All Classes and Interfaces

A message sent when the web socket connection is aborted.
Causes Wicket to abort processing and set the specified HTTP error code, with the provided message if specified.
Abstract class for handling Ajax roundtrips.
A behavior that generates an AJAX update callback at a regular interval.
Authenticated web session.
A renderer that abstracts auto-assist specific details and allows subclasses to only render the visual part of the assist instead of having to also render the necessary auto-assist javascript hooks.
Base for text renderers that simply want to show a string
Abstract encoder for Bookmarkable, Hybrid and BookmarkableListener URLs.
Represents information stored in URL.
Model adapter that makes working with models for checkboxes easier.
Base class for all Javascript-based "select-all" checkboxes.
Abstract base class for all choice (html select) options.
An enumeration of possible positions of the label for a choice
An abstract implementation of a IClassResolver which uses a ClassLoader for resolving classes.
A base message for all messages with information about the client
A helper implementation for the IColumn interface
Convenience class for implementing page/components related encoders.
Base class for locale aware type converters.
Abstract base class for JCE based ICrypt implementations.
Abstract base class for all HeaderItems that have a nonce to allow the browser to check Content Security Policy (CSP) .
A HeaderItem that renders a CSS reference.
An abstract helper implementation of IDataExporter.
Acts as a base for data-grid views.
A base class for all Date related converters
Base class for all converters of decimal numbers.
The base class for Wicket's default AJAX implementation.
A parent page for all pages that are used to show an error to the user.
A helper implementation of IExportableColumn.
Base class for filters that provides some useful functionality
Base class for IFormValidators.
An abstract implementation of a header render strategy which is only missing the code to traverse the child hierarchy, since the sequence of that traversal is what will make the difference between the different header render strategies.
A default implementation of IHeaderResponseFilter that returns true for everything.
Base class for all converters of integer numbers.
A very simple Item.
A HeaderItem that renders a JavaScript reference.
A base class for all java.time.** related converters
Base class for JCE based ICrypt implementations.
Base class to implement crypt factories that store crypt into user session.
Base class that that contains functionality for rendering disabled links.
Base class for markup filters
A base implementation of IMarkupFragment.
This is a base MarkupParser specifically for (X)HTML.
Implements boilerplate as needed by many markup sourcing strategies.
Base class for all number converters.
A base class for IObjectChecker implementations which handles the logic for checking type exclusions.
Generates html option elements based on iterator specified by getOptionsIterator() and IChoiceRender specified by the palette
This abstract container provides the means to post-process the markup generated by its child components (excluding the containers tag)
An abstract repeater view that provides paging functionality to its subclasses.
An abstract base class for implementing simple authorization of Pages.
Abstract IPartialPageRequestHandler that implements common methods for Ajax and Web-sockets specializations of IPartialPageRequestHandler
Abstract base class for stores that keep an identifier in the session only, while holding the actual pages in a secondary persistent storage.
Serves as a base class for different kinds of property models.
Base class for validators that check if a given value falls within [min,max] range.
Validator mode
Base class for repeaters.
Base class that collects request and session information for request logging to enable rich information about the events that transpired during a single request.
A factory of HttpServletRequest wrappers.
Convenience resource implementation.
All available content range types.
Represents data used to configure response and write resource data.
Callback invoked when resource data needs to be written to response.
Base class for encoding and decoding ResourceReferences
Base implementation of an IResourceStreamWriter so that you only have to override the IResourceStreamWriter.write(
Base strategy that uses an instance of IRoleCheckingStrategy.
Abstract base class for single-select choices.
An abstract base class for string list implementations.
Base class for string resources.
Abstract class for links that are capable of submitting a form.
Convenience class that takes care of common ITab functionality
Abstract base class for TextArea and TextField.
Text components that implement this interface are know to be able to provide a pattern for formatting output and parsing input.
A base class for data table toolbars
A Behavior which can be added to any component.
Abstract base class for NestedTree and TableTree.
The state of a node.
An extension of WicketFilter that is used to check whether the processed HttpServletRequest needs to upgrade its protocol from HTTP to something else
Abstract class handling the Web Socket broadcast messages.
The base implementation of IWebSocketProcessor.
Abstract wizard model that provides an implementation for handling wizard model listeners and provides base implementations of many methods.
Page expired error page.
A class for constructing singleton constants that represent a given component action that needs to be authorized.
An authorization strategy which allows the use of a command pattern for users that want to authorize a variety of different types of actions throughout an application.
For each Action, holds a set of roles that can perform that action.
Holds an add-delta between to revisions of a text.
AES based ICrypt encrypt and decrypt strings such as passwords or URL segments.
ajax attribute names
A button that submits the form via Ajax.
An adapter for implementations of IAjaxCallListener.
A Channel used to define how Ajax requests are processed at the client side.
The type of an AjaxChannel
A CheckBox which is updated via ajax when the user changes its value
An behavior that collects the information to populate WebClientInfo's ClientProperties by using Ajax
An AjaxCallListener to disable the associated component while the AJAX request is running.
Download resources via Ajax.
An inplace editor much like AjaxEditableLabel, but instead of a TextField a DropDownChoice is displayed.
An implementation of ajaxified edit-in-place component using a TextField as it's editor.
An inplace editor much like AjaxEditableLabel, but now with support for multi line content and a text area as its editor.
This listener adds Enclosures to AjaxTarget, where the child controller of the said Enclosure is already added.
An ajax behavior that is attached to a certain client-side (usually javascript) event, such as click, change, keydown, etc.
An ajax submit button that will degrade to a normal request if ajax is not available or javascript is disabled.
An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standard DataTable.
Ajaxified HeadersToolbar
An ajax link that will degrade to a normal request if ajax is not available or javascript is disabled.
Ajaxified version of OrderByBorder
Uploads files from a drop event.
This is an Ajax behavior that is meant to update a group of choices that are represented by multiple components.
A behavior that updates the hosting FormComponent via ajax when an event it is attached to is triggered.
Ajax event behavior that submits a form via ajax when the event it is attached to, is invoked.
A publicly reachable class that allows to introspect the submitter, e.g. to check what is the input name of the submitting component if there is such.
Ajax event behavior that submits the form and updates all form feedback panels on the page.
A behavior that adds a span with wicket's default indicator gif to the end of the component's markup.
A panel which load lazily a single content component.
The AJAX timer for updating the AjaxLazyLoadPanel.
Class to help test AjaxLazyLoadPanel
A component that allows a trigger request to be triggered via html anchor tag
An panel for an Ajax-ified list of components.
Toolbar that displays (Ajax) links used to navigate the pages of the datatable as well as a message about which rows are being displayed and their total number in the data table.
An Ajax behavior that notifies when a new browser window/tab is opened with url to a page instance which is already opened in another window/tab in the same user session.
A behavior that collects the information to populate WebClientInfo's ClientProperties by using Ajax.
Ajaxified OrderByLink
An ajaxified navigation for a PageableListView that holds links to other pages of the PageableListView.
Ajax behavior for the paging navigation links.
An incremental Ajaxian link to a page of a PageableListView.
An Ajax version of a link to a page of a PageableListView.
A Wicket panel component to draw and maintain a complete page navigator, meant to be easily added to any PageableListView.
An Ajax behavior that could be used to prevent the form submit when the user presses the ENTER key while in an HTML <input type="text" > field.
Attributes of an Ajax Request.
The JavaScript event propagation type
The method to be used when submitting a form
A request target that produces ajax response envelopes used on the client side to update component markup as well as evaluate arbitrary javascript.
An AjaxRequestTarget listener that can be used to respond to various target-related events
Components can implement this interface to get a notification when AjaxRequestTarget begins to respond.
Automatically re-renders the component it is attached to via AJAX at a regular interval.
A link that submits a form via ajax.
Ajaxified version of the tabbed panel.
Some AJAX related utility functions.
A bar of buttons for wizards utilizing AjaxFormSubmitBehavior.
A specialization of SpringWebApplicationFactory that uses AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext
Strategy that checks the AuthorizeInstantiation annotation.
IFieldValueFactory that uses LazyInitProxyFactory to create proxies for Spring dependencies based on the SpringBean annotation applied to a field.
Test that the license headers are in place in this project.
Testcase used in the different wicket projects for testing for the correct ASL license headers.
This is a copy or combination of java.lang.StringBuffer and java.lang.String It has a special method getValue() which returns the internal char array.
Base class for all Wicket applications.
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Mock application context object.
MBean interface for exposing application related information and functionality.
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
* Settings class for application settings.
Application settings.
A Wicket panel that shows interesting information about a given Wicket session.
Class with methods for asserting conditions on arguments.
Iterator over an array.
Boilerplate for a markup sourcing strategy which retrieves the markup from associated markup files.
AttributeModifier that appends the given value, rather than replace it.
Map of values, extending ValueMap with methods for generating (HTML) markup attributes.
This class allows a tag attribute of a component to be modified dynamically with a value obtained from a model object.
Special attribute value markers.
An audio media component to playback audio files.
A web application subclass that does role-based authentication.
Basic authenticated web session.
Base class for exceptions thrown as a result of authorization failure.
A mapping of 1..n roles to an action.
Groups a set (technically an array) of AuthorizeActions for authorization.
Annotation for configuring what roles are allowed for instantiation the annotated component or package.
Groups a set (technically an array) of AuthorizeInstantiations for page authorization.
Annotation for configuring what roles are allowed for requesting the annotated resource.
This behavior builds on top of AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior by introducing the concept of a IAutoCompleteRenderer to make response writing easier.
This class encapsulates various settings for AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior.
An implementation of a textfield with the autoassist ajax behavior AutoCompleteBehavior.
A bean that can be used to override whether the lifecycle of the conversation should be managed automatically or not.
Automatically starts and ends conversations for pages with a ConversationalComponent.
Resolver that implements the wicket:for attribute functionality.
Component that is attached to the <label> tag and takes care of writing out the label text as well as setting classes on the <label> tag
Marker used to track whether or not a form component has an associated auto label by its mere presense as well as some attributes of the component across requests.
Markup filter that identifies tags with the wicket:for attribute.
Resolver that provides the <wicket:label> tag, which will output a FormComponent's label without requiring a manual extra component such as Label or FormComponentLabel.
The AutoLinkResolver is responsible to handle automatic link resolution.
Abstract implementation that has a helper method for creating a resource reference.
Autolink components delegate component resolution to their parent components.
Interface to delegate the actual resolving of auto components to.
Encapsulates different aspects of a path.
An abstract resource that can deliver static data - passed to the constructor, or dynamic - returned by BaseDataResource.getData(org.apache.wicket.request.resource.IResource.Attributes)
A behavior that contributes WicketWebSocketJQueryResourceReference
A helper class to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container.
A page that is used as the automatically created page for BaseWicketTester.startComponentInPage(Class) and the other variations.
Generic ResourceReference encoder that encodes and decodes non-mounted ResourceReferences.
Defines several strategies for looking up a CDI BeanManager in a portable way.
Configures bean validation and integrates it with Wicket
A read-only view of BeanValidationConfiguration that can be retrieved by components to access the validator and other helpers.
Behaviors are kind of plug-ins for Components.
Measures everything about behaviors
Injects components with CDI dependencies
BigDecimal converter
BigInteger converter see IConverter
A message with binary data
An ImageResource subclass for dynamic images that come from database BLOB fields.
This is a simple Container component which can be used to build Border like components.
This class is used to wrap a stream that includes an encoded ByteOrderMark as its first bytes.
Request handler for bookmarkable pages with an IRequestListener.
Decodes and encodes the following URLs:
Renders a stable link which can be cached in a web browser and used at a later time.
Request handler for bookmarkable pages.
Converts from Object to Boolean.
A Group that captures case-sensitive boolean values "true" or "false".
A border component has associated markup which is drawn and determines placement of markup and/or components nested within the border component.
This is a behavior implementation that can be used if you have markup that should be around a component.
The Border component's markup sourcing strategy
Whereas a Panel replaces the body markup with the associated markup file, a BorderPanel assumes a that Body component renders the body markup including any number of Wicket Components.
A branch is a container for a single node and its children inside a Subtree.
A component that renders bread crumbs.
A link that when clicked will set the the active bread crumb participant to the one that is returned by BreadCrumbLink.getParticipant(String).
Utility class for working with bread crumb model listeners.
A panel that participates with a bread crumb model.
Simple factory that creates instances of a bread crumb panel based on the class it is constructed with.
Bread crumb link specifically for bread crumb panels.
Base implementation for Panel/ Component based IBreadCrumbParticipant that decouples the implementation from the actual panel class.
Defines the event broadcast type.
Form for posting JavaScript properties.
This page uses a form post right after the page has loaded in the browser, using JavaScript or alternative means to detect and pass on settings to the embedded form.
A DynamicImageResource subclass that holds a BufferedImage generated by code elsewhere.
Encoder that intercepts requests for which there is already stored buffer with rendered data.
Handler that renders a BufferedWebResponse.
Subclass of WebResponse that buffers the actions and performs those on another response.
Implementation of a string resource loader that sits on top of the ordinary Java resource bundle mechanism.
A form button.
This class implements an output stream in which the data is written into a byte array.
An IResource for byte arrays.
Response used to capture output as a byte array
Converts from Object to Byte.
Output stream that counts bytes written to it (but discards them).
Byte Order Mark (BOM) representation - see BOMInputStream.
Represents an immutable byte count.
A store of pages that uses an IPageStore as a cache in front of another store to delegate to.
Locating resources can take a significant amount of time, especially since there are often several CSS, JavaScript and image resources on any given page.
Caches the results of a delegating IResourceVersion instance in a member variable.
Converts to Calendar.
CallbackParameter is a specification of a parameter that is used in an AJAX callback function.
Models a cancel button in the wizard.
Decorator that can be used to cancel the regular action if ajax call was performed.
Generates a captcha image.
Configures CDI integration
This model and its subclasses support chaining of IModels.
Holds an change-delta between to revisions of a text.
Holds a set of IChangeListeners.
Converts from Object to Character.
Character encoding names required of every implementation of the Java platform.
An IResource for CharSequences.
This class maintains a set of mappers defining mappings between locales and the corresponding charsets.
Utility class.
Component representing a single checkbox choice in a org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.CheckGroup.
HTML checkbox input component.
A choice subclass that shows choices via checkboxes.
A Javascript-based "Select All" checkbox component that works with CheckBoxMultipleChoice .
A Javascript-based "Select All" checkbox component that works with a loose collection of CheckBox components.
This class adds a CheckBox to a Folder.
This class adds a Check to a Folder.
Component used to connect instances of Check components into a group.
Selects and deselects all Check components under the same CheckGroup as itself.
Checks an object tree during serialization for wrong state by delegating the work to the used IObjectCheckers.
This a header render strategy implements a child->parent->root sequence, which is inverse to how it was until Wicket 1.5.
Filter that can be represented by a drop down list of choices
A filtered property column that creates a textfield filter component.
Renders one choice.
select box containing all available choices of the palette
Holds a information about a part of the text involved in a differencing or patching operation.
Utility class meant to help building Cipher.
Thrown when a circular dependency is detected between resources.
An AttributeModifier specialized in managing the CSS class attribute
Utilities for dealing with classes.
This class wraps a WeakHashMap that holds one ConcurrentHashMap per ClassLoader.
An IResourceFinder that looks in a folder in the classpath.
A serialization-safe reference to a Class
This string resource loader attempts to find a single resource bundle that has the same name and location as the clazz provided in the constructor.
IVisitFilter that restricts visitors to only visiting objects of the specified class
Encapsulates information about the request cycle agents' capabilities.
Description of various user agent (browser) properties.
A client-side image map implementation which allows you to "attach" the map to any existing Image component.
A CSP value that renders the same value as rendered for the specified directive.
A message sent when the web socket connection is closed.
A panel that renders <colgroup> with <col> elements inside it.
Based on Model but for any collections of serializable objects.
IRequestParameters implementation that combines other IRequestParameterss.
Parses out strings separated by commas.
Component serves as the highest level abstract base class for all components.
Gets information how often different components are created
Quick detachable model that is implements the IComponentAssignedModel and the IModel interfaces.
Filter for accepting feedback messages for a particular component.
Convenience feedback panel that filters the feedback messages based on the component given in the constructor.
Encodes listener and component path in form of <listener>-<componentPath>, <listener>.<behaviorIndex>-<componentPath> or <render-count>.<listener>.<behaviorIndex>-<componentPath>
Quick model that is implements the IComponentAssignedModel and the IModel interfaces.
Exception thrown when component has not been found in hierarchy.
Gets information how often different components are configured
Gets information how often different components are detached
Gets information how often different components are initialized
Gets information how often different components are rendered
A model that references a property by name on the current model of the component it is bound to.
A helper class for rendering components and pages.
Request handler that renders a component
Utility class for IComponentResolvers
Gets information how often different components are calling setResponsePage
This is one of Wicket's default string resource loaders.
A subclass of MarkupElement which represents a "significant" markup tag, such as a component open tag.
Factory that creates component during markup root container's initialization.
Used to apply several ICssCompressor to the CSS compression.

Used to apply several IJavaScriptCompressor to the javascript compression.

Compound implementation of the IAuthorizationStrategy that lets you chain two or more strategies together.
A thread safe compound IClassResolver.
Compound implementation of IFieldValueFactory.
A simple compound model which uses the component's name as the property expression to retrieve properties on the nested model object.
Thread safe compound IRequestMapper.
A compound IValidator.
A resource that concatenates several resources into one download.
A resource bundle that automatically concatenates the given resources.
A message when a client creates web socket connection.
A class used by IWebSocketConnectionFilters when they need to reject a connection
URLConnection related utilities
Filter for child-of relationship
Because Component has a reference to its parents, which eventually is the Page, keeping a "copy" of a component is very expensive.
Represents content disposition of a resource
Build the CSP configuration like this:
Provides a context-relative image.
Factory that creates application objects based on the class name specified in the ContextParamWebApplicationFactory.APP_CLASS_PARAM context variable.
A behavior that converts the provider url fragment to a context-relative url.
Resource served from a file relative to the context root.
This is a ResourceReference to handle context-relative resources such as js, css and picture files placed in a folder on the context root (ex: '/css/coolTheme.css').
Marks a component that requires a conversation.
Checks for conversation expiration during page render and throws a ConversationExpiredException when an expired conversation is detected.
Various modes of propagating persistent conversations across requests.
A request cycle listener that takes care of propagating persistent conversations.
Thrown for conversion exceptions.
Implementation of IConverterLocator interface, which locates converters for a given type.
A PropertyVariableInterpolator converting values with IConverters.
cookie collection utility
This class provides default values that are used by CookieUtils class when it creates cookies.
A helper class for dealing with cookies
Helper class to simplify Cookie handling.
An implementation of IValueMap that makes a copy when a caller tries to change an immutable Map.
A helper class that contributes all required JavaScript resources needed for Wicket Ajax functionality
An exception that is being thrown when a second thread attempts to get the lock on a page instance that is currently locked by another thread and it cannot do that for some specified duration
Checks if a credit card number is valid.
To be used for the crossOrigin attribute
Specifies the configuration for Cross-Origin Embedder Policy to be used for CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyRequestCycleListener.
Sets Cross-Origin Embedder Policy (COEP) headers on the responses based on the mode specified by CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyConfiguration.
Specifies the configuration for Cross-Origin Opener Policy to be used by CrossOriginOpenerPolicyRequestCycleListener when adding COOP headers.
Sets Cross-Origin Opener Policy headers on the responses based on the policy specified by CrossOriginOpenerPolicyConfiguration.
ICryptFactory decorator that caches the call to ICryptFactory.newCrypt()
A store that encrypts all pages before delegating and vice versa.
A request mapper that encrypts URLs generated by another mapper.
A generator of hashed segments.
An enum holding the possible CSP Directives.
An enum representing the only possible values for the sandbox directive
An enum holding the default values for -src directives including the mandatory single quotes
CSPHeaderConfiguration contains the configuration for a Content-Security-Policy header.
Defines the possible headers for a CSP directive.
Add a Content Security Policy (CSP) nonce to all AbstractCspHeaderItems when that is required by the configuration of the CSP.
CSPRenderable describes a directive that is part of a Content-Security-Policy (CSP in short).
An IRequestCycleListener that adds Content-Security-Policy and/or Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only headers based on the supplied configuration.
This filter accepts all CssHeaderItems.
This filter accepts all CssHeaderItems and PageHeaderItems (header items for the <head> section of the page).
HeaderItem for internal (embedded in the header) css content.
Base class for all HeaderItems that represent stylesheets.
Package resource for css files.
HeaderItem for style tags that are rendered using a ResourceReference.
Static resource reference for css resources.
Decorates a TextTemplate with CSS tags.
HeaderItem for style tags that are rendered using a fixed URL, for example resources from an external site or context relative urls.
This compressor is used to replace URLs within CSS files with URLs created from PackageResourceReferences that belongs to their corresponding resources (e.g images).The scope of the CSS file is used to create the PackageResourceReferences.
Utility methods for CSS.
An IDataExporter that exports data to a CSV file.
entity resolver that tries to locate a document type definition (DTD) using a set of custom entity resolvers
key for entity
entity locator
entity locator for resources inside servlet-api.jar
Simple concrete implementation of AbstractDataGridView
A data table builds on data grid view to introduce toolbars.
A caption for the table.
DataView is a basic implementation of AbstractPageableView.
Base class for data views.
Converts from Object to Date.
A TextField that is mapped to a java.util.Date object.
Validator for checking if a given date falls within [min,max] range.
The debug bar is for use during development.
Debug bar module initializer
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Settings class for various debug settings
Strategy for outputting the Java class name of a markup container
Debug settings.
This is simply a helper implementation of IHeaderResponse that really delegates all of its method calls to the IHeaderResponse that is passed into the constructor.
Wicket's default implementation of an authentication strategy.
Default breadcrumb model implementation that should be good for 99% of the use cases out there.
Automatically generates a basic button image.
A factory which creates default button images.
Resolves a class by using the classloader that loaded this class.
The default message filter used to cleanup feedback messages.
Default encryption and decryption implementation.
An AutoCompleteTextField which automatically includes the default CSS for the suggestions.
An implementation of the DataTable that aims to solve the 90% usecase by adding navigation, headers, an no-records-found toolbars to a standard DataTable.
If an exception is thrown when a page is being rendered this mapper will decide which error page to show depending on the exception type and application configuration
Implementation of IItemReuseStrategy that returns new items every time.
Wicket default implementation of a javascript compressor
This implementation adds link render strategies for email addresses and urls.
Wicket's default implementation for the mapper context
Wicket default implementation for the cache key used to reference the cached markup resource stream.
An implementation of IMarkupIdGenerator that uses the Session to generate sequence numbers for the component markup ids.
This is Wickets default markup loader.
Wicket default implementation for loading the markup resource stream associated with a MarkupContainer.
This is a no-op sourcing strategy implementing the default behavior for most components.
An implementation of the NestedTree that aims to solve the 90% usecase by using Folders on a standard NestedTree.
Default page context using RequestCycle.getRequest() and Session.get().
A factory that constructs Pages.
Default IPageLockManager that holds a map of locks in the current session.
A provider of a PageManager managing @link IManageablePage}s with a default chain of IPageStores: RequestPageStore keeping pages until end of the request CachingPageStore caching with an ... InSessionPageStore keeping the last accessed page in the session SerializingPageStore serializing all pages (so they are available for back-button) AsynchronousPageStore moving storage of pages to an asynchronous worker thread (enabled by default with StoreSettings.isAsynchronous()) CryptingPageStore encrypting all pages (disabled by default in StoreSettings.isEncrypted()) DiskPageStore persisting all pages, configured according to StoreSettings An alternative chain with all pages held in-memory could be: RequestPageStore keeping pages until end of the request CachingPageStore caching with an ... InSessionPageStore keeping the last accessed page in the session SerializingPageStore serializing all pages (so they are available for back-button) AsynchronousPageStore moving storage of pages to a worker thread InMemoryPageStore keeping all pages in memory ... or if all pages should be kept in the session only, without any serialization (no back-button support though): RequestPageStore caching pages until end of the request InSessionPageStore keeping a limited count of pages in the session, e.g. 10 The chain's initial store should always be a RequestPageStore, buffering all adding of pages until the end of the request.
Default property resolver.
A very simple ISecureRandomSupplier that holds a SecureRandom using SHA1PRNG.
An implementation of the TableTree that aims to solve the 90% usecase by using Folders and by adding navigation, headers and no-records-found toolbars to a standard TableTree.
Default theme for ModalDialog.
A default theme for a Palette.
An IUnauthorizedResourceRequestListener that schedules a response with status code 403 (Forbidden)
This is the default validator provider.
A default implementation of IViolationTranslator.
An output stream which will retain data in memory until a specified threshold is reached, and only then commit it to disk.
The file factory for this deferred file output stream.
A JavaSerializer that deflates the outputstream on the fly, reducing page store size by up to a factor 8.
Contains logging data for IRequestHandlerDelegate implementations.
An IPageStore that delegates to another storage.
Holds a delete-delta between to revisions of a text.
Holds a "delta" difference between to revisions of a text.
Context for component dequeueing.
A bookmark for the DequeueContext stack
Fired when request cycle is detached
Request cycle listener that fires the DetachEvent event
Just an exception that can be thrown if a development utility is invoked, constructed, etc, and the setting in the application is not enabled.
All pages in the wicket-devutils package should extend this page so that they automatically get checked to make sure that the utilities are enabled in the application debug settings.
All panels in the wicket-devutils package should extend this panel so that they automatically get checked to make sure that the utilities are enabled in the application debug settings.
Implements a differencing engine that works on arrays of Object.
A simple interface for implementations of differencing algorithms.
Thrown whenever the differencing engine cannot produce the differences between two revisions of ta text.
An implementation of IObjectChecker that returns a failure result when the checked object is a second Page instance in the component tree.
Base class for all exceptions emanating from this package.
A diffnode in a diffpath.
This is a utility class.
A behavior to add attribute "disabled" to a Link component when it is disabled.
A storage of pages on disk.
Data held on disk.
Converts from Object to Double.
A link that streams a file to the client.
A choice implemented as a dropdown menu/list.
A dummy home page, as required by WicketTester.
A dummy Panel Component.
Utility class for Duration
Base class for dynamically generated ImageResources.
Wizard model that is specialized on dynamic wizards.
Default implementation of a dynamic wizard step.
Validator for checking the form/pattern of email addresses.
A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type email.
The empty AJAX request target does output an empty AJAX response.
A convenience class to represent an empty data provider.
Panel that does absolutely nothing and that can be used to display an empty block.
Request handler that performs no work
Read only empty IRequestParameters.
A ResourceNameIterator that doesn't find any resources.
The EmptySrcAttributeFilter checks if an empty src attribute is found in the response.
An Enclosure are automatically created by Wicket.
<wicket:enclosure> is nice and prevents that users have to add boilerplate to their application.
This is a markup inline filter.
Enhanced PageView which displays all Components and Behaviors of a Page in a TableTree representation.
IChoiceRenderer implementation that makes it easy to work with java 5 enums.
A base class for defining enumerated types.
EnumLabel<T extends Enum<T>>
A Label component that is used to render an enum value.
Validates that the input of two form components is identical.
Validates that the input of two form components is identical.
Represents additional error attributes present in a ServletRequest when the servlet container is handling an error or a forward to an error page mapped by error-page element in web.xml.
Response target that is to be used in a servlet environment to send an error code and optionally a message.
Filter for accepting feedback messages with minimum level.
A message sent when there is an error while using the web socket connection.
Filter for accepting feedback messages of a certain error level.
Shows a runtime exception on a nice HTML page.
Visitor used to visit Throwable chains
Represents a visit
Settings class for configuring exception handling related settings.
How to handle errors while processing an Ajax request
A strategy defining what to do when a component that will not render its markup tag (because of setRenderBodyOnly(true) or used with <wicket:xyz>) is also asked to output a markup id or placeholder tag
Which threads' stacktrace to dump when a page lock timeout occurs
Enumerated type for different ways of displaying unexpected exceptions.
An abstraction over all available executor services.
A toolbar that provides links to download the data represented by all IExportableColumns in the table exported to formats supported by the IDataExporters configured.
An IResourceStreamWriter which writes the exportable data from a table to an output stream.
Iterate over a set of extensions.
A component to display external images.
A simple anchor link (<a href="http://url">) pointing to any URL.
A component which displays external images within a picture tag.
Collects feedback messages from all the places where they can be stored.
Postpone calling IFeedback.beforeRender() after other components.
Represents a generic message meant for the end-user/ pages.
Holds list of feedback messages.
Model for extracting feedback messages.
A panel that displays FeedbackMessages in a list view.
A specialized feedback panel that only displays messages from inside a fence defined by a container component.
Default resource isolation policy used in ResourceIsolationRequestCycleListener, based on
Convenience class to extract information about the type and generics of a field to inject.
Simple extension of File that adds an implementation of IModifiable for files.
Default implementation of IFileCleaner that uses Apache commons-io FileCleaningTracker to track and clean the temporary created files.
Adapts IFileCleaner to FileCleaningTracker
Description of file properties as in browser client side.
resource caching strategy that adds a version for the requested resource to the filename.
A storage of pages in files.
A FileResourceStream is an IResource implementation for files.
File utility methods.
OnChangeAjaxBehavior that streams back to server properties of the selected file(s) (at client side), before uploading it (them).
Gets the actual path for a jar file system
Gets the actual path for a specific file system.
Used to provide resources based on the on Java NIO FileSystem API.

For more information see FileSystemResourceReference
This resource reference is used to provide a reference to a resource based on Java NIO FileSystem API.

To implement a mime type detection refer to the documentation of Files.probeContentType(Path) and provide an implementation for java.nio.file.spi.FileTypeDetector in the META-INF/services folder for jars or in the /WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services folder for webapps

You can optionally override FileSystemResourceReference.getFileSystemResource() to provide an inline mime type detection, which is preferred to the default detection.

A FileSystemResourceStream is an IResourceStream implementation for Java NIO paths.
A reference which can be used to recreate FileSystemResourceStream
Model for file uploads.
Form component that corresponds to a <input type="file">.
A helper implementation for a filtered column.
HeaderItem that specifies the filter it belongs to.
Like PropertyColumn but with support for filters.
A very simple manager for web filter factories.
A form with filter-related special functionality for its form components.
This header response allows you to separate things that are added to the IHeaderResponse into different buckets.
A filter used to bucket your resources, inline scripts, etc, into different responses.
Toolbar that creates a form to hold form components used to filter data in the data table.
Models a cancel button in the wizard.
A simple CSP value that renders the string specified.
Converts from Object to Float.
A Group that captures floating point values (doubles and floats).
A typical folder representation of nodes in a tree.
This folder subclass provides some type safety and extensibility for "files" that hold other files.
Filter for files
Filter for folders
A FileDeleteStrategy that can delete folders.
Container for FormComponents (such as CheckBoxes, ListChoices or TextFields).
Response when a submission method mismatch is detected
Visitor used for validation
An HTML form component knows how to validate itself.
A border that can be placed around a form component to indicate when the bordered child/children has a validation error.
A panel that hides or shows itself depending on whether there are feedback messages for a given message filter.
A component that represents HTML <label> tag.
Panel (has it's own markup, defined between <wicket:panel> tags), that can act as a form component.
A behavior to get notifications when a FormComponent changes its value.
A helper class for testing validation and submission of FormComponents.
Represents additional attributes present in a ServletRequest when the servlet container is handling a forward to another path than the initially requested one.
Usually you either have a markup file or a xml tag with wicket:id="myComponent" to associate markup with a component.
A markup sourcing strategy suitable for Fragment components.
Framework settings for retrieving and configuring framework settings.
This is not a reader like e.g.
Encryption and decryption implementation using AES-256-GCM-SIV authenticated encryption.
Base class for models that contain instances that do not appear to be serializable and cannot thus use Model directly.
A Panel with typesafe getters and setters for the model and its underlying object
Generics related utilities
A WebMarkupContainer with typesafe getters and setters for the model and its underlying object
A WebPage with typesafe getters and setters for the model and its underlying object
Filter component that generates a 'go' and 'clear' buttons.
Filter component that generates a 'go' button that when pressed submits the filter form
A pageable DataView which breaks the data in the IDataProvider into a number of data-rows, depending on the column size.
Iterator that iterates over all items in the cells
A Group is a piece of a regular expression (referenced by some Java field or local variable) that forms a "capturing group" within the larger regular expression.
Thrown if an attempt is made to re-bind a Group to a second capturing group or MetaPattern.
Convenience class for generating dropdown choices with option groups.
An IPageStore that groups pages.
Thrown if a group is not bound.
A model that can hold on to an array of classes.
Injects field members of components and behaviors using Guice.
This is a holder for the Injector.
Implementation of IWebApplicationFactory that pulls the WebApplication object out of a Guice Module.
A collection for application level registration of IHeaderContributors
HeaderItem represents anything that can be rendered into the header.
A column that does not have a header
For each wicket:head tag a HeaderPartContainer is created and added to the HtmlHeaderContainer which has been added to the Page.
Default implementation of the IHeaderResponse interface.
A container that renders the content that was bucketed into a certain bucket by FilteringHeaderResponse.
A collection of IHeaderResponseDecorators.
Toolbars that displays column headers.
Handler that sets unique tag id for every inline script and style element in <wicket:head>, unless the element already has one.
TextField doesn't permit the html so this is a simple subclass to allow this A HiddenField is useful when you have a javascript based component that updates the form state.
A mapper that is used when a request to the home page ("/") is made
Behavior which renders HTML5 attributes.
A listener to instantiations of FormComponents to add HTML5 attributes.
This is a markup inline filter.
The HtmlHeaderContainer is automatically created and added to the component hierarchy by a HtmlHeaderResolver instance.
Combines the MarkupStream with the open tag, together representing the header section in the markup.
A specialization of HtmlHeaderContainer that doesn't render <head> and &l;/head> around the header contributions.
This is a tag resolver which handles <head> and <wicket:head>tags.
This is a markup inline filter.
Header item class for HTML 5 imports.
This is a markup inline filter which by default is not added to the list of markup filter.
A multivalue map of headers names and header values suitable for processing http request and response headers.
Configuration for http-https switching
A copy of the HttpSession used at the WebSocket connection creation time
Implementation of ISessionStore that works with web applications and provides some specific http servlet/ session related functionality.
Reacts on unbinding from the session by cleaning up the session related data.
A IRequestMapper that will issue a redirect to secured communication (over https) if the page resolved by HttpsMapper.delegate is annotated with @RequireHttps
Handler that takes care of redirecting
A way to provide authorization for a specific component action.
Interface used to listen at the most important points when Wicket performs an Ajax callback.
This interface makes it trivial to use busy indicators for ajax requests.
Interface for Ajax callback links.
A mixin that allows behaviors and components to override the id of the markup region that will be updated via ajax.
Application lifecycle listener
The interface of an authentication strategy which is accessible via Application.getSecuritySettings().
Authorization strategies specify aspect-like constraints on significant actions taken by the framework in a given application.
A renderer used to generate html output for the AutoCompleteBehavior.
Allows applications to intercept behavior instantiation
Bread crumbs provide a means to track certain history of client actions.
Bread crumb model listeners get notified by bread crumb models of activation, addition and removal events.
Factory interface to enabled deferred creation of a bread crumb panel while getting the proper id for creation.
Bread crumb participants function as proxies for components that are part of a bread crumb hierarchy.
Represents an object that is capable of populating an Item container representing a cell in a DataGridView with components.
Generic "something changed" listener interface.
Renders one choice.
An interface to code which finds classes and resources
Wicket version of Serializable.
Interface to an arbitrary piece of code that runs and can do logging.
An interface that represents a column in the DefaultDataTable
Models that wish to substitute themselves with a wrapper when they are bound to a component (either through IModel parameter in a constructor or via a call to Component.setDefaultModel(IModel)) should implement this interface.
A specialization of IEventSink that adds component as an additional parameter to the IComponentAwareEventSink.onEvent(Component, IEvent) method.
An interface to be implemented by Behaviors, IAjaxCallListeners.
This is a marker interface for models that can be inherited from components higher in the hierarchy.
Listener interface that receives messages when components are initialized (after Component#onInitialize method has been executed).
Listener interface that receives messages when components are constructed.
Listener that is called after component's Component.onAfterRender() method was invoked.
Listener that is called right after the component's Component.onBeforeRender() method was invoked.
Listener interface that receives messages when components are configured (after Component.onConfigure() and Behavior.onConfigure(org.apache.wicket.Component) methods have been executed).
Request handler that works with a component.
IComponentResolvers are responsible for mapping component names to Wicket components.
Mapper that delegates the mapping to a contained IRequestMappers with the highest compatibility score.
A strategy that specifies how conversations should be propagated between pages/resources.
Converts input to output and vice versa.
Locates the proper converter instance for a given type.
Encryption and decryption implementations are accessed through this interface.
An encrypter and decrypter of pages.
Interface used to generate crypt objects
Allow for different implementations of a css compressor
Exports data provided by a IDataProvider as described by IExportableColumns.
Interface used to provide data to data views.
Interface to logic for detaching transient information from a detachable model.
Listens to Component.detach() calls.
Wizard step that is intelligent enough to know how to navigate to the next and previous steps.
Interface representing a message source that stores messages by key and can perform variable substitution.
An event
Delivers an event to a component.
Objects that can receive events
Objects that can send events
Maps exception to IRequestHandler.
An IColumn that can be exported.
Interface for components that present some kind of feedback to the user, normally based on the feedback messages attached to various components on a given page.
Implementations of this interface can contribute feedback messages
Interface for filtering feedback messages.
Factory object used by injector to generate values for fields of the object being injected.
Keeps track of files awaiting deletion, and deletes them when an associated marker object is reclaimed by the garbage collector.
Represents a data table column that can be filtered.
Locator that locates the object that represents the state of the filter.
Non-dynamic resource streams point to fixed locations, like a file or a url.
A component that listens to form model updates.
Triggers a form submit and controls its processing
Interface that must be implemented by components that are able to submit form.
Interface that represents validators that check multiple components.
Participates in the form visiting algorithm, and can hint that visiting should go on as normal ( IFormVisitorParticipant.processChildren() returns true) or is limited to the same level (only siblings are processed, IFormVisitorParticipant.processChildren() returns false).
An interface for all components with type-safe accessors and mutators for the model and its object.
An interface to be implemented by application level listeners or other entities that wish to contribute to the header section of the page.
Allows for different header render strategies.
Interface that is used to render header elements (usually javascript and CSS references).
Setting an IHeaderResponseDecorator on an application allows you to wrap any IHeaderResponse created by Wicket in a separate implementation that adds functionality to it when used by all IHeaderContributor components or behaviors.
Represents an object that is a part of a hierarchy
Container for parameters that are identified by their index
Initializes something when application loads.
Factory interface for creating new child item containers for AbstractPageableView.
Interface for item reuse strategies.
Allow for different implementation of a javascript compressor
A marker interface for keys that are used to find a web socket connection in IWebSocketConnectionRegistry
Provider of labels for FormComponents and others.
This interface can be used to mark some complex component, e.g. a Panel, as capable of providing a reference to a ILabelProvider, e.g a form component.
Interface the lazy init proxies implement to make identification of the proxy and retrival of IProxyTargetLocator possible.
ILinkParser parses an input text and performs modifications according to its render strategies.
An implementation of ILinkRenderStrategy transforms a link target (e.g. email address) into a proper html link (e.g.
Base interface for log data collected by request handlers.
A loggable request handler is a IRequestHandler that is capable of delivering log data.
An Image component displays localizable image resources.
<input type="image"> component - like Button only with an image.
Util class to provide basic image functionality like converting image data to base64 content
Utility interface for providing and creating new page instances.
Each Wicket application has a single IMarkupCache associated with it (see MarkupSettings).
To be implemented by MarkupContainers that wish to implement their own algorithms for the markup cache key.
Wicket uses a streaming XML parser to read the markup.
Any list of MarkupElements.
Generates markup ids for components
IMarkupLoader are loading the markup for a specific Wicket container and resource stream.
To be implemented by MarkupContainer which wish to implement their own algorithms for loading the markup resource stream.
Markup sourcing strategies determine whether a Component behaves like a "Panel" pulling its Markup from an associated Markup file, or like a Fragment pulling it from a another components Markup.
Any kind of response that buffers meta data such as cookies and headers and can unbuffer it into another response
Used to unify all metadata methods across the various objects.
A IModel wraps the actual model Object used by a Component.
Implementations of this interface compare model object.
Interface to get the last time something was modified.
Monitors one or more IModifiable objects, calling a IChangeListener when a given object's modification time changes.
An interface providing access to multipart content uploads of a WebRequest
Container for parameters that are identified by their name
Represents a named parameter entry.
A hint where the parameter is read/parsed from.
Component that includes/ renders the import result of an URL, much like JSP include.
A variant of the AjaxButton that displays a busy indicator while the ajax request is in progress.
A variant of the AjaxFallbackLink that displays a busy indicator while the ajax request is in progress.
A variant of the AjaxLink that displays a busy indicator while the ajax request is in progress.
Merge the 2+ markups involved in markup inheritance.
Initializer for the extensions package.
Initializer for components in wicket core library.
Registers Wicket's MBeans.
An implementation of IInitializer for the Velocity Runtime Singleton.
This is one of Wicket's default string resource loaders.
Injector scans fields of an object instance and checks if the specified IFieldValueFactory can provide a value for a field; if it can, the field is set to that value.
An InlineEnclosure are automatically created by Wicket.
This is a markup inline filter.
Implementation of an inline frame component.
The inline image is used to embed the complete image content within a HTML document.
A storage of pages in memory.
Limit pages by count.
Pages kept in memory for a session.
List based implementation.
Limit pages by size.
A store keeping a configurable maximum of pages in the session.
Data kept in the Session, might get serialized along with its containing HttpSession.
A panel that adds a link to the inspector to the debug bar.
A page that shows interesting attributes of the Wicket environment, including the current session and the component tree for the current page.
An internal data structure that maps a given component class to a set of role strings.
Utility class for Instant
Object size of strategy that is based on instrumentation.
Converts from Object to Integer.
A Group that captures integer values (positive and negative whole numbers, not Java ints).
Parses integer variable assignments, such as "x = 9" or "x=9".
Internal error display page.
This is an integer hashmap that has the exact same features and interface as a normal Map except that the key is directly an integer.
A base class based on the Java int primitive for value classes that want to implement standard operations on that value without the pain of aggregating an Integer object.
Marker interface for validators that will accept a null value.
Thrown when a behavior with an invalid id is requested
IObjectChecker can be used to check whether an object has/has not given state before serializing it.
Represents the result of a check.
Interface implemented by model that can provide class of the model object.
Listener interface that receives messages when components render their tags.
General IO Stream manipulation.
Guards lazily loaded package resources against unwanted access.
Components that implement this interface will be pageable, they should return the pagecount so that an object/component knows how many pages it can use for the setCurrentPage method.
represents a countable amount of items that can be paginated. each page except the last one will contain an equal number of items.
Extension of IPageProvider that is also capable of providing a Component belonging to the page.
Request handler that works with page class.
Context of a IManageablePage when it is stored in an IPageStore, decoupling it from request cycle and session.
A factory class that creates Pages.
Lock manager for PageAccessSynchronizer responsible for locking and unlocking pages for the duration of a request.
A manager of pages - facade between Pages and IPageStores they are stored in.
Provider of an IPageManager.
Encoder that can encode and decode PageParameters to/from URL.
Represents object capable of providing a page instance.
Interface for Function<RenderPageRequestHandler, PageRenderer>
Request handler that works with a page instance.
Interface for objects that are capable of getting and creating page instance.
A store of pages
This interface is used by the PagingNavigator components to get the label of the pages there are for a IPageable component.
Request handler that allows partial updates of the current page instance.
Aspect which measures ajax request targets components to be requested for repaint
Aspect which measures ajax request targets append java script metrics
Aspect measures checks ajax request targets prepent java script
Information about a page persisted in an IPersistentPageStore.
A store that can provide information about stored pages.
To be implemented by listeners interested in PropertiesFactory events fired after a change to the properties has been detected
Implementations are responsible for locating Properties objects, which are a thin wrapper around ValueMap and is used to locate localized messages.
environment required for properties factory
Property loaders as used by PropertiesFactory to load properties
Optional interface implemented by models that are able to provide reflection information about object property they interact with.
Resolves the property to be validated for the given form component.
A factory of proxies.
Represents a service locator for lazy init proxies.
Demarcates components that act as a root can dequeue children.
Interface for HeaderItems that represent a ResourceReference.
Base interface for components.
Base interface for pages.
A callback interface for various methods in the request cycle.
Provides instances of RequestCycle objects
A request handler is the base entity that is the subject of a request.
A IRequestHandler that delegates the actual work to another IRequestHandler.
Measures information about request handlers detach
Measures information about request handlers respond
Interface to be implemented by Components or Behaviors that listen for requests from the client browser.
Interface for the request logger and viewer.
This interface can be implemented in a custom session object. to give an object that has more information for the current session (state of session).
This class hold the information one request of a session has.
This class hold the information one request of a session has.
Maps IRequestHandler(s) into Url(s) and Request(s) to IRequestHandler(s).
A interface to be implemented by IRequestMappers that delegate to other IRequestMappers.
Represents request parameters.
Resource is an object capable of writing output to response.
Attributes that are provided to resource in the IResource.respond(Attributes) method.
Interface implemented by ResourceReferences that are bundles.
caching strategy for cacheable resources
Measures how often a resource is created
A factory which creates resources for a given specification string.
Knows how to find resources.
Interface for the resource isolation policies.
Indicates the outcome for a resource isolation policy for a request.
Contains the logic to locate a resource based on a path, style (see Session), variation, locale and extension strings.
Used to create a ResourceReference for a given request attributes
Interface to a streamed resource.
Interface for code that locates resources, taking into account variations for locale and style.
Special IResourceStream implementation that a Resource can return when it directly wants to write to an output stream instead of return the IResourceStream.getInputStream().
Provides a version string for a cacheable resource specified by IStaticCacheableResource
A response filter can be added to the RequestCycleSettings.addResponseFilter(IResponseFilter) object.
Strategy for doing role checking.
A ITextResourceCompressor that receives the scope class and the resource name as a context information that it can use for the processing of the resource
Supplies the Wicket application with random bytes.
A serializer that can be used to convert an object to byte array and back
Session listener
The actual store that is used by Session to store its attributes.
Listener invoked when session is bound.
Listener invoked when session is unbound.
Load properties from properties file.
Data provider that can hold sort state
Tree provider that can hold sort state
Interface used by OrderByLink to interact with any object that keeps track of sorting state
Locator interface for ISortState implementations.
Interface representing object that can locate a spring context.
static resource which does not change for the lifetime of the application and should be considered a candidate for long-term caching.
Typesafe string iterator interface
The string resource loader interface allows a strategy pattern to be applied to the loading of resource strings for an application.
A resource that can be converted to a String representation, possibly using an explicit Charset.
Typesafe interface to an ordered sequence of strings.
Interface that allows styling individuals DataTable columns
Interface for HeaderItems that represent a Subresource
Interface used to represent a single tab in a TabbedPanel
An object that can modify a component's markup tag during render based on values of a constraint annotation.
Container that holds components in a RefreshingView.
Comparator that compares Items by their index property
Allow for different implementations of a text compressor
A common interface to be implemented by AbstractOutputTransformerContainers and AbstractTransformerBehaviors which post-process the output markup of a component.
An adapter from a ITreeProvider to a IDataProvider.
Provider of a tree.
Interface to code that is called to handle unauthorized component instantiations.
A listener that is notified when a request to some resource is not allowed.
An interface that a Url can implement if it knows how to render itself as full url or relative to a base url
Interface representing any object that can be validated.
Interface representing a validation error.
Interface representing a validator that can validate an IValidatable object.
A Map interface that holds values, parses Strings, and exposes a variety of convenience methods.
Converts ConstraintViolations into Wicket's ValidationErrors
Allows visitors to control the visit/traversal
A filter that can be used to restrict the types of objects visited by the visitor
Generic visitor interface for traversals.
A factory interface used by wicket filter to create application objects.
Common interface for native WebSocket connections
Common interface for rejecting connections which are not meeting some of the security concerns.
Tracks all currently connected WebSocket clients
Interface allowing to filter web-sockets connections.
A marker interface for all message types
Processes web socket messages.
A marker interface for all Web Socket push messages.
An interface for outbound communication with web socket clients
Wicket proxy interface to javax.websocket.Session.
Allows to configure the IWebSocketSession
A marker interface for exceptions which are recommended to be handled by the framework
Interface for the wizard component.
This interface defines the model for wizards.
Receives notifications for wizard model state changes.
Models one step in a wizard, and is the equivalent of one panel in a wizard from an end-user's perspective.
A marker interface that represents a model that serves as a wrapper for another.
An interface for all HeaderItems which delegate to another HeaderItem and can re-wrap an existing item.
Request parameters that can be modified.
The interface of a streaming XML parser as required by Wicket.
The last element found
This filter accepts all JavaScriptHeaderItems.
HeaderItem for internal (embedded in the header) javascript content.
A header response which defers all AbstractJavaScriptReferenceHeaderItems.
A header response that creates two buckets.
Base class for all HeaderItems that represent javascripts.
Class for settings related to the JavaScript libraries that come with and are used by Wicket.
Package resource for javascript files.
HeaderItem for script tags that are rendered using a ResourceReference.
To be used to define the "type" attribute of the script tag written by a AbstractJavaScriptReferenceHeaderItem.
Static resource reference for javascript resources.
Strips comments and whitespace from javascript
Decorates a TextTemplate with JavaScript tags.
HeaderItem for script tags that are rendered using a fixed URL, for example resources from an external site or context relative urls.
Provide some helpers to write javascript related tags to the response object.
An implementation of ISerializer based on Java Serialization (ObjectOutputStream, ObjectInputStream) Requires the application key to enable serialization and deserialisation outside thread in which application thread local is set
An artificial HttpServletRequest with data collected from the available WebSocket Session and from the HandshakeRequest
A wrapper around JSR 356's native Session.
An upgrade filter that setups javax.websocket
An processor that integrates with JSR 356 web socket implementation.
Base class for JavaScript resources that are JQuery plugins.
The resource reference for the jquery javascript library as released with Wicket.
Represents a Json function.
JsonRequestLogger uses Jackson to log requests in JSON-format.
Crypt factory that produces SunJceCrypt instances based on session-specific encryption key.
A unique and fun-to-use captcha technique I developed at Thoof.
A Label component replaces its body with the String version of its model object returned by getModelObjectAsString().
Default implementation of ILabelProvider.
Renders one choice.
An implementation of column that adds a label to the cell whose model is determined by the provided SerializableFunction that is evaluated against the current row's model object
LambdaModel is a basic implementation of an IModel that uses a serializable Supplier to get the object and Consumer to set it.
Models a 'last' button in the wizard.
Uses the last modified timestamp of a IStaticCacheableResource converted to milliseconds as a version string.
An abstraction for lazy-initializing values.
A factory class that creates lazy init proxies given a type and a IProxyTargetLocator used to retrieve the object the proxy will represent.
This interface is used to make the proxy forward writeReplace() call to the handler instead of invoking it on itself.
Object that replaces the proxy when it is serialized.
Implementation of a hyperlink component.
This base implementation iterates over all provided ILinkRenderStrategy implementations and applies them to the input text.
Essentially a drop down choice that doesn't drop down.
Allows the use of lists with DataView.
Represents a collection of listeners.
Used to notify a listener.
Thrown when a listener invocation is attempted on a component or behavior that does not allow it.
Contains logging data for component/listener-interface request handlers.
Request handler that invokes an IRequestListener on component or behavior and renders page afterwards.
Container that holds components in a ListView.
Model for list items.
Based on Model but for lists of serializable objects.
A multiple choice list component.
Parses an arbitrary list format with a pattern for list entries and a pattern for list separators.
A ListView is a repeater that makes it easy to display/work with Lists.
Model that makes working with detachable models a breeze.
Measures information about how long the loading process of the ldm take
Converts from Object to LocalDate.
A TextField that is mapped to a java.time.LocalDate object and that uses java.time time to parse and format values.
Converts from Object to LocalDateTime.
Works on a LocalDateTime object.
A TextField that is mapped to a java.time.LocalDateTime object and that uses java.time time to parse and format values.
Given a Locale it'll iterate over all possible combinations of the attrs making up the Locale.
A utility class that encapsulates all of the localization related functionality in a way that it can be accessed by all areas of the framework in a consistent way.
Converts from Object to LocalTime.
A TextField that is mapped to a java.time.LocalTime object and that uses java.time time to parse and format values.
Type-safe monitor class to be used in place of Object for readability.
Converts from Object to Long.
Encodes long values into the specified alphabet.
A base class based on the Java long primitive for value classes that want to implement standard operations on that value without the pain of aggregating a Long object.
A very simple loop component whose model is an Integer defining the number of iterations the loop should render.
A very simple Item.
Based on Model but for maps of serializable objects.
Utility class that performs common functions used by IRequestMappers.
Interpolates variables into a String from a Map.
The content of a markup file, consisting of a list of markup elements.
This is Wicket's default IMarkupCache implementation.
MarkupCache allows you to implement you own cache implementation.
A MarkupContainer holds a map of child components.
Base class for different kinds of markup elements.
Runtime exception that is thrown when markup parsing fails.
Factory to load markup either from cache or from a resource.
Represents a portion of a markup file, but always spans a complete tag.
Runtime exception that is thrown when markup file was not found.
This is Wicket's default markup parser.
An IResourceStream implementation with specific extensions for markup resource streams.
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Class for markup related settings.
Markup settings.
A stream of MarkupElements, subclasses of which are ComponentTag and RawMarkup.
HTML5 helper
A converter that takes a mask into account.
The media component is used to provide basic functionality to the video and audio component.
To be used for the crossorigin attribute
To be used for the preload attribute
A Markup class which represents merged markup, as it is required for markup inheritance.
computes the message digest of a IStaticCacheableResource and uses it as a version string
Class used for holding meta data entries.
HeaderItem for meta information such as <meta> tags or canonical <link>
A key to a piece of metadata associated with a Component, Session or Application at runtime.
Strategy that uses the Wicket metadata facility to check authorization.
Resource reference for static files.
Useful class for constructing readable and reusable regular expressions.
Base class for various MetaPattern based parsers.
A fixed size map implementation.
WebApplication used for testing.
Mock Page
Mock servlet request.
Mock servlet response.
Mock implementation of the WebSession interface for use by the test harnesses.
Mock implementation of a page context - suitable for a single session only.
Simple IPageManager used for testing.
Mutable mock implementation of IRequestParameters.
Mock implementation of the servlet context for testing purposes.
Session store that holds one session.
Mutable mock WebRequest.
Mocked WebResponse.
Presents a modal dialog to the user.
Model is the basic implementation of an IModel.
Iterator adapter that wraps adaptee's elements with a model.
Monitors one or more IModifiable objects, calling a IChangeListener when a given object's modification time changes.
Container class for holding modifiable entries to watch.
Holds a map of most recently used items of a given maximum size.
Encoder for mounted URL.
Form component that allows the user to select multiple files to upload via a single <input type="file"/> field.
A MultiLineLabel component replaces its body with the model object.
A simple multimap
This listener updates the Form's enctype whenever a multipart FormComponent is added to the AjaxRequestTarget.
Servlet specific WebRequest subclass for multipart content uploads.
Servlet specific WebRequest subclass for multipart content uploads.
A clean-room implementation of Eugene Myers differencing algorithm.
Toolbar that displays links used to navigate the pages of the datatable as well as a message about which rows are being displayed and their total number in the data table.
Label that provides Showing x to y of z message given for a DataTable.
Keep files in a nested filed structure to minimize amount of directory entries (inodes) in a single directory.
Creates a nested string resource loader which resolves nested keys.

A tree with nested markup.
Models a next button in the wizard.
An extension of ModificationWatcher that removes the NotFound entries from the MarkupCache for newly created files.
Due to legal reasons in some countries the JRE is shipped without a security provider.
Crypt factory implementation for noop NoCrypt class
Representation of a single node in the tree.
A border for a node component which renders nested DIVs to simulate the structure of parental branches inside a tabular layout.
A model wrapping the actual node model, carrying additional information about the parental branches.
Component used to represent a filter component when no filter is provided.
HeaderItem that is not rendered.
Stub for request handlers that do not log anything.
A subclass of Image that always adds random noise to the url every request to prevent the browser from caching the image.
Manages lifecycle of non-contextual (non-CDI-managed) objects
Causes Wicket to interrupt current request processing and immediately respond with the specified page.
A no-op implementation.
Implementation of field value factory that ignores all fields
An implementation of an output transformer which does nothing.
A non-storage of pages.
resource caching strategy that does nothing at all
A no-op text compressor
A toolbar that displays a "no records found" message when the data table contains no rows.
An implementation of IObjectChecker that returns a failure result when the checked object is a LoadableDetachableModel and it is model object is still attached.
Provider that provides nulls.
Response implementation that discards all output.
A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type number.
Object utilities.
An implementation of IObjectChecker that checks whether the object implements Serializable interface
Instrumentation agent for calculating object sizes using Java's instrumentation API.
Item that sets class="even" or class="odd" attributes based on its index
ListItem that adds class="odd" or class="even" html attribute depending on its index.
A behavior that updates the hosting FormComponent's model via Ajax when value of the component is changed.
Collection of on-component-tag listeners
HeaderItem for scripts that need to be executed directly after the DOM has been built, but before external resources, such as images, are loaded.
HeaderItem for event triggered scripts.
HeaderItem for scripts that need to be executed after the entire page is loaded.
MarkupFilter that expands certain open-close tag as separate open and close tags.
A filter that takes another filter and always returns the opposite of another filter.
Makes any MetaPattern optional by enclosing the pattern in an optionality expression.
A component that wraps markup with an OrderByLink.
A component that represents a sort header.
A checker that doesn't allow the serialization of components which are not a page and have no parent component.
OSGI specific resource stream factory
A behavior that applies to MarkupContainers with associated markup.
A request mapper that mounts all bookmarkable pages in a given package.
A type-safe package name class since Package is unreliable (it's not a Package object, but rather a sometimes-available holder for versioning information).
Represents a localizable static resource.
Exception thrown when the creation of a package resource is not allowed.
Default implementation of IPackageResourceGuard.
This is a ResourceReference that knows how to find and serve resources located in the Java package (i.e. next to the class files).
An IResourceStream that reads data from a resource in the classpath.
Utilities for dealing with packages.
This is one of Wicket's default string resource loaders.
A String resource that can be appended to.
Abstract base class for pages.
PageableListView is similar to ListView but provides in addition pageable views.
Synchronizes access to page instances from multiple threads
Thread's lock on a page
Extension of PageProvider that is also capable of providing a Component belonging to the page.
Encapsulates both page and component info.
Page expired error page.
Thrown when a Page instance cannot be found by its id in the page stores.
A special StringHeaderItem that is used for the <head> of a page, including the <wicket:head> for subclasses of a page.
A key based on page's id
Possible string representation of PageInfo: pageId
Decodes and encodes the following URLs:
Contains logging data for request handlers that are related to pages; most likely IPageRequestHandler or IPageClassRequestHandler.
Default implementation of a page manager.
Mutable class that holds parameters of a Page.
Simple encoder with direct indexed/named parameters mapping.
Provides page instance for request handlers.
Unique identifier of a page instance
Delegate responsible for rendering the page.
Registers and retrieves first and last executed IPageRequestHandler in a request cycle.
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Class for page related settings.
Page settings.
A panel that adds a link to persisted pages to the debug bar.
A page that shows the attributes (id, name, size) of the pages stored in the data stores.
This is a simple Wicket component that displays all components of a Page in a table representation.
Manages positions and size of chunks of data in a file.
Contains information about a page inside the file.
A navigation for a PageableListView that holds links to other pages of the PageableListView.
An incremental link to a page of a PageableListView.
A link to a page of a PageableListView.
A Wicket panel component to draw and maintain a complete page navigator, meant to be easily added to any PageableListView.
Palette is a component that allows the user to easily select and order multiple items by moving them from one select box into another.
A panel is a reusable component that holds markup and other components.
A simple decorator that will cache the panel returned from the first call to getPanel()
The Panel components markup sourcing strategy.
This has been Wicket's default header render strategy before WICKET 1.5 which uses MarkupContainer.visitChildren(org.apache.wicket.util.visit.IVisitor) to traverse the hierarchy to render the children headers.
Mapper that rewrites parent path segments (../) with the specified string and viceversa.
A partial update of a page that collects components and header contributions to be written to the client in a specific String-based format (XML, JSON, * ...).
Wrapper of a response that buffers its contents.
Used to read a part of an input stream and writes it to the output stream of the response taken from attributes in PartWriterCallback.writeData(org.apache.wicket.request.resource.IResource.Attributes) method.
A password text field component.
Thrown whenever a delta cannot be applied as a patch to a given text.
An IResourceFinder that looks for its resources in a filesystem path.
A node in a diffpath.
Validates an IValidatable by matching the value against a regular expression pattern.
A panel that shows data about IPersistedPages in an IPersistentPageStore.
A component which displays localizable image resources within source and image elements as responsive image.
Closes a popup window and cleans up any related session page map for the popup.
ClosePopupPage closes the popup window.
A popup specification can be used as a property of the Linkclasses to specify that the link should be rendered with an onClick javascript event handler that opens a new window with the links' URL.
This is a prepending stringbuffer optimized for constantly prepending strings to the front of the buffer.
Models a previous button in the wizard.
Utilities for working with primitives types and values.
Implements the default sorting algorithm for HeaderItems.
HeaderItem that has priority over other header items.
Kind of like java.util.Properties but based on Wicket's ValueMap and thus benefiting from all its nice build-in type converters and without parent properties.
Default implementation of IPropertiesFactory which uses the IResourceStreamLocator as defined by ResourceSettings.getResourceStreamLocator() to load the Properties objects.
A reference to a property that can be validated.
A convenience implementation of column that adds a label to the cell whose model is determined by the provided wicket property expression (same as used by PropertyModel) that is evaluated against the current row's model object
Simple ListVew subclass that wraps its item models in a CompoundPropertyModel.
A PropertyModel is used to dynamically access a model using a "property expression".
A convenience implementation of ICellPopulator that adds a label that will display the value of the specified property.
This class parses expressions to lookup or set a value on the object that is given.
Default locator supporting Java Beans properties, maps, lists and method invocations.
A property to get and set.
A locator of properties.
Validator that delegates to the bean validation framework.
Interpolates values into Strings that are produced by interpreting property expressions against an object.
A Set implementation utilizing a ITreeProvider's models to keep containing elements.
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are being called.
resource caching strategy that adds a version string to the query parameters of the resource (this is similar to how wicket 1.4 does it when enabling timestamps on resources).
Component representing a single radio choice in a org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioGroup.
A choice subclass that shows choices in radio style.
Component used to connect instances of Radio components into a group.
A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type range.
Validator for checking if a given value falls within [min,max] range.
Rating component that generates a number of stars where a user can click on to rate something.
This class is for framework purposes only, which is why the class is (default) protected.
An IValidationError implementation that just keeps a Serializable error message.
Base class for read-only iterators.
Component to keep track of selections on the html side.
Page that let the browser redirect.
A request handler that redirects to the given url.
Causes Wicket to interrupt current request processing and send a redirect to the given url.
An abstract repeater view that provides refreshing functionality to its subclasses.
The purpose of this filter is to make all "href", "src" and "background" attributes found in the markup which contain a relative URL like "myDir/myPage.gif" actually resolve in the output HTML, by prefixing them with with an appropriate path to make the link work properly, even if the current page is being displayed at a mounted URL or whatever.
A CSP value that renders an URI relative to the context root of the Wicket application.
Custom ClassLoader that reverses the classloader lookups, and that is able to notify a listener when a class file is changed.
Custom WicketFilter that reloads the web applications when classes are modified.
Custom WicketServlet that reloads the web applications when classes are modified.
A DynamicImageResource subclass that allows easy rendering of regeneratable (unbuffered) dynamic images.
IRequestHandler that renders page instance.
Determines whether Wicket does a redirect when rendering a page
A listener that adds a special Behavior that measures the time needed by a component to render itself.
A repeater view that renders all of its children, using its body markup, in the order they were added.
An extension of ResourceBundleReference that is used especially for resource replacements
A simple IRequestMapper that logs the content of a CSP violation.
Request object.
RequestCycle consists of two steps: Resolve request handler Execute request handler During IRequestHandler execution the handler can schedule another IRequestHandler to run after it is done, or replace all IRequestHandlers on stack with another IRequestHandler.
Caches the results of a delegating IResourceVersion instance for the lifetime of the current http request.
Represents the context for the request cycle.
Composite IRequestCycleListener that notifies all registered listeners with each IRequestCycleListener event.
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Class for request related settings
Enum type for different render strategies
Request cycle settings.
Manages executions of IRequestHandlers.
Exception to stop current request handler and execute a new one.
Exposes RequestLogger for JMX.
This is the logger class that can be set in the Application.getRequestLogger() method.
Interface for exposing the request logger.
Listener that logs request details in the Application.getRequestLogger() request logger.
Buffers storage of added pages until the end of the request, when they are delegated to the next store in the identical order they where added.
A IRequestHandler that sets the current Request before delegating the responding to a wrapped request handler.
Wicket Http specific utilities class.
A text field which automatically adds a Required.
Marks a page as requiring https.
An exception that resets the response before executing the specified request handler
ResourceAggregator implements resource dependencies, resource bundles and sorting of resources.
Contains information about an HeaderItem that must be rendered.
The location in which a HeaderItem is added, consisting of the component/behavior that added the item, the index in the list for that component/behavior at which the item was added and the index in the request.
A resource reference that wraps another resource to make it into a bundle.
Contains all resource bundles that are registered in the application.
This RequestCycle listener ensures resource isolation, adding a layer of protection for modern browsers that prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.
The action to perform when the outcome of the resource isolation policy is DISALLOWED or UNKNOWN.
A link to any ResourceReference.
Contains logging data related to resources requests.
A IRequestMapper to mount resources to a custom mount path maps indexed parameters to path segments maps named parameters to query string arguments or placeholder path segments Sample structure of url
A model that represents a localized resource string.
Contains the logic to locate a resource based on a path, style (see Session), variation, locale and extension strings.
A key based on shared resource's name
A key based on shared resource's name and a token
Reference to a resource.
A (re-usable) data store for all relevant ResourceReference data
Collects basic information about pages
Contains logging data for resource reference requests.
Generic ResourceReference encoder that encodes and decodes non-mounted ResourceReferences.
Allows to register and lookup ResourceReferences per Application.
A simple implementation of IResourceReferenceFactory that creates PackageResourceReference
Request handler for ResourceReference.
Request handler that renders a resource.
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Class for resource related settings
Resource settings.
Locates Wicket resources.
Contains logging data for resource stream requests, handled by ResourceStreamRequestHandler.
Thrown if a required resource cannot be found.
Request target that responds by sending its resource stream.
A resource that loads its data from IResourceStream
A IResourceStream that wraps another resource stream
Url view given to the IResourceCachingStrategy to manipulate
Utilities for resources.
Abstract base class for different implementations of response writing.
Utility class that buffers output and maintains markup stream index
Distinct IO exceptions from the those triggered while responding a request.
Causes Wicket to interrupt current request processing and immediately redirect to an intercept page.
Causes Wicket to interrupt current request processing and immediately respond with the specified page.
A Result class.
Reuse strategy that will reuse an old item if its model is equal to a model inside the newModels iterator.
An iterator over List which goes from the end to the start
A Revision holds the series of deltas that describe the differences between two sequences.
Definition of a Visitor interface for Revisions See "Design Patterns" by the Gang of Four
Validator for validating email addresses according to the RFC 822.
Compound strategy that works with roles.
Utility class for working with roles.
This is the root of all filters, which retrieves the next xml element from the xml parser.
Url scheme
Sets ServletRequest.isSecure() to true if ServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() matches one of the securedRemoteAddresses of this filter.
This is a resource guard which by default denies access to all resources and thus is more secure.
A very simple cache
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Class for security related settings
Security settings.
Component that represents a <select> box.
select box containing selected choices of the palette
Component representing a single <option> html element
Component that makes it easy to produce a list of SelectOption components.
A wrapper around a serialized page.
A store that serializes all pages before delegating and vice versa.
A copy of the http servlet request used to create the WebSocket.
WebRequest subclass that wraps a HttpServletRequest object.
WebResponse that wraps a ServletWebResponse.
Holds information about a user session, including some fixed number of most recent pages (and all their nested component information).
An implementation of IObjectChecker that returns a failure result when the checked object is a Session.
Listener that counts the current active sessions
The Session count listener aspect measures how many sessions are active
A model that collects the keys from the DiskPageStore folder
MessageInterpolator that adapts another to a locale from Wicket's Session
Exposes Application related functionality for JMX.
Session settings.
A panel for the debug bar that shows the session size and links to the page that shows more information about sessions.
A Wicket panel that shows interesting information about a given Wicket session.
Based on Model but for sets of serializable objects.
A ResourceReference which should be used to lookup a IResource from the globally registered ones (also known as application shared resources).
Class which holds shared resources.
Converts from Object to Short.
A base class which provide standard functionality for sign in.
Reusable user sign in panel with username and password as well as support for persistence of the both.
Simple sign out page.
A form component label that replaces its body with the contents of labelProvider's label
Load the markup from the resource stream provided
A very simple authorization strategy that takes a supertype (a base class or tagging interface) and performs a simple authorization check by calling the abstract method isAuthorized() whenever a Page class that extends or implements the supertype is about to be instantiated.
A registry that keeps all currently opened web socket connections in maps in Application's meta data.
Implementation of ISortState that can keep track of sort information for a single property.
A tag modifier that adds the maxlength and minlength attributes to the input and textarea tag with the max/min value from the Size constraint annotation.
If you have email addresses or web URLs in the data that you are displaying, then you can automatically display those pieces of data as hyperlinks, you will not have to take any action to convert that data.
If you have email addresses or web URLs in the data that you are displaying, then you can automatically display those pieces of data as hyperlinks, you will not have to take any action to convert that data.
Represents a snake in a diffpath.
Convenience implementation of a data provider that can also act as a locator for a SingleSortState object.
Convenience implementation of a tree provider that can also act as a locator for a SingleSortState object.
Sort order for columns
Represents sorting information of a property
A component which displays localizable image resources within a picture tag.
The source of an audio or a video media component
Annotation used to tag a field as a placeholder for a spring bean.
Implementation of IProxyTargetLocator that can locate beans within a spring application context.
IComponentInstantiationListener that injects component and behavior properties annotated with SpringBean annotations.
Mock SpringContextLocator
Implementation of IWebApplicationFactory that pulls the WebApplication object out of spring application context.
Converts to Date.
Converts to Time.
Converts to Timestamp.
Exception invoked when when stale link has been clicked.
A standard looking debug panel with an img (optional) and a string of data, and the whole thing is a link.
Stateless checker.
Just an exception that can be thrown if a StatelessChecker is invoked, the component being checked is not stateless or the behavior held by the component is not stateless.
Annotation for wicket components that you want to be sure remain stateless during the development cycle.
This StatelessForm is the same as a normal form but with the statelesshint default to true.
This link is stateless that means that the url to this link could generate a new page before the link onClick is called.
A wizard step that displays the provided static content without expecting any input.
provides a static version string for all package resources
Exposes Application's StoreSettings for JMX.
A class for settings related to the the storages where page instances are persisted, used by IPageStore IPageManager.
JMX MBean for Application's StoreSettings
Utilities methods for working with input and output streams.
A renderer that calls object.toString() to get the text value.
A string resource that can be appended to.
Free form HeaderItem.
A typesafe, mutable list of strings supporting a variety of convenient operations as well as expected operations from List such as add(), size(), remove(), iterator(), get(int index) and toArray().
This model class encapsulates the full power of localization support within the Wicket framework.
A StringResourceStream is an IResource implementation for strings.
Response object that writes to an AppendingStringBuffer.
A variety of static String utility methods.
Converts String to and from bytes using the encodings required by the Java specification.
Validator for checking if length of a string falls within [min,max] range.
Holds an immutable String value and optionally a Locale, with methods to convert to various types.
Thrown when a string value cannot be converted to some type.
An IMarkupFilter that wraps the body of all <style> elements and <script> elements which are plain JavaScript in CDATA blocks.
Iterate over all possible combinations of style and variation
An AttributeModifier specialized in managing the CSS style attribute
A styled link with a label.
A link which can be used exactly like a Button to submit a Form.
Add Subresource integrity and crossOrigin to all ISubresourceHeaderItems.
A subtree handles all children of a single node (or the root nodes if a null node was given to the constructor).
Provide some simple means to encrypt and decrypt strings such as passwords.
Mapper that encapsulates mappers that are necessary for Wicket to function.
Convenient way of interpolating system properties.
TabbedPanel<T extends ITab>
TabbedPanel component represents a panel with tabs that are used to switch between different content panels inside the TabbedPanel panel.
A tree with tabular markup.
Parses XML tag names and attribute names which may include optional namespaces like "namespace:name" or "name".
Stack to push and pop HTML elements asserting its structure.
Tag tester is used to test that a generated markup tag contains the correct attributes, values etc.
Some utils to handle tags which otherwise would bloat the Tag API.
Runs a block of code periodically.
Multi-row text editing component.
A simple text field.
Filter that can be represented by a text field
A filtered property column that creates a textfield filter component.
A message with text data
Request target that responds by sending its string property.
Represents a text template that can do variable interpolation.
Provides the ability to 'decorate' the actual template contents before it is contributed to the header.
A class which adapts a PackageTextTemplate to a ResourceReference.
Holds thread local state for Wicket data.
A utility class for dealing with Threads.
An output stream which triggers an event when a specified number of bytes of data have been written to it.
Class to keep track of throttling settings.
Image resource that dynamically scales the given original resource to a thumbnail.
Works on a LocalTime object.
Enumerated type for different ways of handling the render part of requests.
This class delegates handling of the to a StringBuilder based version.
The track tag is used to provide subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, metadata to a video media component
To be used for the kind attribute
A simple "transparent" markup container.
Trap focus inside a component's markup.
A column displaying the tree nodes hierarchy.
An adapter of a ITreeProvider to a IDataProvider.
A provider wrapping a Swing TreeModel.
Exception that is thrown when an action is not authorized.
Exception that is thrown when the creation of a component is not allowed.
Holds information about an upload, also has useful querying methods.
A panel to show the progress of an HTTP upload.
Initializer for this component; binds static resources.
Represents the URL to an external resource or internal resource/component.
Represents a single query parameter
Modes with which urls can be stringized
Adapted from Spring Framework's UriUtils class, but defines instances for query string decoding versus URL path component decoding.
Adapted from Spring Framework's UriUtils class, but defines instances for query string encoding versus URL path component encoding.
A comparator of URL instances.
Encodes page parameters into Url path fragments instead of the query string like the default PageParametersEncoder.
Takes care of rendering URLs.
Utility class that expresses query parameters from Url as IRequestParameters.
A ResourceReference that can be used to point to a resource by using an Url.
A request mapper that is used to create Url out of UrlResourceReference.
UrlResourceStream implements IResource for URLs.
A TextField for HTML5 <input> with type url.
Various url utilities
Validator for checking URLs.
Load properties from properties file via a Reader, which allows to provide the charset and thus the encoding can be different than ISO 8859-1.
This implementation of IValidatable is meant to be used outside of Wicket.
A versatile implementation of IValidationError that supports message resolution from IErrorMessageSource, default message (if none of the keys matched), and variable substitution.
This class is the parameter to Component.error(Serializable) instead of the generated error string itself (when FormComponent.error(IValidationError) is called).
Adapts IValidator to Behavior
This is one of Wicket's default string resource loaders.
A IValueMap implementation that holds values, parses Strings, and exposes a variety of convenience methods.
Provider that always provides the specified value.
Parses key value assignment statements like "foo=bar" but also supporting namespaces like "wicket:foo=bar".
Base class for variable interpolators.
An IHeaderContributor implementation that renders a velocity template and writes it to the response.
A derivation of VelocityContributor that uses IHeaderResponse.render(org.apache.wicket.markup.head.HeaderItem)
A video media component to display videos.
Implementation of IVisit used by traversal algorithms
Utility class that contains visitor/traversal related code
A web application is a subclass of Application which associates with an instance of WicketServlet to serve pages over the HTTP protocol.
Thrown when the IWebApplicationFactory could not be created for some reason.
An IResourceFinder that looks in a folder in the webapp context path.
Default client info object for web applications.
Base class for simple HTML components which do not hold nested components.
Request target that is not a Wicket resource.
An IResourceStream that reads data from a file in the web application
A container of HTML markup and components.
Base class for HTML pages.
PageRenderer for web applications.
Base class for request that provides additional web-related information.
Base class for web-related responses.
caching scope for data
A session subclass for the HTTP protocol.
Payload for event broadcasting when the server aborted a WebSocket connection
A specialization of ResourceIsolationRequestCycleListener that should be used when the application uses Web Sockets.
A behavior that provides optional callbacks for the WebSocket messages (connect, message, close)
Payload for event broadcasting when a binary message comes in the WebSocket connection
Payload for event broadcasting when the client has closed the WebSocket connection
* Payload for event broadcasting when the client has opened a WebSocket connection
This filter will reject those requests which contain 'Origin' header that does not match the origin of the application host.
Payload for event broadcasting when there is a communication error
An IRequestHandler that broadcasts the payload to the page/resource
A base class for all event broadcasting payloads for WebSocket messages.
Allows pushing events for processing to Pages that have active web sockets.
A event broadcasting payload for the case when external source triggers a web socket push.
A WebRequest implementation used for the lifecycle of a web socket connection.
A handler of WebSocket requests.
An IResource that can be used as WebSocket endpoint
A Response used to cache the written data to the web socket client when Wicket thread locals are available.
Web Socket related settings.
Holds this WebSocketSettings in the Application's metadata.
Simple executor that runs the tasks in the caller thread.
A helper class to test WebSocket related operations.
A event broadcasting payload for the case when a text message arrives in the WebSocket connection
A utility class providing helper methods in dealing with web.xml
Usable by tests to check that the html markup files are well formed.
This is a tag resolver which handles <wicket:container> Sometimes adding components in certain ways may lead to output of invalid markup.
This markup filter warns if a wicket:container tag has an attribute besides wicket:id.
JSR 356 WebSocket Endpoint that integrates with Wicket Native WebSocket's IWebSocketProcessor
Filter for initiating handling of Wicket requests.
This aspect applies the application to wicket metrics
Aspect to handle basic web application information
Aspect to measure request url time
This is a markup inline filter.
This is a tag resolver which handles <wicket:message key="myKey">Default Text</wicket:message>.
This is a markup inline filter and a component resolver.
Attribute localizing behavior.
Base aspect provides access to the metric registry
Settings to configure wicket metrics
This is a markup inline filter.
Object (de)serialization utilities.
Interface that enables users to plugin the way object sizes are calculated with Wicket.
WicketObjects.IObjectSizeOfStrategy that works by serializing the object to an instance of ByteCountingOutputStream, which records the number of bytes written to it.
This is a markup inline filter.
Generic runtime exception subclass thrown by Wicket.
Configures WicketServerEndpointConfig that will setup WicketEndpoint and a custom ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator to collect the useful information from the upgrade http request
A ServerEndpointConfig that uses custom Configurator to collect all available information from the passed HandshakeRequest
Please use WicketFilter if you require advanced chaining of resources.
This filter can be used to make the Wicket WebSession instances available to non-wicket servlets.
WicketTag extends ComponentTag and will be created by a MarkupParser whenever it parses a tag in the wicket namespace.
Measures information about wicket tags
This is a markup inline filter.
Base class for tests which require comparing wicket response with a file.
A helper class to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container.
Manages WicketTester instance
A WicketTester-specific helper class.
ComponentData class.
JUnit Category marker.
A resource reference that provides the JavaScript that may be used to create WebSocket connections in the browser.
This class is an utility class that perform wildcard-patterns matching and isolation.
A wizard is a dialog component that takes users through a number of steps to complete a task.
Base class for buttons that work with the wizard component.
The default bar of button components for wizards.
Default implementation of IWizardModel, which models a semi-static wizard.
Interface for conditional displaying of wizard steps.
default implementation of IWizardStep.
Matches a 'word' surrounded by whitespace.
Request wrapper factory to integrate "X-Forwarded-For" and "X-Forwarded-Proto" HTTP headers.
Filter Config
An IResponseFilter that removes all invalid XML characters.
Load properties from XML file
A PartialPageUpdate that serializes itself to XML.
A fairly shallow markup pull parser which parses a markup string of a given type of markup (for example, html, xml, vxml or wml) into ComponentTag and RawMarkup tokens.
This is a simple XmlReader.
A subclass of MarkupElement which represents a tag including namespace and its optional attributes.
Enumerated type for different kinds of component tags.
A container which output markup will be processes by a XSLT processor prior to writing the output into the web response.
IResourceStream that applies XSLT on an input IResourceStream.
A processor to XSLT transform the output generated by a Component.
An IBehavior which can be added to any component except ListView.
An IResourceStream that ZIPs a directory's contents on the fly
Converts to ZonedDateTime.
Works on a ZonedDateTime object.