerToBoolean |
BooleanConverters.StringToBoolean |
Break |
Implements the <break> element.
Break.BreakFactory |
A factory for the <break> element.
ByAndFinder |
Uses the delegator to find entity values by a and
ByConditionFinder |
Uses the delegator to find entity values by a condition
ByteWrapper |
Cache |
CacheFilter |
CacheLine<V> |
CacheListener<K,V> |
CacheSoftReference<V> |
Calculate |
Implements the <calculate> element.
Calculate.CalculateFactory |
A factory for the <calculate> element.
Calculate.SubCalc |
Interface for <calculate> sub-element implementations.
CallClassMethod |
Implements the <call-class-method> element.
CallClassMethod.CallClassMethodFactory |
A factory for the <call-class-method> element.
CallObjectMethod |
Implements the <call-object-method> element.
CallObjectMethod.CallObjectMethodFactory |
A factory for the <call-object-method> element.
CallScript |
Implements the <script> element.
CallScript.CallScriptFactory |
A factory for the <script> element.
CallService |
Implements the <call-service> element.
CallService.CallServiceFactory |
A factory for the <call-service> element.
CallServiceAsynch |
Implements the <call-service-asynch> element.
CallServiceAsynch.CallServiceAsynchFactory |
A factory for the <call-service-asynch> element.
CallSimpleMapProcessor |
Implements the <call-map-processor> element.
CallSimpleMapProcessor.CallSimpleMapProcessorFactory |
A factory for the <call-map-processor> element.
CallSimpleMethod |
Implements the <call-simple-method> element.
CallSimpleMethod.CallSimpleMethodFactory |
A factory for the <call-simple-method> element.
CartEventListener |
HttpSessionListener that saves information about abandoned carts
CartItemModifyException |
CatalinaContainer |
CatalinaContainer - Tomcat
For more information about the AccessLogValve pattern visit the
CatalogAltUrlSeoTransform |
CatalogUrlDirective |
CatalogUrlDirective - Freemarker Template Directive for generating URLs suitable for use by the CatalogUrlServlet
Accepts the following arguments (see CatalogUrlServlet for their definition):
CatalogUrlFilter |
CatalogUrlSeoFilter |
CatalogUrlSeoTransform |
CatalogUrlServlet | - Master servlet for the web application.
CatalogWorker |
CatalogWorker - Worker class for catalog related functionality
CategoryContentWrapper |
Category Content Worker: gets category content to display
CategoryServices |
CategoryServices - Category Services
CategoryUtil |
Product category util class for solr.
CategoryWorker |
CategoryWorker - Worker class to reduce code in JSPs.
CCPaymentServices |
ClearCommerce Payment Services (CCE 5.4)
CCServicesTest |
CdyneServices |
OFBIZ CDyne Services: for info see
CertificateServices |
CheckErrors |
Implements the <check-errors> element.
CheckErrors.CheckErrorsFactory |
A factory for the <check-errors> element.
CheckId |
Implements the <check-id> element.
CheckId.CheckIdFactory |
A factory for the <check-id> element.
CheckOutEvents |
Events used for processing checkout and orders.
CheckOutHelper |
A facade over the ShoppingCart to simplify the relatively complex
processing required to create an order in the system.
CheckPermission |
Implements the <check-permission> element.
CheckPermission.CheckPermissionFactory |
A <check-permission> element factory.
CheckPermissionTransform |
CheckPermissionTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
ClassInvariant |
Identifies the valid state(s) of a field or variable.
Classpath |
A class path accumulator.
ClasspathLocationResolver |
A special location resolver that uses Strings like URLs, but with more options
ClearCacheLine |
Implements the <clear-cache-line> element.
ClearCacheLine.ClearCacheLineFactory |
A factory for the <clear-cache-line> element.
ClearEntityCaches |
Implements the <clear-entity-caches> element.
ClearEntityCaches.ClearEntityCachesFactory |
A factory for the <clear-entity-caches> element.
ClearField |
Implements the <clear-field> element.
ClearField.ClearFieldFactory |
A factory for the <clear-field> element.
CloneValue |
Implements the <clone-value> element.
CloneValue.CloneValueFactory |
A factory for the <clone-value> element.
CmsEvents |
CollectionConverters |
Collection Converter classes.
CollectionConverters.ArrayCreator |
CollectionConverters.ArrayToList<T> |
CollectionConverters.ListToString<T> |
CollectionConverters.MapToList<K,V> |
CollectionConverters.MapToSet<K,V> |
CollectionConverters.MapToString<K,V> |
CollectionConverters.StringToList |
CollectionConverters.StringToMap |
CollectionConverters.StringToSet |
CombinedCondition |
Implements the <and>, <or>, <not>, and <xor> elements.
CombinedCondition.AndConditionFactory |
A <and> element factory.
CombinedCondition.NotConditionFactory |
A <not> element factory.
CombinedCondition.OrConditionFactory |
A <or> element factory.
CombinedCondition.XorConditionFactory |
A <xor> element factory.
CommonEvents |
Common Services
CommonServices |
Common Services
CommonWidgetModels |
A collection of shared/reused widget models.
CommonWidgetModels.AutoEntityParameters |
CommonWidgetModels.AutoServiceParameters |
CommonWidgetModels.Image |
CommonWidgetModels.Link |
CommonWidgetModels.Parameter |
Models the <parameter> element.
CommonWorkers |
Common Workers
CommunicationEventServices |
ComparableRange<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
A range of values.
ComparableRangeTests |
Compare |
Implements a comparison - consisting of an l-value, an r-value, and a comparison operator.
Compare |
Compares an in-field to the specified value
CompareCondition |
Implements the <if-compare> element.
CompareCondition.CompareConditionFactory |
A <if-compare> element factory.
CompareField |
Compares the current field to another field
CompareFieldCondition |
Implements the <if-compare-field> element.
CompareFieldCondition.CompareFieldConditionFactory |
A <if-compare-field> element factory.
CompDocEvents |
CompDocEvents Class
CompDocServices |
CompDocEvents Class
ComponentConfig |
An object that models the <ofbiz-component> element.
ComponentConfig.ClasspathInfo |
An object that models the <classpath> element.
ComponentConfig.DependsOnInfo |
ComponentConfig.EntityResourceInfo |
An object that models the <entity-resource> element.
ComponentConfig.KeystoreInfo |
An object that models the <keystore> element.
ComponentConfig.ResourceInfo |
ComponentConfig.ResourceLoaderInfo |
An object that models the <resource-loader> element.
ComponentConfig.ServiceResourceInfo |
An object that models the <service-resource> element.
ComponentConfig.TestSuiteInfo |
An object that models the <test-suite> element.
ComponentConfig.WebappInfo |
An object that models the <webapp> element.
ComponentContainer |
ComponentContainer - StartupContainer implementation for Components
The purpose of this container is to load the classpath for all components
defined in OFBiz.
ComponentException |
ComponentLoaderConfig |
ComponentLoaderConfig - Component Loader configuration utility class
to handle component-load.xml files
ComponentLoaderConfig.ComponentDef |
ComponentLoaderConfig.ComponentType |
ComponentLocationResolver |
A special location resolver that uses Strings like URLs, but with more options
ComponentResourceHandler |
Contains resource information and provides for loading data
Conditional |
Interface for all conditional elements under the <if> element.
ConditionalFactory<C extends Conditional> |
An abstract factory class for creating <if> element sub-element implementations.
Config |
OFBiz server parameters needed on system startup and retrieved from
one of the properties files in the start component
ConfigXMLReader | - Reads and parses the XML site config files.
ConfigXMLReader.ControllerConfig |
ConfigXMLReader.Event |
ConfigXMLReader.RequestMap |
ConfigXMLReader.RequestResponse |
ConfigXMLReader.ViewMap |
ConnectionFactory |
An object that models the <connection-factory> element.
ConnectionFactory |
ConnectionFactoryLoader |
ConnectionFactoryLoader - utility class that loads the connection manager and provides to client code a reference to it (ConnectionFactory)
ConstantFuture<V> |
ConstantOper |
Title: A MakeInStringOperation that appends the specified constant string
ContactHelper |
Accessors for Contact Mechanisms
ContactMechServices |
Services for Contact Mechanism maintenance
ContactMechWorker |
Worker methods for Contact Mechanisms
Container |
An OFBiz container.
ContainerConfig |
ContainerConfig - Container configuration for ofbiz.xml
ContainerConfig.Configuration |
ContainerConfig.Configuration.Property |
ContainerException |
ContainerLoader |
An object that loads containers (background processes).
ContentDocument |
ContentDocument Class
ContentEvents |
ContentEvents Class
ContentJsonEvents |
ContentKeywordIndex |
Does indexing in preparation for a keyword search.
ContentManagementEvents |
ContentManagementEvents Class
ContentManagementServices |
ContentManagementServices Class
ContentManagementWorker |
ContentManagementWorker Class
ContentMapFacade |
ContentPermissionServices |
ContentPermissionServices Class
Services for granting operation permissions on Content entities in a data-driven manner.
ContentSearch |
ContentSearch.ContentAssocConstraint |
ContentSearch.ContentSearchConstraint |
ContentSearch.ContentSearchContext |
ContentSearch.KeywordConstraint |
ContentSearch.LastUpdatedRangeConstraint |
ContentSearch.ResultSortOrder |
ContentSearch.SortContentField |
ContentSearch.SortKeywordRelevancy |
ContentSearchEvents |
ContentSearchSession |
ContentSearchSession.ContentSearchOptions |
ContentServices |
ContentServices Class
ContentServicesComplex |
ContentServicesComplex Class
ContentUrlFilter |
ContentUrlTag |
ContentUrlTag - Creates a URL string prepending the content prefix from
ContentWorker |
ContentWorker Class
ContentWorkerInterface |
ContentWrapper |
ContentWrapper Interface
ContextFilter |
ContextFilter - Configures objects for OFBiz applications
ContextHelper |
A set of ScriptContext convenience methods for scripting engines.
Continue |
Implements the <continue> element.
Continue.ContinueFactory |
A factory for the <continue> element.
ControlActivationEventListener |
HttpSessionListener that gathers and tracks various information and statistics
ControlEventListener |
HttpSessionListener that gathers and tracks various information and statistics
ControlFilter |
ControllerRequestArtifactInfo |
ControllerViewArtifactInfo |
ControlServlet | - Master servlet for the web application.
ControlServlet | - Master servlet for the web application.
ConversionException |
ConversionException class.
Convert |
Convert the current field from the in-map and place it in the out-map
Converter<S,T> |
Converter interface.
ConverterCreator |
ConverterCreator interface.
ConverterLoader |
Converter loader interface.
Converters |
A Converter factory and repository.
Converters |
Entity Engine Converter classes.
Converters.GenericValueToJSON |
Converters.GenericValueToList |
Converters.GenericValueToSet |
Converters.GenericValueToString |
Converters.JSONToGenericValue |
Converters.NullFieldToObject |
Converters.ObjectToNullField |
Converters.PassThruConverter<S,T> |
Pass thru converter used when the source and target java object
types are the same.
Converters.PassThruConverterCreator |
ConvertTree |
Copy |
Copies a field in the in-map to the out-map
CoreEvents |
CoreEvents - WebApp Events Related To Framework pieces
CPRespPositions |
CreateObject |
Implements the <create-object> element.
CreateObject.CreateObjectFactory |
A factory for the <create-object> element.
CreateValue |
Implements the <create-value> element.
CreateValue.CreateValueFactory |
A factory for the <create-value> element.
CropImage |
CrossSubdomainSessionValve |
CursorConnection |
CursorResultSet |
CursorStatement |
CustomPermissivePolicy |
CustomSafePolicy |
DatabaseUtil |
Utilities for Entity Database Maintenance
DatabaseUtil.ColumnCheckInfo |
DatabaseUtil.ReferenceCheckInfo |
DataEvents |
DataEvents Class
DataFile |
DataFile main class
DataFile2EntityXml |
DataFileException |
DataModelConstants |
Data Model Constants
DataResourceWorker |
DataResourceWorker Class
DataResourceWorkerInterface |
DataServices |
DataServices Class
Datasource |
An object that models the <datasource> element.
DateRange |
An immutable range of dates.
DateTimeConverters |
Date/time Converter classes.
DateTimeConverters.CalendarToDate |
DateTimeConverters.CalendarToLong |
DateTimeConverters.CalendarToString |
DateTimeConverters.CalendarToTimestamp |
DateTimeConverters.DateToCalendar |
DateTimeConverters.DateToLong |
DateTimeConverters.DateToSqlDate |
DateTimeConverters.DateToSqlTime |
DateTimeConverters.DateToString |
DateTimeConverters.DateToTimestamp |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToBigDecimal |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToDouble |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToFloat |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToList |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToLong |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToSet |
DateTimeConverters.DurationToString |
DateTimeConverters.GenericLocalizedConverter<S,T> |
DateTimeConverters.LongToCalendar |
DateTimeConverters.NumberToDate |
DateTimeConverters.NumberToDuration |
DateTimeConverters.NumberToSqlDate |
DateTimeConverters.NumberToSqlTime |
DateTimeConverters.NumberToTimestamp |
DateTimeConverters.SqlDateToDate |
DateTimeConverters.SqlDateToList |
DateTimeConverters.SqlDateToSet |
DateTimeConverters.SqlDateToString |
DateTimeConverters.SqlDateToTime |
DateTimeConverters.SqlDateToTimestamp |
DateTimeConverters.SqlTimeToList |
DateTimeConverters.SqlTimeToSet |
DateTimeConverters.SqlTimeToSqlDate |
DateTimeConverters.SqlTimeToString |
DateTimeConverters.StringToCalendar |
DateTimeConverters.StringToDate |
DateTimeConverters.StringToDuration |
DateTimeConverters.StringToSqlDate |
DateTimeConverters.StringToSqlTime |
DateTimeConverters.StringToTimestamp |
DateTimeConverters.StringToTimeZone |
DateTimeConverters.TimestampToDate |
DateTimeConverters.TimestampToList |
DateTimeConverters.TimestampToSet |
DateTimeConverters.TimestampToSqlDate |
DateTimeConverters.TimestampToSqlTime |
DateTimeConverters.TimestampToString |
DateTimeConverters.TimeZoneToString |
DateTimeTests |
DBCPConnectionFactory |
Apache Commons DBCP connection factory.
Debug |
Configurable Debug logging wrapper class
DebugManagedDataSource<C extends java.sql.Connection> |
DebugXaResource |
DebugXaResources |
An object that models the <debug-xa-resources> element.
Delegator |
Delegator.OperationType |
DelegatorContainer |
DelegatorEcaHandler |
DelegatorElement |
An object that models the <delegator> element.
DelegatorFactory |
Delegator factory abstract class.
DelegatorFactory.DelegatorConfigurable |
DelegatorFactoryImpl |
A DelegatorFactory implementation that returns an
instance of GenericDelegator .
DesCrypt |
Utility class for doing DESded (3DES) Two-Way Encryption
DhlServices |
DHL ShipmentServices
DimensionServices |
DispatchContext |
Dispatcher Context
DistributedCacheClear |
Distributed Cache Clear interface definition
DocumentIndexer |
DumbTransactionFactory |
A dumb, non-working transaction manager.
DynamicViewEntity |
This class is used for declaring Dynamic View Entities, to be used and thrown away.
EbayHelper |
EbayOrderServices |
EditRenderSubContentCacheTransform |
EditRenderSubContentCacheTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
This is an interactive FreeMarker tranform that allows the user to modify the contents that are placed within it.
EditRenderSubContentTransform |
EditRenderSubContentTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
This is an interactive FreeMarker tranform that allows the user to modify the contents that are placed within it.
ElseIf |
Implements the <else-if> element.
EmailServices |
Email Services
EmailServices.ByteArrayDataSource |
class to create a file in memory required for sending as an attachment
EmailServices.StringDataSource |
class to create a file in memory required for sending as an attachment
EmptyCondition |
Implements the <if-empty> element.
EmptyCondition.EmptyConditionFactory |
A <if-empty> element factory.
Engine |
An object that models the <engine> element.
EntityAnd |
Implements the <entity-and> element.
EntityAnd.EntityAndFactory |
A factory for the <entity-and> element.
EntityArtifactInfo |
EntityAutoEngine |
Standard Java Static Method Service Engine
EntityCache |
EntityCacheServices |
Entity Engine Cache Services
EntityClause |
Generic Entity Clause - Used to string together entities to make a find clause
EntityComparisonOperator<L,R> |
Base class for comparisons.
EntityCondition |
Represents the conditions to be used to constrain a query.
EntityCondition |
Implements the <entity-condition> element.
EntityCondition.EntityConditionFactory |
EntityConditionBase |
Represents the conditions to be used to constrain a query.
EntityConditionBuilder |
EntityConditionFunction |
Base class for entity condition functions.
EntityConditionFunction.NOT |
EntityConditionList<T extends EntityCondition> |
Encapsulates a list of EntityConditions to be used as a single EntityCondition combined as specified
EntityConditionListBase<T extends EntityCondition> |
Encapsulates a list of EntityConditions to be used as a single EntityCondition combined as specified
EntityConditionParam |
Represents a single parameter to be used in the preparedStatement
EntityConditionSubSelect |
Sub-query action.
EntityConditionValue |
Base class for condition expression values.
EntityConditionValue.ConstantNumberValue |
EntityConditionVisitor |
A visitor of entity conditions in the style of the visitor design pattern.
EntityConfig |
A singleton class that models the <entity-config> element.
EntityCount |
Implements the <entity-count> element.
EntityCount.EntityCountFactory |
A factory for the <entity-count> element.
EntityCrypto |
EntityCrypto.LegacyStorageHandler |
EntityCrypto.SaltedBase64StorageHandler |
EntityCrypto.ShiroStorageHandler |
EntityCrypto.StorageHandler |
EntityCryptoException |
EntityCryptoTestSuite |
EntityData |
Implements the <entity-data> element.
EntityData.EntityDataFactory |
A factory for the <entity-data> element.
EntityDataAssert |
Some utility routines for loading seed data.
EntityDataLoadContainer |
Container responsible for loading all types of data e.g.
EntityDataLoader |
Some utility routines for loading seed data.
EntityDataReader |
An object that models the <entity-data-reader> element.
EntityDataServices |
Entity Data Import/Export Services
EntityDateFilterCondition |
Date-range condition.
EntityEcaAction |
EntityEcaCondition |
EntityEcaException |
EntityEcaHandler<T> |
EntityEcaHandler interface
EntityEcaReader |
An object that models the <entity-eca-reader> element.
EntityEcaRule |
Entity event-condition-action rule.
EntityEcaSetField |
EntityEcaUtil |
EntityExpr |
Encapsulates simple expressions used for specifying queries
EntityFieldMap |
Encapsulates simple expressions used for specifying queries
EntityFieldValue |
Field value expression.
EntityFinderUtil |
Uses the delegator to find entity values by a condition
EntityFinderUtil.Condition |
EntityFinderUtil.ConditionExpr |
EntityFinderUtil.ConditionList |
EntityFinderUtil.ConditionObject |
EntityFinderUtil.GetAll |
EntityFinderUtil.LimitRange |
EntityFinderUtil.LimitView |
EntityFinderUtil.OutputHandler |
EntityFinderUtil.UseIterator |
EntityFindOptions |
Contains a number of variables used to select certain advanced finding options.
EntityFunction<T extends java.lang.Comparable<?>> |
Base class for entity functions.
EntityFunction.EntityFunctionNested<T extends java.lang.Comparable<?>> |
EntityFunction.EntityFunctionSingle<T extends java.lang.Comparable<?>> |
EntityFunction.Fetcher<T> |
EntityFunction.LENGTH |
Length() entity function.
EntityFunction.LOWER |
Lower() entity function.
EntityFunction.SQLFunction |
EntityFunction.TRIM |
Trim() entity function.
EntityFunction.UPPER |
Upper() entity function.
EntityGroupReader |
An object that models the <entity-group-reader> element.
EntityGroupUtil |
EntityJoinOperator |
Join operator (AND/OR).
EntityListCache |
EntityListIterator |
Generic Entity Cursor List Iterator for Handling Cursored DB Results
EntityLockedException |
EntityModelReader |
An object that models the <entity-model-reader> element.
EntityObjectCache |
EntityOne |
Implements the <entity-one> element.
EntityOne.EntityOneFactory |
A factory for the <entity-one> element.
EntityOperation |
An abstract base class for entity operations.
EntityOperator<L,R,T> |
Base class for operators (less than, greater than, equals, etc).
EntityOperator.CollectionEntityComparisonOperator<E> |
Comparison operator for Collection types.
EntityOperator.ComparableEntityComparisonOperator<E> |
Comparison operator for Comparable types.
EntityPermissionChecker |
EntityPermissionChecker Class
Services for granting operation permissions on Content entities in a data-driven manner.
EntityPermissionChecker.AuxiliaryValueGetter |
EntityPermissionChecker.PermissionConditionGetter |
EntityPermissionChecker.RelatedRoleGetter |
EntityPermissionChecker.StdAuxiliaryValueGetter |
EntityPermissionChecker.StdPermissionConditionGetter |
EntityPermissionChecker.StdRelatedRoleGetter |
EntityQuery |
Used to setup various options for and subsequently execute entity queries.
EntityQueryTestSuite |
EntitySaxReader |
SAX XML Parser Content Handler for Entity Engine XML files
EntityServiceFactory |
EntityStoreOptions |
Contains a number of variables used to select certain advanced options for storing GenericEntities.
EntitySyncContext |
Entity Engine Sync Services
EntitySyncContext.SyncAbortException |
This class signifies an abort condition, so the state and such of the EntitySync value in the datasource should not be changed
EntitySyncContext.SyncDataErrorException |
This class signifies an error condition, so the state of the EntitySync value and the EntitySyncHistory value in the datasource should be changed to reflect the error
EntitySyncContext.SyncErrorException |
EntitySyncContext.SyncOtherErrorException |
This class signifies an error condition, so the state of the EntitySync value and the EntitySyncHistory value in the datasource should be changed to reflect the error
EntitySyncContext.SyncServiceErrorException |
This class signifies an error condition, so the state of the EntitySync value and the EntitySyncHistory value in the datasource should be changed to reflect the error
EntitySyncServices |
Entity Engine Sync Services
EntityTestCase |
EntityTestSuite |
EntityTypeUtil |
Makes it easier to deal with entities that follow the
extensibility pattern and that can be of various types as identified in the database.
EntityUtil |
Helper methods when dealing with Entities, especially ones that follow certain conventions
EntityUtilProperties |
EntityUtilTestSuite |
EntityWatchServices |
EntityWhereString |
Encapsulates SQL expressions used for where clause snippets.
EntityXmlAssertTest |
EventFactory |
EventFactory - Event Handler Factory
EventHandler |
EventHandler - Event Handler Interface
EventHandlerException |
EwayServices |
ExamplePrintServices |
ExampleRemoteClient |
An example of how to remotely access the Service Engine's RemoteDispatcher.
ExampleServices |
ExampleWebSockets |
ExecQueryCallbackFunctionIF |
ExecutionPool |
ExecutionPool.ExecutionPoolPulseWorker |
ExecutionPool.ExecutionPoolThreadFactory |
ExecutionPool.Pulse |
ExecutionServiceException |
ExpressCheckoutEvents |
ExpressCheckoutEvents.CheckoutType |
ExpressionUiHelper |
TemporalExpression UI artifacts worker.
ExternalLoginKeysManager |
This class manages the single sign-on authentication through external login keys between OFBiz applications.
Factory<R,A> |
Factory interface.
FedexServices |
Fedex Shipment Services
Implementation of Fedex shipment interface using Ship Manager Direct API
TODO: FDXShipDeleteRequest/Reply (on error and via service call)
TODO: FDXCloseRequest/Reply
TODO: FDXRateRequest/Reply
TODO: FDXTrackRequest/Reply
TODO: International shipments
TODO: Multi-piece shipments
TODO: Freight shipments
FieldInfo |
Form field abstract class.
FieldObject<T> |
Implements the <field> element.
FieldToList |
Implements the <field-to-list> element.
FieldToList.FieldToListFactory |
A factory for the <field-to-list> element.
FieldToRequest |
Implements the <field-to-request> element.
FieldToRequest.FieldToRequestFactory |
A factory for the <field-to-request> element.
FieldToResult |
Implements the <field-to-result> element.
FieldToResult.FieldToResultFactory |
A factory for the <field-to-request> element.
FieldToSession |
Implements the <field-to-session> element.
FieldToSession.FieldToSessionFactory |
A factory for the <field-to-session> element.
FieldType |
An object that models the <field-type> element.
FileLoader |
Loads resources from the file system
FileUploadProgressListener |
FileUploadProgressListener - Commons FileUpload progress listener
FileUtil |
File Utilities
FilterListByAnd |
Implements the <filter-list-by-and> element.
FilterListByAnd.FilterListByAndFactory |
A factory for the <filter-list-by-and> element.
FilterListByDate |
Implements the <filter-list-by-date> element.
FilterListByDate.FilterListByDateFactory |
A factory for the <filter-list-by-date> element.
FinAccountHelper |
A package of methods for improving efficiency of financial accounts services
FinAccountPaymentServices |
FinAccountPaymentServices - Financial account used as payment method
FinAccountProductServices |
FinAccountProductServices - Financial Accounts created from product purchases
FinAccountServices |
FinAccountTest |
FinAccountTests |
FindByAnd |
Implements the <find-by-and> element.
FindByAnd.FindByAndFactory |
A factory for the <find-by-and> element.
FindByPrimaryKey |
Implements the <find-by-primary-key> element.
FindByPrimaryKey.FindByPrimaryKeyFactory |
A factory for the <find-by-primary-key> element.
Finder |
FindServices |
FindServices Class
FirstFromList |
Implements the <first-from-list> element.
FirstFromList.FirstFromListFactory |
A factory for the <first-from-list> element.
FixedAssetMaintServices |
FlexibleLocation |
A special location resolver that uses Strings like URLs, but with more options.
FlexibleMapAccessor<T> |
Used to flexibly access Map values, supporting the "." (dot) syntax for
accessing sub-map values and the "[]" (square bracket) syntax for accessing
list elements.
FlexibleMapAccessorTests |
FlexibleMapAccessorTests.CantRemoveMap<K,V> |
FlexibleMapAccessorTests.ThrowException |
FlexibleMessage |
Simple class to wrap messages that come either from a straight string or a properties file
FlexibleServletAccessor<T> |
Used to flexibly access Map values, supporting the "." (dot) syntax for
accessing sub-map values and the "[]" (square bracket) syntax for accessing
list elements.
FlexibleServletAccessor.AttributeAccessor<T> |
FlexibleStringExpander |
Expands String values that contain Unified Expression Language (JSR 245)
FlexibleStringExpander.ArrayOffsetString |
FlexibleStringExpander.ConstOffsetElem |
An object that represents a String constant portion of an expression.
FlexibleStringExpander.ConstSimpleElem |
An object that represents a String constant portion of an expression.
FlexibleStringExpander.CurrElem |
An object that represents a currency portion of an expression.
FlexibleStringExpander.Elements |
A container object that contains expression fragments.
FlexibleStringExpander.NestedVarElem |
An object that represents a nested expression.
FlexibleStringExpander.ScriptElem |
An object that represents a ${[groovy|bsh]:} expression.
FlexibleStringExpander.VarElem |
An object that represents a simple, non-nested expression.
FlexibleStringExpanderTests |
FlexibleStringExpanderTests.SpecialNumber |
FlexibleStringExpanderTests.SpecialNumberToString |
FlexibleStringExpanderTests.ThrowException |
FlexibleStringExpanderTests.ThrowNPE |
FoFormRenderer |
Widget Library - FO Form Renderer implementation
FoPrintServerEvents |
FormFactory |
Widget Library - Form factory class
FormRenderer |
A form rendering engine.
FormStringRenderer |
Widget Library - Form/Grid renderer.
FormWidgetArtifactInfo |
ForumEvents |
FrameImage |
FreeMarkerViewHandler |
FreemarkerViewHandler - Freemarker Template Engine View Handler.
FreeMarkerWorker |
FreeMarkerWorker - Freemarker Template Engine Utilities.
FtpClientInterface |
FtpServices |
FTP Services.
FtpServices |
FtpServices class
This class provide Ftp transfer services for content
GatewayConnector |
Handles connections to the eWay servers.
GatewayRequest |
A class representing a payment request.
GatewayResponse |
A class representing the payment gateway's response to a request.
GeneralException |
Base OFBiz Exception, provides nested exceptions, etc
GeneralLedgerServices |
GeneralRuntimeException |
Base OFBiz Runtime Exception, provides nested exceptions, etc
GeneralServiceException |
General Service Exception - base Exception for in-Service Errors
GenericAbstractDispatcher |
Generic Services Local Dispatcher
GenericAsyncEngine |
Generic Asynchronous Engine
GenericConfigException |
GenericCreateException |
GenericDAO |
Generic Entity Data Access Object - Handles persistence for any defined entity.
GenericDataSourceException |
GenericDelegator |
The default implementation of the Delegator interface.
GenericDelegator.EntityEcaRuleRunner<T> |
GenericDelegator.TestOperation |
GenericDispatcherFactory |
GenericDuplicateKeyException |
GenericEngine |
Generic Engine Interface
GenericEngineFactory |
Generic Engine Factory
GenericEntity |
Generic Entity Value Object - Handles persistence for any defined entity.
GenericEntity.NULL |
GenericEntity.NullField |
GenericEntity.NullGenericEntity |
GenericEntityConfException |
Thrown when there is a problem with the entity engine configuration.
GenericEntityException |
GenericEntityNotFoundException |
GenericFindException |
GenericHelper |
Generic Entity Helper Class
GenericHelperDAO |
Generic Entity Helper Class
GenericHelperFactory |
Generic Entity Helper Factory Class
GenericHelperInfo |
A container for datasource connection information.
GenericMap<K,V> |
GenericMapCollection<K,V,M extends java.util.Map<K,V>,I> |
GenericMapEntry<K,V> |
GenericMapEntrySet<K,V,M extends GenericMap<K,V>> |
GenericMapKeySet<K,V,M extends java.util.Map<K,V>> |
GenericMapSet<K,V,M extends java.util.Map<K,V>,I> |
GenericMapTest |
GenericMapTest.TestGenericMap<K,V> |
GenericMapValues<K,V,M extends java.util.Map<K,V>> |
GenericMessageListener |
GenericMessageListener - Estension to MessageListener
GenericModelException |
GenericNoSuchEntityException |
GenericNotImplementedException |
GenericPK |
Generic Entity Primary Key Object
GenericRemoveException |
GenericRequester |
Generic Requester Interface
GenericResultSetClosedException |
GenericResultWaiter |
Generic Result Waiter Class
GenericServiceCallback |
GenericServiceException |
Generic Service Exception
GenericServiceJob |
A generic async-service job.
GenericSingletonToList<T> |
GenericSingletonToSet<T> |
GenericStoreException |
GenericTestCaseBase |
GenericTransactionException |
GenericValue |
Generic Entity Value Object - Handles persistence for any defined entity.
GenericValue.NullGenericValue |
GenericWebEvent |
Web Event for doing updates on Generic Entities
GenericWidgetOutput |
GenericXaResource |
GenericXaResource - Abstract XA Resource implementation supporting a single transaction
GeoWorker |
Worker methods for Geos
GeronimoTransactionFactory |
GetRelated |
Implements the <get-related> element.
GetRelated.GetRelatedFactory |
A factory for the <get-related> element.
GetRelatedOne |
Implements the <get-related-one> element.
GetRelatedOne.GetRelatedOneFactory |
A factory for the <get-related-one> element.
GiftCertificateServices |
GitHubAuthenticator |
GitHub OFBiz Authenticator
GitHubEvents |
GitHubEvents - Events for GitHub login.
GitHubUserGroupMapper |
GitHub UserGroupMapper
GlEvents |
GlobalServices |
An object that models the <global-services> element.
GridFactory |
Widget Library - Grid factory class
GroovyEngine |
Groovy Script Service Engine
GroovyEventHandler |
GroovyScriptTestCase |
GroovyUtil |
Groovy Utilities.
GroupMap |
An object that models the <group-map> element.
GroupModel |
GroupServiceModel |
HardRefCacheLine<V> |
HashCrypt |
Utility class for doing SHA-1/PBKDF2 One-Way Hash Encryption
HashedCredentialHandler |
HasPermissionCondition |
Implements the <if-has-permission> element.
HasPermissionCondition.HasPermissionConditionFactory |
A <if-has-permission> element factory.
HtmlMenuRenderer |
Widget Library - HTML Menu Renderer implementation
HtmlMenuRendererImage |
Widget Library - HTML Menu Renderer implementation
HtmlMenuWrapper |
Widget Library - HTML Menu Wrapper class - makes it easy to do the setup and render of a menu
HtmlMenuWrapperImage |
Widget Library - HTML Menu Wrapper class - makes it easy to do the setup and render of a menu
HtmlReport |
HTML report output to be used in report.ftl.
HtmlTreeRenderer |
Widget Library - HTML Tree Renderer implementation
HtmlWidget |
Widget Library - Screen model HTML class.
HtmlWidget.CollectionHtmlWrapperForFtl |
HtmlWidget.ExtendedWrapper |
HtmlWidget.HtmlTemplate |
HtmlWidget.HtmlTemplateDecorator |
HtmlWidget.HtmlTemplateDecoratorSection |
HtmlWidget.StringHtmlWrapperForFtl |
HtmlWidgetRenderer |
Widget Library - HTML Widget Renderer implementation.
HttpClient |
Send HTTP GET/POST requests.
HttpClientException |
HttpClient Exception.
HttpEngine |
HttpRequestFileUpload |
HttpRequestFileUpload - Receive a file upload through an HttpServletRequest
HttpViewHandler |
ViewHandlerException - View Handler Exception
HumanResEvents |
ICalConverter |
iCalendar converter class.
ICalHandlerFactory |
WebDAV request handler factory for iCalendar.
ICalRecurConverter |
Temporal Expression to iCalendar recurrence converter.
ICalWorker |
iCalendar worker class.
ICalWorker.ResponseProperties |
IfInstanceOf |
Implements the <if-instance-of> element.
IfInstanceOf.IfInstanceOfFactory |
A <if-instance-of> element factory.
IfNotEmpty |
Implements the <if-not-empty> element.
IfNotEmpty.IfNotEmptyFactory |
A <if-not-empty> element factory.
ImageManagementHelper |
ImageManagementServices |
Product Services
ImageTransform |
ImageTransform Class
ImageUrlServlet | - Master servlet for the web application.
ImportOrdersFromEbay |
ImportProductHelper |
ImportProductServices |
IndentingWriter |
IndentingWriterTests |
InFieldOper |
A MakeInStringOperation that inserts the value of an in-field
InjectNodeTrailCsvTransform |
InjectNodeTrailCsvTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
InlineJdbc |
An object that models the <inline-jdbc> element.
InterfaceEngine |
InterfaceOFBizAuthenticationHandler |
The OFBiz LDAP Authentication Handler interface.
InterfacePricatParser |
Interface of pricat parser.
InterfaceReport |
This is the interface for the report classes which are used for the output
during operations that run on a separate Thread in OFBiz,
like import, export etc.
InterfaceReportThread |
Identifies a class that can be used as a report thread.
InvalidJobException |
InventoryEventPlannedServices |
InventoryItemTransferTest |
InventoryServices |
Inventory Services
InventoryWorker |
InvoiceServices |
InvoiceServices - Services for creating invoices
Note that throughout this file we use BigDecimal to do arithmetic.
InvoiceWorker |
InvoiceWorker - Worker methods of invoices
IsEmpty |
IssuanceTest |
Item Issuance Tests
ItemNotFoundException |
Iterate |
Implements the <iterate> element.
Iterate.IterateFactory |
A factory for the <iterate> element.
IterateMap |
Implements the <iterate-map> element.
IterateMap.IterateMapFactory |
A factory for the <iterate-map> element.
IterateSectionWidget |
Widget Library - Screen model HTML class
IteratorWrapper<DEST,SRC> |
JanrainHelper |
Java Helper Class for Janrain Engage
JavaEventHandler |
JavaEventHandler - Static Method Java Event Handler
JavaMailContainer |
JdbcElement |
An abstract class for <datasource> JDBC child elements.
JdbcValueHandler<T> |
An object that handles getting/setting column values in JDBC
PreparedStatement and ResultSet objects.
JdbcValueHandler.ArrayJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.Array JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.BigDecimalJdbcValueHandler |
A java.math.BigDecimal JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.BlobJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.Blob JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.BooleanJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Boolean JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.ByteArrayJdbcValueHandler |
A byte[] JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.ClobJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.Clob JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.DateJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.Date JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.DoubleJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Double JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.FloatJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Float JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.IntegerJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Integer JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.LongJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Long JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.ObjectJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Object JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.RowIdJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.RowId JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.ShortJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.Short JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.StringJdbcValueHandler |
A java.lang.String JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.TimeJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.Time JDBC value handler.
JdbcValueHandler.TimestampJdbcValueHandler |
A java.sql.Timestamp JDBC value handler.
JmsListenerFactory |
JmsQueueListener |
JmsQueueListener - Queue (P2P) Message Listener.
JmsSerializer |
A facade class used to connect JMS code to the legacy XML serialization code.
JmsService |
An object that models the <jms-service> element.
JmsServiceEngine |
JmsTopicListener |
JmsTopicListener - Topic (Pub/Sub) Message Listener.
JNDIConfigUtil |
JNDIConfigUtil.JndiServerInfo |
JNDIContextFactory |
JNDIContextFactory - central source for JNDI Contexts by helper name
JndiJdbc |
An object that models the <jndi-jdbc> element.
JNDITransactionFactory |
Central source for Tyrex JTA objects from JNDI
Job |
A scheduled job.
Job.State |
JobManager |
Job manager.
JobManagerException |
Job Scheduler Exception
JobPoller |
Job poller.
JsLanguageFileMappingCreator |
JsLanguageFilesMapping |
JsLanguageFilesMapping.datejs |
JsLanguageFilesMapping.dateTime |
JsLanguageFilesMapping.jquery |
JsLanguageFilesMapping.select2 |
JsLanguageFilesMapping.validation |
A JSON object.
JSONConverters |
JSON Converter classes.
JSONConverters.JSONToList |
JSONConverters.JSONToMap |
JSONConverters.ListToJSON |
JSONConverters.MapToJSON |
JSONRequestBodyMapHandler |
An implementation of RequestBodyMapHandler that can extract a Map<String, Object> from the JSON data in the request body
JspViewHandler |
JspViewHandler - Java Server Pages View Handler
JspViewHandler |
JspViewHandler - Java Server Pages View Handler
JuelConnector |
A facade class used to connect the OFBiz framework to the JUEL library.
JuelConnector.ExtendedAstBracket |
Custom AstBracket class that implements
List or Map auto-vivify.
JuelConnector.ExtendedAstDot |
Custom AstDot class that implements
List or Map auto-vivify.
JuelConnector.ExtendedBuilder |
Custom Builder class needed to implement a custom parser.
JuelConnector.ExtendedParser |
Custom Parser class needed to implement auto-vivify.
JunitSuiteWrapper |
Use this class in a JUnit test runner to prepare the TestSuite.
JWTManager |
This class manages the single sign-on authentication through JWT tokens between OFBiz applications.
KeyStoreUtil |
KeyStoreUtil - Utilities for getting KeyManagers and TrustManagers
KeywordIndex |
Does indexing in preparation for a keyword search.
KeywordSearchUtil |
A few utility methods related to Keyword Search.
LabelFile |
LabelInfo |
LabelManagerFactory |
LabelReferences |
LabelValue |
LayoutEvents |
LayoutEvents Class
LayoutWorker |
LayoutWorker Class
LdapAuthenticationServices |
LDAP Authentication Services.
LdapLoginWorker |
Common LDAP Login Workers
LifoSet<V> |
LifoSet - Set interface wrapper around a LinkedList
LimitedSubContentCacheTransform |
LimitedSubContentCacheTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
LinkedInAuthenticator |
LinkedIn OFBiz Authenticator
LinkedInEvents |
LinkedEvents - Events for LinkedIn login.
LinkedInUserGroupMapper |
LinkedIn UserGroupMapper
ListFinder |
Uses the delegator to find entity values by a and
ListToList |
Implements the <list-to-list> element.
ListToList.ListToListFactory |
A factory for the <list-to-list> element.
LocalDispatcher |
A local service dispatcher.
LocalDispatcherFactory |
LocalizedConverter<S,T> |
Localized converter interface.
LocalizedMap<V> |
A simple interface to facilitate the retreival of values based on a Locale.
LocationResolver |
A special location resolver that uses Strings like URLs, but with more options
Log |
Implements the <log> element.
Log.LogFactory |
A factory for the <log> element.
LoginCheck |
LoginEventListener |
HttpSessionListener that finalizes login information
LoginEvents |
LoginEvents - Events for UserLogin and Security handling.
LoginServices |
Title: Login Services
LoginWorker |
Common Workers
Loop |
Implements the <loop> element.
Loop.LoopFactory |
A factory for the <loop> element.
LoopSubContentTransform |
LoopSubContentTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
LoopWriter |
LRUMap<K,V> |
LifoSet - Set interface wrapper around a LinkedList
LuceneDocument |
LuceneTests |
MacroFormRenderer |
Widget Library - Form Renderer implementation based on Freemarker macros
MacroMenuRenderer |
MacroScreenRenderer |
MacroScreenViewHandler |
MacroTreeRenderer |
Widget Library - Tree Renderer implementation based on Freemarker macros
Main |
MainResourceHandler |
Contains resource information and provides for loading data
MakeInString |
The container of MakeInString operations to make a new input String
MakeInStringOperation |
Abstract class defining the interface to a MakeInString operation
MakeNextSeqId |
Implements the <make-next-seq-id> element.
MakeNextSeqId.MakeNextSeqIdFactory |
A factory for the <make-next-seq-id> element.
MakeValue |
Implements the <make-value> element.
MakeValue.MakeValueFactory |
A factory for the <make-value> element.
MapComparator |
MapContext<K,V> |
Map Context
Provide a combined view for a collection of maps which are organized in a deque.
MapProcessor |
Map Processor Main Class
MapStack<K> |
Map Stack
MapToMap |
Implements the <map-to-map> element.
MapToMap.MapToMapFactory |
A factory for the <map-to-map> element.
MarketingServices |
MarketingServices contains static service methods for Marketing Campaigns and Contact Lists.
MasterIf |
Implements the <if> element.
MasterIf.MasterIfFactory |
A <if> element factory.
MenuFactory |
Widget Library - Menu factory class
MenuStringRenderer |
Widget Library - Form String Renderer interface
MenuWrapTransform |
MenuWrapTransform - a FreeMarker transform that allow the ModelMenu
stuff to be used at the FM level.
MessageElement |
Implements the <fail-message> and <fail-property> elements.
MessageString |
Contains extra information about Messages
MethodContext |
A container for the Mini-language script engine state.
MethodNotAllowedException |
MethodObject<T> |
A single Object value to be used as a parameter or whatever
MethodOperation |
An abstract class for Mini-language element models.
MethodOperation.DeprecatedOperation |
MethodOperation.Factory<M extends MethodOperation> |
Metrics |
An object that tracks service metrics.
MetricsFactory |
MimeMessageWrapper |
MiniLangElement |
A single Mini-language element.
MiniLangException |
Thrown to indicate a Mini-language error.
MiniLangRuntimeException |
Thrown to indicate a Mini-language run-time error.
MiniLangTests |
MiniLangUtil |
Mini-language utilities.
MiniLangUtil.PlainString |
MiniLangValidate |
Mini-language validation.
MiscConverters |
Miscellaneous Converter classes.
MiscConverters.BlobToBlob |
MiscConverters.BlobToByteArray |
MiscConverters.ByteArrayToBlob |
MiscConverters.ByteArrayToByteBuffer |
MiscConverters.ByteBufferToByteArray |
MiscConverters.CharsetToString |
MiscConverters.ClobToString |
MiscConverters.DecimalFormatToString |
MiscConverters.EnumToString |
MiscConverters.LocaleToString |
MiscConverters.NotAConverter |
MiscConverters.NotAConverter_Helper |
MiscConverters.RegexPatternToString |
MiscConverters.SimpleDateFormatToString |
MiscConverters.StringToCharset |
MiscConverters.StringToClob |
MiscConverters.StringToDecimalFormat |
MiscConverters.StringToEnumConverterCreator<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> |
MiscConverters.StringToLocale |
MiscConverters.StringToRegexPattern |
MiscConverters.StringToSimpleDateFormat |
MiscConverters.StringToUUID |
MiscConverters.UUIDToString |
MiscTests |
MiscTests.ConverterLoaderImpl |
ModelAction |
ModelActionUtil |
ModelActionVisitor |
A ModelAction visitor.
ModelChild |
Abstract entity model class.
ModelCondition |
ModelConditionFactory |
A factory for Condition instances.
ModelConditionVisitor |
A ModelCondition visitor.
ModelDataFile |
ModelDataFileReader |
Flat File definition reader
ModelEntity |
An object that models the <entity> element.
ModelEntityChecker |
Generic Entity - Entity Definition Checker
ModelField |
ModelField |
An object that models the <field> element.
ModelField.EncryptMethod |
ModelFieldType |
Generic Entity - FieldType model class
ModelFieldTypeReader |
Field Type Definition Reader.
ModelFieldVisitor |
A ModelFormField visitor.
ModelForm |
Abstract base class for the <form> and <grid> elements.
ModelForm.AltRowStyle |
ModelForm.AltTarget |
ModelForm.AutoFieldsEntity |
ModelForm.AutoFieldsService |
ModelForm.Banner |
ModelForm.FieldGroup |
ModelForm.FieldGroupBase |
ModelForm.SortField |
ModelForm.UpdateArea |
The UpdateArea class implements the <on-event-update-area>
elements used in form widgets.
ModelFormAction |
Abstract form action.
ModelFormAction.CallParentActions |
Models the <call-parent-actions> element.
ModelFormAction.CallParentActions.ActionsKind |
ModelFormAction.Service |
Models the <service> element.
ModelFormField |
Models the <field> element.
ModelFormField.AutoComplete |
Models the <auto-complete> element.
ModelFormField.CheckField |
Models the <check> element.
ModelFormField.ContainerField |
Models the <container> element.
ModelFormField.DateFindField |
Models the <date-find> element.
ModelFormField.DateTimeField |
Models the <date-time> element.
ModelFormField.DisplayEntityField |
Models the <display-entity> element.
ModelFormField.DisplayField |
Models the <display> element.
ModelFormField.DropDownField |
Models the <drop-down> element.
ModelFormField.EntityOptions |
Models the <entity-options> element.
ModelFormField.FieldInfoWithOptions |
ModelFormField.FileField |
Models the <file> element.
ModelFormField.FormField |
Models the <include-form> element.
ModelFormField.GridField |
Models the <include-grid> element.
ModelFormField.HiddenField |
Models the <hidden> element.
ModelFormField.HyperlinkField |
Models the <hyperlink> element.
ModelFormField.IgnoredField |
Models the <ignored> element.
ModelFormField.ImageField |
Models the <image> element.
ModelFormField.InPlaceEditor |
Models the <in-place-editor> element.
ModelFormField.ListOptions |
Models the <list-options> element.
ModelFormField.LookupField |
Models the <lookup> element.
ModelFormField.MenuField |
Models the <include-menu> element.
ModelFormField.OptionSource |
ModelFormField.OptionValue |
ModelFormField.PasswordField |
Models the <password> element.
ModelFormField.RadioField |
Models the <radio> element.
ModelFormField.RangeFindField |
Models the <range-find> element.
ModelFormField.ResetField |
Models the <reset> element.
ModelFormField.ScreenField |
Models the <include-screen> element.
ModelFormField.SingleOption |
Models the <option> element.
ModelFormField.SubHyperlink |
Models the <sub-hyperlink> element.
ModelFormField.SubmitField |
Models the <submit> element.
ModelFormField.TextareaField |
Models the <textarea> element.
ModelFormField.TextField |
Models the <text> element.
ModelFormField.TextFindField |
Models the <text-find> element.
ModelFormFieldBuilder |
A ModelFormField builder.
ModelGrid |
Models the <grid> element.
ModelGroupReader |
Generic Entity - Entity Group Definition Reader
ModelIndex |
An object that models the <index> element.
ModelIndex.Field |
ModelIndex.Function |
ModelInfo |
An object that models the <entitymodel> child elements that provide default values.
ModelKeyMap |
An object that models the <key-map> element.
ModelMenu |
Models the <menu> element.
ModelMenuAction |
Abstract menu action.
ModelMenuAction.SetField |
Models the <set> element.
ModelMenuCondition |
Models the <condition> element.
ModelMenuItem |
Models the <menu-item> element.
ModelMenuItem.MenuLink |
ModelNotification |
ModelParam |
Generic Service Model Parameter
ModelPermGroup |
Service Permission Group Model Class
ModelPermission |
Service Permission Model Class
ModelReader |
Generic Entity - Entity Definition Reader
ModelRecord |
ModelRelation |
An object that models the <relation> element.
ModelScreen |
Widget Library - Screen model class
ModelScreenCondition |
Models the <condition> element.
ModelScreenCondition.IfEmptySection |
ModelScreenWidget |
Widget Library - Screen model class
ModelScreenWidget.Column |
ModelScreenWidget.ColumnContainer |
ModelScreenWidget.Container |
ModelScreenWidget.Content |
ModelScreenWidget.DecoratorScreen |
ModelScreenWidget.DecoratorSection |
ModelScreenWidget.DecoratorSectionInclude |
ModelScreenWidget.Form |
ModelScreenWidget.Grid |
ModelScreenWidget.HorizontalSeparator |
ModelScreenWidget.IncludeScreen |
ModelScreenWidget.Label |
ModelScreenWidget.Menu |
ModelScreenWidget.PlatformSpecific |
ModelScreenWidget.PortalPage |
ModelScreenWidget.ScreenImage |
ModelScreenWidget.Screenlet |
ModelScreenWidget.ScreenLink |
ModelScreenWidget.Section |
ModelScreenWidget.SectionsRenderer |
ModelScreenWidget.SubContent |
ModelScreenWidget.Tree |
ModelService |
Generic Service Model Class
ModelServiceIface |
ModelServiceReader |
Generic Service - Service Definition Reader
ModelSingleForm |
Models the <form> element.
ModelTestSuite |
Use this class in a JUnit test runner to bootstrap the Test Suite runner.
ModelTheme |
Widget Theme Library - Widget model class.
ModelTree |
Models the <tree> element.
ModelTree.ModelNode |
Models the <node> element.
ModelTree.ModelNode.Image |
Models the <image> element.
ModelTree.ModelNode.Label |
Models the <label> element.
ModelTree.ModelNode.Link |
Models the <link> element.
ModelTree.ModelNode.ModelSubNode |
Models the <sub-node> element.
ModelTreeAction |
Abstract tree action.
ModelTreeAction.EntityAnd |
Models the <entity-and> element.
ModelTreeAction.EntityCondition |
Models the <entity-condition> element.
ModelTreeAction.Script |
Models the <script> element.
ModelTreeAction.Service |
Models the <service> element.
ModelTreeCondition |
Models the <condition> element.
ModelUtil |
Generic Entity - General Utilities
ModelViewEntity |
This class extends ModelEntity and provides additional information appropriate to view entities
ModelViewEntity.ComplexAlias |
ModelViewEntity.ComplexAliasField |
ModelViewEntity.ComplexAliasMember |
ModelViewEntity.ModelAlias |
ModelViewEntity.ModelAliasAll |
ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity |
ModelViewEntity.ModelViewLink |
ModelViewEntity.ViewCondition |
ModelViewEntity.ViewConditionExpr |
ModelViewEntity.ViewConditionList |
ModelViewEntity.ViewEntityCondition |
ModelWidget |
Widget Library - Widget model class.
ModelWidgetCondition |
Abstract base class for the condition models.
ModelWidgetCondition.And |
Models the <and> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.Condition |
ModelWidgetCondition.ConditionFactory |
A factory for Condition instances.
ModelWidgetCondition.DefaultConditionFactory |
ModelWidgetCondition.IfCompare |
Models the <if-compare> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfCompareField |
Models the <if-compare-field> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfEmpty |
Models the <if-empty> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfEntityPermission |
Models the <if-entity-permission> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfHasPermission |
Models the <if-has-permission> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfRegexp |
Models the <if-regexp> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfServicePermission |
Models the <if-service-permission> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.IfValidateMethod |
Models the <if-validate-method> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.Not |
Models the <not> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.Or |
Models the <or> element.
ModelWidgetCondition.Xor |
Models the <xor> element.
ModelWidgetVisitor |
A ModelWidget visitor.
MrpServices |
Services for running MRP
MultiSiteRequestWrapper |
MultiTrustManager |
MultivaluedMapContext<K,V> |
MultivaluedMap Context
A MapContext which handles multiple values for the same key.
MultivaluedMapContextAdapter<K,V> |
NamingServiceContainer |
NetConverters |
Net Converter classes.
NetConverters.InetAddressToString |
NetConverters.StringToInetAddress |
NetConverters.StringToURI |
NetConverters.StringToURL |
NetConverters.URIToString |
NetConverters.URIToURL |
NetConverters.URLToString |
NetConverters.URLToURI |
NodeELResolver |
Defines property resolution behavior on Nodes.
NotEmpty |
Checks to see if the current field is empty (null or zero length)
Notification |
An object that models the <notification> element.
NotificationGroup |
An object that models the <notification-group> element.
NotificationServices |
Provides generic services related to preparing and delivering notifications
via email.
Notify |
An object that models the <notify> element.
Now |
Implements the <now>, <now-date-to-env>, and <now-timestamp> elements.
Now.NowDateToEnvFactory |
A factory for the <now-date-to-env> element.
Now.NowFactory |
A factory for the <now> element.
Now.NowTimestampFactory |
A factory for the <now-timestamp> element.
NumberConverters |
Number Converter classes.
NumberConverters.AbstractNumberConverter<S,T> |
NumberConverters.AbstractNumberToStringConverter<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.AbstractStringToNumberConverter<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.BigDecimalToString |
NumberConverters.BigIntegerToString |
NumberConverters.ByteToString |
NumberConverters.DoubleToBigDecimal |
NumberConverters.DoubleToString |
NumberConverters.FloatToBigDecimal |
NumberConverters.FloatToString |
NumberConverters.GenericNumberToDouble<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.GenericNumberToFloat<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.GenericNumberToInteger<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.GenericNumberToLong<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.GenericNumberToShort<N extends java.lang.Number> |
NumberConverters.IntegerToBigDecimal |
NumberConverters.IntegerToByte |
NumberConverters.IntegerToString |
NumberConverters.LongToBigDecimal |
NumberConverters.LongToByte |
NumberConverters.LongToString |
NumberConverters.ShortToString |
NumberConverters.StringToBigDecimal |
NumberConverters.StringToBigInteger |
NumberConverters.StringToByte |
NumberConverters.StringToDouble |
NumberConverters.StringToFloat |
NumberConverters.StringToInteger |
NumberConverters.StringToLong |
NumberConverters.StringToShort |
ObjectType |
Utilities for analyzing and converting Object types in Java
Takes advantage of reflection
ObjectType.NullObject |
ObjectTypeTests |
ObjectTypeTests.LocaleData |
Observable |
An observable object.
Observer |
An Observable observer.
OFBizActiveDirectoryAuthenticationHandler |
The OFBiz ActiveDirectory Authentication Handler.
OfbizAmountTransform |
OfbizAmountTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links
OfbizCacheStorage |
A custom cache wrapper for caching FreeMarker templates
OFBizCasAuthenticationHandler |
The OFBiz CAS-LDAP Authentication Handler.
OfbizCatalogAltUrlTransform |
OfbizCatalogUrlTransform |
OfbizContentAltUrlTransforms |
OfbizContentTransform |
OfbizContentTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links
OfbizCurrencyTransform |
OfbizCurrencyTransform - Freemarker Transform for content links
OFBizHomeLocationResolver |
A special location resolver that uses Strings like URLs, but with more options
OFBizLdapAuthenticationHandler |
The OFBiz LDAP Authentication Handler.
OFBizPricatUtil |
OFBizRealm |
OFBizSolrContextFilter |
OFBizSolrContextFilter - Restricts access to solr urls.
OFBizSolrLoadAdminUiServlet |
A simple servlet to load the Solr Admin UI
OFBizSolrLoginWorker |
OFBiz Solr Login Workers
OFBizSolrRedirectServlet | - Master servlet for the ofbiz-solr application.
OFBizTestCase |
OfbizUrlBuilder |
OFBiz URL builder.
OfbizUrlTransform |
Freemarker Transform for creating OFBiz URLs (links).
OrderByItem |
OrderByList |
OrderChangeHelper |
Order Helper - Helper Methods For Non-Read Actions
OrderContentWrapper |
Order Content Worker: gets order content to display
OrderEvents |
Order Events
OrderListState |
Session object for keeping track of the list of orders.
OrderLookupServices |
OrderManagerEvents |
Order Manager Events
OrderMapList |
Implements the <order-map-list> element.
OrderMapList.OrderMapListFactory |
A factory for the <order-map-list> element.
OrderReadHelper |
Utility class for easily extracting important information from orders
OrderReturnServices |
OrderServices |
Order Processing Services
OrderTestServices |
Order Processing Services
OrderValueList |
Implements the <order-value-list> element.
OrderValueList.OrderValueListFactory |
A factory for the <order-value-list> element.
OutputServices |
Output Services
PackingEvent |
PackingServices |
PackingSession |
PackingSessionLine |
PagedList<E> |
Stores the result of a subset of data items from a source (such
as EntityListIterator).
Paginator |
Utility methods for handling list pagination.
Parameter |
An object that models the <parameter> element.
ParametricSearch |
Utilities for parametric search based on features.
PartyContentWrapper |
WorkEffortContentWrapper; gets work effort content for display
PartyHelper |
PartyRelationshipHelper |
PartyRelationshipServices |
Services for Party Relationship maintenance
PartyServices |
Services for Party/Person/Group maintenance
PartyTypeHelper |
PartyWorker |
Worker methods for Party Information
PassportUtil |
PatternFactory |
A RegEx compiled pattern factory.
PaymentGatewayServices |
PaymentMethodServices |
Services for Payment maintenance
PaymentWorker |
Worker methods for Payments
PayPalEvents |
PcChargeApi |
PcChargeServices |
PdfSurveyServices |
PdfSurveyServices Class
PerformFindTests |
PeriodServices |
PeriodWorker |
PermissionRecorder |
PermissionRecorder Class
Services for granting operation permissions on Content entities in a data-driven manner.
PersistedServiceJob |
A Job that is backed by the entity engine.
PickListServices |
PortalPageWorker |
PortalPageWorker Class
PreferenceServices |
User preference services.
PreferenceWorker |
User preference worker methods.
PricatEvents |
PricatParseExcelHtmlReport |
Provides a html report for running parse a PriCat file.
PricatParseExcelHtmlThread |
Thread for running pricat import excel html report.
PriceServices |
PriceServices - Workers and Services class for product price related functionality
PrimaryKeyFinder |
Uses the delegator to find entity values by a condition
ProductConfigItemContentWrapper |
Product Config Item Content Worker: gets product content to display
ProductConfigWorker |
Product Config Worker class to reduce code in templates.
ProductConfigWrapper |
Product Config Wrapper: gets product config to display
ProductConfigWrapperException |
ProductContentWrapper |
Product Content Worker: gets product content to display
ProductDisplayWorker |
ProductDocument |
ProductEvents |
Product Information Related Events
ProductFeatureServices |
Services for product features
ProductionRun |
ProductionRun Object used by the Jobshop management OFBiz components,
this object is used to find or updated an existing ProductionRun.
ProductionRunEvents |
ProductionRunHelper |
Helper for Production Run maintenance
ProductionRunServices |
Services for Production Run maintenance
ProductPromoContentWrapper |
Product Promo Content Worker: gets product promo content to display
ProductPromoWorker |
ProductPromoWorker - Worker class for catalog/product promotion related functionality
ProductPromoWorker.ActionResultInfo |
ProductSearch |
Utilities for product search based on various constraints including categories, features and keywords.
ProductSearch.AvailabilityDateConstraint |
ProductSearch.CatalogConstraint |
ProductSearch.CategoryConstraint |
ProductSearch.ExcludeVariantsConstraint |
ProductSearch.FeatureCategoryConstraint |
ProductSearch.FeatureConstraint |
ProductSearch.FeatureGroupConstraint |
ProductSearch.FeatureSetConstraint |
ProductSearch.GoodIdentificationConstraint |
ProductSearch.KeywordConstraint |
ProductSearch.LastUpdatedRangeConstraint |
ProductSearch.ListPriceRangeConstraint |
ProductSearch.ProductFieldConstraint |
ProductSearch.ProductSearchConstraint |
ProductSearch.ProductSearchContext |
ProductSearch.ResultSortOrder |
ProductSearch.SortKeywordRelevancy |
ProductSearch.SortProductFeature |
ProductSearch.SortProductField |
ProductSearch.SortProductPrice |
ProductSearch.StoreGroupPriceConstraint |
ProductSearch.SupplierConstraint |
ProductSearchEvents |
Product Search Related Events
ProductSearchSession |
Utility class with methods to prepare and perform ProductSearch operations in the content of an HttpSession
ProductSearchSession.ProductSearchOptions |
ProductServices |
Product Services
ProductsExportToEbay |
ProductStoreCartAwareEvents |
ProductStoreWorker - Worker class for store related functionality
ProductStoreEvents |
ProductStoreSurveyWrapper |
Product Store Survey Wrapper
ProductStoreWorker |
ProductStoreWorker - Worker class for store related functionality
ProductUtil |
Product utility class for solr.
ProductUtilServices |
Product Services
ProductWorker |
Product Worker class to reduce code in JSPs.
PromoServices |
Promotions Services
PropertyOper |
A MakeInStringOperation that insert the value of a property from a properties file
PropertyToField |
Implements the <property-to-field> element.
PropertyToField.PropertyToFieldFactory |
A factory for the <property-to-field> element.
PropFindHelper |
PROPFIND HTTP method helper class.
ProposedOrder |
Proposed Order Object generated by the MRP process or other re-Order process
ProtectViewWorker |
Common Workers
PurchaseOrderTest |
PurgeJob |
Purge job - removes a JobSandbox entity value and its related values.
QRCodeEvents |
Events for QRCode.
QRCodeServices |
Services for QRCode.
QuoteServices |
Range<T> |
A range of values.
ReadData |
An object that models the <read-data> element.
ReadOnlyHelperDAO |
Read Only Entity Helper Class
ReadOnlyMapEntry<K,V> |
this class can go away when ofbiz switches to java 1.6, replaced by
Record |
RecordIterator |
Record Iterator for reading large files
Note: this is a memory intensive and will not handle files that exceed memory.
RecurrenceInfo |
Recurrence Info Object
RecurrenceInfo.RecurrenceWrapper |
Wraps a RecurrenceInfo object with a TemporalExpression object.
RecurrenceInfoException |
Recurrence Info Exception
RecurrenceRule |
Recurrence Rule Object
RecurrenceRuleException |
Recurrence Rule Exception
RecurrenceUtil |
Recurrence Utilities
ReferenceCleaner |
ReferenceCleaner.Phantom<V> |
ReferenceCleaner.Removable |
ReferenceCleaner.Soft<V> |
ReferenceCleaner.Weak<V> |
ReferenceCleanerTests |
RefreshValue |
Implements the <refresh-value> element.
RefreshValue.RefreshValueFactory |
A factory for the <refresh-value> element.
Regexp |
Validates the current field using a regular expression
RegexpCondition |
Implements the <if-regexp> element.
RegexpCondition.RegexpConditionFactory |
A <if-regexp> element factory.
RemoteDispatcher |
Generic Services Remote Dispatcher
RemoteDispatcherImpl |
Generic Services Remote Dispatcher Implementation
RemoveByAnd |
Implements the <remove-by-and> element.
RemoveByAnd.RemoveByAndFactory |
A factory for the <remove-by-and> element.
RemoveList |
Implements the <remove-list> element.
RemoveList.RemoveListFactory |
A factory for the <remove-list> element.
RemoveRelated |
Implements the <remove-related> element.
RemoveRelated.RemoveRelatedFactory |
A factory for the <remove-related> element.
RemoveValue |
Implements the <remove-value> element.
RemoveValue.RemoveValueFactory |
A factory for the <remove-value> element.
RenderContentAndSubContent |
RenderContentAndSubContent - Freemarker Transform for Content rendering
This transform cannot be called recursively (at this time).
RenderContentAsText |
RenderContentAsText - Freemarker Transform for Content rendering
This transform cannot be called recursively (at this time).
RenderContentTransform |
RenderContentAsText - Freemarker Transform for Content rendering
This transform cannot be called recursively (at this time).
RenderSubContentAsText |
RenderSubContentAsText - Freemarker Transform for Content rendering
This transform cannot be called recursively (at this time).
RenderSubContentCacheTransform |
RenderSubContentCacheTransform - Freemarker Transform for Content rendering
This transform cannot be called recursively (at this time).
RenderSubContentTransform |
RenderSubContentTransform - Freemarker Transform for Content rendering
This transform cannot be called recursively (at this time).
RenderWrappedTextTransform |
RenderWrappedTextTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
ReplaceImage |
ReportEncoder |
The ReportEncoder class provides static methods to decode and encode data.
ReportHelper |
Marketing Report Helper
ReportStringUtil |
Provides String utility functions.
RequestBodyMapHandler |
An handler that can extract a Map (typically used as a service input map) from the data in the body of a ServletRequest .
RequestBodyMapHandlerFactory |
Factory class that provides the proper RequestBodyMapHandler based on the content type of the ServletRequest
RequestHandler |
RequestHandler - Request Processor Object
RequestHandler |
RequestHandlerException |
RequestHandlerExceptionAllowExternalRequests |
RequestHandlerFactory |
RequestParametersToList |
Implements the <request-parameters-to-list> element.
RequestParametersToList.RequestParametersToListFactory |
A factory for the <request-parameters-to-list> element.
RequestToField |
Implements the <request-to-field> element.
RequestToField.RequestToFieldFactory |
A factory for the <request-to-field> element.
RequestWrapper |
RequirementServices |
Requirement Services
Resource |
An object that models the <resource> element.
ResourceBundleMapWrapper |
Generic ResourceBundle Map Wrapper, given ResourceBundle allows it to be used as a Map
ResourceBundleMapWrapper.InternalRbmWrapper |
ResourceHandler |
Contains resource information and provides for loading data
ResourceLoader |
Loads resources using dynamically specified resource loader classes.
ResourceLoader |
An object that models the <resource-loader> element.
ResourceLoader |
An object that models the <resource-loader> element.
ResponseHelper |
WebDAV response helper class.
Return |
Implements the <return> element.
Return.ReturnFactory |
A factory for the <return> element.
RitaApi |
RitaServices |
RMIExtendedSocketFactory |
A RMISocketFactory implementation that creates ServerSocket s bound
on a specified network interface.
RmiServiceContainer |
RMI Service Engine Container / Dispatcher
RmiServiceEngine |
RomeEventHandler |
RotateImage |
RouteEngine |
RoutingServices |
Routing related services
RunFromPool |
An object that models the <run-from-pool> element.
RunningService |
RunTestEvents |
Event used to run a Junit test
SafeObjectInputStream |
SagePayPaymentServices |
SagePayServices |
SagePayUtil |
SalesOrderTest |
SameSiteFilter |
SampleHtmlReport |
Provides a report for running sample html report.
SampleHtmlThread |
Thread for running sample html report.
SamplePricatEvents |
SamplePricatParser |
Sample pricat excel parser.
SanitizerCustomPolicy |
This interface is used to build a custom sanitizer policy which then can be
used instead of the default permissive policy.
SaveLabelsToXmlFile |
ScaleImage |
ScaleImage Class
ScreenCache |
ScreenFactory |
Widget Library - Screen factory class
ScreenFopViewHandler |
Uses XSL-FO formatted templates to generate PDF, PCL, POSTSCRIPT etc.
ScreenRenderer |
Widget Library - Screen model class
ScreenRenderException |
Wraps any exceptions encountered during the rendering of
a screen.
ScreenStringRenderer |
Widget Library - Screen String Renderer interface.
ScreenWidgetArtifactInfo |
ScriptEngine |
Generic Script Service Engine.
ScriptEventHandler |
Generic Script Event Handler.
ScriptHelper |
A script helper object.
ScriptHelperFactory |
A ScriptHelper factory.
ScriptHelperFactoryImpl |
An implementation of the ScriptHelperFactory interface.
ScriptHelperImpl |
An implementation of the ScriptHelper interface.
Scriptlet |
Contains a simple script (scriptlet).
ScriptUtil |
Scripting utility methods.
ScrumEvents |
ScrumEvents - Check The Warning Message.
ScrumServices |
Scrum Services
SearchEvents |
SearchEvents Class
SearchServices |
SearchServices Class
SearchWorker |
SearchWorker Class
SecuredUpload |
SecureFtpClient |
Security |
Security interface.
SecurityConfigurationException |
SecurityFactory |
A Security factory.
SecurityUtil |
A Security util.
SemaphoreFailException |
SemaphoreWaitException |
SeoCatalogUrlServlet |
SeoConfigUtil |
SeoConfigUtil - SEO Configuration file utility.
SeoContentUrlFilter |
SeoContextFilter |
SeoContextFilter - Restricts access to raw files and configures servlet objects.
SeoControlServlet | - SEO Master servlet for the web application.
SeoTransform |
SeoTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
SeoUrlUtil |
SequencedIdToEnv |
Implements the <sequenced-id> element.
SequencedIdToEnv.SequencedIdFactory |
A factory for the <sequenced-id> element.
SequenceUtil |
Sequence Utility to get unique sequences from named sequence banks
SerializeException |
Server |
An object that models the <server> element.
ServerHitBin |
Counts server hits and tracks statistics for request, events and views
ServiceArtifactInfo |
ServiceAuthException |
ServiceConfig |
An object that models the <service-config> element.
ServiceConfigException |
Service configuration exception.
ServiceConfigListener |
An object that receives notifications when the serviceengine.xml file is reloaded.
ServiceConfigUtil |
A ServiceConfig factory and related utility methods.
ServiceContainer |
A container for the service engine.
ServiceDispatcher |
The global service dispatcher.
ServiceEcaAction |
ServiceEcaArtifactInfo |
ServiceEcaCondition |
ServiceEcaRule |
ServiceEcas |
An object that models the <service-ecas> element.
ServiceEcaSetField |
ServiceEcaUtil |
ServiceEngine |
An object that models the <service-engine> element.
ServiceEngineTests |
ServiceEngineTestServices |
ServiceEntityAutoTests |
ServiceEventHandler |
ServiceEventHandler - Service Event Handler
ServiceGroupEngine |
ServiceGroupReader |
ServiceGroups |
An object that models the <service-groups> element.
ServiceLocation |
An object that models the <service-location> element.
ServiceMcaAction |
ServiceMcaCondition |
ServiceMcaRule |
ServiceMcaUtil |
ServiceMultiEventHandler |
ServiceMultiEventHandler - Event handler for running a service multiple times; for bulk forms
ServiceSemaphore |
ServiceSOAPTests |
ServiceSynchronization |
This class is used to execute services when a transaction is either
committed or rolled back.
ServiceTest |
ServiceUtil |
Generic Service Utility Class
ServiceValidationException |
ServiceXaWrapper |
SessionToField |
Implements the <session-to-field> element.
SessionToField.SessionToFieldFactory |
A factory for the <session-to-field> element.
SetCalendar |
Implements the <set-calendar> element.
SetCalendar.SetCalendarFactory |
A factory for the <set-calendar> element.
SetContextFieldTransform |
SetRequestAttributeMethod - Freemarker Method for setting context fields
SetCurrentUserLogin |
Implements the <set-current-user-login> element.
SetCurrentUserLogin.SetCurrentUserLoginFactory |
A factory for the <set-current-user-login> element.
SetNonpkFields |
Implements the <set-nonpk-fields> element.
SetNonpkFields.SetNonpkFieldsFactory |
A factory for the <set-nonpk-fields> element.
SetOperation |
Implements the <set> element.
SetOperation.SetOperationFactory |
A factory for the <set> element.
SetPkFields |
Implements the <set-pk-fields> element.
SetPkFields.SetPkFieldsFactory |
A factory for the <set-pk-fields> element.
SetRequestAttributeMethod |
SetRequestAttributeMethod - Freemarker Method for setting request attributes
SetServiceFields |
Implements the <set-service-fields> element.
SetServiceFields.SetServiceFieldsFactory |
A factory for the <set-service-fields> element.
ShipmentEvents |
ShippingEvents - Events used for processing shipping fees
ShipmentServices |
ShipmentWorker |
ShipmentWorker - Worker methods for Shipment and related entities
ShippingEstimateWrapper |
ShippingEvents |
ShippingEvents - Events used for processing shipping fees
ShoppingCart |
Shopping Cart Object
ShoppingCart.CartPaymentInfo |
ShoppingCart.CartShipInfo |
ShoppingCart.CartShipInfo.CartShipItemInfo |
ShoppingCart.ProductPromoUseInfo |
ShoppingCart.ShoppingCartItemGroup |
ShoppingCartEvents |
Shopping cart events.
ShoppingCartHelper |
A facade over the
providing catalog and product services to simplify the interaction
with the cart directly.
ShoppingCartItem |
ShoppingCartServices |
Shopping Cart Services
ShoppingListEvents |
Shopping cart events.
ShoppingListServices |
Shopping List Services
SimpleContentViewHandler |
SimpleCredentialHandler |
SimpleEventHandler |
SimpleEventHandler - Simple Event Mini-Lang Handler
SimpleFtpClient |
SimpleMapOperation |
A single operation, does the specified operation on the given field
SimpleMapProcess |
A complete string process for a given field; contains multiple string operations
SimpleMapProcessor |
SimpleMapProcessor Mini Language
SimpleMethod |
Implements the <simple-method> element.
SimpleMethodTest |
SimpleServiceEngine |
Mini-language Service Engine.
SOAPClientEngine |
Generic Service SOAP Interface
SOAPEventHandler |
SOAPEventHandler - SOAP Event Handler implementation
SoapSerializer |
A facade class used to connect SOAP code to the legacy XML serialization code.
SoftRefCacheLine<V> |
SolrProductSearch |
Base class for OFBiz Test Tools test case implementations.
SolrTests |
SolrUtil |
Solr utility class.
SourceMonitored |
SqlJdbcUtil |
GenericDAO Utility methods for general tasks
SqlLoadPath |
An object that models the <sql-load-path> element.
SQLProcessor |
SQLProcessor - provides utility functions to ease database access
SshFtpClient |
Basic client to copy files to an ssh ftp server
SslAcceleratorValve |
To use add (or uncomment) the following line to the Tomcat/Catalina configuarion
(ie in ofbiz-containers.xml under the <property name="default-server" value="engine"> element):
SSLClientSocketFactory |
RMI SSL Client Socket Factory
SSLServerSocketFactory |
RMI SSL Server Socket Factory
SSLUtil |
KeyStoreUtil - Utilities for setting up SSL connections with specific client certificates
StandardJavaEngine |
Standard Java Static Method Service Engine
StandardUrlLocationResolver |
A special location resolver that uses Strings like URLs, but with more options
Start |
OFBiz startup class.
Start.ServerState |
This enum contains the possible OFBiz server states.
StartupCommand |
A command line argument passed to OFBiz
StartupCommand.Builder |
StartupCommandUtil |
A utility class for processing OFBiz command line arguments
StartupCommandUtil.StartupOption |
StartupException |
StartupException is an exception that is thrown when something wrong happens
during executing any OFBiz high level commands.
StartupLoader |
An object that loads server startup classes.
StartupService |
An object that models the <startup-service> element.
StatusServices |
StatusWorker |
StockMovesTest |
Facility Tests
StoreList |
Implements the <store-list> element.
StoreList.StoreListFactory |
A factory for the <store-list> element.
StoreValue |
Implements the <store-value> element.
StoreValue.StoreValueFactory |
A factory for the <store-value> element.
StringAppend |
Implements the <string-append> element.
StringAppend.StringAppendFactory |
A factory for the <string-append> element.
StringObject |
Specifies a java.lang.String to be passed as an argument to a method call.
StringToList |
Implements the <string-to-list> element.
StringToList.StringToListFactory |
A factory for the <string-to-list> element.
StringUtil |
Misc String Utility Functions
StringUtil.StringWrapper |
A super-lightweight object to wrap a String object.
StringUtilTests |
StringUtilTests.TestAppender |
SubscriptionServices |
Subscription Services
SupplierProductServices |
Services for suppliers of products
SurveyEvents |
SurveyEvents Class
SurveyWrapper |
Survey Wrapper - Class to render survey forms
TaskEvents |
Order Processing Task Events
TaskWorker |
Order Processing Task Worker
TaxAuthorityServices |
Tax Authority tax calculation and other misc services
TechDataServices |
TechDataServices - TechData related Services
TemporalExpression |
Temporal expression abstract class.
TemporalExpressionPrinter |
Temporal expression pretty printer.
TemporalExpressions |
A collection of TemporalExpression classes.
TemporalExpressions.DateRange |
A temporal expression that represents a range of dates.
TemporalExpressions.DayInMonth |
A temporal expression that represents a day in the month.
TemporalExpressions.DayOfMonthRange |
A temporal expression that represents a day of month range.
TemporalExpressions.DayOfWeekRange |
A temporal expression that represents a day of week range.
TemporalExpressions.Difference |
A temporal expression that represents a difference of two temporal expressions.
TemporalExpressions.Frequency |
TemporalExpressions.HourRange |
A temporal expression that represents an hour range.
TemporalExpressions.Intersection |
A temporal expression that represents a mathematical intersection of all of its
member expressions.
TemporalExpressions.MinuteRange |
A temporal expression that represents a minute range.
TemporalExpressions.MonthRange |
A temporal expression that represents a month range.
TemporalExpressions.Null |
A temporal expression that represents a null expression.
TemporalExpressions.Substitution |
A temporal expression that provides a substitution for an excluded temporal expression.
TemporalExpressions.Union |
A temporal expression that represents a mathematical union of all of its
member expressions.
TemporalExpressionVisitor |
Temporal expression visitor interface.
TemporalExpressionWorker |
TemporalExpression persistence worker.
TestBooleanConverters |
TestEvent |
Test Events
TestFailAuthenticator |
TestJSONConverters |
TestPassAuthenticator |
TestRunContainer |
A Container implementation to run the tests configured through this testtools stuff.
ThemeFactory |
Widget Theme Library - Theme factory class
ThirdPartyEvents |
ThreadPool |
An object that models the <thread-pool> element.
ThreadSafe |
Identifies thread safe classes.
TimeDuration |
An immutable representation of a period of time.
TimeDuration.NullDuration |
TimeDurationTests |
TokenFilter |
ToString |
Implements the <to-string> element.
ToString.ToStringFactory |
A factory for the <to-string> element.
Trace |
Implements the <trace> element.
Trace.TraceFactory |
A factory for the <trace> element.
TrackingCodeEvents |
Events used for maintaining TrackingCode related information
TransactionBegin |
Implements the <transaction-begin> element.
TransactionBegin.TransactionBeginFactory |
A factory for the <transaction-begin> element.
TransactionCommit |
Implements the <transaction-commit> element.
TransactionCommit.TransactionCommitFactory |
A factory for the <transaction-commit> element.
TransactionFactory |
An object that models the <transaction-factory> element.
TransactionFactory |
TransactionFactory - central source for JTA objects
TransactionFactoryLoader |
TransactionFactoryLoader - utility class that loads the transaction manager and provides to client code a reference to it (TransactionFactory)
TransactionManagerJndi |
An object that models the <transaction-manager-jndi> element.
TransactionRollback |
Implements the <transaction-rollback> element.
TransactionRollback.TransactionRollbackFactory |
A factory for the <transaction-rollback> element.
TransactionUtil |
Transaction Utility to help with some common transaction tasks
TransactionUtil.InTransaction<V> |
TransactionUtil.NoTransaction<V> |
TransactionUtil.StampClearSync |
TraverseSubContentCacheTransform |
TraverseSubContentCacheTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
TraverseSubContentTransform |
TraverseSubContentTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
TreeFactory |
Widget Library - Tree factory class
TreeStringRenderer |
Widget Library - Tree String Renderer interface
TyrexDataSource |
An object that models the <tyrex-dataSource> element.
UelFunctions |
Implements Unified Expression Language functions.
UelFunctions.Functions |
UelUtil |
Implements the Unified Expression Language (JSR-245).
UomWorker |
UpgradeServices |
Entity Data Upgrade Services
UploadContentAndImage |
UploadContentAndImage Class
Services for granting operation permissions on Content entities in a data-driven manner.
UpsServices |
UPS ShipmentServices
URLConnector |
UrlLoader |
Loads resources from a URL
UrlRegexpTransform |
UrlRegexpTransform - Freemarker Transform for Products URLs (links)
UrlServletHelper |
UserTransactionJndi |
An object that models the <user-transaction-jndi> element.
UspsMockApiServlet |
USPS Webtools API Mock API Servlet
UspsServices |
USPS Webtools API Services
UspsServicesTests |
Tests for USPS Webtools API services
These were created for simple validation only.
UtilAccounting |
UtilCache<K,V> |
Generalized caching utility.
UtilCacheEvents |
Contains events for the UtilCache class; must be external to access security resources
UtilCacheTests |
UtilCacheTests.Addition<V> |
UtilCacheTests.Change<V> |
UtilCacheTests.Listener<K,V> |
UtilCacheTests.Removal<V> |
UtilCacheTests.Update<V> |
UtilCodec |
UtilCodec.HtmlEncoder |
UtilCodec.HtmlEncodingMapWrapper<K> |
A simple Map wrapper class that will do HTML encoding.
UtilCodec.IntrusionException |
UtilCodec.SimpleDecoder |
UtilCodec.SimpleEncoder |
UtilCodec.StringEncoder |
UtilCodec.UrlCodec |
UtilCodec.XmlEncoder |
UtilDateTime |
Utility class for handling java.util.Date, the java.sql data/time classes and related
UtilFormatOut |
General output formatting functions - mainly for helping in JSPs
UtilGenerics |
UtilHelpText |
Util for working with Help Text
UtilHttp |
HttpUtil - Misc HTTP Utility Functions
UtilHttpTests |
UtilIO |
UtilIOTests |
UtilJavaParse |
Java Source Parsing Utilities
NOTE: the approach here is not the best and it may be better to use a parser, line one based on antlr, or using a Java Bytecode parser to look at .class files.
UtilMisc |
UtilMisc - Misc Utility Functions
UtilMiscTests |
UtilNumber |
UtilObject |
UtilObjectTests |
UtilObjectTests.ErrorInjector |
UtilObjectTests.FirstTestFactory |
UtilObjectTests.SecondTestFactory |
UtilObjectTests.SerializationInjector |
UtilObjectTests.TestFactoryIntf |
UtilPlist |
File Utilities
UtilProperties |
Generic Property Accessor with Cache - Utilities for working with properties files.
UtilProperties.ExtendedProperties |
Custom Properties class.
UtilProperties.UtilResourceBundle |
Custom ResourceBundle class.
UtilPropertiesTests |
UtilTimer |
Timer handling utility
Utility class for simple reporting of the progress of a process.
UtilURL |
URL Utilities - Simple Class for flexibly working with properties files
UtilValidate |
General input/data validation methods
Utility methods for validating data, especially input.
UtilXml |
Utilities methods to simplify dealing with JAXP and DOM XML parsing
UtilXml.LocalErrorHandler |
Local error handler for entity resolver to DocumentBuilder parser.
UtilXml.LocalResolver |
Local entity resolver to handle J2EE DTDs.
ValidateMethod |
A string operation that calls a validation method
ValidateMethodCondition |
Implements the <if-validate-method> element.
ValidateMethodCondition.ValidateMethodConditionFactory |
A <if-validate-method> element factory.
ValidationException |
Thrown to indicate that a Mini-language element is invalid.
ValueLinkApi |
ValueLinkApi - Implementation of ValueLink Encryption and Transport
ValueLinkServices |
ValueLinkServices - Integration with ValueLink Gift Cards
VariantEvents |
Product Variant Related Events
Various |
VCard |
VerifyPickServices |
VerifyPickSession |
VerifyPickSessionRow |
ViewFactory |
ViewFactory - View Handler Factory
ViewHandler |
ViewHandler - View Handler Interface
ViewHandlerException |
ViewHandlerException - View Handler Exception
VisitHandler |
Handles saving and maintaining visit information
VisualTheme |
Widget Theme Library - VisualTheme class
WebAppConfigurationException |
Web application configuration exception.
WebappPropertyToField |
Implements the <webapp-property-to-field> element.
WebappPropertyToField.WebappPropertyToFieldFactory |
A factory for the <webapp-property-to-field> element.
WebAppUtil |
Web application utilities.
WebDavServlet |
Implements a WebDAV servlet.
WebDavUtil |
Utility methods needed to implement a WebDAV servlet.
WebPosEvents |
WebPosSearch |
WebPosSession |
WebPosTransaction |
WebShoppingCart |
Extension of ShoppingCart
class which provides web presentation layer specific functionality
related specifically to user session information.
WebSiteFilter |
WebSiteProperties |
Web site properties.
WebSiteWorker |
WebSiteWorker - Worker class for web site related functionality
WebToolsDbEvents |
WebToolsServices |
WebTools Services
WeightPackageServices |
WeightPackageSession |
WeightPackageSessionLine |
While |
Implements the <while> element.
While.WhileFactory |
A factory for the <while> element.
WidgetContentWorker |
WidgetContentWorker Class
WidgetContextCacheKey |
WidgetDataResourceWorker |
WidgetContentWorker Class
WidgetFactory |
Screen widget factory.
WidgetLoader |
A service that registers screen widget classes with the screen widget factory.
WidgetMacroLibraryTests |
WidgetWorker |
WorkEffortContentWrapper |
WorkEffortContentWrapper; gets work effort content for display
WorkEffortKeywordIndex |
WorkEffortPartyAssignmentServices |
WorkEffortPartyAssignmentServices - Services to handle form input and other data changes.
WorkEffortSearch |
Utilities for WorkEffort search based on various constraints including assocs, features and keywords.
WorkEffortSearch.KeywordConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.LastUpdatedRangeConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.PartyAssignmentConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.ProductSetConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.ResultSortOrder |
WorkEffortSearch.SortKeywordRelevancy |
WorkEffortSearch.SortWorkEffortField |
WorkEffortSearch.WorkEffortAssocConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.WorkEffortReviewConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.WorkEffortSearchConstraint |
WorkEffortSearch.WorkEffortSearchContext |
WorkEffortSearchEvents |
WorkEffortSearchSession |
WorkEffortSearchSession.WorkEffortSearchOptions |
WorkEffortServices |
WorkEffortServices - WorkEffort related Services
WorkEffortWorker |
WorkEffortWorker - Work Effort worker class.
WorldPayEvents |
WorldPay Select Junior Integration Events/Services
WrapSubContentCacheTransform |
WrapSubContentCacheTransform - Freemarker Transform for URLs (links)
This is an interactive FreeMarker tranform that allows the user to modify the contents that are placed within it.
XmlAbstractWidgetVisitor |
Abstract XML widget visitor.
XmlSerializable<T> |
XmlSerializer |
XmlSerializer class.
XmlWidgetActionVisitor |
An object that generates XML from widget models.
XmlWidgetConditionVisitor |
An object that generates XML from widget models.
XmlWidgetFieldVisitor |
An object that generates XML from widget models.
XmlWidgetVisitor |
An object that generates an XML representation from widget models.
XslTransform |
ZipSalesServices |
Zip-Sales Database Services